blob: f68dad92e894cb3149605ca015d4cb6e7aa11811 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package bufimage
import (
imagev1 ""
var anyMessageName = (*anypb.Any)(nil).ProtoReflect().Descriptor().FullName()
type importTracker struct {
resolver protoencoding.Resolver
used map[string]map[string]struct{}
func (t *importTracker) markUsed(importer *imagev1.ImageFile, element string) {
desc, err := t.resolver.FindDescriptorByName(protoreflect.FullName(strings.TrimPrefix(element, ".")))
if err != nil {
// TODO: Shouldn't be possible. If this happens, element is not in
// the resolved files, so nothing to mark anyway...
importedFile := desc.ParentFile().Path()
fileImports := t.used[importer.GetName()]
if fileImports == nil {
fileImports = map[string]struct{}{}
t.used[importer.GetName()] = fileImports
for _, depPath := range importer.Dependency {
if importedFile == depPath {
// Found it!
fileImports[depPath] = struct{}{}
// Not in any imports. So see if it is publicly imported.
for _, depPath := range importer.Dependency {
depFile, err := t.resolver.FindFileByPath(depPath)
if err != nil {
// Shouldn't be possible... bail.
if t.publiclyImports(depFile, importedFile) {
// Found it!
fileImports[depPath] = struct{}{}
func (t *importTracker) publiclyImports(file protoreflect.FileDescriptor, importedFile string) bool {
deps := file.Imports()
for i, depsLen := 0, deps.Len(); i < depsLen; i++ {
dep := deps.Get(i)
if !dep.IsPublic {
if dep.Path() == importedFile {
return true
if t.publiclyImports(dep, importedFile) {
return true
return false
func (t *importTracker) findUsedImports(protoImage *imagev1.Image) {
for _, file := range protoImage.File {
if len(file.Dependency) == 0 {
// no imports so nothing to do
t.findUsedImportsInOptions(file, file.Options)
for _, msg := range file.MessageType {
t.findUsedImportsInMessage(file, msg)
for _, enum := range file.EnumType {
t.findUsedImportsInEnum(file, enum)
for _, ext := range file.Extension {
t.findUsedImportsInField(file, ext)
for _, svc := range file.Service {
t.findUsedImportsInOptions(file, svc.Options)
for _, method := range svc.Method {
t.findUsedImportsInOptions(file, method.Options)
t.markUsed(file, method.GetInputType())
t.markUsed(file, method.GetOutputType())
func (t *importTracker) findUsedImportsInMessage(file *imagev1.ImageFile, msg *descriptorpb.DescriptorProto) {
t.findUsedImportsInOptions(file, msg.Options)
for _, field := range msg.Field {
t.findUsedImportsInField(file, field)
for _, oneof := range msg.OneofDecl {
t.findUsedImportsInOptions(file, oneof.Options)
for _, extRange := range msg.ExtensionRange {
t.findUsedImportsInOptions(file, extRange.Options)
for _, nestedMsg := range msg.NestedType {
t.findUsedImportsInMessage(file, nestedMsg)
for _, enum := range msg.EnumType {
t.findUsedImportsInEnum(file, enum)
for _, ext := range msg.Extension {
t.findUsedImportsInField(file, ext)
func (t *importTracker) findUsedImportsInEnum(file *imagev1.ImageFile, enum *descriptorpb.EnumDescriptorProto) {
t.findUsedImportsInOptions(file, enum.Options)
for _, value := range enum.Value {
t.findUsedImportsInOptions(file, value.Options)
func (t *importTracker) findUsedImportsInField(file *imagev1.ImageFile, field *descriptorpb.FieldDescriptorProto) {
t.findUsedImportsInOptions(file, field.Options)
switch field.GetType() {
case descriptorpb.FieldDescriptorProto_TYPE_MESSAGE,
t.markUsed(file, field.GetTypeName())
extendee := field.GetExtendee()
if extendee != "" {
t.markUsed(file, extendee)
func (t *importTracker) findUsedImportsInOptions(file *imagev1.ImageFile, optionMessage proto.Message) {
optionMessage.ProtoReflect().Range(func(field protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, val protoreflect.Value) bool {
t.findUsedImportsInOptionValue(file, field, val)
return true
func (t *importTracker) findUsedImportsInOptionValue(file *imagev1.ImageFile, optionField protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, val protoreflect.Value) {
if optionField.IsExtension() {
t.markUsed(file, string(optionField.FullName()))
switch {
case optionField.IsMap():
if optionField.MapValue().Message() == nil {
return // no messages to examine
val.Map().Range(func(k protoreflect.MapKey, v protoreflect.Value) bool {
t.findUsedImportsInMessageValue(file, v.Message())
return true
case optionField.IsList():
if optionField.Message() == nil {
return // no messages to examine
list := val.List()
for i, l := 0, list.Len(); i < l; i++ {
t.findUsedImportsInMessageValue(file, list.Get(i).Message())
case optionField.Message() != nil:
t.findUsedImportsInMessageValue(file, val.Message())
func (t *importTracker) findUsedImportsInMessageValue(file *imagev1.ImageFile, msg protoreflect.Message) {
if msg.Descriptor().FullName() == anyMessageName {
typeURLField := msg.Descriptor().Fields().ByNumber(1)
if typeURLField == nil || typeURLField.Kind() != protoreflect.StringKind || typeURLField.IsList() {
// ruh-roh... this should not happen
valueField := msg.Descriptor().Fields().ByNumber(2)
if valueField == nil || valueField.Kind() != protoreflect.BytesKind || valueField.IsList() {
// oof, this should not happen
typeURL := msg.Get(typeURLField).String()
msgType, err := t.resolver.FindMessageByURL(typeURL)
if err != nil {
// message is not present in the image
t.markUsed(file, string(msgType.Descriptor().FullName()))
// process Any messages that might be nested inside this one
value := msg.Get(valueField).Bytes()
nestedMessage := msgType.New()
err = proto.UnmarshalOptions{Resolver: t.resolver}.Unmarshal(value, nestedMessage.Interface())
if err != nil {
// bytes are not valid; skip it
msg = nestedMessage // fall-through to recurse into this message
msg.Range(func(field protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, val protoreflect.Value) bool {
t.findUsedImportsInOptionValue(file, field, val)
return true