blob: 5283b9a3129d77dea8f589da076030782f8cdcf2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package bufimage
import (
imagev1 ""
// Must match the tag number for ImageFile.buf_extensions defined in proto/buf/alpha/image/v1/image.proto.
const bufExtensionFieldNumber = 8042
// paths can be either files (ending in .proto) or directories
// paths must be normalized and validated, and not duplicated
// if a directory, all .proto files underneath will be included
func imageWithOnlyPaths(image Image, fileOrDirPaths []string, excludeFileOrDirPaths []string, allowNotExist bool) (Image, error) {
if err := normalpath.ValidatePathsNormalizedValidatedUnique(fileOrDirPaths); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := normalpath.ValidatePathsNormalizedValidatedUnique(excludeFileOrDirPaths); err != nil {
return nil, err
excludeFileOrDirPathMap := stringutil.SliceToMap(excludeFileOrDirPaths)
// These are the files that fileOrDirPaths actually reference and will
// result in the non-imports in our resulting Image. The Image will also include
// the ImageFiles that the nonImportImageFiles import
nonImportPaths := make(map[string]struct{})
var nonImportImageFiles []ImageFile
// We have only exclude paths, and therefore all other paths are target paths.
if len(fileOrDirPaths) == 0 && len(excludeFileOrDirPaths) > 0 {
for _, imageFile := range image.Files() {
if !imageFile.IsImport() {
if !normalpath.MapHasEqualOrContainingPath(excludeFileOrDirPathMap, imageFile.Path(), normalpath.Relative) {
nonImportPaths[imageFile.Path()] = struct{}{}
nonImportImageFiles = append(nonImportImageFiles, imageFile)
// Finally, before we construct the image, we need to validate that all exclude paths
// provided adhere to the allowNotExist flag.
if !allowNotExist {
if err := checkExcludePathsExistInImage(image, excludeFileOrDirPaths); err != nil {
return nil, err
return getImageWithImports(image, nonImportPaths, nonImportImageFiles)
// We do a check here to ensure that no paths are duplicated as a target and an exclude.
for _, fileOrDirPath := range fileOrDirPaths {
if _, ok := excludeFileOrDirPathMap[fileOrDirPath]; ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(
"cannot set the same path for both --path and --exclude-path flags: %s",
// potentialDirPaths are paths that we need to check if they are directories
// these are any files that do not end in .proto, as well as files that
// end in .proto but do not have a corresponding ImageFile - if there
// is not an ImageFile, the path ending in .proto could be a directory
// that itself contains ImageFiles, i.e. a/b.proto/c.proto is valid if not dumb
var potentialDirPaths []string
for _, fileOrDirPath := range fileOrDirPaths {
// this is not allowed, this is the equivalent of a root
if fileOrDirPath == "." {
return nil, errors.New(`"." is not a valid path value`)
if normalpath.Ext(fileOrDirPath) != ".proto" {
// not a .proto file, therefore must be a directory
potentialDirPaths = append(potentialDirPaths, fileOrDirPath)
} else {
if imageFile := image.GetFile(fileOrDirPath); imageFile != nil {
// We do not need to check excludes here, since we already checked for duplicated
// paths, and target files that resolve to a specific image file are always a leaf,
// thus, we would always include it if it's specified.
// We have an ImageFile, therefore the fileOrDirPath was a file path
// add to the nonImportImageFiles if does not already exist
if _, ok := nonImportPaths[fileOrDirPath]; !ok {
nonImportPaths[fileOrDirPath] = struct{}{}
nonImportImageFiles = append(nonImportImageFiles, imageFile)
} else {
// we do not have an image file, so even though this path ends
// in .proto, this could be a directory - we need to check it
potentialDirPaths = append(potentialDirPaths, fileOrDirPath)
if len(potentialDirPaths) == 0 {
// We had no potential directory paths as we were able to get
// an ImageFile for all fileOrDirPaths, so we can return an Image now.
// This means we do not have to do the expensive O(image.Files()) operation
// to check to see if each file is within a potential directory path.
// We do not need to check the excluded paths for the allowNotExist flag because all target
// paths were image files, therefore the exclude paths would not apply in this case.
