blob: bc6d5b47e229e07e58e205258db2fc926e969f75 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package bufpluginexec provides protoc plugin handling and execution.
// Note this is currently implicitly tested through buf's protoc command.
// If this were split out into a separate package, testing would need to be moved to this package.
package bufpluginexec
import (
const (
// Note on versions: while Protobuf is on vX.0 where X >=21, and we
// download protoc vX.0, the version reported by protoc --version is 3.X.0.
// This is what we want to report here.
// DefaultMajorVersion is the default major version.
defaultMajorVersion = 4
// DefaultMinorVersion is the default minor version.
defaultMinorVersion = 22
// DefaultPatchVersion is the default patch version.
defaultPatchVersion = 0
// DefaultSuffixVersion is the default suffix version.
defaultSuffixVersion = ""
var (
// ProtocProxyPluginNames are the names of the plugins that should be proxied through protoc
// in the absence of a binary.
ProtocProxyPluginNames = map[string]struct{}{
"cpp": {},
"csharp": {},
"java": {},
"js": {},
"objc": {},
"php": {},
"python": {},
"pyi": {},
"ruby": {},
"kotlin": {},
// DefaultVersion represents the default version to use as compiler version for codegen requests.
DefaultVersion = newVersion(
// Generator is used to generate code with plugins found on the local filesystem.
type Generator interface {
// Generate generates a CodeGeneratorResponse for the given pluginName. The
// pluginName must be available on the system's PATH or one of the plugins
// built-in to protoc. The plugin path can be overridden via the
// GenerateWithPluginPath option.
ctx context.Context,
container app.EnvStderrContainer,
pluginName string,
requests []*pluginpb.CodeGeneratorRequest,
options ...GenerateOption,
) (*pluginpb.CodeGeneratorResponse, error)
// NewGenerator returns a new Generator.
func NewGenerator(
logger *zap.Logger,
storageosProvider storageos.Provider,
runner command.Runner,
wasmPluginExecutor bufwasm.PluginExecutor,
) Generator {
return newGenerator(logger, storageosProvider, runner, wasmPluginExecutor)
// GenerateOption is an option for Generate.
type GenerateOption func(*generateOptions)
// GenerateWithPluginPath returns a new GenerateOption that uses the given path to the plugin.
// If the path has more than one element, the first is the plugin binary and the others are
// optional additional arguments to pass to the binary.
func GenerateWithPluginPath(pluginPath ...string) GenerateOption {
return func(generateOptions *generateOptions) {
generateOptions.pluginPath = pluginPath
// GenerateWithProtocPath returns a new GenerateOption that uses the given protoc
// path to the plugin.
func GenerateWithProtocPath(protocPath string) GenerateOption {
return func(generateOptions *generateOptions) {
generateOptions.protocPath = protocPath
// GenerateWithWASMEnabled returns a new GenerateOption that sets wasmEnabled according to the env variable.
func GenerateWithWASMEnabled() GenerateOption {
return func(generateOptions *generateOptions) {
generateOptions.wasmEnabled = true
// NewHandler returns a new Handler based on the plugin name and optional path.
// protocPath and pluginPath are optional.
// - If a WASM plugin path is specified as the plugin name, this returns a WASM handler.
// - If the plugin path is set, this returns a new binary handler for that path.
// - If the plugin path is unset, this does exec.LookPath for a binary named protoc-gen-pluginName,
// and if one is found, a new binary handler is returned for this.
// - Else, if the name is in ProtocProxyPluginNames, this returns a new protoc proxy handler.
// - Else, this returns error.
func NewHandler(
storageosProvider storageos.Provider,
runner command.Runner,
wasmPluginExecutor bufwasm.PluginExecutor,
pluginName string,
options ...HandlerOption,
) (appproto.Handler, error) {
handlerOptions := newHandlerOptions()
for _, option := range options {
// Initialize WASM plugin handler. This is the quickest check we can do in order to
// branch here. A more stringent check is done inside the handler initialization.
// In a followup we should unify the following three checks into a strategy pattern.
if looksLikeWASM(pluginName) && handlerOptions.wasmEnabled {
return newWasmHandler(wasmPluginExecutor, pluginName)
// Initialize binary plugin handler when path is specified with optional args. Return
// on error as something is wrong with the supplied pluginPath option.
if len(handlerOptions.pluginPath) > 0 {
return NewBinaryHandler(runner, handlerOptions.pluginPath[0], handlerOptions.pluginPath[1:])
// Initialize binary plugin handler based on plugin name.
if handler, err := NewBinaryHandler(runner, "protoc-gen-"+pluginName, nil); err == nil {
return handler, nil
// Initialize builtin protoc plugin handler. We always look for protoc-gen-X first,
// but if not, check the builtins.
if _, ok := ProtocProxyPluginNames[pluginName]; ok {
if handlerOptions.protocPath == "" {
handlerOptions.protocPath = "protoc"
if protocPath, err := unsafeLookPath(handlerOptions.protocPath); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
return newProtocProxyHandler(storageosProvider, runner, protocPath, pluginName), nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf(
"could not find protoc plugin for name %s - please make sure protoc-gen-%s is installed and present on your $PATH",
// HandlerOption is an option for a new Handler.
type HandlerOption func(*handlerOptions)
// HandlerWithProtocPath returns a new HandlerOption that sets the path to the protoc binary.
// The default is to do exec.LookPath on "protoc".
// protocPath is expected to be unnormalized.
func HandlerWithProtocPath(protocPath string) HandlerOption {
return func(handlerOptions *handlerOptions) {
handlerOptions.protocPath = protocPath
// HandlerWithPluginPath returns a new HandlerOption that sets the path to the plugin binary.
// The default is to do exec.LookPath on "protoc-gen-" + pluginName. pluginPath is expected
// to be unnormalized. If the path has more than one element, the first is the plugin binary
// and the others are optional additional arguments to pass to the binary
func HandlerWithPluginPath(pluginPath ...string) HandlerOption {
return func(handlerOptions *handlerOptions) {
handlerOptions.pluginPath = pluginPath
// HandlerWithWASMEnabled returns a new HandlerOption that sets wasmEnabled according to the env variable.
func HandlerWithWASMEnabled() HandlerOption {
return func(handlerOptions *handlerOptions) {
handlerOptions.wasmEnabled = true
// NewBinaryHandler returns a new Handler that invokes the specific plugin
// specified by pluginPath.
// Used by other repositories.
func NewBinaryHandler(runner command.Runner, pluginPath string, pluginArgs []string) (appproto.Handler, error) {
pluginPath, err := unsafeLookPath(pluginPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return newBinaryHandler(runner, pluginPath, pluginArgs), nil
type handlerOptions struct {
protocPath string
pluginPath []string
wasmEnabled bool
func newHandlerOptions() *handlerOptions {
return &handlerOptions{}
// looksLikeWASM is a minimal check for WASM plugins. A more stringent validation
// of the file is done in the handlers Handle method.
func looksLikeWASM(pluginName string) bool {
return strings.HasSuffix(pluginName, ".wasm")