blob: 21fed447465eefe7db0f3584fcdcca970d6032ea [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package bufimageutil
import (
import (
import (
const (
anyFullName = "google.protobuf.Any"
var (
// ErrImageFilterTypeNotFound is returned from ImageFilteredByTypes when
// a specified type cannot be found in an image.
ErrImageFilterTypeNotFound = errors.New("not found")
// ErrImageFilterTypeIsImport is returned from ImageFilteredByTypes when
// a specified type name is declared in a module dependency.
ErrImageFilterTypeIsImport = errors.New("type declared in imported module")
// NewInputFiles converts the ImageFiles to InputFiles.
// Since protosource is a pkg package, it cannot depend on bufmoduleref, which has the
// definition for bufmoduleref.ModuleIdentity, so we have our own interfaces for this
// in protosource. Given Go's type system, we need to do a conversion here.
func NewInputFiles(imageFiles []bufimage.ImageFile) []protosource.InputFile {
inputFiles := make([]protosource.InputFile, len(imageFiles))
for i, imageFile := range imageFiles {
inputFiles[i] = newInputFile(imageFile)
return inputFiles
// FreeMessageRangeStrings gets the free MessageRange strings for the target files.
// Recursive.
func FreeMessageRangeStrings(
ctx context.Context,
filePaths []string,
image bufimage.Image,
) ([]string, error) {
var s []string
for _, filePath := range filePaths {
imageFile := image.GetFile(filePath)
if imageFile == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected nil image file: %q", filePath)
file, err := protosource.NewFile(newInputFile(imageFile))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, message := range file.Messages() {
s = freeMessageRangeStringsRec(s, message)
return s, nil
// ImageFilterOption is an option that can be passed to ImageFilteredByTypesWithOptions.
type ImageFilterOption func(*imageFilterOptions)
// WithExcludeCustomOptions returns an option that will cause an image filtered via
// ImageFilteredByTypesWithOptions to *not* include custom options unless they are
// explicitly named in the list of filter types.
func WithExcludeCustomOptions() ImageFilterOption {
return func(opts *imageFilterOptions) {
opts.includeCustomOptions = false
// WithExcludeKnownExtensions returns an option that will cause an image filtered via
// ImageFilteredByTypesWithOptions to *not* include the known extensions for included
// extendable messages unless they are explicitly named in the list of filter types.
func WithExcludeKnownExtensions() ImageFilterOption {
return func(opts *imageFilterOptions) {
opts.includeKnownExtensions = false
// WithAllowFilterByImportedType returns an option for ImageFilteredByTypesWithOptions
// that allows a named filter type to be in an imported file or module. Without this
// option, only types defined directly in the image to be filtered are allowed.
func WithAllowFilterByImportedType() ImageFilterOption {
return func(opts *imageFilterOptions) {
opts.allowImportedTypes = true
// ImageFilteredByTypes returns a minimal image containing only the descriptors
// required to define those types. The resulting contains only files in which
// those descriptors and their transitive closure of required descriptors, with
// each file only contains the minimal required types and imports.
// Although this returns a new [bufimage.Image], it mutates the original image's
// underlying file's [descriptorpb.FileDescriptorProto]. So the old image should
// not continue to be used.
// A descriptor is said to require another descriptor if the dependent
// descriptor is needed to accurately and completely describe that descriptor.
// For the following types that includes:
// Messages
// - messages & enums referenced in fields
// - proto2 extension declarations for this field
// - custom options for the message, its fields, and the file in which the
// message is defined
// - the parent message if this message is a nested definition
// Enums
// - Custom options used in the enum, enum values, and the file
// in which the message is defined
// - the parent message if this message is a nested definition
// Services
// - request & response types referenced in methods
// - custom options for the service, its methods, and the file
// in which the message is defined
// As an example, consider the following proto structure:
// --- foo.proto ---
// package pkg;
// message Foo {
// optional Bar bar = 1;
// extensions 2 to 3;
// }
// message Bar { ... }
// message Baz {
// other.Qux qux = 1 [(other.my_option).field = "buf"];
// }
// --- baz.proto ---
// package other;
// extend Foo {
// optional Qux baz = 2;
// }
// message Qux{ ... }
// message Quux{ ... }
// extend google.protobuf.FieldOptions {
// optional Quux my_option = 51234;
// }
// A filtered image for type `pkg.Foo` would include
// files: [foo.proto, bar.proto]
// messages: [pkg.Foo, pkg.Bar, other.Qux]
// extensions: [other.baz]
// A filtered image for type `pkg.Bar` would include
// files: [foo.proto]
// messages: [pkg.Bar]
// A filtered image for type `pkg.Baz` would include
// files: [foo.proto, bar.proto]
// messages: [pkg.Baz, other.Quux, other.Qux]
// extensions: [other.my_option]
func ImageFilteredByTypes(image bufimage.Image, types ...string) (bufimage.Image, error) {
return ImageFilteredByTypesWithOptions(image, types)
// ImageFilteredByTypesWithOptions returns a minimal image containing only the descriptors
// required to define those types. See ImageFilteredByTypes for more details. This version
// allows for customizing the behavior with options.
