blob: a63d1dd5e461603b5d315b32d11980a017b8b57f [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package bufimage
import (
import (
import (
imagev1 ""
// ImageFile is a Protobuf file within an image.
type ImageFile interface {
// Proto is the backing *descriptorpb.FileDescriptorProto for this File.
// FileDescriptor should be preferred to Proto. We keep this method around
// because we have code that does modification to the ImageFile via this.
// This will never be nil.
// The value Path() is equal to Proto.GetName() .
Proto() *descriptorpb.FileDescriptorProto
// FileDescriptor is the backing FileDescriptor for this File.
// This will never be nil.
// The value Path() is equal to FileDescriptor.GetName() .
FileDescriptor() protodescriptor.FileDescriptor
// IsSyntaxUnspecified will be true if the syntax was not explicitly specified.
IsSyntaxUnspecified() bool
// UnusedDependencyIndexes returns the indexes of the unused dependencies within
// FileDescriptor.GetDependency().
// All indexes will be valid.
// Will return nil if empty.
UnusedDependencyIndexes() []int32
withIsImport(isImport bool) ImageFile
// NewImageFile returns a new ImageFile.
// If externalPath is empty, path is used.
// TODO: moduleIdentity and commit should be options since they are optional.
func NewImageFile(
fileDescriptor protodescriptor.FileDescriptor,
moduleIdentity bufmoduleref.ModuleIdentity,
commit string,
externalPath string,
isImport bool,
isSyntaxUnspecified bool,
unusedDependencyIndexes []int32,
) (ImageFile, error) {
return newImageFile(
// Image is a buf image.
type Image interface {
// Files are the files that comprise the image.
// This contains all files, including imports if available.
// The returned files are in correct DAG order.
// All files that have the same ModuleIdentity will also have the same commit, or no commit.
// This is enforced at construction time.
Files() []ImageFile
// GetFile gets the file for the root relative file path.
// If the file does not exist, nil is returned.
// The path is expected to be normalized and validated.
// Note that all values of GetDependency() can be used here.
GetFile(path string) ImageFile
// NewImage returns a new Image for the given ImageFiles.
// The input ImageFiles are expected to be in correct DAG order!
// TODO: Consider checking the above, and if not, reordering the Files.
// If imageFiles is empty, returns error
func NewImage(imageFiles []ImageFile) (Image, error) {
return newImage(imageFiles, false)
// MergeImages returns a new Image for the given Images. ImageFiles
// treated as non-imports in at least one of the given Images will
// be treated as non-imports in the returned Image. The first non-import
// version of a file will be used in the result.
// Reorders the ImageFiles to be in DAG order.
// Duplicates can exist across the Images, but only if duplicates are non-imports.
func MergeImages(images ...Image) (Image, error) {
switch len(images) {
case 0:
return nil, nil
case 1:
return images[0], nil
var paths []string
imageFileSet := make(map[string]ImageFile)
for _, image := range images {
for _, currentImageFile := range image.Files() {
storedImageFile, ok := imageFileSet[currentImageFile.Path()]
if !ok {
imageFileSet[currentImageFile.Path()] = currentImageFile
paths = append(paths, currentImageFile.Path())
if !storedImageFile.IsImport() && !currentImageFile.IsImport() {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s is a non-import in multiple images", currentImageFile.Path())
if storedImageFile.IsImport() && !currentImageFile.IsImport() {
imageFileSet[currentImageFile.Path()] = currentImageFile
// We need to preserve order for deterministic results, so we add
// the files in the order they're given, but base our selection
// on the imageFileSet.
imageFiles := make([]ImageFile, 0, len(imageFileSet))
for _, path := range paths {
imageFiles = append(imageFiles, imageFileSet[path] /* Guaranteed to exist */)
return newImage(imageFiles, true)
// NewImageForProto returns a new Image for the given proto Image.
// The input Files are expected to be in correct DAG order!
// TODO: Consider checking the above, and if not, reordering the Files.
