blob: 0da39c15119f46f6a355b9a83f87ebe808554864 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* limitations under the License.
package mesh
import (
import (
import (
mesh_proto ""
func (d *DataplaneResource) Validate() error {
var err validators.ValidationError
net := validators.RootedAt("networking")
if d.Spec.GetNetworking() == nil {
err.AddViolationAt(net, "must be defined")
return err.OrNil()
if admin := d.Spec.GetNetworking().GetAdmin(); admin != nil {
adminPort := net.Field("admin").Field("port")
if d.UsesInboundInterface(IPv4Loopback, admin.GetPort()) {
err.AddViolationAt(adminPort, "must differ from inbound")
if d.UsesOutboundInterface(IPv4Loopback, admin.GetPort()) {
err.AddViolationAt(adminPort, "must differ from outbound")
if len(d.Spec.GetNetworking().GetInbound()) == 0 {
err.AddViolationAt(net, "has to contain at least one inbound interface or gateway")
return err.OrNil()
// For networking section validation we need to take into account our legacy model.
// Sotw model is detected by having interface defined on inbound listeners.
// We do not allow networking.address with the old format. Instead, we recommend switching to the new format.
// When we've got dataplane in the new format, we require networking.address field to be defined.
func validateNetworking(networking *mesh_proto.Dataplane_Networking) validators.ValidationError {
var err validators.ValidationError
path := validators.RootedAt("networking")
err.Add(validateAddress(path, networking.Address))
for i, inbound := range networking.GetInbound() {
field := path.Field("inbound").Index(i)
result := validateInbound(inbound, networking.Address)
err.AddErrorAt(field, result)
if _, exist := inbound.Tags[mesh_proto.ServiceTag]; !exist {
err.AddViolationAt(field.Field("tags").Key(mesh_proto.ServiceTag), `tag has to exist`)
for i, outbound := range networking.GetOutbound() {
result := validateOutbound(outbound)
err.AddErrorAt(path.Field("outbound").Index(i), result)
return err
func validateProbes(probes *mesh_proto.Dataplane_Probes) validators.ValidationError {
if probes == nil {
return validators.ValidationError{}
var err validators.ValidationError
path := validators.RootedAt("probes")
err.Add(ValidatePort(path.Field("port"), probes.GetPort()))
for i, endpoint := range probes.Endpoints {
indexPath := path.Field("endpoints").Index(i)
err.Add(ValidatePort(indexPath.Field("inboundPort"), endpoint.GetInboundPort()))
if _, URIErr := url.ParseRequestURI(endpoint.InboundPath); URIErr != nil {
err.AddViolationAt(indexPath.Field("inboundPath"), `should be a valid URL Path`)
if _, URIErr := url.ParseRequestURI(endpoint.Path); URIErr != nil {
err.AddViolationAt(indexPath.Field("path"), `should be a valid URL Path`)
return err
func validateAddress(path validators.PathBuilder, address string) validators.ValidationError {
var err validators.ValidationError
if address == "" {
err.AddViolationAt(path.Field("address"), "address can't be empty")
return err
if address == "" || address == "::" {
err.AddViolationAt(path.Field("address"), "must not be or ::")
if !govalidator.IsIP(address) && !govalidator.IsDNSName(address) {
err.AddViolationAt(path.Field("address"), "address has to be valid IP address or domain name")
return err
func validateInbound(inbound *mesh_proto.Dataplane_Networking_Inbound, dpAddress string) validators.ValidationError {
var result validators.ValidationError
result.Add(ValidatePort(validators.RootedAt("port"), inbound.GetPort()))
if inbound.GetServicePort() != 0 {
result.Add(ValidatePort(validators.RootedAt("servicePort"), inbound.GetServicePort()))
if inbound.ServiceAddress != "" {
if net.ParseIP(inbound.ServiceAddress) == nil {
result.AddViolationAt(validators.RootedAt("serviceAddress"), `serviceAddress has to be valid IP address`)
if inbound.ServiceAddress == dpAddress {
if inbound.ServicePort == 0 || inbound.ServicePort == inbound.Port {
result.AddViolationAt(validators.RootedAt("serviceAddress"), `serviceAddress and servicePort has to differ from address and port`)
if inbound.Address != "" {
if net.ParseIP(inbound.Address) == nil {
result.AddViolationAt(validators.RootedAt("address"), `address has to be valid IP address`)
if inbound.Address == inbound.ServiceAddress {
if inbound.ServicePort == 0 || inbound.ServicePort == inbound.Port {
result.AddViolationAt(validators.RootedAt("serviceAddress"), `serviceAddress and servicePort has to differ from address and port`)
validateProtocol := func(path validators.PathBuilder, selector map[string]string) validators.ValidationError {
var result validators.ValidationError
if value, exist := selector[mesh_proto.ProtocolTag]; exist {
if ParseProtocol(value) == ProtocolUnknown {
path.Key(mesh_proto.ProtocolTag), fmt.Sprintf("tag %q has an invalid value %q. %s", mesh_proto.ProtocolTag, value, AllowedValuesHint(SupportedProtocols.Strings()...)),
return result
result.Add(ValidateTags(validators.RootedAt("tags"), inbound.Tags, ValidateTagsOpts{
ExtraTagsValidators: []TagsValidatorFunc{validateProtocol},
return result
func validateServiceProbe(serviceProbe *mesh_proto.Dataplane_Networking_Inbound_ServiceProbe) validators.ValidationError {
var err validators.ValidationError
if serviceProbe == nil {
return err
path := validators.RootedAt("serviceProbe")
if serviceProbe.Interval != nil {
err.Add(ValidateDuration(path.Field("interval"), serviceProbe.Interval))
if serviceProbe.Timeout != nil {
err.Add(ValidateDuration(path.Field("timeout"), serviceProbe.Timeout))
if serviceProbe.UnhealthyThreshold != nil {
err.Add(ValidateThreshold(path.Field("unhealthyThreshold"), serviceProbe.UnhealthyThreshold.GetValue()))
if serviceProbe.HealthyThreshold != nil {
err.Add(ValidateThreshold(path.Field("healthyThreshold"), serviceProbe.HealthyThreshold.GetValue()))
return err
func validateOutbound(outbound *mesh_proto.Dataplane_Networking_Outbound) validators.ValidationError {
var result validators.ValidationError
result.Add(ValidatePort(validators.RootedAt("port"), outbound.GetPort()))
if outbound.Address != "" && net.ParseIP(outbound.Address) == nil {
result.AddViolation("address", "address has to be valid IP address")
if len(outbound.Tags) == 0 {
// nolint:staticcheck
if outbound.GetService() == "" {
result.AddViolationAt(validators.RootedAt("tags"), `mandatory tag "" is missing`)
} else {
result.Add(ValidateTags(validators.RootedAt("tags"), outbound.Tags, ValidateTagsOpts{
RequireService: true,
return result