func ImageFilteredByTypesWithOptions(image bufimage.Image, types []string, opts ...ImageFilterOption) (bufimage.Image, error) {
options := newImageFilterOptions()
for _, o := range opts {
imageIndex, err := newImageIndexForImage(image, options)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Check types exist
startingDescriptors := make([]namedDescriptor, 0, len(types))
var startingPackages []*protoPackage
for _, typeName := range types {
// TODO: consider supporting a glob syntax of some kind, to do more advanced pattern
// matching, such as ability to get a package AND all of its sub-packages.
startingDescriptor, ok := imageIndex.ByName[typeName]
if ok {
// It's a type name
typeInfo := imageIndex.ByDescriptor[startingDescriptor]
if image.GetFile(typeInfo.file).IsImport() && !options.allowImportedTypes {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("filtering by type %q: %w", typeName, ErrImageFilterTypeIsImport)
startingDescriptors = append(startingDescriptors, startingDescriptor)
// It could be a package name
pkg, ok := imageIndex.Packages[typeName]
if !ok {
// but it's not...
return nil, fmt.Errorf("filtering by type %q: %w", typeName, ErrImageFilterTypeNotFound)
if !options.allowImportedTypes {
// if package includes only imported files, then reject
onlyImported := true
for _, file := range pkg.files {
if !file.IsImport() {
onlyImported = false
if onlyImported {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("filtering by type %q: %w", typeName, ErrImageFilterTypeIsImport)
startingPackages = append(startingPackages, pkg)
// Find all types to include in filtered image.
closure := newTransitiveClosure()
for _, startingPackage := range startingPackages {
if err := closure.addPackage(startingPackage, imageIndex, options); err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, startingDescriptor := range startingDescriptors {
if err := closure.addElement(startingDescriptor, "", false, imageIndex, options); err != nil {
return nil, err
// After all types are added, add their known extensions
if err := closure.addExtensions(imageIndex, options); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Create a new image with only the required descriptors.
var includedFiles []bufimage.ImageFile
for _, imageFile := range image.Files() {
_, ok := closure.files[imageFile.Path()]
if !ok {
includedFiles = append(includedFiles, imageFile)
imageFileDescriptor := imageFile.Proto()
importsRequired := closure.imports[imageFile.Path()]
// If the file has source code info, we need to remap paths to correctly
// update this info for the elements retained after filtering.
var sourcePathRemapper *sourcePathsRemapTrie
if len(imageFileDescriptor.SourceCodeInfo.GetLocation()) > 0 {
sourcePathRemapper = &sourcePathsRemapTrie{}
// We track the source path as we go through the model, so that we can
// mark paths as moved or deleted. Whenever an element is deleted, any
// subsequent elements of the same type in the same scope have are "moved",
// because their index is shifted down.
basePath := make([]int32, 1, 16)
basePath[0] = fileDependencyTag
// While employing
// also keep a record of which index moved where, so we can fixup
// the file's WeakDependency field.
indexFromTo := make(map[int32]int32)
indexTo := 0
for indexFrom, importPath := range imageFileDescriptor.GetDependency() {
path := append(basePath, int32(indexFrom))
if _, ok := importsRequired[importPath]; ok {
sourcePathRemapper.markMoved(path, int32(indexTo))
indexFromTo[int32(indexFrom)] = int32(indexTo)
imageFileDescriptor.Dependency[indexTo] = importPath
// markDeleted them as we go, so we know which ones weren't in the list
delete(importsRequired, importPath)
} else {
imageFileDescriptor.Dependency = imageFileDescriptor.Dependency[:indexTo]
// Add any other imports (which may not have been in the list because
// they were picked up via a public import). The filtered files will not
// use public imports.
