blob: 8acfeaa6caf28bf2dc20cbb1f3163f29d8176dd9 [file] [log] [blame]
syntax = "proto3";
// DocService defines a set of APIs that are intended for use by bufwebd only.
// This is not intended for general use; changes and use cases are subject to executive approval.
service DocService {
// GetSourceDirectoryInfo retrieves the directory and file structure for the
// given owner, repository and reference.
// The purpose of this is to get a representation of the file tree for a given
// module to enable exploring the module by navigating through its contents.
rpc GetSourceDirectoryInfo(GetSourceDirectoryInfoRequest) returns (GetSourceDirectoryInfoResponse) {
option idempotency_level = NO_SIDE_EFFECTS;
// GetSourceFile retrieves the source contents for the given owner, repository,
// reference, and path.
rpc GetSourceFile(GetSourceFileRequest) returns (GetSourceFileResponse) {
option idempotency_level = NO_SIDE_EFFECTS;
// GetModulePackages retrieves the list of packages for the module based on the given
// owner, repository, and reference.
rpc GetModulePackages(GetModulePackagesRequest) returns (GetModulePackagesResponse) {
option idempotency_level = NO_SIDE_EFFECTS;
// GetModuleDocumentation retrieves the documentations including and LICENSE files
// for module based on the given owner, repository, and reference.
rpc GetModuleDocumentation(GetModuleDocumentationRequest) returns (GetModuleDocumentationResponse) {
option idempotency_level = NO_SIDE_EFFECTS;
// GetPackageDocumentation retrieves a a slice of documentation structures
// for the given owner, repository, reference, and package name.
rpc GetPackageDocumentation(GetPackageDocumentationRequest) returns (GetPackageDocumentationResponse) {
option idempotency_level = NO_SIDE_EFFECTS;
// GetSourceDirectoryInfoRequest takes an owner, repository, and reference.
message GetSourceDirectoryInfoRequest {
string owner = 1;
string repository = 2;
string reference = 3;
// GetSourceDirectoryInfoResponse returns the root FileInfo for the requested module.
message GetSourceDirectoryInfoResponse {
FileInfo root = 1;
// FileInfo is a nested structure that contains the file path, whether or not it's a directory,
// and if so, the FileInfo children of that directory.
message FileInfo {
// the normalized path of the directory, relative to the root of the module.
string path = 1;
bool is_dir = 2;
repeated FileInfo children = 3;
// GetSourceFileRequest takes an owner, repository, reference, and normalized path.
message GetSourceFileRequest {
string owner = 1;
string repository = 2;
string reference = 3;
// the normalized path to the requested file, relative to the root of the module.
string path = 4;
// GetSourceFileResponse returns the source code contents of the requested file.
message GetSourceFileResponse {
// content is the content of the file.
bytes content = 1;
// GetModulePackagesRequest takes an owner, repository, and reference.
message GetModulePackagesRequest {
string owner = 1;
string repository = 2;
string reference = 3;
// GetModulePackagesResponse returns the list of ModulePackages for the requested module.
message GetModulePackagesResponse {
string name = 1;
repeated ModulePackage module_packages = 2;
// ModulePackage provides the details about a module's associated package.
message ModulePackage {
string name = 1;
string description = 2;
// GetModuleDocumentationRequest takes an owner, repository, and reference.
message GetModuleDocumentationRequest {
string owner = 1;
string repository = 2;
string reference = 3;
// GetModuleDocumentationResponse returns the ModuleDocumentation for the requested module.
message GetModuleDocumentationResponse {
ModuleDocumentation module_documentation = 1;
// ModuleDocumentation provides the name of the module and associated documentations.
message ModuleDocumentation {
string name = 1;
// This is the string representation of the contents of the file for module-level documentation.
// The file is a part of the module.
// string is used to enforce UTF-8 encoding or 7-bit ASCII text.
string documentation = 3;
// This is the string representation of the contents of the LICENSE file for module-level license.
// The LICENSE file is a part of the module.
// string is used to enforce UTF-8 encoding or 7-bit ASCII text.
string license = 4;
// documentation_path is the path of the file which contains the module documentation.
// either ``, `` or `README.markdown`.
