blob: c17efc7a44becd38d5168ecf753e093f86de5be9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package protosource defines minimal interfaces for Protobuf descriptor types.
// This is done so that the backing package can be swapped out easily.
// All values that return SourceLocation can be nil.
// Testing is currently implicitly done through the bufcheck packages, however
// if this were to be split out into a separate library, it would need a separate
// testing suite.
package protosource
import (
import (
import (
const (
// SyntaxUnspecified represents no syntax being specified.
// This is functionally equivalent to SyntaxProto2.
SyntaxUnspecified Syntax = iota + 1
// SyntaxProto2 represents the proto2 syntax.
// SyntaxProto3 represents the proto3 syntax.
// SyntaxEditions represents the editions syntax.
// Syntax is the syntax of a file.
type Syntax int
// String returns the string representation of s
func (s Syntax) String() string {
switch s {
case SyntaxUnspecified:
return "unspecified"
case SyntaxProto2:
return "proto2"
case SyntaxProto3:
return "proto3"
case SyntaxEditions:
return "editions"
return strconv.Itoa(int(s))
// Descriptor is the base interface for a descriptor type.
type Descriptor interface {
// File returns the associated File.
// Always non-nil.
File() File
// LocationDescriptor is the base interface for a descriptor type with a location.
type LocationDescriptor interface {
// Location returns the location of the entire descriptor.
// Can return nil, although will generally not be nil.
Location() Location
// NamedDescriptor is the base interface for a named descriptor type.
type NamedDescriptor interface {
// FullName returns the fully-qualified name, i.e. some.pkg.Nested.Message.FooEnum.ENUM_VALUE.
// Always non-empty.
FullName() string
// NestedName returns the full nested name without the package, i.e. Nested.Message.FooEnum
// or Nested.Message.FooEnum.ENUM_VALUE.
// Always non-empty.
NestedName() string
// Name returns the short name, or the name of a value or field, i.e. FooEnum or ENUM_VALUE.
// Always non-empty.
Name() string
// NameLocation returns the location of the name of the descriptor.
// If the backing descriptor does not have name-level resolution, this will
// attempt to return a location of the entire descriptor.
// If the backing descriptor has comments for the entire descriptor, these
// will be added to the named location.
// Can return nil.
NameLocation() Location
// ContainerDescriptor contains Enums and Messages.
type ContainerDescriptor interface {
Enums() []Enum
Messages() []Message
// OptionExtensionDescriptor contains option extensions.
type OptionExtensionDescriptor interface {
// OptionExtension returns the value for an options extension field.
// Returns false if the extension is not set.
// See
// See
OptionExtension(extensionType protoreflect.ExtensionType) (interface{}, bool)
// OptionExtensionLocation returns the source location where the given extension
// field value is defined. The extra path can be additional path elements, for
// getting the location of specific elements inside the extension, for message
// and repeated values.
// If a precise location cannot be found, but a general one can be, the general
// location will be returned. For example, if a specific field inside a message
// extension is requested but the source code info only includes information
// about the message itself (and not that particular field), the location of the
// message value is returned. Conversely, if a message location is requested but
// the source code info only has information about specific fields inside that
// message, the first such location is returned. Similarly, if multiple locations
// are in source code info for the requested value, the first one is returned.
// If no relevant location is found in source code info, this returns nil.
OptionExtensionLocation(extensionType protoreflect.ExtensionType, extraPath ...int32) Location
// PresentExtensionNumbers returns field numbers for all options that
// have a set value on this descriptor.
PresentExtensionNumbers() []int32
// Location defines source code info location information.
// May be extended in the future to include comments.
// Note that unlike SourceCodeInfo_Location, these are not zero-indexed.
type Location interface {
StartLine() int
StartColumn() int
EndLine() int
EndColumn() int
LeadingComments() string
TrailingComments() string
// NOT a copy. Do not modify.
LeadingDetachedComments() []string
// ModuleIdentity is a module identity.
type ModuleIdentity interface {
Remote() string
Owner() string
Repository() string
// FileInfo contains Protobuf file info.
type FileInfo interface {
// Path is the path of the file relative to the root it is contained within.
