blob: 131b96b7e9370baf287788525a00620752342bd8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package appproto contains helper functionality for protoc plugins.
// Note this is currently implicitly tested through buf's protoc command.
// If this were split out into a separate package, testing would need to be
// moved to this package.
package appproto
import (
const (
// Our generated files in `private/gen/proto` are on average 15KB which isn't
// an unreasonable amount of memory to reserve each time we process an insertion
// point and will save a significant number of allocations.
averageGeneratedFileSize = 15 * 1024
// We don't use insertion points internally, but assume they are smaller than
// entire generated files.
averageInsertionPointSize = 1024
// ResponseBuilder builds CodeGeneratorResponses.
type ResponseBuilder interface {
// AddFile adds the file to the response.
// Returns error if nil or the name is empty.
// Warns to stderr if the name is already added or the name is not normalized.
AddFile(*pluginpb.CodeGeneratorResponse_File) error
// AddError adds the error message to the response.
// If there is an existing error message, this will be concatenated with a newline.
// If message is empty, a message "error" will be added.
AddError(message string)
// SetFeatureProto3Optional sets the proto3 optional feature.
// toResponse returns the resulting CodeGeneratorResponse. This must
// only be called after all writing has been completed.
toResponse() *pluginpb.CodeGeneratorResponse
// Handler is a protoc plugin handler.
type Handler interface {
// Handle handles the plugin.
// This function can assume the request is valid.
// This should only return error on system error.
// Plugin generation errors should be added with AddError.
// See
ctx context.Context,
container app.EnvStderrContainer,
responseWriter ResponseBuilder,
request *pluginpb.CodeGeneratorRequest,
) error
// HandlerFunc is a handler function.
type HandlerFunc func(
) error
// Handle implements Handler.
func (h HandlerFunc) Handle(
ctx context.Context,
container app.EnvStderrContainer,
responseWriter ResponseBuilder,
request *pluginpb.CodeGeneratorRequest,
) error {
return h(ctx, container, responseWriter, request)
// Main runs the plugin using app.Main and the Handler.
func Main(ctx context.Context, handler Handler) {
app.Main(ctx, newRunFunc(handler))
// Run runs the plugin using app.Main and the Handler.
// The exit code can be determined using app.GetExitCode.
func Run(ctx context.Context, container app.Container, handler Handler) error {
return app.Run(ctx, container, newRunFunc(handler))
// Generator executes the Handler using protoc's plugin execution logic.
// If multiple requests are specified, these are executed in parallel and the
// result is combined into one response that is written.
type Generator interface {
// Generate generates a CodeGeneratorResponse for the given CodeGeneratorRequests.
// A new ResponseBuilder is constructed for every invocation of Generate and is
// used to consolidate all of the CodeGeneratorResponse_Files returned from a single
// plugin into a single CodeGeneratorResponse.
ctx context.Context,
container app.EnvStderrContainer,
requests []*pluginpb.CodeGeneratorRequest,
) (*pluginpb.CodeGeneratorResponse, error)
// NewGenerator returns a new Generator.
func NewGenerator(
logger *zap.Logger,
handler Handler,
) Generator {
return newGenerator(logger, handler)
// ResponseWriter handles the response and writes it to the given storage.WriteBucket
// without executing any plugins and handles insertion points as needed.
type ResponseWriter interface {
// WriteResponse writes to the bucket with the given response. In practice, the
// WriteBucket is most often an in-memory bucket.
// CodeGeneratorResponses are consolidated into the bucket, and insertion points
// are applied in-place so that they can only access the files created in a single
// generation invocation (just like protoc).
ctx context.Context,
writeBucket storage.WriteBucket,
response *pluginpb.CodeGeneratorResponse,
options ...WriteResponseOption,
) error
// NewResponseWriter returns a new ResponseWriter.
func NewResponseWriter(logger *zap.Logger) ResponseWriter {
return newResponseWriter(logger)
// WriteResponseOption is an option for WriteResponse.
type WriteResponseOption func(*writeResponseOptions)
// WriteResponseWithInsertionPointReadBucket returns a new WriteResponseOption that uses the given
// ReadBucket to read from for insertion points.
