blob: 82fc0a61785bc3aa72da2ddc5759f9056fd625d9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package buflintcheck impelements the check functions.
// These are used by buflintbuild to create RuleBuilders.
package buflintcheck
import (
import (
const (
// CommentIgnorePrefix is the comment ignore prefix.
// Comments with this prefix do not count towards valid comments in the comment checkers.
// This is also used in buflint when constructing a new Runner, and is passed to the
// RunnerWithIgnorePrefix option.
CommentIgnorePrefix = "buf:lint:ignore"
var (
// CheckCommentEnum is a check function.
CheckCommentEnum = newEnumCheckFunc(checkCommentEnum)
// CheckCommentEnumValue is a check function.
CheckCommentEnumValue = newEnumValueCheckFunc(checkCommentEnumValue)
// CheckCommentField is a check function.
CheckCommentField = newFieldCheckFunc(checkCommentField)
// CheckCommentMessage is a check function.
CheckCommentMessage = newMessageCheckFunc(checkCommentMessage)
// CheckCommentOneof is a check function.
CheckCommentOneof = newOneofCheckFunc(checkCommentOneof)
// CheckCommentService is a check function.
CheckCommentService = newServiceCheckFunc(checkCommentService)
// CheckCommentRPC is a check function.
CheckCommentRPC = newMethodCheckFunc(checkCommentRPC)
func checkCommentEnum(add addFunc, value protosource.Enum) error {
return checkCommentNamedDescriptor(add, value, "Enum")
func checkCommentEnumValue(add addFunc, value protosource.EnumValue) error {
return checkCommentNamedDescriptor(add, value, "Enum value")
func checkCommentField(add addFunc, value protosource.Field) error {
return checkCommentNamedDescriptor(add, value, "Field")
func checkCommentMessage(add addFunc, value protosource.Message) error {
return checkCommentNamedDescriptor(add, value, "Message")
func checkCommentOneof(add addFunc, value protosource.Oneof) error {
return checkCommentNamedDescriptor(add, value, "Oneof")
func checkCommentRPC(add addFunc, value protosource.Method) error {
return checkCommentNamedDescriptor(add, value, "RPC")
func checkCommentService(add addFunc, value protosource.Service) error {
return checkCommentNamedDescriptor(add, value, "Service")
func checkCommentNamedDescriptor(
add addFunc,
namedDescriptor protosource.NamedDescriptor,
typeName string,
) error {
location := namedDescriptor.Location()
if location == nil {
// this will magically skip map entry fields as well as a side-effect, although originally unintended
return nil
if !validLeadingComment(location.LeadingComments()) {
add(namedDescriptor, location, nil, "%s %q should have a non-empty comment for documentation.", typeName, namedDescriptor.Name())
return nil
// CheckDirectorySamePackage is a check function.
var CheckDirectorySamePackage = newDirToFilesCheckFunc(checkDirectorySamePackage)
func checkDirectorySamePackage(add addFunc, dirPath string, files []protosource.File) error {
pkgMap := make(map[string]struct{})
for _, file := range files {
// works for no package set as this will result in "" which is a valid map key
pkgMap[file.Package()] = struct{}{}
if len(pkgMap) > 1 {
var messagePrefix string
if _, ok := pkgMap[""]; ok {
delete(pkgMap, "")
if len(pkgMap) > 1 {
messagePrefix = fmt.Sprintf("Multiple packages %q and file with no package", strings.Join(stringutil.MapToSortedSlice(pkgMap), ","))
} else {
// Join works with only one element as well by adding no comma
messagePrefix = fmt.Sprintf("Package %q and file with no package", strings.Join(stringutil.MapToSortedSlice(pkgMap), ","))
} else {
messagePrefix = fmt.Sprintf("Multiple packages %q", strings.Join(stringutil.MapToSortedSlice(pkgMap), ","))
for _, file := range files {
add(file, file.PackageLocation(), nil, "%s detected within directory %q.", messagePrefix, dirPath)
return nil
// CheckEnumNoAllowAlias is a check function.