// This will be normalized, validated and never empty,
// This will be unique within a given Image.
Path() string
// ExternalPath returns the path that identifies this file externally.
// This will be unnormalized.
// Never empty. Falls back to Path if there is not an external path.
// Example:
// Assume we had the input path /foo/bar which is a local directory.
// Path: one/one.proto
// RootDirPath: proto
// ExternalPath: /foo/bar/proto/one/one.proto
ExternalPath() string
// ModuleIdentity is the module that this file came from.
// Note this *can* be nil if we did not build from a named module.
// All code must assume this can be nil.
// Note that nil checking should work since the backing type is always a pointer.
ModuleIdentity() ModuleIdentity
// Commit is the commit for the module that this file came from.
// This will only be set if ModuleIdentity is set, but may not be set
// even if ModuleIdentity is set, that is commit is optional information
// even if we know what module this file came from.
Commit() string
// File is a file descriptor.
type File interface {
// Top-level only.
Syntax() Syntax
Package() string
FileImports() []FileImport
Services() []Service
Extensions() []Field
Edition() string
CsharpNamespace() string
GoPackage() string
JavaMultipleFiles() bool
JavaOuterClassname() string
JavaPackage() string
JavaStringCheckUtf8() bool
ObjcClassPrefix() string
PhpClassPrefix() string
PhpNamespace() string
PhpMetadataNamespace() string
RubyPackage() string
SwiftPrefix() string
Deprecated() bool
OptimizeFor() descriptorpb.FileOptions_OptimizeMode
CcGenericServices() bool
JavaGenericServices() bool
PyGenericServices() bool
PhpGenericServices() bool
CcEnableArenas() bool
SyntaxLocation() Location
PackageLocation() Location
CsharpNamespaceLocation() Location
GoPackageLocation() Location
JavaMultipleFilesLocation() Location
JavaOuterClassnameLocation() Location
JavaPackageLocation() Location
JavaStringCheckUtf8Location() Location
ObjcClassPrefixLocation() Location
PhpClassPrefixLocation() Location
PhpNamespaceLocation() Location
PhpMetadataNamespaceLocation() Location
RubyPackageLocation() Location
SwiftPrefixLocation() Location
OptimizeForLocation() Location
CcGenericServicesLocation() Location
JavaGenericServicesLocation() Location
PyGenericServicesLocation() Location
PhpGenericServicesLocation() Location
CcEnableArenasLocation() Location
// FileImport is a file import descriptor.
type FileImport interface {
Import() string
IsPublic() bool
IsWeak() bool
IsUnused() bool
// TagRange is a tag range from start to end.
type TagRange interface {
// Start is the start of the range.
Start() int
// End is the end of the range.
// Inclusive.
End() int
// Max says that the End is the max.
Max() bool
// ReservedName is a reserved name for an enum or message.
type ReservedName interface {
Value() string
// ReservedDescriptor has reserved ranges and names.
type ReservedDescriptor interface {
ReservedTagRanges() []TagRange
ReservedNames() []ReservedName
// EnumRange is a TagRange for Enums.
type EnumRange interface {
Enum() Enum
// MessageRange is a TagRange for Messages.
type MessageRange interface {
Message() Message
// ExtensionRange represents an extension range in Messages.
type ExtensionRange interface {
// Enum is an enum descriptor.
type Enum interface {
Values() []EnumValue
ReservedEnumRanges() []EnumRange
AllowAlias() bool
DeprecatedLegacyJSONFieldConflicts() bool
Deprecated() bool
AllowAliasLocation() Location
// Will return nil if this is a top-level Enum
Parent() Message
// EnumValue is an enum value descriptor.
type EnumValue interface {
Enum() Enum
Number() int
Deprecated() bool
NumberLocation() Location
// Message is a message descriptor.
type Message interface {
// Only those directly nested under this message.
// Includes fields in oneofs.