// TODO: do we want to add the ability to do external path resolution here?
func NewImageForProto(protoImage *imagev1.Image, options ...NewImageForProtoOption) (Image, error) {
var newImageOptions newImageForProtoOptions
for _, option := range options {
if newImageOptions.noReparse && newImageOptions.computeUnusedImports {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot use both WithNoReparse and WithComputeUnusedImports options; they are mutually exclusive")
if !newImageOptions.noReparse {
if err := reparseImageProto(protoImage, newImageOptions.computeUnusedImports); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := validateProtoImage(protoImage); err != nil {
return nil, err
imageFiles := make([]ImageFile, len(protoImage.File))
for i, protoImageFile := range protoImage.File {
var isImport bool
var isSyntaxUnspecified bool
var unusedDependencyIndexes []int32
var moduleIdentity bufmoduleref.ModuleIdentity
var commit string
var err error
if protoImageFileExtension := protoImageFile.GetBufExtension(); protoImageFileExtension != nil {
isImport = protoImageFileExtension.GetIsImport()
isSyntaxUnspecified = protoImageFileExtension.GetIsSyntaxUnspecified()
unusedDependencyIndexes = protoImageFileExtension.GetUnusedDependency()
if protoModuleInfo := protoImageFileExtension.GetModuleInfo(); protoModuleInfo != nil {
if protoModuleName := protoModuleInfo.GetName(); protoModuleName != nil {
moduleIdentity, err = bufmoduleref.NewModuleIdentity(
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// we only want to set this if there is a module name
commit = protoModuleInfo.GetCommit()
imageFile, err := NewImageFile(
if err != nil {
return nil, err
imageFiles[i] = imageFile
return NewImage(imageFiles)
// NewImageForCodeGeneratorRequest returns a new Image from a given CodeGeneratorRequest.
// The input Files are expected to be in correct DAG order!
// TODO: Consider checking the above, and if not, reordering the Files.
func NewImageForCodeGeneratorRequest(request *pluginpb.CodeGeneratorRequest, options ...NewImageForProtoOption) (Image, error) {
if err := protodescriptor.ValidateCodeGeneratorRequestExceptFileDescriptorProtos(request); err != nil {
return nil, err
protoImageFiles := make([]*imagev1.ImageFile, len(request.GetProtoFile()))
for i, fileDescriptorProto := range request.GetProtoFile() {
// we filter whether something is an import or not in ImageWithOnlyPaths
// we cannot determine if the syntax was unset
protoImageFiles[i] = fileDescriptorProtoToProtoImageFile(fileDescriptorProto, false, false, nil, nil, "")
image, err := NewImageForProto(
File: protoImageFiles,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return ImageWithOnlyPaths(
// NewImageForProtoOption is an option for use with NewImageForProto.
type NewImageForProtoOption func(*newImageForProtoOptions)
// WithNoReparse instructs NewImageForProto to skip the reparse step. The reparse
// step is usually needed when unmarshalling the image from bytes. It reconstitutes
// custom options, from unrecognized bytes to known extension fields.
func WithNoReparse() NewImageForProtoOption {
return func(options *newImageForProtoOptions) {
options.noReparse = true
// WithUnusedImportsComputation instructs NewImageForProto to compute unused imports
// for the files. These are usually computed by the compiler and stored in the image.
// But some sources of images may not include this information, so this option can be
// used to ensure that information is present in the image and accurate.
// This option is NOT compatible with WithNoReparse: the image must be re-parsed for
// there to be adequate information for computing unused imports.
func WithUnusedImportsComputation() NewImageForProtoOption {
return func(options *newImageForProtoOptions) {
options.computeUnusedImports = true
// ImageWithoutImports returns a copy of the Image without imports.
// The backing Files are not copied.
func ImageWithoutImports(image Image) Image {
imageFiles := image.Files()
newImageFiles := make([]ImageFile, 0, len(imageFiles))
for _, imageFile := range imageFiles {
if !imageFile.IsImport() {
newImageFiles = append(newImageFiles, imageFile)
return newImageNoValidate(newImageFiles)
// ImageWithOnlyPaths returns a copy of the Image that only includes the files
// with the given root relative file paths or directories.
// Note that paths can be either files or directories - whether or not a path
// is included is a result of normalpath.EqualsOrContainsPath.
// If a root relative file path does not exist, this errors.
func ImageWithOnlyPaths(
image Image,
paths []string,
excludePaths []string,
) (Image, error) {
return imageWithOnlyPaths(image, paths, excludePaths, false)
// ImageWithOnlyPathsAllowNotExist returns a copy of the Image that only includes the files
// with the given root relative file paths.
// Note that paths can be either files or directories - whether or not a path
// is included is a result of normalpath.EqualsOrContainsPath.
// If a root relative file path does not exist, this skips this path.
func ImageWithOnlyPathsAllowNotExist(
image Image,
paths []string,
excludePaths []string,
) (Image, error) {
return imageWithOnlyPaths(image, paths, excludePaths, true)
// ImageByDir returns multiple images that have non-imports split
// by directory.