var CheckEnumNoAllowAlias = newEnumCheckFunc(checkEnumNoAllowAlias)
func checkEnumNoAllowAlias(add addFunc, enum protosource.Enum) error {
if enum.AllowAlias() {
add(enum, enum.AllowAliasLocation(), nil, `Enum option "allow_alias" on enum %q must be false.`, enum.Name())
return nil
// CheckEnumPascalCase is a check function.
var CheckEnumPascalCase = newEnumCheckFunc(checkEnumPascalCase)
func checkEnumPascalCase(add addFunc, enum protosource.Enum) error {
name := enum.Name()
expectedName := stringutil.ToPascalCase(name)
if name != expectedName {
add(enum, enum.NameLocation(), nil, "Enum name %q should be PascalCase, such as %q.", name, expectedName)
return nil
// CheckEnumFirstValueZero is a check function.
var CheckEnumFirstValueZero = newEnumCheckFunc(checkEnumFirstValueZero)
func checkEnumFirstValueZero(add addFunc, enum protosource.Enum) error {
if values := enum.Values(); len(values) > 0 {
if firstEnumValue := values[0]; firstEnumValue.Number() != 0 {
// proto3 compilation references the number
// also check the name location for this comment ignore, as the number location might not have the comment
// see
// also check the enum for this comment ignore
// this allows users to set this "globally" for an enum
// see
"First enum value %q should have a numeric value of 0",
return nil
// CheckEnumValuePrefix is a check function.
var CheckEnumValuePrefix = newEnumValueCheckFunc(checkEnumValuePrefix)
func checkEnumValuePrefix(add addFunc, enumValue protosource.EnumValue) error {
name := enumValue.Name()
expectedPrefix := fieldToUpperSnakeCase(enumValue.Enum().Name()) + "_"
if !strings.HasPrefix(name, expectedPrefix) {
// also check the enum for this comment ignore
// this allows users to set this "globally" for an enum
// this came up in
"Enum value name %q should be prefixed with %q.",
return nil
// CheckEnumValueUpperSnakeCase is a check function.
var CheckEnumValueUpperSnakeCase = newEnumValueCheckFunc(checkEnumValueUpperSnakeCase)
func checkEnumValueUpperSnakeCase(add addFunc, enumValue protosource.EnumValue) error {
name := enumValue.Name()
expectedName := fieldToUpperSnakeCase(name)
if name != expectedName {
// also check the enum for this comment ignore
// this allows users to set this "globally" for an enum
"Enum value name %q should be UPPER_SNAKE_CASE, such as %q.",
return nil
// CheckEnumZeroValueSuffix is a check function.
var CheckEnumZeroValueSuffix = func(
id string,
ignoreFunc internal.IgnoreFunc,
files []protosource.File,
suffix string,
) ([]bufanalysis.FileAnnotation, error) {
return newEnumValueCheckFunc(
func(add addFunc, enumValue protosource.EnumValue) error {
return checkEnumZeroValueSuffix(add, enumValue, suffix)
)(id, ignoreFunc, files)
func checkEnumZeroValueSuffix(add addFunc, enumValue protosource.EnumValue, suffix string) error {
if enumValue.Number() != 0 {
return nil
name := enumValue.Name()
if !strings.HasSuffix(name, suffix) {
// also check the enum for this comment ignore
// this allows users to set this "globally" for an enum
"Enum zero value name %q should be suffixed with %q.",
return nil
// CheckFieldLowerSnakeCase is a check function.
var CheckFieldLowerSnakeCase = newFieldCheckFunc(checkFieldLowerSnakeCase)
func checkFieldLowerSnakeCase(add addFunc, field protosource.Field) error {
message := field.Message()
if message == nil {
// just a sanity check
return errors.New("field.Message() was nil")
if message.IsMapEntry() {
// this check should always pass anyways but just in case
return nil
name := field.Name()
expectedName := fieldToLowerSnakeCase(name)
if name != expectedName {
// also check the message for this comment ignore
// this allows users to set this "globally" for a message
"Field name %q should be lower_snake_case, such as %q.",
return nil
// CheckFieldNoDescriptor is a check function.
var CheckFieldNoDescriptor = newFieldCheckFunc(checkFieldNoDescriptor)
func checkFieldNoDescriptor(add addFunc, field protosource.Field) error {
name := field.Name()
if strings.ToLower(strings.Trim(name, "_")) == "descriptor" {
// also check the message for this comment ignore
// this allows users to set this "globally" for a message
`Field name %q cannot be any capitalization of "descriptor" with any number of prefix or suffix underscores.`,
return nil
// CheckFileLowerSnakeCase is a check function.
