blob: 4c282cbbe74d38decd67610dc2b9447286dcd3f4 [file] [log] [blame]
syntax = "proto3";
import "image/v1/image.proto";
import "google/protobuf/compiler/plugin.proto";
// replaced with CodeGenerationService in plugin_curation.proto.
option deprecated = true;
// File defines a file with a path and some content.
message File {
// path is the relative path of the file.
// Path can only use '/' as the separator character, and includes no ".." components.
string path = 1;
// content is the content of the file.
bytes content = 2;
// RuntimeLibrary describes a pinned runtime library dependency of the generated code.
message RuntimeLibrary {
// The name of the runtime library dependency. The format should match the
// format used for dependencies in the dependency management tooling of the
// associated language ecosystem. This is set by the user using Dockerfile Labels.
// For example, for the plugin "protoc-gen-go", this might be "".
string name = 1;
// The version of the runtime library dependency associated with the generated
// code. The format should match the format used for dependency versions in the
// dependency management tooling of the associated language ecosystem.
// This is set by the user using Dockerfile Labels.
// For example, for the plugin "protoc-gen-go", this might be "v1.26.0".
string version = 2;
message PluginReference {
// The owner of the plugin which identifies the
// plugins to use with this generation.
string owner = 1;
// The name of the plugin which identifies the
// plugins to use with this generation.
string name = 2;
// The plugin version to use with this generation.
string version = 3;
// The parameters to pass to the plugin. These will
// be merged into a single, comma-separated string.
repeated string parameters = 4;
// GenerateService manages remote generation requests.
service GenerateService {
// GeneratePlugins generates an array of files given the provided
// module reference and plugin version and option tuples. No attempt
// is made at merging insertion points.
rpc GeneratePlugins(GeneratePluginsRequest) returns (GeneratePluginsResponse);
// GenerateTemplate generates an array of files given the provided
// module reference and template version.
rpc GenerateTemplate(GenerateTemplateRequest) returns (GenerateTemplateResponse);
message GeneratePluginsRequest {
// The image to run plugins against to generate the desired file outputs.
// All image files that are not imports and not well-known types will be generated.
// If you want to filter what files are generated, modify the image.
// If you want to include imports, set include_imports. image = 1;
// The array of plugins to use.
repeated PluginReference plugins = 2;
// Include imports from the Image in generation.
bool include_imports = 3;
// Include Well-Known Types from the Image in generation.
// include_imports must be set if include_well_known_types is set.
bool include_well_known_types = 4;
message GeneratePluginsResponse {
// Contains all the responses from the generated plugins. The order
// is defined by the order of the plugins in the request.
repeated google.protobuf.compiler.CodeGeneratorResponse responses = 1;
// An optional array defining runtime libraries that the generated code
// requires to run, as specified by the plugin author. This may contain
// duplicate entries as the generation can be the result of multiple plugins,
// each of which declares its own runtime library dependencies. The libraries
// returned are lexicographically ordered by their name, but not deduplicated.
// How to handle duplicate libraries is left to the user.
repeated RuntimeLibrary runtime_libraries = 2;
message GenerateTemplateRequest {
// The image to run plugins against to generate the desired file outputs.
// All image files that are not imports and not well-known types will be generated.
// If you want to filter what files are generated, modify the image.
// If you want to include imports, set include_imports. image = 1;
// The owner of the template which identifies the
// plugins to use with this generation.
string template_owner = 2;
// The name of the template which identifies the
// plugins to use with this generation.
string template_name = 3;
// The template version to use to determine the
// plugin versions in the template.
string template_version = 4;
// Include imports from the Image in generation.
bool include_imports = 5;
// Include Well-Known Types from the Image in generation.
// include_imports must be set if include_well_known_types is set.
bool include_well_known_types = 6;
message GenerateTemplateResponse {
// files contains all the files output by the generation,
// in lexicographical order.
repeated File files = 1;
// An optional array defining runtime libraries that the generated code
// requires to run. This may contain duplicate entries as the generation
// can be the result of multiple plugins, each of which declares its own
// runtime library dependencies.
repeated RuntimeLibrary runtime_libraries = 2;