for importPath := range importsRequired {
imageFileDescriptor.Dependency = append(imageFileDescriptor.Dependency, importPath)
imageFileDescriptor.PublicDependency = nil
basePath = basePath[:1]
basePath[0] = fileWeakDependencyTag
i := 0
for _, indexFrom := range imageFileDescriptor.WeakDependency {
path := append(basePath, indexFrom)
if indexTo, ok := indexFromTo[indexFrom]; ok {
sourcePathRemapper.markMoved(path, indexTo)
imageFileDescriptor.WeakDependency[i] = indexTo
} else {
imageFileDescriptor.WeakDependency = imageFileDescriptor.WeakDependency[:i]
if _, ok := closure.completeFiles[imageFile.Path()]; !ok {
// if not keeping entire file, filter contents now
basePath = basePath[:0]
imageFileDescriptor.MessageType = trimMessageDescriptors(imageFileDescriptor.MessageType, closure.elements, sourcePathRemapper, append(basePath, fileMessagesTag))
imageFileDescriptor.EnumType = trimSlice(imageFileDescriptor.EnumType, closure.elements, sourcePathRemapper, append(basePath, fileEnumsTag))
// TODO: We could end up removing all extensions from a particular extend block
// but we then don't mark that extend block's source code info for deletion. This
// is because extend blocks don't have distinct paths -- we have to actually look
// at the span information to determine which extensions correspond to which blocks
// to decide which blocks to remove. That is possible, but non-trivial, and it's
// unclear if the "juice is worth the squeeze", so we leave it. The best we do is
// to remove comments for extend blocks when there are NO extensions.
extsPath := append(basePath, fileExtensionsTag)
imageFileDescriptor.Extension = trimSlice(imageFileDescriptor.Extension, closure.elements, sourcePathRemapper, extsPath)
if len(imageFileDescriptor.Extension) == 0 {
svcsPath := append(basePath, fileServicesTag)
// We must iterate through the services *before* we trim the slice. That way the
// index we see is for the "old path", which we need to know to mark elements as
// moved or deleted with the sourcePathRemapper.
for index, serviceDescriptor := range imageFileDescriptor.Service {
if _, ok := closure.elements[serviceDescriptor]; !ok {
methodPath := append(svcsPath, int32(index), serviceMethodsTag)
serviceDescriptor.Method = trimSlice(serviceDescriptor.Method, closure.elements, sourcePathRemapper, methodPath)
imageFileDescriptor.Service = trimSlice(imageFileDescriptor.Service, closure.elements, sourcePathRemapper, svcsPath)
if len(imageFileDescriptor.SourceCodeInfo.GetLocation()) > 0 {
// Now the sourcePathRemapper has been fully populated for all of the deletions
// and moves above. So we can use it to reconstruct the source code info slice
// of locations.
i := 0
for _, location := range imageFileDescriptor.SourceCodeInfo.Location {
// This function returns newPath==nil if the element at the given path
// was marked for deletion (so this location should be omitted).
newPath, noComment := sourcePathRemapper.newPath(location.Path)
if newPath != nil {
imageFileDescriptor.SourceCodeInfo.Location[i] = location
location.Path = newPath
if noComment {
location.LeadingDetachedComments = nil
location.LeadingComments = nil
location.TrailingComments = nil
imageFileDescriptor.SourceCodeInfo.Location = imageFileDescriptor.SourceCodeInfo.Location[:i]
return bufimage.NewImage(includedFiles)
// trimMessageDescriptors removes (nested) messages and nested enums from a slice
// of message descriptors if their type names are not found in the toKeep map.
func trimMessageDescriptors(
in []*descriptorpb.DescriptorProto,
toKeep map[namedDescriptor]closureInclusionMode,
sourcePathRemapper *sourcePathsRemapTrie,
pathSoFar []int32,
) []*descriptorpb.DescriptorProto {
// We must iterate through the messages *before* we trim the slice. That way the
// index we see is for the "old path", which we need to know to mark elements as
// moved or deleted with the sourcePathRemapper.