var CheckFileLowerSnakeCase = newFileCheckFunc(checkFileLowerSnakeCase)
func checkFileLowerSnakeCase(add addFunc, file protosource.File) error {
filename := file.Path()
base := normalpath.Base(filename)
ext := normalpath.Ext(filename)
baseWithoutExt := strings.TrimSuffix(base, ext)
expectedBaseWithoutExt := stringutil.ToLowerSnakeCase(baseWithoutExt)
if baseWithoutExt != expectedBaseWithoutExt {
add(file, nil, nil, `Filename %q should be lower_snake_case%s, such as "%s%s".`, base, ext, expectedBaseWithoutExt, ext)
return nil
var (
// CheckImportNoPublic is a check function.
CheckImportNoPublic = newFileImportCheckFunc(checkImportNoPublic)
// CheckImportNoWeak is a check function.
CheckImportNoWeak = newFileImportCheckFunc(checkImportNoWeak)
// CheckImportUsed is a check function.
CheckImportUsed = newFileImportCheckFunc(checkImportUsed)
func checkImportNoPublic(add addFunc, fileImport protosource.FileImport) error {
return checkImportNoPublicWeak(add, fileImport, fileImport.IsPublic(), "public")
func checkImportNoWeak(add addFunc, fileImport protosource.FileImport) error {
return checkImportNoPublicWeak(add, fileImport, fileImport.IsWeak(), "weak")
func checkImportNoPublicWeak(add addFunc, fileImport protosource.FileImport, value bool, name string) error {
if value {
add(fileImport, fileImport.Location(), nil, `Import %q must not be %s.`, fileImport.Import(), name)
return nil
func checkImportUsed(add addFunc, fileImport protosource.FileImport) error {
if fileImport.IsUnused() {
add(fileImport, fileImport.Location(), nil, `Import %q is unused.`, fileImport.Import())
return nil
// CheckMessagePascalCase is a check function.
var CheckMessagePascalCase = newMessageCheckFunc(checkMessagePascalCase)
func checkMessagePascalCase(add addFunc, message protosource.Message) error {
if message.IsMapEntry() {
// map entries should always be pascal case but we don't want to check them anyways
return nil
name := message.Name()
expectedName := stringutil.ToPascalCase(name)
if name != expectedName {
add(message, message.NameLocation(), nil, "Message name %q should be PascalCase, such as %q.", name, expectedName)
return nil
// CheckOneofLowerSnakeCase is a check function.
var CheckOneofLowerSnakeCase = newOneofCheckFunc(checkOneofLowerSnakeCase)
func checkOneofLowerSnakeCase(add addFunc, oneof protosource.Oneof) error {
name := oneof.Name()
expectedName := fieldToLowerSnakeCase(name)
if name != expectedName {
// if this is an implicit oneof for a proto3 optional field, do not error
if fields := oneof.Fields(); len(fields) == 1 {
if fields[0].Proto3Optional() {
return nil
// also check the message for this comment ignore
// this allows users to set this "globally" for a message
"Oneof name %q should be lower_snake_case, such as %q.",
return nil
// CheckPackageDefined is a check function.
var CheckPackageDefined = newFileCheckFunc(checkPackageDefined)
func checkPackageDefined(add addFunc, file protosource.File) error {
if file.Package() == "" {
add(file, nil, nil, "Files must have a package defined.")
return nil
// CheckPackageDirectoryMatch is a check function.
var CheckPackageDirectoryMatch = newFileCheckFunc(checkPackageDirectoryMatch)
func checkPackageDirectoryMatch(add addFunc, file protosource.File) error {
pkg := file.Package()
if pkg == "" {
return nil
expectedDirPath := strings.ReplaceAll(pkg, ".", "/")
dirPath := normalpath.Dir(file.Path())
// need to check case where in root relative directory and no package defined
// this should be valid although if SENSIBLE is turned on this will be invalid
if dirPath != expectedDirPath {
add(file, file.PackageLocation(), nil, `Files with package %q must be within a directory "%s" relative to root but were in directory "%s".`, pkg, normalpath.Unnormalize(expectedDirPath), normalpath.Unnormalize(dirPath))
return nil
// CheckPackageLowerSnakeCase is a check function.
