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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package util
import (
// TestYAMLEqual judges whether golden and result yaml are the same and return the diff if they are different.
// If this function returns error, it means that golden file or result file could not be formatted.
// eg:
// golden: line
// result: line
// return: true, ""
// golden: lineG
// result: lineR
// return: false, line 1 diff:
// --golden--
// lineG
// --result--
// lineR
// golden: line
// result: line
// lineAdd
// return: false, line 2 to 2:
// --result addition--
// lineAdd
func TestYAMLEqual(golden, result string) (bool, string, error) {
golden = ApplyFilters(golden, LicenseFilter, SpaceLineFilter)
result = ApplyFilters(result, LicenseFilter, SpaceLineFilter)
// do not use FormatterFilter here because we need to know whether manifest could be formatted
var err error
golden, err = formatTestYAML(golden)
if err != nil {
return false, "", fmt.Errorf("golden file format err: %s", err)
result, err = formatTestYAML(result)
if err != nil {
return false, "", fmt.Errorf("result file format err: %s", err)
var diffBuilder strings.Builder
var diffFlag bool
var line int
scannerG := bufio.NewScanner(strings.NewReader(strings.TrimSpace(golden)))
scannerR := bufio.NewScanner(strings.NewReader(strings.TrimSpace(result)))
for scannerG.Scan() && scannerR.Scan() {
line += 1
lineG := scannerG.Text()
lineR := scannerR.Text()
// judge whether lineG and lindR are the same. if not, add this diff line to diffBuilder.
if !isTestYAMLLineEqual(lineG, lineR) {
diffFlag = true
fmt.Sprintf("line %d diff:\n--golden--\n%s\n--result--\n%s\n", line, lineG, lineR),
// additional lines processing
// [lineStart, lineEnd] represents additional lines
// scan golden ends.
if len(scannerG.Text()) == 0 {
var addBuilder strings.Builder
lineStart, lineEnd := line+1, line
for scannerR.Scan() {
lineEnd += 1
addBuilder.WriteString(scannerR.Text() + "\n")
// length of result is equal to length of golden
if lineStart > lineEnd {
// result is equal to golden
if !diffFlag {
return true, "", nil
return false, diffBuilder.String(), nil
// result is longer than golden, we add these additional lines to diffBuilder
fmt.Sprintf("line %d to %d:\n--result addition--\n%s", lineStart, lineEnd, addBuilder.String()),
return false, diffBuilder.String(), nil
// scan result ends, we know that golden is longer than result.
// due to scannerG.Scan has been invoked before, we add the first additional line.
var addBuilder strings.Builder
lineStart, lineEnd := line+1, line+1
addBuilder.WriteString(scannerG.Text() + "\n")
for scannerG.Scan() {
lineEnd += 1
addBuilder.WriteString(scannerG.Text() + "\n")
fmt.Sprintf("line %d to %d:\n--golden addition--\n%s", lineStart, lineEnd, addBuilder.String()),
return false, diffBuilder.String(), nil
func formatTestYAML(original string) (string, error) {
resBytes, err := formatter.Format([]byte(original))
if err != nil {
return "", err
return string(resBytes), nil
func isTestYAMLLineEqual(golden, result string) bool {
keyG, valG, typG := splitKeyVal(golden)
keyR, valR, typR := splitKeyVal(result)
if typG != typR {
return false
if keyG != keyR {
return false
// golden and result strings could not be split by ":", compare them directly
if typG == complete {
return true
if valG == valR {
return true
// valG may contain regular expression
reg, err := regexp.Compile(valG)
if err != nil {
return false
if !reg.MatchString(result) {
return false
return true
type keyValType uint8
const (
// eg: line
complete keyValType = iota + 1
// eg: key:val
// eg: key:val:val
// split key:val format str and return keyValType.
// eg:
// key, it returns key, "", complete.
// key:val, it returns key, val, singlePair
// key:val:val1, it returns key, val:val1, multiPairs;
func splitKeyVal(str string) (string, string, keyValType) {
var key, val string
var typ keyValType
elems := strings.Split(str, ":")
switch len(elems) {
case 1:
key = elems[0]
typ = complete
case 2:
key = elems[0]
val = elems[1]
typ = singlePair
key = elems[0]
val = strings.Join(elems[1:], "")
typ = multiPairs
return strings.TrimSpace(key), strings.TrimSpace(val), typ