blob: fdbfade45e2f8c2f7ada4cd5e4200282c4872255 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package services
import (
manifest2 ""
type PushService interface {
PushManifestAndBlobs(ctx context.Context, userID, ownerName, repositoryName string, fileManifest *manifest2.Manifest, fileBlobs *manifest2.BlobSet) (*model.Commit, e.ResponseError)
PushManifestAndBlobsWithTags(ctx context.Context, userID, ownerName, repositoryName string, fileManifest *manifest2.Manifest, fileBlobs *manifest2.BlobSet, tagNames []string) (*model.Commit, e.ResponseError)
PushManifestAndBlobsWithDraft(ctx context.Context, userID, ownerName, repositoryName string, fileManifest *manifest2.Manifest, fileBlobs *manifest2.BlobSet, draftName string) (*model.Commit, e.ResponseError)
GetManifestAndBlobSet(ctx context.Context, repositoryID string, reference string) (*manifest2.Manifest, *manifest2.BlobSet, e.ResponseError)
type PushServiceImpl struct {
userMapper mapper.UserMapper
repositoryMapper mapper.RepositoryMapper
fileMapper mapper.FileMapper
commitMapper mapper.CommitMapper
tagMapper mapper.TagMapper
storageHelper storage.StorageHelper
func NewPushService() PushService {
return &PushServiceImpl{
userMapper: &mapper.UserMapperImpl{},
repositoryMapper: &mapper.RepositoryMapperImpl{},
commitMapper: &mapper.CommitMapperImpl{},
tagMapper: &mapper.TagMapperImpl{},
fileMapper: &mapper.FileMapperImpl{},
storageHelper: storage.NewStorageHelper(),
func (pushService *PushServiceImpl) GetManifestAndBlobSet(ctx context.Context, repositoryID string, reference string) (*manifest2.Manifest, *manifest2.BlobSet, e.ResponseError) {
// 查询reference对应的commit
commit, err := pushService.commitMapper.FindByRepositoryIDAndReference(repositoryID, reference)
if err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, gorm.ErrRecordNotFound) {
return nil, nil, e.NewNotFoundError(fmt.Errorf("repository %s", repositoryID))
return nil, nil, e.NewInternalError(err)
// 查询文件清单
modelFileManifest, err := pushService.fileMapper.FindCommitManifestByCommitID(commit.CommitID)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, e.NewInternalError(err)
// 接着查询blobs
fileBlobs, err := pushService.fileMapper.FindCommitFilesExceptManifestByCommitID(commit.CommitID)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, e.NewInternalError(err)
// 读取
fileManifest, blobSet, err := pushService.storageHelper.ReadToManifestAndBlobSet(ctx, modelFileManifest, fileBlobs)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, e.NewInternalError(err)
return fileManifest, blobSet, nil
func (pushService *PushServiceImpl) PushManifestAndBlobs(ctx context.Context, userID, ownerName, repositoryName string, fileManifest *manifest2.Manifest, fileBlobs *manifest2.BlobSet) (*model.Commit, e.ResponseError) {
commit, err := pushService.toCommit(ctx, userID, ownerName, repositoryName, fileManifest, fileBlobs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// 写入文件
err = pushService.saveFileManifestAndBlobs(ctx, commit)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// 写入数据库
createErr := pushService.commitMapper.Create(commit)
if createErr != nil {
if errors.Is(createErr, gorm.ErrDuplicatedKey) {
return nil, e.NewInternalError(createErr)
if errors.Is(createErr, mapper.ErrLastCommitDuplicated) {
return nil, e.NewAlreadyExistsError(createErr)
return nil, e.NewInternalError(createErr)
return commit, nil
func (pushService *PushServiceImpl) PushManifestAndBlobsWithTags(ctx context.Context, userID, ownerName, repositoryName string, fileManifest *manifest2.Manifest, fileBlobs *manifest2.BlobSet, tagNames []string) (*model.Commit, e.ResponseError) {
commit, err := pushService.toCommit(ctx, userID, ownerName, repositoryName, fileManifest, fileBlobs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// 生成tags
var tags []*model.Tag
for i := 0; i < len(tagNames); i++ {
tags = append(tags, &model.Tag{
UserID: commit.UserID,
RepositoryID: commit.RepositoryID,
CommitID: commit.CommitID,
TagID: uuid.NewString(),
TagName: tagNames[i],
commit.Tags = tags
// 写入文件
err = pushService.saveFileManifestAndBlobs(ctx, commit)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// 写入commit
createErr := pushService.commitMapper.Create(commit)
if createErr != nil {
if errors.Is(createErr, mapper.ErrTagAndDraftDuplicated) || errors.Is(createErr, gorm.ErrDuplicatedKey) {
return nil, e.NewInternalError(createErr)
if errors.Is(createErr, mapper.ErrLastCommitDuplicated) {
return nil, e.NewAlreadyExistsError(createErr)
return nil, e.NewInternalError(createErr)
// 写入tag
createErr = pushService.tagMapper.CreateInBatch(tags...)