// if empty, assumes
string documentation_path = 5;
// GetPackageDocumentationRequest takes an owner, repository, reference, and package name.
message GetPackageDocumentationRequest {
string owner = 1;
string repository = 2;
string reference = 3;
// this is the fully qualified package name.
string package_name = 4;
// GetPackageDocumentationReponse returns the documentation for the requested package.
message GetPackageDocumentationResponse {
PackageDocumentation package_documentation = 1;
// PackageDocumentation provides the name, description, and top level types defined in the package.
message PackageDocumentation {
string name = 1;
// description contains the package-level comment documentation.
// There is currently no convention for this.
// This is derived from the leading comments at the top level of the package.
// Paragraph newlines (double new lines) are respected, however single newlines are not.
// Note that any leading and trailing `//` or spaces within a `/* */` block will be stripped.
string description = 2;
// services contains all the services defined in the package in alphabetical order.
repeated Service services = 3;
// enums contains all the enums defined in the package in alphabetical order.
repeated Enum enums = 4;
// messages contains all the messages defined in the package in alphabetical order.
repeated Message messages = 5;
// extensions contains all the file level extensions in the package in alphabetical order.
repeated FileExtension file_extensions = 6;
// Location provides the location information for the source code.
// This does not provide the leading or trailing comments as these will
// be parsed into descriptions or dropped respectively.
message Location {
int32 start_line = 1;
int32 start_column = 2;
int32 end_line = 3;
int32 end_column = 4;
// Service provides information for the documentation for a given service type in a file.
message Service {
string name = 1;
// nested_name includes the nested types for a given type definition.
string nested_name = 2;
// full_name includes the package name and nested types for a given type definition.
string full_name = 3;
// description is derived from the leading comments of a given service.
// Paragraph newlines (double new lines) are respected, however single newlines are not.
// Note that any leading and trailing `//` or spaces within a `/* */` block will be stripped.
string description = 4;
// file_path is the normalized path of the file containing the service.
// This is used for navigating to the source code for the service.
string file_path = 5;
Location location = 6;
repeated Method methods = 7;
ServiceOptions service_options = 8;
// implicitly_deprecated is true if its enclosing file is deprecated.
bool implicitly_deprecated = 9;
// ServiceOptions provides information for the documentation of options for a given service.
message ServiceOptions {
bool deprecated = 1;
// Method provides information for the documentation for a method of a given service.
message Method {
string name = 1;
// description is derived from the leading comments of a given method.
// Paragraph newlines (double new lines) are respected, however single newlines are not.
// Note that any leading and trailing `//` or spaces within a `/* */` block will be stripped.
string description = 2;
MethodRequestResponse request = 3;
MethodRequestResponse response = 4;
MethodOptions method_options = 5;
// implicitly_deprecated is true if its enclosing file or parent element is deprecated.
bool implicitly_deprecated = 6;
// MethodOptions provides information for the documentation of options for a method.
message MethodOptions {
bool deprecated = 1;
// idempotency_level holds a value of the enumeration `google.protobuf.MethodOptions.IdempotencyLevel.
int32 idempotency_level = 2;
// MethodRequestResponse provides information for the documentation of a Method request or response message.
message MethodRequestResponse {
// nested_type is the nested name of the message of the request or response. This includes nested definitions.
string nested_type = 1;
// full_type is the fully qualified name of the message of the request or response. This includes package and nested definitions.
string full_type = 2;
// boolean flag for whether the streaming label is set on an method request or response.
bool streaming = 3;
Message message = 4;
// import_module_ref is included if the request or response is an imported type.
// It contains all the metadata for the import.
ImportModuleRef import_module_ref = 5;
// Enum provides information for the documentation of an enum.
message Enum {
string name = 1;
// nested_name includes the nested types for a given type definition.
string nested_name = 2;
// full_name includes the package name and nested types for a given type definition.
string full_name = 3;
// description is derived from the leading comments of a given Enum.
// Paragraph newlines (double new lines) are respected, however single newlines are not.
// Note that any leading and trailing `//` or spaces within a `/* */` block will be stripped.
string description = 4;
// file_path is the normalized path of the file containing the enum.
string file_path = 5;
Location location = 6;
repeated EnumValue values = 7;
EnumOptions enum_options = 8;
// implicitly_deprecated is true if its enclosing file or parent element is deprecated.
bool implicitly_deprecated = 9;
// EnumOptions provides information for the documentation of options for an enum.
message EnumOptions {
bool deprecated = 1;
bool allow_alias = 2;
// EnumValue provides information for the documentation of an enum value.
message EnumValue {
string name = 1;
int32 number = 2;
// description is derived from the leading comments of a given enum value.