Fields() []Field
Extensions() []Field
Oneofs() []Oneof
ExtensionRanges() []ExtensionRange
ExtensionMessageRanges() []MessageRange
ReservedMessageRanges() []MessageRange
// Will return nil if this is a top-level message
Parent() Message
IsMapEntry() bool
MessageSetWireFormat() bool
NoStandardDescriptorAccessor() bool
DeprecatedLegacyJSONFieldConflicts() bool
Deprecated() bool
MessageSetWireFormatLocation() Location
NoStandardDescriptorAccessorLocation() Location
// Field is a field descriptor.
type Field interface {
// May be nil if this is attached to a file.
Message() Message
Number() int
Label() descriptorpb.FieldDescriptorProto_Label
Type() descriptorpb.FieldDescriptorProto_Type
TypeName() string
// may be nil
Oneof() Oneof
Proto3Optional() bool
JSONName() string
JSType() descriptorpb.FieldOptions_JSType
CType() descriptorpb.FieldOptions_CType
Retention() descriptorpb.FieldOptions_OptionRetention
Targets() []descriptorpb.FieldOptions_OptionTargetType
DebugRedact() bool
// Set vs unset matters for packed
// See the comments on descriptor.proto
Packed() *bool
Deprecated() bool
// Empty string unless the field is part of an extension
Extendee() string
NumberLocation() Location
TypeLocation() Location
TypeNameLocation() Location
JSONNameLocation() Location
JSTypeLocation() Location
CTypeLocation() Location
PackedLocation() Location
ExtendeeLocation() Location
// Oneof is a oneof descriptor.
type Oneof interface {
Message() Message
Fields() []Field
// Service is a service descriptor.
type Service interface {
Methods() []Method
Deprecated() bool
// Method is a method descriptor.
type Method interface {
Service() Service
InputTypeName() string
OutputTypeName() string
ClientStreaming() bool
ServerStreaming() bool
InputTypeLocation() Location
OutputTypeLocation() Location
Deprecated() bool
IdempotencyLevel() descriptorpb.MethodOptions_IdempotencyLevel
IdempotencyLevelLocation() Location
// InputFile is an input file for NewFile.
type InputFile interface {
// FileDescriptor is the backing FileDescriptor for this File.
// This will never be nil.
// The value Path() is equal to FileDescriptor().GetName() .
FileDescriptor() protodescriptor.FileDescriptor
// IsSyntaxUnspecified will be true if the syntax was not explicitly specified.
IsSyntaxUnspecified() bool
// UnusedDependencyIndexes returns the indexes of the unused dependencies within
// FileDescriptor.GetDependency().
// All indexes will be valid.
// Will return nil if empty.
UnusedDependencyIndexes() []int32
// NewFile returns a new File.
func NewFile(inputFile InputFile) (File, error) {
return newFile(inputFile)
// NewFilesUnstable converts the input Files into Files.
// This may be done concurrently and the returned Files may not be in the same
// order as the input FileDescriptors. If ordering matters, use NewFile.
func NewFilesUnstable(ctx context.Context, inputFiles ...InputFile) ([]File, error) {
return newFilesUnstable(ctx, inputFiles...)
// SortFiles sorts the Files by FilePath.
func SortFiles(files []File) {
sort.Slice(files, func(i int, j int) bool { return files[i].Path() < files[j].Path() })
// FilePathToFile maps the Files to a map from Path() to File.
// Returns error if file paths are not unique.
func FilePathToFile(files ...File) (map[string]File, error) {
filePathToFile := make(map[string]File, len(files))
for _, file := range files {
filePath := file.Path()
if _, ok := filePathToFile[filePath]; ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("duplicate filePath: %q", filePath)
filePathToFile[filePath] = file
return filePathToFile, nil
// DirPathToFiles maps the Files to a map from directory
// to the slice of Files in that directory.
// Returns error if file paths are not unique.
// Directories are normalized.
// Files will be sorted by FilePath.
func DirPathToFiles(files ...File) (map[string][]File, error) {
return mapFiles(files, func(file File) string { return normalpath.Dir(file.Path()) })
// PackageToFiles maps the Files to a map from Protobuf package
// to the slice of Files in that package.
// Returns error if file paths are not unique.
// Files will be sorted by Path.
func PackageToFiles(files ...File) (map[string][]File, error) {
// works for no package since "" is a valid map key
return mapFiles(files, File.Package)
// ForEachEnum calls f on each Enum in the given ContainerDescriptor, including nested Enums.