var CheckPackageLowerSnakeCase = newFileCheckFunc(checkPackageLowerSnakeCase)
func checkPackageLowerSnakeCase(add addFunc, file protosource.File) error {
pkg := file.Package()
if pkg == "" {
return nil
split := strings.Split(pkg, ".")
for i, elem := range split {
split[i] = stringutil.ToLowerSnakeCase(elem)
expectedPkg := strings.Join(split, ".")
if pkg != expectedPkg {
add(file, file.PackageLocation(), nil, "Package name %q should be, such as %q.", pkg, expectedPkg)
return nil
// CheckPackageNoImportCycle is a check function.
var CheckPackageNoImportCycle = newFilesCheckFunc(checkPackageNoImportCycle)
func checkPackageNoImportCycle(add addFunc, files []protosource.File) error {
packageToDirectlyImportedPackageToFileImports, err := protosource.PackageToDirectlyImportedPackageToFileImports(files...)
if err != nil {
return err
// This is way more algorithmically complex than it needs to be.
// We're doing a DFS starting at each package. What we should do is start from any package,
// do the DFS and keep track of the packages hit, and then don't ever do DFS from a given
// package twice. The problem is is that with the current janky package -> direct -> file imports
// setup, we would then end up with error messages like "import cycle: a -> b -> c -> b", and
// attach the error message to a file with package a, and we want to just print "b -> c -> b".
// So to get this to market, we just do a DFS from each package.
// This may prove to be too expensive but early testing say it is not so far.
for pkg := range packageToDirectlyImportedPackageToFileImports {
// Can equal "" per the function signature of PackageToDirectlyImportedPackageToFileImports
if pkg == "" {
// Go one deep in the potential import cycle so that we can get the file imports
// we want to potentially attach errors to.
// We know that pkg is never equal to directlyImportedPackage due to the signature
// of PackageToDirectlyImportedPackageToFileImports.
for directlyImportedPackage, fileImports := range packageToDirectlyImportedPackageToFileImports[pkg] {
// Can equal "" per the function signature of PackageToDirectlyImportedPackageToFileImports
if directlyImportedPackage == "" {
if importCycle := getImportCycleIfExists(
pkg: {},
); len(importCycle) > 0 {
for _, fileImport := range fileImports {
add(fileImport, fileImport.Location(), nil, `Package import cycle: %s`, strings.Join(importCycle, ` -> `))
return nil
// CheckPackageSameDirectory is a check function.
var CheckPackageSameDirectory = newPackageToFilesCheckFunc(checkPackageSameDirectory)
func checkPackageSameDirectory(add addFunc, pkg string, files []protosource.File) error {
dirMap := make(map[string]struct{})
for _, file := range files {
dirMap[normalpath.Dir(file.Path())] = struct{}{}
if len(dirMap) > 1 {
dirs := stringutil.MapToSortedSlice(dirMap)
for _, file := range files {
add(file, file.PackageLocation(), nil, "Multiple directories %q contain files with package %q.", strings.Join(dirs, ","), pkg)
return nil
var (
// CheckPackageSameCsharpNamespace is a check function.
CheckPackageSameCsharpNamespace = newPackageToFilesCheckFunc(checkPackageSameCsharpNamespace)
// CheckPackageSameGoPackage is a check function.
CheckPackageSameGoPackage = newPackageToFilesCheckFunc(checkPackageSameGoPackage)
// CheckPackageSameJavaMultipleFiles is a check function.
CheckPackageSameJavaMultipleFiles = newPackageToFilesCheckFunc(checkPackageSameJavaMultipleFiles)
// CheckPackageSameJavaPackage is a check function.
CheckPackageSameJavaPackage = newPackageToFilesCheckFunc(checkPackageSameJavaPackage)
// CheckPackageSamePhpNamespace is a check function.
CheckPackageSamePhpNamespace = newPackageToFilesCheckFunc(checkPackageSamePhpNamespace)
// CheckPackageSameRubyPackage is a check function.