for index, messageDescriptor := range in {
path := append(pathSoFar, int32(index))
mode, ok := toKeep[messageDescriptor]
if !ok {
if mode == inclusionModeEnclosing {
// if this is just an enclosing element, we only care about it as a namespace for
// other types and don't care about the rest of its contents
messageDescriptor.Field = nil
messageDescriptor.OneofDecl = nil
messageDescriptor.ExtensionRange = nil
messageDescriptor.ReservedRange = nil
messageDescriptor.ReservedName = nil
sourcePathRemapper.markDeleted(append(path, messageFieldsTag))
sourcePathRemapper.markDeleted(append(path, messageOneofsTag))
sourcePathRemapper.markDeleted(append(path, messageExtensionRangesTag))
sourcePathRemapper.markDeleted(append(path, messageReservedRangesTag))
sourcePathRemapper.markDeleted(append(path, messageReservedNamesTag))
messageDescriptor.NestedType = trimMessageDescriptors(messageDescriptor.NestedType, toKeep, sourcePathRemapper, append(path, messageNestedMessagesTag))
messageDescriptor.EnumType = trimSlice(messageDescriptor.EnumType, toKeep, sourcePathRemapper, append(path, messageEnumsTag))
// TODO: We could end up removing all extensions from a particular extend block
// but we then don't mark that extend block's source code info for deletion. The
// best we do is to remove comments for extend blocks when there are NO extensions.
// See comment above for file extensions for more info.
extsPath := append(path, messageExtensionsTag)
messageDescriptor.Extension = trimSlice(messageDescriptor.Extension, toKeep, sourcePathRemapper, extsPath)
if len(messageDescriptor.Extension) == 0 {
return trimSlice(in, toKeep, sourcePathRemapper, pathSoFar)
// trimSlice removes elements from a slice of descriptors if they are
// not present in the given map.
func trimSlice[T namedDescriptor](
in []T,
toKeep map[namedDescriptor]closureInclusionMode,
sourcePathRemapper *sourcePathsRemapTrie,
pathSoFar []int32,
) []T {
i := 0
for index, descriptor := range in {
path := append(pathSoFar, int32(index))
if _, ok := toKeep[descriptor]; ok {
sourcePathRemapper.markMoved(path, int32(i))
in[i] = descriptor
} else {
return in[:i]
// transitiveClosure accumulates the elements, files, and needed imports for a
// subset of an image. When an element is added to the closure, all of its
// dependencies are recursively added.
type transitiveClosure struct {
// The elements included in the transitive closure.
elements map[namedDescriptor]closureInclusionMode
// The set of files that contain all items in elements.
files map[string]struct{}
// Any files that are part of the closure in their entirety (due to an
// entire package being included). The above fields are used to filter the
// contents of files. But files named in this set will not be filtered.
completeFiles map[string]struct{}
// The set of imports for each file. This allows for re-writing imports
// for files whose contents have been pruned.
imports map[string]map[string]struct{}
type closureInclusionMode int
const (
// Element is included in closure because it is directly reachable from a root.
inclusionModeExplicit = closureInclusionMode(iota)
// Element is included in closure because it is a message or service that
// *contains* an explicitly included element but is not itself directly
// reachable.
// Element is included in closure because it is implied by the presence of a
// custom option. For example, a field element with a custom option implies
// the presence of google.protobuf.FieldOptions. An option type could instead be
// explicitly included if it is also directly reachable (i.e. some type in the
// graph explicitly refers to the option type).