// Returns error and stops iterating if f returns error
// Never returns error unless f returns error.
func ForEachEnum(f func(Enum) error, containerDescriptor ContainerDescriptor) error {
for _, enum := range containerDescriptor.Enums() {
if err := f(enum); err != nil {
return err
for _, message := range containerDescriptor.Messages() {
if err := ForEachEnum(f, message); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// ForEachMessage calls f on each Message in the given ContainerDescriptor, including nested Messages.
// Returns error and stops iterating if f returns error
// Never returns error unless f returns error.
func ForEachMessage(f func(Message) error, containerDescriptor ContainerDescriptor) error {
for _, message := range containerDescriptor.Messages() {
if err := f(message); err != nil {
return err
if err := ForEachMessage(f, message); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// NestedNameToEnum maps the Enums in the ContainerDescriptor to a map from
// nested name to Enum.
// Returns error if Enums do not have unique nested names within the ContainerDescriptor,
// which should generally never happen for properly-formed ContainerDescriptors.
func NestedNameToEnum(containerDescriptor ContainerDescriptor) (map[string]Enum, error) {
nestedNameToEnum := make(map[string]Enum)
if err := ForEachEnum(
func(enum Enum) error {
nestedName := enum.NestedName()
if _, ok := nestedNameToEnum[nestedName]; ok {
return fmt.Errorf("duplicate enum: %q", nestedName)
nestedNameToEnum[nestedName] = enum
return nil
); err != nil {
return nil, err
return nestedNameToEnum, nil
// FullNameToEnum maps the Enums in the Files to a map from full name to enum.
// Returns error if the Enums do not have unique full names within the Files,
// which should generally never happen for properly-formed Files.
func FullNameToEnum(files ...File) (map[string]Enum, error) {
fullNameToEnum := make(map[string]Enum)
for _, file := range files {
if err := ForEachEnum(
func(enum Enum) error {
fullName := enum.FullName()
if _, ok := fullNameToEnum[fullName]; ok {
return fmt.Errorf("duplicate enum: %q", fullName)
fullNameToEnum[fullName] = enum
return nil
); err != nil {
return nil, err
return fullNameToEnum, nil
// PackageToNestedNameToEnum maps the Enums in the Files to a map from
// package to nested name to Enum.
// Returns error if the Enums do not have unique nested names within the packages,
// which should generally never happen for properly-formed Files.
func PackageToNestedNameToEnum(files ...File) (map[string]map[string]Enum, error) {
packageToNestedNameToEnum := make(map[string]map[string]Enum)
for _, file := range files {
if err := ForEachEnum(
func(enum Enum) error {
pkg := enum.File().Package()
nestedName := enum.NestedName()
nestedNameToEnum, ok := packageToNestedNameToEnum[pkg]
if !ok {
nestedNameToEnum = make(map[string]Enum)
packageToNestedNameToEnum[pkg] = nestedNameToEnum
if _, ok := nestedNameToEnum[nestedName]; ok {
return fmt.Errorf("duplicate enum in package %q: %q", pkg, nestedName)
nestedNameToEnum[nestedName] = enum
return nil
); err != nil {
return nil, err
return packageToNestedNameToEnum, nil
// NameToEnumValue maps the EnumValues in the Enum to a map from name to EnumValue.
// Returns error if the EnumValues do not have unique names within the Enum,
// which should generally never happen for properly-formed Enums.
func NameToEnumValue(enum Enum) (map[string]EnumValue, error) {
nameToEnumValue := make(map[string]EnumValue)
for _, enumValue := range enum.Values() {
name := enumValue.Name()
if _, ok := nameToEnumValue[name]; ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("duplicate enum value name for enum %q: %q", enum.NestedName(), name)
nameToEnumValue[name] = enumValue
return nameToEnumValue, nil
// NumberToNameToEnumValue maps the EnumValues in the Enum to a map from number to name to EnumValue.
// Duplicates by number may occur if allow_alias = true.