CheckPackageSameRubyPackage = newPackageToFilesCheckFunc(checkPackageSameRubyPackage)
// CheckPackageSameSwiftPrefix is a check function.
CheckPackageSameSwiftPrefix = newPackageToFilesCheckFunc(checkPackageSameSwiftPrefix)
func checkPackageSameCsharpNamespace(add addFunc, pkg string, files []protosource.File) error {
return checkPackageSameOptionValue(add, pkg, files, protosource.File.CsharpNamespace, protosource.File.CsharpNamespaceLocation, "csharp_namespace")
func checkPackageSameGoPackage(add addFunc, pkg string, files []protosource.File) error {
return checkPackageSameOptionValue(add, pkg, files, protosource.File.GoPackage, protosource.File.GoPackageLocation, "go_package")
func checkPackageSameJavaMultipleFiles(add addFunc, pkg string, files []protosource.File) error {
return checkPackageSameOptionValue(
func(file protosource.File) string {
return strconv.FormatBool(file.JavaMultipleFiles())
func checkPackageSameJavaPackage(add addFunc, pkg string, files []protosource.File) error {
return checkPackageSameOptionValue(add, pkg, files, protosource.File.JavaPackage, protosource.File.JavaPackageLocation, "java_package")
func checkPackageSamePhpNamespace(add addFunc, pkg string, files []protosource.File) error {
return checkPackageSameOptionValue(add, pkg, files, protosource.File.PhpNamespace, protosource.File.PhpNamespaceLocation, "php_namespace")
func checkPackageSameRubyPackage(add addFunc, pkg string, files []protosource.File) error {
return checkPackageSameOptionValue(add, pkg, files, protosource.File.RubyPackage, protosource.File.RubyPackageLocation, "ruby_package")
func checkPackageSameSwiftPrefix(add addFunc, pkg string, files []protosource.File) error {
return checkPackageSameOptionValue(add, pkg, files, protosource.File.SwiftPrefix, protosource.File.SwiftPrefixLocation, "swift_prefix")
func checkPackageSameOptionValue(
add addFunc,
pkg string,
files []protosource.File,
getOptionValue func(protosource.File) string,
getOptionLocation func(protosource.File) protosource.Location,
name string,
) error {
optionValueMap := make(map[string]struct{})
for _, file := range files {
optionValueMap[getOptionValue(file)] = struct{}{}
if len(optionValueMap) > 1 {
_, noOptionValue := optionValueMap[""]
delete(optionValueMap, "")
optionValues := stringutil.MapToSortedSlice(optionValueMap)
for _, file := range files {
if noOptionValue {
add(file, getOptionLocation(file), nil, "Files in package %q have both values %q and no value for option %q and all values must be equal.", pkg, strings.Join(optionValues, ","), name)
} else {
add(file, getOptionLocation(file), nil, "Files in package %q have multiple values %q for option %q and all values must be equal.", pkg, strings.Join(optionValues, ","), name)
return nil
// CheckPackageVersionSuffix is a check function.
var CheckPackageVersionSuffix = newFileCheckFunc(checkPackageVersionSuffix)
func checkPackageVersionSuffix(add addFunc, file protosource.File) error {
pkg := file.Package()
if pkg == "" {
return nil
if _, ok := protoversion.NewPackageVersionForPackage(pkg); !ok {
add(file, file.PackageLocation(), nil, `Package name %q should be suffixed with a correctly formed version, such as %q.`, pkg, pkg+".v1")
return nil
// CheckRPCNoClientStreaming is a check function.
var CheckRPCNoClientStreaming = newMethodCheckFunc(checkRPCNoClientStreaming)
func checkRPCNoClientStreaming(add addFunc, method protosource.Method) error {
if method.ClientStreaming() {
// also check the service for this comment ignore
// this allows users to set this "globally" for a service
"RPC %q is client streaming.",
return nil
// CheckRPCNoServerStreaming is a check function.
var CheckRPCNoServerStreaming = newMethodCheckFunc(checkRPCNoServerStreaming)
func checkRPCNoServerStreaming(add addFunc, method protosource.Method) error {
if method.ServerStreaming() {
// also check the service for this comment ignore
// this allows users to set this "globally" for a service
"RPC %q is server streaming.",
return nil
// CheckRPCPascalCase is a check function.
