blob: b9dd7b55d122292a7464f4db71660f21892bc9fb [file] [log] [blame]
syntax = "proto3";
import "registry/v1alpha1/role.proto";
// AuthzService supplies authorization helpers.
service AuthzService {
// UserCanCreateOrganizationRepository returns whether the user is authorized
// to create repositories in an organization.
rpc UserCanCreateOrganizationRepository(UserCanCreateOrganizationRepositoryRequest) returns (UserCanCreateOrganizationRepositoryResponse) {
option idempotency_level = NO_SIDE_EFFECTS;
// UserCanSeeRepositorySettings returns whether the user is authorized
// to see repository settings.
rpc UserCanSeeRepositorySettings(UserCanSeeRepositorySettingsRequest) returns (UserCanSeeRepositorySettingsResponse) {
option idempotency_level = NO_SIDE_EFFECTS;
// UserCanSeeOrganizationSettings returns whether the user is authorized
// to see organization settings.
rpc UserCanSeeOrganizationSettings(UserCanSeeOrganizationSettingsRequest) returns (UserCanSeeOrganizationSettingsResponse) {
option idempotency_level = NO_SIDE_EFFECTS;
// UserCanReadPlugin returns whether the user has read access to the specified plugin.
rpc UserCanReadPlugin(UserCanReadPluginRequest) returns (UserCanReadPluginResponse) {
option deprecated = true;
option idempotency_level = NO_SIDE_EFFECTS;
// UserCanCreatePluginVersion returns whether the user is authorized
// to create a plugin version under the specified plugin.
rpc UserCanCreatePluginVersion(UserCanCreatePluginVersionRequest) returns (UserCanCreatePluginVersionResponse) {
option deprecated = true;
option idempotency_level = NO_SIDE_EFFECTS;
// UserCanCreateTemplateVersion returns whether the user is authorized
// to create a template version under the specified template.
rpc UserCanCreateTemplateVersion(UserCanCreateTemplateVersionRequest) returns (UserCanCreateTemplateVersionResponse) {
option deprecated = true;
option idempotency_level = NO_SIDE_EFFECTS;
// UserCanCreateOrganizationPlugin returns whether the user is authorized to create
// a plugin in an organization.
rpc UserCanCreateOrganizationPlugin(UserCanCreateOrganizationPluginRequest) returns (UserCanCreateOrganizationPluginResponse) {
option deprecated = true;
option idempotency_level = NO_SIDE_EFFECTS;
// UserCanCreateOrganizationPlugin returns whether the user is authorized to create
// a template in an organization.
rpc UserCanCreateOrganizationTemplate(UserCanCreateOrganizationTemplateRequest) returns (UserCanCreateOrganizationTemplateResponse) {
option deprecated = true;
option idempotency_level = NO_SIDE_EFFECTS;
// UserCanSeePluginSettings returns whether the user is authorized
// to see plugin settings.
rpc UserCanSeePluginSettings(UserCanSeePluginSettingsRequest) returns (UserCanSeePluginSettingsResponse) {
option deprecated = true;
option idempotency_level = NO_SIDE_EFFECTS;
// UserCanSeeTemplateSettings returns whether the user is authorized
// to see template settings.
rpc UserCanSeeTemplateSettings(UserCanSeeTemplateSettingsRequest) returns (UserCanSeeTemplateSettingsResponse) {
option deprecated = true;
option idempotency_level = NO_SIDE_EFFECTS;
// UserCanAddOrganizationMember returns whether the user is authorized to add
// any members to the organization and the list of roles they can add.
rpc UserCanAddOrganizationMember(UserCanAddOrganizationMemberRequest) returns (UserCanAddOrganizationMemberResponse) {
option idempotency_level = NO_SIDE_EFFECTS;
// UserCanUpdateOrganizationMember returns whether the user is authorized to update
// any members' membership information in the organization and the list of roles they can update.
rpc UserCanUpdateOrganizationMember(UserCanUpdateOrganizationMemberRequest) returns (UserCanUpdateOrganizationMemberResponse) {
option idempotency_level = NO_SIDE_EFFECTS;
// UserCanRemoveOrganizationMember returns whether the user is authorized to remove
// any members from the organization and the list of roles they can remove.
rpc UserCanRemoveOrganizationMember(UserCanRemoveOrganizationMemberRequest) returns (UserCanRemoveOrganizationMemberResponse) {
option idempotency_level = NO_SIDE_EFFECTS;
// UserCanDeleteOrganization returns whether the user is authorized
// to delete an organization.
rpc UserCanDeleteOrganization(UserCanDeleteOrganizationRequest) returns (UserCanDeleteOrganizationResponse) {
option idempotency_level = NO_SIDE_EFFECTS;
// UserCanDeleteRepository returns whether the user is authorized
// to delete a repository.
rpc UserCanDeleteRepository(UserCanDeleteRepositoryRequest) returns (UserCanDeleteRepositoryResponse) {
option idempotency_level = NO_SIDE_EFFECTS;
// UserCanDeleteTemplate returns whether the user is authorized
// to delete a template.
rpc UserCanDeleteTemplate(UserCanDeleteTemplateRequest) returns (UserCanDeleteTemplateResponse) {
option deprecated = true;
option idempotency_level = NO_SIDE_EFFECTS;
// UserCanDeletePlugin returns whether the user is authorized
// to delete a plugin.
rpc UserCanDeletePlugin(UserCanDeletePluginRequest) returns (UserCanDeletePluginResponse) {
option deprecated = true;
option idempotency_level = NO_SIDE_EFFECTS;
// UserCanDeleteUser returns whether the user is authorized
// to delete a user.
