blob: 43c1b9e77d5d77905358c0b8a445ef1bf9c4c3d3 [file] [log] [blame]
syntax = "proto3";
// JSONSchemaService serves JSONSchemas describing protobuf types in buf
// modules.
service JSONSchemaService {
// GetJSONSchema allows users to get an (approximate) json schema for a
// protobuf type.
rpc GetJSONSchema(GetJSONSchemaRequest) returns (GetJSONSchemaResponse) {
option idempotency_level = NO_SIDE_EFFECTS;
message GetJSONSchemaRequest {
string owner = 1;
string repository = 2;
string reference = 3;
// A fully qualified name of the type to generate a JSONSchema for, e.g.
// "". The type needs to resolve in the referenced module or any of
// its dependencies. Currently only messages types are supported.
string type_name = 4;
message GetJSONSchemaResponse {
// A json schema representing what the json encoded payload for type_name
// should conform to. This schema is an approximation to be used by editors
// for validation and autocompletion, not a lossless representation of the
// type's descriptor.
bytes json_schema = 1;