// Paragraph newlines (double new lines) are respected, however single newlines are not.
// Note that any leading and trailing `//` or spaces within a `/* */` block will be stripped.
string description = 3;
EnumValueOptions enum_value_options = 4;
// EnumValueOptions provides information for the documentation of options for an enum value.
message EnumValueOptions {
bool deprecated = 1;
// ImportRef provides the import metadata if a type is imported.
message ImportModuleRef {
string remote = 1;
string owner = 2;
string repository = 3;
// the commit is based on the module commit of the imported type provided
// by the image.
string commit = 4;
string package_name = 5;
// Message provides information for the documentation of a protobuf message.
message Message {
string name = 1;
// nested_name includes the nested types for a given type definition.
string nested_name = 2;
// full_name includes the package name and nested types for a given type definition.
string full_name = 3;
// description is derived from the leading comments of a given message.
// Paragraph newlines (double new lines) are respected, however single newlines are not.
// Note that any leading and trailing `//` or spaces within a `/* */` block will be stripped.
string description = 4;
// file_path is the normalized path of the file containing the message.
string file_path = 5;
bool is_map_entry = 6;
repeated MessageField fields = 7;
Location location = 8;
repeated Field message_extensions = 9;
MessageOptions message_options = 10;
// implicitly_deprecated is true if its enclosing file or parent element is deprecated.
bool implicitly_deprecated = 11;
// MessageField can be either a single field or a oneof set of fields.
message MessageField {
oneof message_field {
Field field = 1;
Oneof oneof = 2;
// MessageOptions provides information for the documentation of options for a message.
message MessageOptions {
bool deprecated = 1;
// Oneof represents a oneof set of fields.
message Oneof {
string name = 1;
repeated Field fields = 2;
// Field provides information for the documentation of a message field.
message Field {
string name = 1;
// description is derived from the leading comments of a given message field.
// Paragraph newlines (double new lines) are respected, however single newlines are not.
// Note that any leading and trailing `//` or spaces within a `/* */` block will be stripped.
string description = 2;
string label = 3;
// string representation of the nested name of the field type, which includes nested definitions.
string nested_type = 4;
// string representation of the full name of the field type, which includes package name
// and nested definitions.
string full_type = 5;
uint32 tag = 6;
// MapEntry is present if the field is a map type.
MapEntry map_entry = 7;
// import_module_ref is included if the field is an imported type.
// It contains all the metadata for the import.
ImportModuleRef import_module_ref = 8;
// Extendee is the name of the type that is being extended if the field is an extension.
// This is an empty string for fields that are not extenions.
string extendee = 9;
FieldOptions field_options = 10;
// FieldOptions provides information for the documentation of options for a field.
message FieldOptions {
bool deprecated = 1;
optional bool packed = 2;
// ctype holds a value of the enumeration `google.protobuf.FieldOptions.CType.
int32 ctype = 3;
// jstype holds a value of the enumeration `google.protobuf.FieldOptions.JSType.
int32 jstype = 4;
// MapEntry provides the key and value types for the MapEntry type for a map field.
message MapEntry {
// string representation of the full name of the type for the map key. keys can only be
// scalar types:
string key_full_type = 1;
// string representation of the nested name of the type for the map value.
string value_nested_type = 2;
// string representation of the full name of the type for the map value.
string value_full_type = 3;
// if the value is an imported type, this is the import module ref
ImportModuleRef value_import_module_ref = 4;
// FileExtension provides the information for the documentation of a file extension.
message FileExtension {
// extension_type is the string representation of the type being extended.
string extension_type = 1;
// description is derived from the leading comments of a given message field.
// Paragraph newlines (double new lines) are respected, however single newlines are not.
// Note that any leading and trailing `//` or spaces within a `/* */` block will be stripped.
string description = 2;
// file_path is the normalized path of the file containing the message.
string file_path = 3;
Location location = 4;
// fields are all the fields that are associated with the extension.
repeated Field fields = 5;
// implicitly_deprecated is true if its enclosing file or parent element is deprecated.
bool implicitly_deprecated = 6;