blob: 8bcbb55df11e750eac707f87c89a542376a82975 [file] [log] [blame]
syntax = "proto3";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
message SCIMToken {
string id = 1;
google.protobuf.Timestamp create_time = 2;
google.protobuf.Timestamp expire_time = 3;
// TokenSCIMService is the SCIM Token service.
service SCIMTokenService {
// CreateToken creates a new token suitable for authentication to the SCIM API.
// This method requires authentication.
rpc CreateSCIMToken(CreateSCIMTokenRequest) returns (CreateSCIMTokenResponse);
// ListTokens lists all active SCIM tokens.
// This method requires authentication.
rpc ListSCIMTokens(ListSCIMTokensRequest) returns (ListSCIMTokensResponse) {
option idempotency_level = NO_SIDE_EFFECTS;
// DeleteToken deletes an existing token.
// This method requires authentication.
rpc DeleteSCIMToken(DeleteSCIMTokenRequest) returns (DeleteSCIMTokenResponse) {
option idempotency_level = IDEMPOTENT;
message CreateSCIMTokenRequest {
// The time until which the token should be valid.
// Must be in the future. May be null for no expiry.
google.protobuf.Timestamp expire_time = 1;
message CreateSCIMTokenResponse {
// The plaintext token to use for authentication.
string token = 1;
message ListSCIMTokensRequest {
uint32 page_size = 1;
// The first page is returned if this is empty.
string page_token = 2;
bool reverse = 3;
message ListSCIMTokensResponse {
repeated SCIMToken tokens = 1;
// There are no more pages if this is empty.
string next_page_token = 2;
message DeleteSCIMTokenRequest {
string token_id = 1;
message DeleteSCIMTokenResponse {}