if createErr != nil {
if errors.Is(createErr, mapper.ErrTagAndDraftDuplicated) || errors.Is(createErr, gorm.ErrDuplicatedKey) {
return nil, e.NewInternalError(createErr)
if errors.Is(createErr, mapper.ErrLastCommitDuplicated) {
return nil, e.NewAlreadyExistsError(createErr)
return nil, e.NewInternalError(createErr)
return commit, nil
func (pushService *PushServiceImpl) PushManifestAndBlobsWithDraft(ctx context.Context, userID, ownerName, repositoryName string, fileManifest *manifest2.Manifest, fileBlobs *manifest2.BlobSet, draftName string) (*model.Commit, e.ResponseError) {
commit, err := pushService.toCommit(ctx, userID, ownerName, repositoryName, fileManifest, fileBlobs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
commit.DraftName = draftName
// 写入文件
err = pushService.saveFileManifestAndBlobs(ctx, commit)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
createErr := pushService.commitMapper.Create(commit)
if createErr != nil {
if errors.Is(createErr, mapper.ErrTagAndDraftDuplicated) {
return nil, e.NewInternalError(createErr)
if errors.Is(createErr, mapper.ErrLastCommitDuplicated) {
return nil, e.NewAlreadyExistsError(createErr)
return nil, e.NewInternalError(createErr)
return commit, nil
func (pushService *PushServiceImpl) toCommit(ctx context.Context, userID, ownerName, repositoryName string, fileManifest *manifest2.Manifest, fileBlobs *manifest2.BlobSet) (*model.Commit, e.ResponseError) {
// 获取user
user, err := pushService.userMapper.FindByUserID(userID)
if err != nil || user.UserName != ownerName {
return nil, e.NewPermissionDeniedError(err)
// 获取repo
repository, err := pushService.repositoryMapper.FindByUserNameAndRepositoryName(ownerName, repositoryName)
if err != nil {
return nil, e.NewNotFoundError(err)
commitID := uuid.NewString()
commitName := security.GenerateCommitName(user.UserName, repositoryName)
createTime := time.Now()
// 生成file blobs
modelBlobs := make([]*model.CommitFile, 0, len(fileManifest.Paths()))
err = fileManifest.Range(func(path string, digest manifest2.Digest) error {
// 读取文件内容
blob, ok := fileBlobs.BlobFor(digest.String())
if !ok {
return e.NewInvalidArgumentError(fmt.Errorf("blob is not valid"))
readCloser, err := blob.Open(ctx)
if err != nil {
return e.NewInternalError(err)
content, err := io.ReadAll(readCloser)
if err != nil {
return e.NewInternalError(err)
modelBlobs = append(modelBlobs, &model.CommitFile{
Digest: digest.Hex(),
CommitID: commitID,
FileName: path,
Content: content,
UserID: user.UserID,
UserName: user.UserName,
RepositoryID: repository.RepositoryID,
RepositoryName: repository.RepositoryName,
CommitName: commitName,
CreatedTime: createTime,
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, e.NewInternalError(err)
// 生成manifest
fileManifestBlob, err := fileManifest.Blob()
if err != nil {
return nil, e.NewInternalError(err)
readCloser, err := fileManifestBlob.Open(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, e.NewInternalError(err)
content, err := io.ReadAll(readCloser)
if err != nil {
return nil, e.NewInternalError(err)
modelFileManifest := &model.CommitFile{
ID: 0,
Digest: fileManifestBlob.Digest().Hex(),
CommitID: commitID,
Content: content,
UserID: user.UserID,
UserName: user.UserName,
RepositoryID: repository.RepositoryID,
RepositoryName: repository.RepositoryName,
CommitName: commitName,
CreatedTime: createTime,
// 获取bufman config blob
configBlob, err := pushService.storageHelper.GetBufManConfigFromBlob(ctx, fileManifest, fileBlobs)
if err != nil {
return nil, e.NewInternalError(err)
documentBlob, licenseBlob, err := pushService.storageHelper.GetDocumentAndLicenseFromBlob(ctx, fileManifest, fileBlobs)
if err != nil {
return nil, e.NewInternalError(err)
commit := &model.Commit{
UserID: user.UserID,
UserName: user.UserName,
RepositoryID: repository.RepositoryID,
RepositoryName: repositoryName,
CommitID: commitID,
CommitName: commitName,
CreatedTime: createTime,
ManifestDigest: fileManifestBlob.Digest().Hex(),
SequenceID: 0,
CommitManifest: modelFileManifest,
CommitFiles: modelBlobs,
if configBlob != nil {
commit.BufManConfigDigest = configBlob.Digest().Hex()
if documentBlob != nil {
commit.DocumentDigest = documentBlob.Digest().Hex()
if licenseBlob != nil {
commit.LicenseDigest = licenseBlob.Digest().Hex()
return commit, nil
func (pushService *PushServiceImpl) saveFileManifestAndBlobs(ctx context.Context, commit *model.Commit) e.ResponseError {
// 保存file blobs
for i := 0; i < len(commit.CommitFiles); i++ {
fileBlob := commit.CommitFiles[i]
// 如果是README文件
if fileBlob.Digest == commit.DocumentDigest {
err := pushService.storageHelper.StoreDocumentation(ctx, fileBlob)
if err != nil {
return e.NewInternalError(err)
// 普通文件
err := pushService.storageHelper.StoreBlob(ctx, fileBlob)
if err != nil {
return e.NewInternalError(err)
// 保存file manifest
err := pushService.storageHelper.StoreManifest(ctx, commit.CommitManifest)
if err != nil {
return e.NewInternalError(err)
return nil