var CheckRPCPascalCase = newMethodCheckFunc(checkRPCPascalCase)
func checkRPCPascalCase(add addFunc, method protosource.Method) error {
name := method.Name()
expectedName := stringutil.ToPascalCase(name)
if name != expectedName {
// also check the service for this comment ignore
// this allows users to set this "globally" for a service
"RPC name %q should be PascalCase, such as %q.",
return nil
// CheckRPCRequestResponseUnique is a check function.
var CheckRPCRequestResponseUnique = func(
id string,
ignoreFunc internal.IgnoreFunc,
files []protosource.File,
allowSameRequestResponse bool,
allowGoogleProtobufEmptyRequests bool,
allowGoogleProtobufEmptyResponses bool,
) ([]bufanalysis.FileAnnotation, error) {
return newFilesCheckFunc(
func(add addFunc, files []protosource.File) error {
return checkRPCRequestResponseUnique(
)(id, ignoreFunc, files)
func checkRPCRequestResponseUnique(
add addFunc,
files []protosource.File,
allowSameRequestResponse bool,
allowGoogleProtobufEmptyRequests bool,
allowGoogleProtobufEmptyResponses bool,
) error {
allFullNameToMethod, err := protosource.FullNameToMethod(files...)
if err != nil {
return err
// first check if any requests or responses are the same
// if not, we can treat requests and responses equally for checking if more than
// one method uses a type
if !allowSameRequestResponse {
for _, method := range allFullNameToMethod {
if method.InputTypeName() == method.OutputTypeName() {
// if we allow both empty requests and responses, we do not want to add a FileAnnotation
if !(method.InputTypeName() == "google.protobuf.Empty" && allowGoogleProtobufEmptyRequests && allowGoogleProtobufEmptyResponses) {
// also check the service for this comment ignore
// this allows users to set this "globally" for a service
"RPC %q has the same type %q for the request and response.",
// we have now added errors for the same request and response type if applicable
// we can now check methods for unique usage of a given type
requestResponseTypeToFullNameToMethod := make(map[string]map[string]protosource.Method)
for fullName, method := range allFullNameToMethod {
for _, requestResponseType := range []string{method.InputTypeName(), method.OutputTypeName()} {
fullNameToMethod, ok := requestResponseTypeToFullNameToMethod[requestResponseType]
if !ok {
fullNameToMethod = make(map[string]protosource.Method)
requestResponseTypeToFullNameToMethod[requestResponseType] = fullNameToMethod
fullNameToMethod[fullName] = method
for requestResponseType, fullNameToMethod := range requestResponseTypeToFullNameToMethod {
// only this method uses this request or response type, no issue
if len(fullNameToMethod) == 1 {
// if the request or response type is google.protobuf.Empty and we allow this for requests or responses,
// we have to do a harder check
if requestResponseType == "google.protobuf.Empty" && (allowGoogleProtobufEmptyRequests || allowGoogleProtobufEmptyResponses) {
// if both requests and responses can be google.protobuf.Empty, then do not add any error
// else, we check
if !(allowGoogleProtobufEmptyRequests && allowGoogleProtobufEmptyResponses) {
// inside this if statement, one of allowGoogleProtobufEmptyRequests or allowGoogleProtobufEmptyResponses is true
var requestMethods []protosource.Method
var responseMethods []protosource.Method
for _, method := range fullNameToMethod {
if method.InputTypeName() == "google.protobuf.Empty" {
requestMethods = append(requestMethods, method)
if method.OutputTypeName() == "google.protobuf.Empty" {
responseMethods = append(responseMethods, method)
if !allowGoogleProtobufEmptyRequests && len(requestMethods) > 1 {
for _, method := range requestMethods {
// also check the service for this comment ignore
// this allows users to set this "globally" for a service
"%q is used as the request for multiple RPCs.",
if !allowGoogleProtobufEmptyResponses && len(responseMethods) > 1 {
for _, method := range responseMethods {
// also check the service for this comment ignore
// this allows users to set this "globally" for a service
"%q is used as the response for multiple RPCs.",
} else {
// else, we have a duplicate usage of requestResponseType, add an FileAnnotation to each method
for _, method := range fullNameToMethod {
// also check the service for this comment ignore
// this allows users to set this "globally" for a service
"%q is used as the request or response type for multiple RPCs.",
return nil
// CheckRPCRequestStandardName is a check function.