// Returns error if the EnumValues do not have unique names within the Enum for a given number,
// which should generally never happen for properly-formed Enums.
func NumberToNameToEnumValue(enum Enum) (map[int]map[string]EnumValue, error) {
numberToNameToEnumValue := make(map[int]map[string]EnumValue)
for _, enumValue := range enum.Values() {
number := enumValue.Number()
nameToEnumValue, ok := numberToNameToEnumValue[number]
if !ok {
nameToEnumValue = make(map[string]EnumValue)
numberToNameToEnumValue[number] = nameToEnumValue
name := enumValue.Name()
if _, ok := nameToEnumValue[name]; ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("duplicate enum value name for enum %q: %q", enum.NestedName(), name)
nameToEnumValue[name] = enumValue
return numberToNameToEnumValue, nil
// NestedNameToMessage maps the Messages in the ContainerDescriptor to a map from
// nested name to Message.
// Returns error if Messages do not have unique nested names within the ContainerDescriptor,
// which should generally never happen for properly-formed files.
func NestedNameToMessage(containerDescriptor ContainerDescriptor) (map[string]Message, error) {
nestedNameToMessage := make(map[string]Message)
if err := ForEachMessage(
func(message Message) error {
nestedName := message.NestedName()
if _, ok := nestedNameToMessage[nestedName]; ok {
return fmt.Errorf("duplicate message: %q", nestedName)
nestedNameToMessage[nestedName] = message
return nil
); err != nil {
return nil, err
return nestedNameToMessage, nil
// FullNameToMessage maps the Messages in the Files to a map from full name to message.
// Returns error if the Messages do not have unique full names within the Files,
// which should generally never happen for properly-formed Files.
func FullNameToMessage(files ...File) (map[string]Message, error) {
fullNameToMessage := make(map[string]Message)
for _, file := range files {
if err := ForEachMessage(
func(message Message) error {
fullName := message.FullName()
if _, ok := fullNameToMessage[fullName]; ok {
return fmt.Errorf("duplicate message: %q", fullName)
fullNameToMessage[fullName] = message
return nil
); err != nil {
return nil, err
return fullNameToMessage, nil
// PackageToNestedNameToMessage maps the Messages in the Files to a map from
// package to nested name to Message.
// Returns error if the Messages do not have unique nested names within the packages,
// which should generally never happen for properly-formed Files.
func PackageToNestedNameToMessage(files ...File) (map[string]map[string]Message, error) {
packageToNestedNameToMessage := make(map[string]map[string]Message)
for _, file := range files {
if err := ForEachMessage(
func(message Message) error {
pkg := message.File().Package()
nestedName := message.NestedName()
nestedNameToMessage, ok := packageToNestedNameToMessage[pkg]
if !ok {
nestedNameToMessage = make(map[string]Message)
packageToNestedNameToMessage[pkg] = nestedNameToMessage
if _, ok := nestedNameToMessage[nestedName]; ok {
return fmt.Errorf("duplicate message in package %q: %q", pkg, nestedName)
nestedNameToMessage[nestedName] = message
return nil
); err != nil {
return nil, err
return packageToNestedNameToMessage, nil
// NumberToMessageField maps the Fields in the Message to a map from number to Field.
// TODO: is this right?
// Includes extensions.
// Returns error if the Fields do not have unique numbers within the Message,
// which should generally never happen for properly-formed Messages.
func NumberToMessageField(message Message) (map[int]Field, error) {
numberToMessageField := make(map[int]Field)
for _, messageField := range message.Fields() {
number := messageField.Number()
if _, ok := numberToMessageField[number]; ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("duplicate message field: %d", number)
numberToMessageField[number] = messageField
for _, messageField := range message.Extensions() {
if messageField.Extendee() != message.FullName() {
// TODO: ideally we want this field to be returned when
// the Extendee message is passed into some function,
// need to investigate what index is necessary for that.
number := messageField.Number()
if _, ok := numberToMessageField[number]; ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("duplicate message field: %d", number)
numberToMessageField[number] = messageField
return numberToMessageField, nil
// NumberToMessageFieldForLabel maps the Fields with the given label in the message
// to a map from number to Field.