// If this is not specified, insertion points are not supported.
func WriteResponseWithInsertionPointReadBucket(
insertionPointReadBucket storage.ReadBucket,
) WriteResponseOption {
return func(writeResponseOptions *writeResponseOptions) {
writeResponseOptions.insertionPointReadBucket = insertionPointReadBucket
// PluginResponse encapsulates a CodeGeneratorResponse,
// along with the name of the plugin that created it.
type PluginResponse struct {
Response *pluginpb.CodeGeneratorResponse
PluginName string
PluginOut string
// NewPluginResponse retruns a new *PluginResponse.
func NewPluginResponse(
response *pluginpb.CodeGeneratorResponse,
pluginName string,
pluginOut string,
) *PluginResponse {
return &PluginResponse{
Response: response,
PluginName: pluginName,
PluginOut: pluginOut,
// ValidatePluginResponses validates that each file is only defined by a single *PluginResponse.
func ValidatePluginResponses(pluginResponses []*PluginResponse) error {
seen := make(map[string]string)
for _, pluginResponse := range pluginResponses {
for _, file := range pluginResponse.Response.File {
if file.GetInsertionPoint() != "" {
// We expect insertion points to write
// to files that already exist.
fileName := filepath.Join(pluginResponse.PluginOut, file.GetName())
if pluginName, ok := seen[fileName]; ok {
return fmt.Errorf(
"file %q was generated multiple times: once by plugin %q and again by plugin %q",
seen[fileName] = pluginResponse.PluginName
return nil
// newRunFunc returns a new RunFunc for app.Main and app.Run.
func newRunFunc(handler Handler) func(context.Context, app.Container) error {
return func(ctx context.Context, container app.Container) error {
input, err := io.ReadAll(container.Stdin())
if err != nil {
return err
request := &pluginpb.CodeGeneratorRequest{}
// We do not know the FileDescriptorSet before unmarshaling this
if err := protoencoding.NewWireUnmarshaler(nil).Unmarshal(input, request); err != nil {
return err
if err := protodescriptor.ValidateCodeGeneratorRequest(request); err != nil {
return err
responseWriter := newResponseBuilder(container)
if err := handler.Handle(ctx, container, responseWriter, request); err != nil {
return err
response := responseWriter.toResponse()
if err := protodescriptor.ValidateCodeGeneratorResponse(response); err != nil {
return err
data, err := protoencoding.NewWireMarshaler().Marshal(response)
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = container.Stdout().Write(data)
return err
// NewResponseBuilder returns a new ResponseBuilder.
func NewResponseBuilder(container app.StderrContainer) ResponseBuilder {
return newResponseBuilder(container)
// leadingWhitespace iterates through the given string,
// and returns the leading whitespace substring, if any,
// respecting utf-8 encoding.
// leadingWhitespace("\u205F foo ") -> "\u205F "
func leadingWhitespace(buf []byte) []byte {
leadingSize := 0
iterBuf := buf
for len(iterBuf) > 0 {
r, size := utf8.DecodeRune(iterBuf)
// protobuf strings must always be valid UTF8
// Additionally, utf8.RuneError is not a space so we'll terminate
// and return the leading, valid, UTF8 whitespace sequence.
if !unicode.IsSpace(r) {
out := make([]byte, leadingSize)
copy(out, buf)
return out
leadingSize += size
iterBuf = iterBuf[size:]
return buf
// scanWithPrefixAndLineEnding iterates over each of the given scanner's lines
// prepends prefix, and appends the newline sequence.
func scanWithPrefixAndLineEnding(scanner *bufio.Scanner, prefix []byte, newline []byte) []byte {
result := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
for scanner.Scan() {
// These writes cannot fail, they will panic if they cannot
// allocate
_, _ = result.Write(prefix)
_, _ = result.Write(scanner.Bytes())
_, _ = result.Write(newline)
return result.Bytes()