blob: 036254ba73c123f27f8ddc46fca11b82d037a652 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package controllers
import (
import (
kube_core ""
kube_client ""
import (
mesh_proto ""
core_mesh ""
mesh_k8s ""
func (p *PodConverter) OutboundInterfacesFor(
ctx context.Context,
pod *kube_core.Pod,
others []*mesh_k8s.Dataplane,
reachableServices []string,
) ([]*mesh_proto.Dataplane_Networking_Outbound, error) {
var outbounds []*mesh_proto.Dataplane_Networking_Outbound
reachableServicesMap := map[string]bool{}
for _, service := range reachableServices {
reachableServicesMap[service] = true
var dataplanes []*core_mesh.DataplaneResource
for _, other := range others {
dp := core_mesh.NewDataplaneResource()
if err := p.ResourceConverter.ToCoreResource(other, dp); err != nil {
converterLog.Error(err, "failed to parse Dataplane", "dataplane", other.Spec)
continue // one invalid Dataplane definition should not break the entire mesh
dataplanes = append(dataplanes, dp)
endpoints := endpointsByService(dataplanes)
for _, serviceTag := range endpoints.Services() {
service, port, err := k8sService(ctx, serviceTag, p.ServiceGetter)
if err != nil {
converterLog.Error(err, "could not get K8S Service for service tag")
continue // one invalid Dataplane definition should not break the entire mesh
if len(reachableServices) > 0 && !reachableServicesMap[serviceTag] {
continue // ignore generating outbound if reachable services are defined and this one is not on the list
// Do not generate outbounds for service-less
if isServiceLess(port) {
// Do not generate hostnames for ExternalName Service
if isExternalNameService(service) {
"ignoring outbound generation for unsupported ExternalName Service",
"name", service.GetName(),
"namespace", service.GetNamespace(),
if isHeadlessService(service) {
// Generate outbound listeners for every endpoint of services.
for _, endpoint := range endpoints[serviceTag] {
if endpoint.Address == pod.Status.PodIP {
continue // ignore generating outbound for itself, otherwise we've got a conflict with inbound
outbounds = append(outbounds, &mesh_proto.Dataplane_Networking_Outbound{
Address: endpoint.Address,
Port: endpoint.Port,
Tags: map[string]string{
mesh_proto.ServiceTag: serviceTag,
mesh_proto.InstanceTag: endpoint.Instance,
} else {
// generate outbound based on ClusterIP
outbounds = append(outbounds, &mesh_proto.Dataplane_Networking_Outbound{
Address: service.Spec.ClusterIP,
Port: port,
Tags: map[string]string{
mesh_proto.ServiceTag: serviceTag,
return outbounds, nil
func isHeadlessService(svc *kube_core.Service) bool {
return svc.Spec.ClusterIP == kube_core.ClusterIPNone
// Services of ExternalName type should not have any selectors.
// Kubernetes does not validate this, so in rare cases, a service of
// ExternalName type could point to a workload inside the mesh. If this
// happens, we will add the service to the VIPs config map, but we will
// not be able to obtain its IP address. As a result, the key in the map
// will be incorrect (e.g., "1:"). We do not currently support
// ExternalName services, so we can safely skip them from processing.
func isExternalNameService(svc *kube_core.Service) bool {
return svc != nil && svc.Spec.Type == kube_core.ServiceTypeExternalName
func isServiceLess(port uint32) bool {
return port == mesh_proto.TCPPortReserved
func k8sService(ctx context.Context, serviceTag string, client kube_client.Reader) (*kube_core.Service, uint32, error) {
name, ns, port, err := parseService(serviceTag)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to parse `service` host %q as FQDN", serviceTag)
if isServiceLess(port) {
return nil, port, err
svc := &kube_core.Service{}
svcKey := kube_client.ObjectKey{Namespace: ns, Name: name}
if err := client.Get(ctx, svcKey, svc); err != nil {
return nil, 0, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to get Service %q", svcKey)
return svc, port, nil
func parseService(host string) (string, string, uint32, error) {
// split host into <name>_<namespace>_svc_<port>
segments := strings.Split(host, "_")
var port uint32
switch len(segments) {
case 4:
p, err := strconv.ParseInt(segments[3], 10, 32)
if err != nil {
return "", "", 0, err
port = uint32(p)
case 3:
// service less service names have no port, so we just put the reserved
// one here to note that this service is actually
port = mesh_proto.TCPPortReserved
return "", "", 0, errors.Errorf("service tag in unexpected format")
name, namespace := segments[0], segments[1]
return name, namespace, port, nil