// TODO: is this right?
// Includes extensions.
// Returns error if the Fields do not have unique numbers within the Message,
// which should generally never happen for properly-formed Messages.
func NumberToMessageFieldForLabel(message Message, label descriptorpb.FieldDescriptorProto_Label) (map[int]Field, error) {
numberToField, err := NumberToMessageField(message)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for number, field := range numberToField {
if field.Label() != label {
delete(numberToField, number)
return numberToField, nil
// NameToMessageOneof maps the Oneofs in the Message to a map from name to Oneof.
// Returns error if the Oneofs do not have unique names within the Message,
// which should generally never happen for properly-formed Messages.
func NameToMessageOneof(message Message) (map[string]Oneof, error) {
nameToMessageOneof := make(map[string]Oneof)
for _, messageOneof := range message.Oneofs() {
name := messageOneof.Name()
if _, ok := nameToMessageOneof[name]; ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("duplicate message oneof: %q", name)
nameToMessageOneof[name] = messageOneof
return nameToMessageOneof, nil
// NameToService maps the Services in the File to a map from name to Service.
// Returns error if Services do not have unique names within the File, which should
// generally never happen for properly-formed Files.
func NameToService(file File) (map[string]Service, error) {
nameToService := make(map[string]Service)
for _, service := range file.Services() {
name := service.Name()
if _, ok := nameToService[name]; ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("duplicate service: %q", name)
nameToService[name] = service
return nameToService, nil
// FullNameToService maps the Services in the Files to a map from full name to Service.
// Returns error if Services do not have unique full names within the Files, which should
// generally never happen for properly-formed Files.
func FullNameToService(files ...File) (map[string]Service, error) {
fullNameToService := make(map[string]Service)
for _, file := range files {
for _, service := range file.Services() {
fullName := service.FullName()
if _, ok := fullNameToService[fullName]; ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("duplicate service: %q", fullName)
fullNameToService[fullName] = service
return fullNameToService, nil
// PackageToNameToService maps the Services in the Files to a map from
// package to name to Service.
// Returns error if the Services do not have unique names within the packages,
// which should generally never happen for properly-formed Files.
func PackageToNameToService(files ...File) (map[string]map[string]Service, error) {
packageToNameToService := make(map[string]map[string]Service)
for _, file := range files {
pkg := file.Package()
nameToService, ok := packageToNameToService[pkg]
if !ok {
nameToService = make(map[string]Service)
packageToNameToService[pkg] = nameToService
for _, service := range file.Services() {
name := service.Name()
if _, ok := nameToService[name]; ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("duplicate service in package %q: %q", pkg, name)
nameToService[name] = service
return packageToNameToService, nil
// PackageToDirectlyImportedPackageToFileImports maps packages to directly imported packages
// to the FileImports that import this package.
// For example, if package a imports package b via c/d.proto and c/e.proto, this will have
// a -> b -> [c/d.proto, c/e.proto].
// A directly imported package will not be equal to the package, i.e. there will be no a -> a.
// Files with no packages are included with key "" to be consistent with other functions.
func PackageToDirectlyImportedPackageToFileImports(files ...File) (map[string]map[string][]FileImport, error) {
filePathToFile, err := FilePathToFile(files...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
packageToDirectlyImportedPackageToFileImports := make(map[string]map[string][]FileImport)
for _, file := range files {
pkg := file.Package()
directlyImportedPackageToFileImports, ok := packageToDirectlyImportedPackageToFileImports[pkg]
if !ok {
directlyImportedPackageToFileImports = make(map[string][]FileImport)
packageToDirectlyImportedPackageToFileImports[pkg] = directlyImportedPackageToFileImports
for _, fileImport := range file.FileImports() {
if importedFile, ok := filePathToFile[fileImport.Import()]; ok {
importedPkg := importedFile.Package()
if importedPkg != pkg {
directlyImportedPackageToFileImports[importedFile.Package()] = append(
return packageToDirectlyImportedPackageToFileImports, nil
// NameToMethod maps the Methods in the Service to a map from name to Method.