rpc UserCanDeleteUser(UserCanDeleteUserRequest) returns (UserCanDeleteUserResponse) {
option idempotency_level = NO_SIDE_EFFECTS;
// UserCanSeeServerAdminPanel returns whether the user is authorized
// to see server admin panel.
rpc UserCanSeeServerAdminPanel(UserCanSeeServerAdminPanelRequest) returns (UserCanSeeServerAdminPanelResponse) {
option idempotency_level = NO_SIDE_EFFECTS;
// UserCanManageRepositoryContributors returns whether the user is authorized to manage
// any contributors to the repository and the list of roles they can manage.
rpc UserCanManageRepositoryContributors(UserCanManageRepositoryContributorsRequest) returns (UserCanManageRepositoryContributorsResponse) {
option idempotency_level = NO_SIDE_EFFECTS;
message UserCanCreateOrganizationRepositoryRequest {
// The ID of the organization for which to check
// whether the user is authorized.
string organization_id = 1;
message UserCanCreateOrganizationRepositoryResponse {
bool authorized = 1;
message UserCanSeeRepositorySettingsRequest {
// The ID of the repository for which to check
// whether the user is authorized.
string repository_id = 1;
message UserCanSeeRepositorySettingsResponse {
bool authorized = 1;
message UserCanSeeOrganizationSettingsRequest {
// The ID of the organization for which to check
// whether the user is authorized.
string organization_id = 1;
message UserCanSeeOrganizationSettingsResponse {
bool authorized = 1;
message UserCanReadPluginRequest {
option deprecated = true;
// The owner of the plugin.
string owner = 1;
// The name of the plugin.
string name = 2;
message UserCanReadPluginResponse {
option deprecated = true;
bool authorized = 1;
message UserCanCreatePluginVersionRequest {
option deprecated = true;
// The owner of the plugin.
string owner = 1;
// The name of the plugin.
string name = 2;
message UserCanCreatePluginVersionResponse {
option deprecated = true;
bool authorized = 1;
message UserCanCreateTemplateVersionRequest {
option deprecated = true;
// The owner of the template.
string owner = 1;
// The name of the template.
string name = 2;
message UserCanCreateTemplateVersionResponse {
option deprecated = true;
bool authorized = 1;
message UserCanCreateOrganizationPluginRequest {
option deprecated = true;
// The ID of the organization for which to check
// whether the user is authorized.
string organization_id = 1;
message UserCanCreateOrganizationPluginResponse {
option deprecated = true;
bool authorized = 1;
message UserCanCreateOrganizationTemplateRequest {
option deprecated = true;
// The ID of the organization for which to check
// whether the user is authorized.
string organization_id = 1;
message UserCanCreateOrganizationTemplateResponse {
option deprecated = true;
bool authorized = 1;
message UserCanSeePluginSettingsRequest {
option deprecated = true;
// The owner of the plugin.
string owner = 1;
// The name of the plugin.
string name = 2;
message UserCanSeePluginSettingsResponse {
option deprecated = true;
bool authorized = 1;
message UserCanSeeTemplateSettingsRequest {
option deprecated = true;
// The owner of the template.
string owner = 1;
// The name of the template.
string name = 2;
message UserCanSeeTemplateSettingsResponse {
option deprecated = true;
bool authorized = 1;
message UserCanAddOrganizationMemberRequest {
// The ID of the organization for which to check
// whether the user is authorized.
string organization_id = 1;
message UserCanAddOrganizationMemberResponse {
// The list of roles that the user is authorized to add, empty list means the user is
// not authorized to add any members.
repeated OrganizationRole authorized_roles = 1;
message UserCanUpdateOrganizationMemberRequest {
// The ID of the organization for which to check
// whether the user is authorized.
string organization_id = 1;
message UserCanUpdateOrganizationMemberResponse {
// The list of roles that the user is authorized to update (from and to), empty list means the user is
// not authorized to update any members' role.
repeated OrganizationRole authorized_roles = 1;
message UserCanRemoveOrganizationMemberRequest {
// The ID of the organization for which to check
// whether the user is authorized.
string organization_id = 1;
message UserCanRemoveOrganizationMemberResponse {
// The list of roles that the user is authorized to remove, empty list means the user is
// not authorized to remove any members.
repeated OrganizationRole authorized_roles = 1;
message UserCanDeleteOrganizationRequest {
// The ID of the organization for which to check
// whether the user is authorized.
string organization_id = 1;
message UserCanDeleteOrganizationResponse {
bool authorized = 1;
message UserCanDeleteRepositoryRequest {
// The ID of the repository for which to check
// whether the user is authorized.
string repository_id = 1;
message UserCanDeleteRepositoryResponse {
bool authorized = 1;
message UserCanDeleteTemplateRequest {
option deprecated = true;
// The ID of the template for which to check
// whether the user is authorized.
string template_id = 1;
message UserCanDeleteTemplateResponse {
option deprecated = true;
bool authorized = 1;
message UserCanDeletePluginRequest {
option deprecated = true;
// The ID of the plugin for which to check
// whether the user is authorized.
string plugin_id = 1;
message UserCanDeletePluginResponse {
option deprecated = true;
bool authorized = 1;
message UserCanDeleteUserRequest {}
message UserCanDeleteUserResponse {
bool authorized = 1;
message UserCanSeeServerAdminPanelRequest {}
message UserCanSeeServerAdminPanelResponse {
bool authorized = 1;
message UserCanManageRepositoryContributorsRequest {
// The ID of the repository for which to check
// whether the user is authorized.
string repository_id = 1;
message UserCanManageRepositoryContributorsResponse {
// The list of roles that the user is authorized to manage, empty list means the user is
// not authorized to manage any contributors.
repeated RepositoryRole authorized_roles = 1;