// Unfortunately, we need to do the expensive operation of checking to make sure the exclude
// paths exist in the case where `allowNotExist == false`.
if !allowNotExist {
if err := checkExcludePathsExistInImage(image, excludeFileOrDirPaths); err != nil {
return nil, err
return getImageWithImports(image, nonImportPaths, nonImportImageFiles)
// we have potential directory paths, do the expensive operation
// make a map of the directory paths
// note that we do not make this a map to begin with as maps are unordered,
// and we want to make sure we iterate over the paths in a deterministic order
potentialDirPathMap := stringutil.SliceToMap(potentialDirPaths)
// map of all paths based on the imageFiles
// the map of paths within potentialDirPath that matches a file in image.Files()
// this needs to contain all paths in potentialDirPathMap at the end for us to
// have had matches for every inputted fileOrDirPath
matchingPotentialDirPathMap := make(map[string]struct{})
// the same thing is done for exclude paths
matchingPotentialExcludePathMap := make(map[string]struct{})
for _, imageFile := range image.Files() {
imageFilePath := imageFile.Path()
fileMatchingExcludePathMap := normalpath.MapAllEqualOrContainingPathMap(
if len(fileMatchingExcludePathMap) > 0 {
for key := range fileMatchingExcludePathMap {
matchingPotentialExcludePathMap[key] = struct{}{}
// get the paths in potentialDirPathMap that match this imageFilePath
fileMatchingPathMap := normalpath.MapAllEqualOrContainingPathMap(
if shouldExcludeFile(fileMatchingPathMap, fileMatchingExcludePathMap) {
if len(fileMatchingPathMap) > 0 {
// we had a match, this means that some path in potentialDirPaths matched
// the imageFilePath, add all the paths in potentialDirPathMap that
// matched to matchingPotentialDirPathMap
for key := range fileMatchingPathMap {
matchingPotentialDirPathMap[key] = struct{}{}
// then, add the file to non-imports if it is not added
if _, ok := nonImportPaths[imageFilePath]; !ok {
nonImportPaths[imageFilePath] = struct{}{}
nonImportImageFiles = append(nonImportImageFiles, imageFile)
// if !allowNotExist, i.e. if all fileOrDirPaths must have a matching ImageFile,
// we check the matchingPotentialDirPathMap against the potentialDirPathMap
// to make sure that potentialDirPathMap is covered
if !allowNotExist {
for potentialDirPath := range potentialDirPathMap {
if _, ok := matchingPotentialDirPathMap[potentialDirPath]; !ok {
// no match, this is an error given that allowNotExist is false
return nil, fmt.Errorf("path %q has no matching file in the image", potentialDirPath)
for excludeFileOrDirPath := range excludeFileOrDirPathMap {
if _, ok := matchingPotentialExcludePathMap[excludeFileOrDirPath]; !ok {
// no match, this is an error given that allowNotExist is false
return nil, fmt.Errorf("path %q has no matching file in the image", excludeFileOrDirPath)
// we finally have all files that match fileOrDirPath that we can find, make the image
return getImageWithImports(image, nonImportPaths, nonImportImageFiles)
// shouldExcludeFile takes the map of all the matching target paths and the map of all the matching
// exclude paths for an image file and takes the union of the two sets of matches to return
// a bool on whether or not we should exclude the file from the image.
func shouldExcludeFile(
fileMatchingPathMap map[string]struct{},
fileMatchingExcludePathMap map[string]struct{},
) bool {
for fileMatchingPath := range fileMatchingPathMap {
for fileMatchingExcludePath := range fileMatchingExcludePathMap {
if normalpath.EqualsOrContainsPath(fileMatchingPath, fileMatchingExcludePath, normalpath.Relative) {
delete(fileMatchingPathMap, fileMatchingPath)
// If there are no potential paths remaining,
// then the file should be excluded.