func newTransitiveClosure() *transitiveClosure {
return &transitiveClosure{
elements: map[namedDescriptor]closureInclusionMode{},
files: map[string]struct{}{},
completeFiles: map[string]struct{}{},
imports: map[string]map[string]struct{}{},
func (t *transitiveClosure) addImport(fromPath, toPath string) {
if fromPath == toPath {
return // no need for a file to import itself
imps := t.imports[fromPath]
if imps == nil {
imps = map[string]struct{}{}
t.imports[fromPath] = imps
imps[toPath] = struct{}{}
func (t *transitiveClosure) addFile(file string, imageIndex *imageIndex, opts *imageFilterOptions) error {
if _, ok := t.files[file]; ok {
return nil // already added
t.files[file] = struct{}{}
return t.exploreCustomOptions(imageIndex.Files[file], file, imageIndex, opts)
func (t *transitiveClosure) addPackage(
pkg *protoPackage,
imageIndex *imageIndex,
opts *imageFilterOptions,
) error {
for _, file := range pkg.files {
if err := t.addFile(file.Path(), imageIndex, opts); err != nil {
return err
t.completeFiles[file.Path()] = struct{}{}
for _, descriptor := range pkg.elements {
if err := t.addElement(descriptor, "", false, imageIndex, opts); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (t *transitiveClosure) addElement(
descriptor namedDescriptor,
referrerFile string,
impliedByCustomOption bool,
imageIndex *imageIndex,
opts *imageFilterOptions,
) error {
descriptorInfo := imageIndex.ByDescriptor[descriptor]
if err := t.addFile(descriptorInfo.file, imageIndex, opts); err != nil {
return err
if referrerFile != "" {
t.addImport(referrerFile, descriptorInfo.file)
if existingMode, ok := t.elements[descriptor]; ok && existingMode != inclusionModeEnclosing {
if existingMode == inclusionModeImplicit && !impliedByCustomOption {
// upgrade from implied to explicitly part of closure
t.elements[descriptor] = inclusionModeExplicit
return nil // already added this element
if impliedByCustomOption {
t.elements[descriptor] = inclusionModeImplicit
} else {
t.elements[descriptor] = inclusionModeExplicit
// if this type is enclosed inside another, add enclosing types
if err := t.addEnclosing(descriptorInfo.parent, descriptorInfo.file, imageIndex, opts); err != nil {
return err
// add any custom options and their dependencies
if err := t.exploreCustomOptions(descriptor, descriptorInfo.file, imageIndex, opts); err != nil {
return err
switch typedDescriptor := descriptor.(type) {
case *descriptorpb.DescriptorProto:
// Options and types for all fields
for _, field := range typedDescriptor.GetField() {
if err := t.addFieldType(field, descriptorInfo.file, imageIndex, opts); err != nil {
return err
if err := t.exploreCustomOptions(field, referrerFile, imageIndex, opts); err != nil {
return err
// Options for all oneofs in this message
for _, oneOfDescriptor := range typedDescriptor.GetOneofDecl() {
if err := t.exploreCustomOptions(oneOfDescriptor, descriptorInfo.file, imageIndex, opts); err != nil {
return err
// Options for all extension ranges in this message
for _, extRange := range typedDescriptor.GetExtensionRange() {
if err := t.exploreCustomOptions(extRange, descriptorInfo.file, imageIndex, opts); err != nil {
return err
case *descriptorpb.EnumDescriptorProto:
for _, enumValue := range typedDescriptor.GetValue() {
if err := t.exploreCustomOptions(enumValue, descriptorInfo.file, imageIndex, opts); err != nil {
return err
case *descriptorpb.ServiceDescriptorProto:
for _, method := range typedDescriptor.GetMethod() {
if err := t.addElement(method, "", false, imageIndex, opts); err != nil {
return err
case *descriptorpb.MethodDescriptorProto:
inputName := strings.TrimPrefix(typedDescriptor.GetInputType(), ".")
inputDescriptor, ok := imageIndex.ByName[inputName]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("missing %q", inputName)
if err := t.addElement(inputDescriptor, descriptorInfo.file, false, imageIndex, opts); err != nil {
return err
outputName := strings.TrimPrefix(typedDescriptor.GetOutputType(), ".")
outputDescriptor, ok := imageIndex.ByName[outputName]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("missing %q", outputName)
if err := t.addElement(outputDescriptor, descriptorInfo.file, false, imageIndex, opts); err != nil {
return err
case *descriptorpb.FieldDescriptorProto:
// Regular fields are handled above in message descriptor case.