// That is, each Image will only contain a single directory's files
// as it's non-imports, along with all required imports for the
// files in that directory.
func ImageByDir(image Image) ([]Image, error) {
imageFiles := image.Files()
paths := make([]string, 0, len(imageFiles))
for _, imageFile := range imageFiles {
if !imageFile.IsImport() {
paths = append(paths, imageFile.Path())
dirToPaths := normalpath.ByDir(paths...)
// we need this to produce a deterministic order of the returned Images
dirs := make([]string, 0, len(dirToPaths))
for dir := range dirToPaths {
dirs = append(dirs, dir)
newImages := make([]Image, 0, len(dirToPaths))
for _, dir := range dirs {
paths, ok := dirToPaths[dir]
if !ok {
// this should never happen
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no dir for %q in dirToPaths", dir)
newImage, err := ImageWithOnlyPaths(image, paths, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
newImages = append(newImages, newImage)
return newImages, nil
// ImageToProtoImage returns a new ProtoImage for the Image.
func ImageToProtoImage(image Image) *imagev1.Image {
imageFiles := image.Files()
protoImage := &imagev1.Image{
File: make([]*imagev1.ImageFile, len(imageFiles)),
for i, imageFile := range imageFiles {
protoImage.File[i] = imageFileToProtoImageFile(imageFile)
return protoImage
// ImageToFileDescriptorSet returns a new FileDescriptorSet for the Image.
func ImageToFileDescriptorSet(image Image) *descriptorpb.FileDescriptorSet {
return protodescriptor.FileDescriptorSetForFileDescriptors(ImageToFileDescriptors(image)...)
// ImageToFileDescriptors returns the FileDescriptors for the Image.
func ImageToFileDescriptors(image Image) []protodescriptor.FileDescriptor {
return imageFilesToFileDescriptors(image.Files())
// ImageToFileDescriptorProtos returns the FileDescriptorProtos for the Image.
func ImageToFileDescriptorProtos(image Image) []*descriptorpb.FileDescriptorProto {
return imageFilesToFileDescriptorProtos(image.Files())
// ImageToCodeGeneratorRequest returns a new CodeGeneratorRequest for the Image.
// All non-imports are added as files to generate.
// If includeImports is set, all non-well-known-type imports are also added as files to generate.
// If includeWellKnownTypes is set, well-known-type imports are also added as files to generate.
// includeWellKnownTypes has no effect if includeImports is not set.
func ImageToCodeGeneratorRequest(
image Image,
parameter string,
compilerVersion *pluginpb.Version,
includeImports bool,
includeWellKnownTypes bool,
) *pluginpb.CodeGeneratorRequest {
return imageToCodeGeneratorRequest(
// ImagesToCodeGeneratorRequests converts the Images to CodeGeneratorRequests.
// All non-imports are added as files to generate.
// If includeImports is set, all non-well-known-type imports are also added as files to generate.
// If includeImports is set, only one CodeGeneratorRequest will contain any given file as a FileToGenerate.
// If includeWellKnownTypes is set, well-known-type imports are also added as files to generate.
// includeWellKnownTypes has no effect if includeImports is not set.
func ImagesToCodeGeneratorRequests(
images []Image,
parameter string,
compilerVersion *pluginpb.Version,
includeImports bool,
includeWellKnownTypes bool,
) []*pluginpb.CodeGeneratorRequest {
requests := make([]*pluginpb.CodeGeneratorRequest, len(images))
// alreadyUsedPaths is a map of paths that have already been added to an image.
// We track this if includeImports is set, so that when we find an import, we can
// see if the import was already added to a CodeGeneratorRequest via another Image
// in the Image slice. If the import was already added, we do not add duplicates
// across CodeGeneratorRequests.
var alreadyUsedPaths map[string]struct{}
// nonImportPaths is a map of non-import paths.
// We track this if includeImports is set. If we find a non-import file in Image A
// and this file is an import in Image B, the file will have already been added to
// a CodeGeneratorRequest via Image A, so do not add the duplicate to any other
// CodeGeneratorRequest.
var nonImportPaths map[string]struct{}
if includeImports {
// We don't need to track these if includeImports is false, so we only populate
// the maps if includeImports is true. If includeImports is false, only non-imports
// will be added to each CodeGeneratorRequest, so figuring out whether or not
// we should add a given import to a given CodeGeneratorRequest is unnecessary.
// imageToCodeGeneratorRequest checks if these maps are nil before every access.
alreadyUsedPaths = make(map[string]struct{})
nonImportPaths = make(map[string]struct{})
for _, image := range images {
for _, imageFile := range image.Files() {
if !imageFile.IsImport() {
nonImportPaths[imageFile.Path()] = struct{}{}
for i, image := range images {
requests[i] = imageToCodeGeneratorRequest(
return requests
// ProtoImageToFileDescriptors returns the FileDescriptors for the proto Image.
func ProtoImageToFileDescriptors(protoImage *imagev1.Image) []protodescriptor.FileDescriptor {
return protoImageFilesToFileDescriptors(protoImage.File)
// ImageDependency is a dependency of an image.