return len(fileMatchingPathMap) == 0
func getImageWithImports(
image Image,
nonImportPaths map[string]struct{},
nonImportImageFiles []ImageFile,
) (Image, error) {
var imageFiles []ImageFile
seenPaths := make(map[string]struct{})
for _, nonImportImageFile := range nonImportImageFiles {
imageFiles = addFileWithImports(
return NewImage(imageFiles)
// returns accumulated files in correct order
func addFileWithImports(
accumulator []ImageFile,
image Image,
nonImportPaths map[string]struct{},
seenPaths map[string]struct{},
imageFile ImageFile,
) []ImageFile {
path := imageFile.Path()
// if seen already, skip
if _, ok := seenPaths[path]; ok {
return accumulator
seenPaths[path] = struct{}{}
// then, add imports first, for proper ordering
for _, importPath := range imageFile.FileDescriptor().GetDependency() {
if importFile := image.GetFile(importPath); importFile != nil {
accumulator = addFileWithImports(
// finally, add this file
// check if this is an import or not
_, isNotImport := nonImportPaths[path]
accumulator = append(
return accumulator
func checkExcludePathsExistInImage(image Image, excludeFileOrDirPaths []string) error {
for _, excludeFileOrDirPath := range excludeFileOrDirPaths {
var foundPath bool
for _, imageFile := range image.Files() {
if normalpath.EqualsOrContainsPath(excludeFileOrDirPath, imageFile.Path(), normalpath.Relative) {
foundPath = true
if !foundPath {
// no match, this is an error given that allowNotExist is false
return fmt.Errorf("path %q has no matching file in the image", excludeFileOrDirPath)
return nil
func protoImageFilesToFileDescriptors(protoImageFiles []*imagev1.ImageFile) []protodescriptor.FileDescriptor {
fileDescriptors := make([]protodescriptor.FileDescriptor, len(protoImageFiles))
for i, protoImageFile := range protoImageFiles {
fileDescriptors[i] = protoImageFile
return fileDescriptors
func imageFilesToFileDescriptors(imageFiles []ImageFile) []protodescriptor.FileDescriptor {
fileDescriptors := make([]protodescriptor.FileDescriptor, len(imageFiles))
for i, imageFile := range imageFiles {
fileDescriptors[i] = imageFile.FileDescriptor()
return fileDescriptors
func imageFilesToFileDescriptorProtos(imageFiles []ImageFile) []*descriptorpb.FileDescriptorProto {
fileDescriptorProtos := make([]*descriptorpb.FileDescriptorProto, len(imageFiles))
for i, imageFile := range imageFiles {
fileDescriptorProtos[i] = imageFile.Proto()
return fileDescriptorProtos
func imageFileToProtoImageFile(imageFile ImageFile) *imagev1.ImageFile {
return fileDescriptorProtoToProtoImageFile(
func fileDescriptorProtoToProtoImageFile(
fileDescriptorProto *descriptorpb.FileDescriptorProto,
isImport bool,
isSyntaxUnspecified bool,
unusedDependencyIndexes []int32,
moduleIdentity bufmoduleref.ModuleIdentity,
moduleCommit string,
) *imagev1.ImageFile {
var protoModuleInfo *imagev1.ModuleInfo
if moduleIdentity != nil {
protoModuleInfo = &imagev1.ModuleInfo{
Name: &imagev1.ModuleName{
Remote: proto.String(moduleIdentity.Remote()),
Owner: proto.String(moduleIdentity.Owner()),
Repository: proto.String(moduleIdentity.Repository()),
if moduleCommit != "" {
protoModuleInfo.Commit = proto.String(moduleCommit)
if len(unusedDependencyIndexes) == 0 {
unusedDependencyIndexes = nil
resultFile := &imagev1.ImageFile{
Name: fileDescriptorProto.Name,
Package: fileDescriptorProto.Package,
Syntax: fileDescriptorProto.Syntax,
Dependency: fileDescriptorProto.GetDependency(),
PublicDependency: fileDescriptorProto.GetPublicDependency(),
WeakDependency: fileDescriptorProto.GetWeakDependency(),
MessageType: fileDescriptorProto.GetMessageType(),
EnumType: fileDescriptorProto.GetEnumType(),
Service: fileDescriptorProto.GetService(),
Extension: fileDescriptorProto.GetExtension(),
Options: fileDescriptorProto.GetOptions(),
SourceCodeInfo: fileDescriptorProto.GetSourceCodeInfo(),
Edition: fileDescriptorProto.Edition,
BufExtension: &imagev1.ImageFileExtension{
// we might actually want to differentiate between unset and false
IsImport: proto.Bool(isImport),
// we might actually want to differentiate between unset and false
IsSyntaxUnspecified: proto.Bool(isSyntaxUnspecified),
UnusedDependency: unusedDependencyIndexes,
ModuleInfo: protoModuleInfo,
return resultFile
func stripBufExtensionField(unknownFields protoreflect.RawFields) protoreflect.RawFields {
// We accumulate the new bytes in result. However, for efficiency, we don't do any
// allocation/copying until we have to (i.e. until we actually see the field we're
// trying to strip). So result will be left nil and initialized lazily if-and-only-if
// we actually need to strip data from unknownFields.
var result protoreflect.RawFields
bytesRemaining := unknownFields
for len(bytesRemaining) > 0 {
num, wireType, n := protowire.ConsumeTag(bytesRemaining)
if n < 0 {
// shouldn't be possible unless explicitly set to invalid bytes via reflection
return unknownFields
var skip bool
if num == bufExtensionFieldNumber {
// We need to strip this field.