// We should only find our way here for extensions.
if typedDescriptor.Extendee == nil {
return errorUnsupportedFilterType(descriptor, descriptorInfo.fullName)
if typedDescriptor.GetExtendee() == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("expected extendee for field %q to not be empty", descriptorInfo.fullName)
extendeeName := strings.TrimPrefix(typedDescriptor.GetExtendee(), ".")
extendeeDescriptor, ok := imageIndex.ByName[extendeeName]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("missing %q", extendeeName)
if err := t.addElement(extendeeDescriptor, descriptorInfo.file, impliedByCustomOption, imageIndex, opts); err != nil {
return err
if err := t.addFieldType(typedDescriptor, descriptorInfo.file, imageIndex, opts); err != nil {
return err
return errorUnsupportedFilterType(descriptor, descriptorInfo.fullName)
return nil
func errorUnsupportedFilterType(descriptor namedDescriptor, fullName string) error {
var descriptorType string
switch d := descriptor.(type) {
case *descriptorpb.FileDescriptorProto:
descriptorType = "file"
case *descriptorpb.DescriptorProto:
descriptorType = "message"
case *descriptorpb.FieldDescriptorProto:
if d.Extendee != nil {
descriptorType = "extension field"
} else {
descriptorType = "non-extension field"
case *descriptorpb.OneofDescriptorProto:
descriptorType = "oneof"
case *descriptorpb.EnumDescriptorProto:
descriptorType = "enum"
case *descriptorpb.EnumValueDescriptorProto:
descriptorType = "enum value"
case *descriptorpb.ServiceDescriptorProto:
descriptorType = "service"
case *descriptorpb.MethodDescriptorProto:
descriptorType = "method"
descriptorType = fmt.Sprintf("%T", d)
return fmt.Errorf("%s is unsupported filter type: %s", fullName, descriptorType)
func (t *transitiveClosure) addEnclosing(descriptor namedDescriptor, enclosingFile string, imageIndex *imageIndex, opts *imageFilterOptions) error {
// loop through all enclosing parents since nesting level
// could be arbitrarily deep
for descriptor != nil {
_, isMsg := descriptor.(*descriptorpb.DescriptorProto)
_, isSvc := descriptor.(*descriptorpb.ServiceDescriptorProto)
if !isMsg && !isSvc {
break // not an enclosing type
if _, ok := t.elements[descriptor]; ok {
break // already in closure
t.elements[descriptor] = inclusionModeEnclosing
if err := t.exploreCustomOptions(descriptor, enclosingFile, imageIndex, opts); err != nil {
return err
// now move into this element's parent
descriptor = imageIndex.ByDescriptor[descriptor].parent
return nil
func (t *transitiveClosure) addFieldType(field *descriptorpb.FieldDescriptorProto, referrerFile string, imageIndex *imageIndex, opts *imageFilterOptions) error {
switch field.GetType() {
case descriptorpb.FieldDescriptorProto_TYPE_ENUM,
typeName := strings.TrimPrefix(field.GetTypeName(), ".")
typeDescriptor, ok := imageIndex.ByName[typeName]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("missing %q", typeName)
err := t.addElement(typeDescriptor, referrerFile, false, imageIndex, opts)
if err != nil {
return err
case descriptorpb.FieldDescriptorProto_TYPE_DOUBLE,
// nothing to follow, custom options handled below.
return fmt.Errorf("unknown field type %d", field.GetType())
return nil
func (t *transitiveClosure) addExtensions(
imageIndex *imageIndex,
opts *imageFilterOptions,
) error {
if !opts.includeKnownExtensions {
return nil // nothing to do
for e, mode := range t.elements {
if mode != inclusionModeExplicit {
// we only collect extensions for messages that are directly reachable/referenced.
