blob: 4e23b5b2fb842a489cb4c1d66996e003cacb7981 [file] [log] [blame]
syntax = "proto3";
// Config represents the breaking change configuration for a module. The rule and category IDs are defined
// by the version and apply across the config. The version is independent of the version of
// the package. The package version refers to the config shape, the version encoded in the Config message
// indicates which rule and category IDs should be used.
// The rule and category IDs are not encoded as enums in this package because we may want to support custom rule
// and category IDs in the future. Callers will need to resolve the rule and category ID strings.
message Config {
// version represents the version of the breaking change rule and category IDs that should be used with this config.
string version = 1;
// use_ids lists the rule and/or category IDs that are included in the breaking change check.
repeated string use_ids = 2;
// except_ids lists the rule and/or category IDs that are excluded from the breaking change check.
repeated string except_ids = 3;
// ignore_paths lists the paths of directories and/or files that should be ignored by the breaking change check.
// All paths are relative to the root of the module.
repeated string ignore_paths = 4;
// ignore_id_paths is a map of rule and/or category IDs to directory and/or file paths to exclude from the
// breaking change check. This corresponds with the ignore_only configuration key.
repeated IDPaths ignore_id_paths = 5;
// ignore_unstable_packages ignores packages with a last component that is one of the unstable forms recognised
// v\d+test.*
// v\d+(alpha|beta)\d+
// v\d+p\d+(alpha|beta)\d+
bool ignore_unstable_packages = 6;
// IDPaths represents a rule or category ID and the file and/or directory paths that are ignored for the rule.
message IDPaths {
string id = 1;
repeated string paths = 2;