blob: 868af2644672d7ff2acaeed4171ed61a38811540 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package registry
import (
import (
dubboconstant ""
gxset ""
import (
// DubboSDNotifyListener The Service Discovery Changed Event Listener
type DubboSDNotifyListener struct {
serviceNames *gxset.HashSet
listeners map[string]registry.NotifyListener
serviceUrls map[string][]*common.URL
revisionToMetadata map[string]*common.MetadataInfo
allInstances map[string][]registry.ServiceInstance
mutex sync.Mutex
func NewDubboSDNotifyListener(services *gxset.HashSet) registry.ServiceInstancesChangedListener {
return &DubboSDNotifyListener{
serviceNames: services,
listeners: make(map[string]registry.NotifyListener),
serviceUrls: make(map[string][]*common.URL),
revisionToMetadata: make(map[string]*common.MetadataInfo),
allInstances: make(map[string][]registry.ServiceInstance),
// OnEvent on ServiceInstancesChangedEvent the service instances change event
func (lstn *DubboSDNotifyListener) OnEvent(e observer.Event) error {
ce, ok := e.(*registry.ServiceInstancesChangedEvent)
if !ok {
return nil
var err error
defer lstn.mutex.Unlock()
lstn.allInstances[ce.ServiceName] = ce.Instances
revisionToInstances := make(map[string][]registry.ServiceInstance)
newRevisionToMetadata := make(map[string]*common.MetadataInfo)
localServiceToRevisions := make(map[*common.ServiceInfo]*gxset.HashSet)
protocolRevisionsToUrls := make(map[string]map[*gxset.HashSet][]*common.URL)
newServiceURLs := make(map[string][]*common.URL)
logger.Infof("Received instance notification event of service %s, instance list size %s", ce.ServiceName, len(ce.Instances))
for _, instances := range lstn.allInstances {
for _, instance := range instances {
if instance.GetMetadata() == nil {
logger.Warnf("Instance metadata is nil: %s", instance.GetHost())
revision := instance.GetMetadata()[dubboconstant.ExportedServicesRevisionPropertyName]
if "0" == revision {
logger.Infof("Find instance without valid service metadata: %s", instance.GetHost())
subInstances := revisionToInstances[revision]
if subInstances == nil {
subInstances = make([]registry.ServiceInstance, 8)
revisionToInstances[revision] = append(subInstances, instance)
metadataInfo := lstn.revisionToMetadata[revision]
if metadataInfo == nil {
metadataInfo, err = GetMetadataInfo(instance, revision)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, service := range metadataInfo.Services {
if localServiceToRevisions[service] == nil {
localServiceToRevisions[service] = gxset.NewSet()
newRevisionToMetadata[revision] = metadataInfo
lstn.revisionToMetadata = newRevisionToMetadata
for serviceInfo, revisions := range localServiceToRevisions {
revisionsToUrls := protocolRevisionsToUrls[serviceInfo.Protocol]
if revisionsToUrls == nil {
protocolRevisionsToUrls[serviceInfo.Protocol] = make(map[*gxset.HashSet][]*common.URL)
revisionsToUrls = protocolRevisionsToUrls[serviceInfo.Protocol]
urls := revisionsToUrls[revisions]
if urls != nil {
newServiceURLs[serviceInfo.Name] = urls
} else {
urls = make([]*common.URL, 0, 8)
for _, v := range revisions.Values() {
r := v.(string)
for _, i := range revisionToInstances[r] {
if i != nil {
urls = append(urls, i.ToURLs(serviceInfo)...)
revisionsToUrls[revisions] = urls
newServiceURLs[serviceInfo.Name] = urls
lstn.serviceUrls = newServiceURLs
for key, notifyListener := range lstn.listeners {
urls := lstn.serviceUrls[key]
events := make([]*registry.ServiceEvent, 0, len(urls))
for _, url := range urls {
url.SetParam(consts.RegistryType, consts.RegistryInstance)
events = append(events, &registry.ServiceEvent{
Action: remoting.EventTypeAdd,
Service: url,
notifyListener.NotifyAll(events, func() {})
return nil
// AddListenerAndNotify add notify listener and notify to listen service event
func (lstn *DubboSDNotifyListener) AddListenerAndNotify(serviceKey string, notify registry.NotifyListener) {
lstn.listeners[serviceKey] = notify
urls := lstn.serviceUrls[serviceKey]
for _, url := range urls {
url.SetParam(consts.RegistryType, consts.RegistryInstance)
Action: remoting.EventTypeAdd,
Service: url,
// RemoveListener remove notify listener
func (lstn *DubboSDNotifyListener) RemoveListener(serviceKey string) {
delete(lstn.listeners, serviceKey)
// GetServiceNames return all listener service names
func (lstn *DubboSDNotifyListener) GetServiceNames() *gxset.HashSet {
return lstn.serviceNames
// Accept return true if the name is the same
func (lstn *DubboSDNotifyListener) Accept(e observer.Event) bool {
if ce, ok := e.(*registry.ServiceInstancesChangedEvent); ok {
return lstn.serviceNames.Contains(ce.ServiceName)
return false
// GetPriority returns -1, it will be the first invoked listener
func (lstn *DubboSDNotifyListener) GetPriority() int {
return -1
// GetEventType returns ServiceInstancesChangedEvent
func (lstn *DubboSDNotifyListener) GetEventType() reflect.Type {
return reflect.TypeOf(&registry.ServiceInstancesChangedEvent{})
// GetMetadataInfo get metadata info when MetadataStorageTypePropertyName is null
func GetMetadataInfo(instance registry.ServiceInstance, revision string) (*common.MetadataInfo, error) {
var metadataStorageType string
var metadataInfo *common.MetadataInfo
if instance.GetMetadata() == nil {
metadataStorageType = dubboconstant.DefaultMetadataStorageType
} else {
metadataStorageType = instance.GetMetadata()[dubboconstant.MetadataStorageTypePropertyName]
if metadataStorageType == dubboconstant.RemoteMetadataStorageType {
remoteMetadataServiceImpl, err := extension.GetRemoteMetadataService()
if err != nil {
return &common.MetadataInfo{}, err
metadataInfo, err = remoteMetadataServiceImpl.GetMetadata(instance)
if err != nil {
return &common.MetadataInfo{}, err
} else {
var err error
proxyFactory := extension.GetMetadataServiceProxyFactory(dubboconstant.DefaultKey)
metadataService := proxyFactory.GetProxy(instance)
defer metadataService.(*local.MetadataServiceProxy).Invoker.Destroy()
metadataInfo, err = metadataService.GetMetadataInfo(revision)
if err != nil {
return &common.MetadataInfo{}, err
return metadataInfo, nil