blob: 02c5c911687b0b60b296c0e3b503828403682a0e [file] [log] [blame]
⏳ Please wait for all the activated components to be deployed.
Core: Admin
Version: {{ .Values.image.tag }}
🔄 Please wait a few minutes for other dependent components to finish deploying.
{{- if .Values.zookeeper.enabled }}
Dependency: ZooKeeper
Version: {{ .Values.zookeeper.image.tag }}
🚨 If you are using the Nacos registry, Please disable Zookeeper and enable Nacos.
Otherwise, Zookeeper is used by default.
🎊 You have enabled the internal Register Center.
{{- else if .Values.nacos.enabled }}
Dependency: Nacos
Version: {{ .Values.nacos.image.tag }}
🎊 You have enabled the internal Register Center.
{{- end }}
{{- if and (eq .Values.zookeeper.enabled false) (eq .Values.nacos.enabled false) }}
Dependency: ❎
🚫 You have disabled the internal Register Center.
Please provide an external Register center to ensure proper service operation.
{{- end }}
{{- if .Values.ingress.enabled }}
Exposer: ✅️
So you should be able to access the website at the following URL:
1. http://{{ .Values.ingress.hosts.admin }}
2. http://{{ .Values.ingress.hosts.prometheus }}
3. http://{{ .Values.ingress.hosts.grafana }}
🎊 You have enabled the internal entrance controller.
{{- else }}
Exposer: ❎
🚫 You have disabled the internal entrance controller.
{{- end }}
{{- if not .Values.persistence.enabled }}
# ⚠ Not enabled for persistent storage. #
# If you have important data, please enable it. #
{{- end }}
🌹 For more details, please visit