blob: 49e1d110e4be259bcfa0d4b57f71f221e310527c [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package protosource
import (
type optionExtensionDescriptor struct {
message proto.Message
optionsPath []int32
locationStore *locationStore
func newOptionExtensionDescriptor(message proto.Message, optionsPath []int32, locationStore *locationStore) optionExtensionDescriptor {
return optionExtensionDescriptor{
message: message,
optionsPath: optionsPath,
locationStore: locationStore,
func (o *optionExtensionDescriptor) OptionExtension(extensionType protoreflect.ExtensionType) (interface{}, bool) {
if extensionType.TypeDescriptor().ContainingMessage().FullName() != o.message.ProtoReflect().Descriptor().FullName() {
return nil, false
if !proto.HasExtension(o.message, extensionType) {
return nil, false
return proto.GetExtension(o.message, extensionType), true
func (o *optionExtensionDescriptor) OptionExtensionLocation(extensionType protoreflect.ExtensionType, extraPath ...int32) Location {
if extensionType.TypeDescriptor().ContainingMessage().FullName() != o.message.ProtoReflect().Descriptor().FullName() {
return nil
if o.locationStore == nil {
return nil
path := make([]int32, len(o.optionsPath), len(o.optionsPath)+1+len(extraPath))
copy(path, o.optionsPath)
path = append(path, int32(extensionType.TypeDescriptor().Number()))
extensionPathLen := len(path) // length of path to extension (without extraPath)
path = append(path, extraPath...)
loc := o.locationStore.getLocation(path)
if loc != nil {
// Found an exact match!
return loc
// "Fuzzy" search: find a location whose path is at least extensionPathLen long,
// preferring the longest matching ancestor path (i.e. as many extraPath elements
// as can be found). If we find a *sub*path (a descendant path, that points INTO
// the path we are trying to find), use the first such one encountered.
var bestMatch *descriptorpb.SourceCodeInfo_Location
var bestMatchPathLen int
for _, loc := range o.locationStore.sourceCodeInfoLocations {
if len(loc.Path) >= extensionPathLen && isDescendantPath(path, loc.Path) && len(loc.Path) > bestMatchPathLen {
bestMatch = loc
bestMatchPathLen = len(loc.Path)
} else if isDescendantPath(loc.Path, path) {
return newLocation(loc)
if bestMatch != nil {
return newLocation(bestMatch)
return nil
func (o *optionExtensionDescriptor) PresentExtensionNumbers() []int32 {
fieldNumbersSet := map[int32]struct{}{}
var fieldNumbers []int32
addFieldNumber := func(fieldNo int32) {
if _, ok := fieldNumbersSet[fieldNo]; !ok {
fieldNumbersSet[fieldNo] = struct{}{}
fieldNumbers = append(fieldNumbers, fieldNo)
msg := o.message.ProtoReflect()
extensionRanges := msg.Descriptor().ExtensionRanges()
for b := msg.GetUnknown(); len(b) > 0; {
fieldNo, _, n := protowire.ConsumeField(b)
if extensionRanges.Has(fieldNo) {
b = b[n:]
// Extensions for google.protobuf.*Options are a bit of a special case
// as the extensions in a FileDescriptorSet message may differ with
// the extensions defined in the proto with which buf is compiled.
// Also loop through known extensions here to get extension numbers.
msg.Range(func(fieldDescriptor protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, _ protoreflect.Value) bool {
if fieldDescriptor.IsExtension() {
return true
return fieldNumbers
func isDescendantPath(descendant, ancestor []int32) bool {
if len(descendant) < len(ancestor) {
return false
for i := range ancestor {
if descendant[i] != ancestor[i] {
return false
return true