var CheckRPCRequestStandardName = func(
id string,
ignoreFunc internal.IgnoreFunc,
files []protosource.File,
allowGoogleProtobufEmptyRequests bool,
) ([]bufanalysis.FileAnnotation, error) {
return newMethodCheckFunc(
func(add addFunc, method protosource.Method) error {
return checkRPCRequestStandardName(add, method, allowGoogleProtobufEmptyRequests)
)(id, ignoreFunc, files)
func checkRPCRequestStandardName(add addFunc, method protosource.Method, allowGoogleProtobufEmptyRequests bool) error {
service := method.Service()
if service == nil {
return errors.New("method.Service() is nil")
name := method.InputTypeName()
if allowGoogleProtobufEmptyRequests && name == "google.protobuf.Empty" {
return nil
if strings.Contains(name, ".") {
split := strings.Split(name, ".")
name = split[len(split)-1]
expectedName1 := stringutil.ToPascalCase(method.Name()) + "Request"
expectedName2 := stringutil.ToPascalCase(service.Name()) + expectedName1
if name != expectedName1 && name != expectedName2 {
// also check the method and service for this comment ignore
// this came up in
"RPC request type %q should be named %q or %q.",
return nil
// CheckRPCResponseStandardName is a check function.
var CheckRPCResponseStandardName = func(
id string,
ignoreFunc internal.IgnoreFunc,
files []protosource.File,
allowGoogleProtobufEmptyResponses bool,
) ([]bufanalysis.FileAnnotation, error) {
return newMethodCheckFunc(
func(add addFunc, method protosource.Method) error {
return checkRPCResponseStandardName(add, method, allowGoogleProtobufEmptyResponses)
)(id, ignoreFunc, files)
func checkRPCResponseStandardName(add addFunc, method protosource.Method, allowGoogleProtobufEmptyResponses bool) error {
service := method.Service()
if service == nil {
return errors.New("method.Service() is nil")
name := method.OutputTypeName()
if allowGoogleProtobufEmptyResponses && name == "google.protobuf.Empty" {
return nil
if strings.Contains(name, ".") {
split := strings.Split(name, ".")
name = split[len(split)-1]
expectedName1 := stringutil.ToPascalCase(method.Name()) + "Response"
expectedName2 := stringutil.ToPascalCase(service.Name()) + expectedName1
if name != expectedName1 && name != expectedName2 {
// also check the method and service for this comment ignore
// this came up in
"RPC response type %q should be named %q or %q.",
return nil
// CheckServicePascalCase is a check function.
var CheckServicePascalCase = newServiceCheckFunc(checkServicePascalCase)
func checkServicePascalCase(add addFunc, service protosource.Service) error {
name := service.Name()
expectedName := stringutil.ToPascalCase(name)
if name != expectedName {
add(service, service.NameLocation(), nil, "Service name %q should be PascalCase, such as %q.", name, expectedName)
return nil
// CheckServiceSuffix is a check function.
var CheckServiceSuffix = func(
id string,
ignoreFunc internal.IgnoreFunc,
files []protosource.File,
suffix string,
) ([]bufanalysis.FileAnnotation, error) {
return newServiceCheckFunc(
func(add addFunc, service protosource.Service) error {
return checkServiceSuffix(add, service, suffix)
)(id, ignoreFunc, files)
func checkServiceSuffix(add addFunc, service protosource.Service, suffix string) error {
name := service.Name()
if !strings.HasSuffix(name, suffix) {
add(service, service.NameLocation(), nil, "Service name %q should be suffixed with %q.", name, suffix)
return nil
// CheckSyntaxSpecified is a check function.
var CheckSyntaxSpecified = newFileCheckFunc(checkSyntaxSpecified)
func checkSyntaxSpecified(add addFunc, file protosource.File) error {
if file.Syntax() == protosource.SyntaxUnspecified {
add(file, file.SyntaxLocation(), nil, `Files must have a syntax explicitly specified. If no syntax is specified, the file defaults to "proto2".`)
return nil