skip = true
if result == nil {
// Lazily initialize result to the preface that we've already examined.
result = append(
make(protoreflect.RawFields, 0, len(unknownFields)),
} else if result != nil {
// accumulate data in result as we go
result = append(result, bytesRemaining[:n]...)
bytesRemaining = bytesRemaining[n:]
n = protowire.ConsumeFieldValue(num, wireType, bytesRemaining)
if n < 0 {
return unknownFields
if !skip && result != nil {
result = append(result, bytesRemaining[:n]...)
bytesRemaining = bytesRemaining[n:]
if result == nil {
// we did not have to remove anything
return unknownFields
return result
func imageToCodeGeneratorRequest(
image Image,
parameter string,
compilerVersion *pluginpb.Version,
includeImports bool,
includeWellKnownTypes bool,
alreadyUsedPaths map[string]struct{},
nonImportPaths map[string]struct{},
) *pluginpb.CodeGeneratorRequest {
imageFiles := image.Files()
request := &pluginpb.CodeGeneratorRequest{
ProtoFile: make([]*descriptorpb.FileDescriptorProto, len(imageFiles)),
CompilerVersion: compilerVersion,
if parameter != "" {
request.Parameter = proto.String(parameter)
for i, imageFile := range imageFiles {
request.ProtoFile[i] = imageFile.Proto()
if isFileToGenerate(
) {
request.FileToGenerate = append(request.FileToGenerate, imageFile.Path())
return request
func isFileToGenerate(
imageFile ImageFile,
alreadyUsedPaths map[string]struct{},
nonImportPaths map[string]struct{},
includeImports bool,
includeWellKnownTypes bool,
) bool {
path := imageFile.Path()
if !imageFile.IsImport() {
if alreadyUsedPaths != nil {
// set as already used
alreadyUsedPaths[path] = struct{}{}
// this is a non-import in this image, we always want to generate
return true
if !includeImports {
// we don't want to include imports
return false
if !includeWellKnownTypes && datawkt.Exists(path) {
// we don't want to generate wkt even if includeImports is set unless
// includeWellKnownTypes is set
return false
if alreadyUsedPaths != nil {
if _, ok := alreadyUsedPaths[path]; ok {
// this was already added for generate to another image
return false
if nonImportPaths != nil {
if _, ok := nonImportPaths[path]; ok {
// this is a non-import in another image so it will be generated
// from another image
return false
// includeImports is set, this isn't a wkt, and it won't be generated in another image
if alreadyUsedPaths != nil {
// set as already used
alreadyUsedPaths[path] = struct{}{}
return true
func sortImageModuleDependencies(imageModuleDependencies []ImageModuleDependency) {
sort.Slice(imageModuleDependencies, func(i, j int) bool {
return imageModuleDependencyLess(imageModuleDependencies[i], imageModuleDependencies[j])
func imageModuleDependencyLess(a ImageModuleDependency, b ImageModuleDependency) bool {
return imageModuleDependencyCompareTo(a, b) < 0
// return -1 if less
// return 1 if greater
// return 0 if equal
func imageModuleDependencyCompareTo(a ImageModuleDependency, b ImageModuleDependency) int {
if a == nil && b == nil {
return 0
if a == nil && b != nil {
return -1
if a != nil && b == nil {
return 1
aModuleIdentity := a.ModuleIdentity()
bModuleIdentity := b.ModuleIdentity()
if aModuleIdentity != nil || bModuleIdentity != nil {
if aModuleIdentity == nil && bModuleIdentity != nil {
return -1
if aModuleIdentity != nil && bModuleIdentity == nil {
return 1
if aModuleIdentity.Remote() < bModuleIdentity.Remote() {
return -1
if aModuleIdentity.Remote() > bModuleIdentity.Remote() {
return 1
if aModuleIdentity.Owner() < bModuleIdentity.Owner() {
return -1
if aModuleIdentity.Owner() > bModuleIdentity.Owner() {
return 1
if aModuleIdentity.Repository() < bModuleIdentity.Repository() {
return -1
if aModuleIdentity.Repository() > bModuleIdentity.Repository() {
return 1
if a.Commit() < b.Commit() {
return -1
if a.Commit() > b.Commit() {
return 1
if a.IsDirect() && !b.IsDirect() {
return -1
if !a.IsDirect() && b.IsDirect() {
return 1
return 0