msgDescriptor, ok := e.(*descriptorpb.DescriptorProto)
if !ok {
// not a message, nothing to do
descriptorInfo := imageIndex.ByDescriptor[msgDescriptor]
for _, extendsDescriptor := range imageIndex.NameToExtensions[descriptorInfo.fullName] {
if err := t.addElement(extendsDescriptor, "", false, imageIndex, opts); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (t *transitiveClosure) exploreCustomOptions(
descriptor proto.Message,
referrerFile string,
imageIndex *imageIndex,
opts *imageFilterOptions,
) error {
if !opts.includeCustomOptions {
return nil
var options protoreflect.Message
switch descriptor := descriptor.(type) {
case *descriptorpb.FileDescriptorProto:
options = descriptor.GetOptions().ProtoReflect()
case *descriptorpb.DescriptorProto:
options = descriptor.GetOptions().ProtoReflect()
case *descriptorpb.FieldDescriptorProto:
options = descriptor.GetOptions().ProtoReflect()
case *descriptorpb.OneofDescriptorProto:
options = descriptor.GetOptions().ProtoReflect()
case *descriptorpb.EnumDescriptorProto:
options = descriptor.GetOptions().ProtoReflect()
case *descriptorpb.EnumValueDescriptorProto:
options = descriptor.GetOptions().ProtoReflect()
case *descriptorpb.ServiceDescriptorProto:
options = descriptor.GetOptions().ProtoReflect()
case *descriptorpb.MethodDescriptorProto:
options = descriptor.GetOptions().ProtoReflect()
case *descriptorpb.DescriptorProto_ExtensionRange:
options = descriptor.GetOptions().ProtoReflect()
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type for exploring options %T", descriptor)
optionsName := string(options.Descriptor().FullName())
var err error
options.Range(func(fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, val protoreflect.Value) bool {
// If the value contains an Any message, we should add the message type
// therein to the closure.
if err = t.exploreOptionValueForAny(fd, val, referrerFile, imageIndex, opts); err != nil {
return false
// Also include custom option definitions (e.g. extensions)
if !fd.IsExtension() {
return true
optionsByNumber := imageIndex.NameToOptions[optionsName]
field, ok := optionsByNumber[int32(fd.Number())]
if !ok {
err = fmt.Errorf("cannot find ext no %d on %s", fd.Number(), optionsName)
return false
err = t.addElement(field, referrerFile, true, imageIndex, opts)
return err == nil
return err
func isMessageKind(k protoreflect.Kind) bool {
return k == protoreflect.MessageKind || k == protoreflect.GroupKind
func (t *transitiveClosure) exploreOptionValueForAny(
fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor,
val protoreflect.Value,
referrerFile string,
imageIndex *imageIndex,
opts *imageFilterOptions,
) error {
switch {
case fd.IsMap():
if isMessageKind(fd.MapValue().Kind()) {
var err error
val.Map().Range(func(_ protoreflect.MapKey, v protoreflect.Value) bool {
if err = t.exploreOptionSingularValueForAny(v.Message(), referrerFile, imageIndex, opts); err != nil {
return false
return true
return err
case isMessageKind(fd.Kind()):
if fd.IsList() {
listVal := val.List()
for i := 0; i < listVal.Len(); i++ {
if err := t.exploreOptionSingularValueForAny(listVal.Get(i).Message(), referrerFile, imageIndex, opts); err != nil {
return err
} else {
return t.exploreOptionSingularValueForAny(val.Message(), referrerFile, imageIndex, opts)
return nil
func (t *transitiveClosure) exploreOptionSingularValueForAny(
msg protoreflect.Message,
referrerFile string,
imageIndex *imageIndex,
opts *imageFilterOptions,
) error {
md := msg.Descriptor()
if md.FullName() == anyFullName {
// Found one!
typeURLFd := md.Fields().ByNumber(1)
if typeURLFd.Kind() != protoreflect.StringKind || typeURLFd.IsList() {
// should not be possible...
return nil
typeURL := msg.Get(typeURLFd).String()
pos := strings.LastIndexByte(typeURL, '/')
msgType := typeURL[pos+1:]
d, _ := imageIndex.ByName[msgType].(*descriptorpb.DescriptorProto)
if d != nil {
if err := t.addElement(d, referrerFile, false, imageIndex, opts); err != nil {
return err
// TODO: unmarshal the bytes to see if there are any nested Any messages
return nil
// keep digging
var err error
msg.Range(func(fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, val protoreflect.Value) bool {
err = t.exploreOptionValueForAny(fd, val, referrerFile, imageIndex, opts)
return err == nil
return err
func freeMessageRangeStringsRec(
s []string,
message protosource.Message,
) []string {
for _, nestedMessage := range message.Messages() {
s = freeMessageRangeStringsRec(s, nestedMessage)
if e := protosource.FreeMessageRangeString(message); e != "" {
return append(s, e)
return s
type imageFilterOptions struct {
includeCustomOptions bool
includeKnownExtensions bool
allowImportedTypes bool
func newImageFilterOptions() *imageFilterOptions {
return &imageFilterOptions{
includeCustomOptions: true,
includeKnownExtensions: true,
allowImportedTypes: false,