// This could conceivably be part of ImageFile or bufmoduleref.FileInfo.
// For ImageFile, this would be a field that is ignored when translated to proto,
// and is calculated on creation from proto. IsImport would become ImportType.
// You could go a step further and make this optionally part of the proto definition.
// You could even go down to bufmoduleref.FileInfo if you used the AST, but this
// could be error prone.
// However, for simplicity now (and to not rewrite the whole codebase), we make
// this a separate type that is calculated off of an Image after the fact.
// If this became part of ImageFile or bufmoduleref.FileInfo, you would get
// all the ImageDependencies from the ImageFiles, and then sort | uniq them
// to get the ImageDependencies for an Image. This would remove the requirement
// of this associated type to have a ModuleIdentity and commit, so in
// the IsDirect example below, d.proto would not be "ignored" - it would
// be an ImageFile like any other, with ImportType DIRECT.
// Note that if we ever do this, there is validation in newImage that enforces
// that all ImageFiles with the same ModuleIdentity have the same commit. This
// validation will likely have to be moved around.
type ImageModuleDependency interface {
// String() returns remote/owner/repository[:commit].
// Required. Will never be nil.
ModuleIdentity() bufmoduleref.ModuleIdentity
// Optional. May be empty.
Commit() string
// IsDirect returns true if the dependency is a direct dependency.
// A dependency is direct if it is only an import of non-imports in the image.
// Example:
// a.proto, module, is non-import, imports b.proto
// b.proto, module, is import, imports c.proto
// c.proto, module, is import
// In this case, the list would contain only, as
// for a.proto is a non-import, and for c.proto is only imported
// by an import
IsDirect() bool
// ImageModuleDependency returns all ImageModuleDependencies for the Image.
// Does not return any ImageModuleDependencies for non-imports, that is the
// ModuleIdentities and commits represented by non-imports are not represented
// in this list.
func ImageModuleDependencies(image Image) []ImageModuleDependency {
importsOfNonImports := make(map[string]struct{})
for _, imageFile := range image.Files() {
if !imageFile.IsImport() {
for _, dependency := range imageFile.FileDescriptor().GetDependency() {
importsOfNonImports[dependency] = struct{}{}
// We know that all ImageFiles with the same ModuleIdentity
// have the same commit or no commit, so using String() will properly identify
// unique dependencies.
stringToImageModuleDependency := make(map[string]ImageModuleDependency)
for _, imageFile := range image.Files() {
if imageFile.IsImport() {
if moduleIdentity := imageFile.ModuleIdentity(); moduleIdentity != nil {
_, isDirect := importsOfNonImports[imageFile.Path()]
imageModuleDependency := newImageModuleDependency(
stringToImageModuleDependency[imageModuleDependency.String()] = imageModuleDependency
imageModuleDependencies := make([]ImageModuleDependency, 0, len(stringToImageModuleDependency))
for _, imageModuleDependency := range stringToImageModuleDependency {
imageModuleDependencies = append(
return imageModuleDependencies
type newImageForProtoOptions struct {
noReparse bool
computeUnusedImports bool
func reparseImageProto(protoImage *imagev1.Image, computeUnusedImports bool) error {
// TODO right now, NewResolver sets AllowUnresolvable to true all the time
// we want to make this into a check, and we verify if we need this for the individual command
resolver := protoencoding.NewLazyResolver(
if err := protoencoding.ReparseUnrecognized(resolver, protoImage.ProtoReflect()); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not reparse image: %v", err)
if computeUnusedImports {
tracker := &importTracker{
resolver: resolver,
used: map[string]map[string]struct{}{},
// Now we can populated list of unused dependencies
for _, file := range protoImage.File {
bufExt := file.BufExtension
if bufExt == nil {
bufExt = &imagev1.ImageFileExtension{}
file.BufExtension = bufExt
bufExt.UnusedDependency = nil // reset
usedImports := tracker.used[file.GetName()]
for i, dep := range file.Dependency {
if _, ok := usedImports[dep]; !ok {
// it's fine if it's public
isPublic := false
for _, publicDepIndex := range file.PublicDependency {
if i == int(publicDepIndex) {
isPublic = true
if !isPublic {
bufExt.UnusedDependency = append(bufExt.UnusedDependency, int32(i))
return nil