blob: 98a68ada5512ce630059fc04e5b3c41b7d58ca67 [file] [log] [blame]
syntax = "proto3";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
// GitIdentity is a Git user identity, typically either an author or a commiter.
message GitIdentity {
// Name is the name of the Git identity. This is not the BSR user's username.
string name = 1;
// Email is the email of the Git identity. This is not the BSR user's email.
string email = 2;
// Time is the time at which this identity was captured.
google.protobuf.Timestamp time = 3;
// GitCommitMetadata is Git metadata associated with a BSR commit.
message GitCommitMetadata {
// Hash is the SHA1 has of the Git commit.
string hash = 1;
// Author is the author of the Git commit. This is typically an end-user.
GitIdentity author = 2;
// Commiter is the commiter of the Git commit. This typically a CI system.
GitIdentity commiter = 3;
// Branch is the Git branch to which this Git commit belongs.
string branch = 4;
// Tags are the Git tags which point to this commit.
repeated string tags = 5;