// Returns error if Methods do not have unique names within the Service, which should
// generally never happen for properly-formed Services.
func NameToMethod(service Service) (map[string]Method, error) {
nameToMethod := make(map[string]Method)
for _, method := range service.Methods() {
name := method.Name()
if _, ok := nameToMethod[name]; ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("duplicate method: %q", name)
nameToMethod[name] = method
return nameToMethod, nil
// FullNameToMethod maps the Methods in the Files to a map from full name to Method.
// Returns error if Methods do not have unique full names within the Files, which should
// generally never happen for properly-formed Files.
func FullNameToMethod(files ...File) (map[string]Method, error) {
fullNameToMethod := make(map[string]Method)
for _, file := range files {
for _, service := range file.Services() {
for _, method := range service.Methods() {
fullName := method.FullName()
if _, ok := fullNameToMethod[fullName]; ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("duplicate method: %q", fullName)
fullNameToMethod[fullName] = method
return fullNameToMethod, nil
// StringToReservedTagRange maps the ReservedTagRanges in the ReservedDescriptor to a map
// from string string to reserved TagRange.
// Ignores duplicates.
func StringToReservedTagRange(reservedDescriptor ReservedDescriptor) map[string]TagRange {
stringToReservedTagRange := make(map[string]TagRange)
for _, reservedTagRange := range reservedDescriptor.ReservedTagRanges() {
stringToReservedTagRange[TagRangeString(reservedTagRange)] = reservedTagRange
return stringToReservedTagRange
// ValueToReservedName maps the ReservedNames in the ReservedDescriptor to a map
// from string value to ReservedName.
// Ignores duplicates.
func ValueToReservedName(reservedDescriptor ReservedDescriptor) map[string]ReservedName {
valueToReservedName := make(map[string]ReservedName)
for _, reservedName := range reservedDescriptor.ReservedNames() {
valueToReservedName[reservedName.Value()] = reservedName
return valueToReservedName
// StringToExtensionMessageRange maps the ExtensionMessageRanges in the Message to a map
// from string string to ExtensionMessageRange.
// Ignores duplicates.
func StringToExtensionMessageRange(message Message) map[string]MessageRange {
stringToExtensionMessageRange := make(map[string]MessageRange)
for _, extensionMessageRange := range message.ExtensionMessageRanges() {
stringToExtensionMessageRange[TagRangeString(extensionMessageRange)] = extensionMessageRange
return stringToExtensionMessageRange
// NumberInReservedRanges returns true if the number is in one of the Ranges.
func NumberInReservedRanges(number int, reservedRanges ...TagRange) bool {
for _, reservedRange := range reservedRanges {
start := reservedRange.Start()
end := reservedRange.End()
if number >= start && number <= end {
return true
return false
// NameInReservedNames returns true if the name is in one of the ReservedNames.
func NameInReservedNames(name string, reservedNames ...ReservedName) bool {
for _, reservedName := range reservedNames {
if name == reservedName.Value() {
return true
return false
// EnumIsSubset checks if subsetEnum is a subset of supersetEnum.
func EnumIsSubset(supersetEnum Enum, subsetEnum Enum) (bool, error) {
supersetNameToEnumValue, err := NameToEnumValue(supersetEnum)
if err != nil {
return false, err
subsetNameToEnumValue, err := NameToEnumValue(subsetEnum)
if err != nil {
return false, err
for subsetName, subsetEnumValue := range subsetNameToEnumValue {
supersetEnumValue, ok := supersetNameToEnumValue[subsetName]
if !ok {
// The enum value does not exist by name, this is not a superset.
return false, nil
if subsetEnumValue.Number() != supersetEnumValue.Number() {
// The enum values are not equal, this is not a superset.
return false, nil
// All enum values by name exist in the superset and have the same number,
// subsetEnum is a subset of supersetEnum.
return true, nil
// TagRangeString returns the string representation of the range.
func TagRangeString(tagRange TagRange) string {
start := tagRange.Start()
end := tagRange.End()
if start == end {
return fmt.Sprintf("[%d]", start)
if tagRange.Max() {
return fmt.Sprintf("[%d,max]", start)
return fmt.Sprintf("[%d,%d]", start, end)
// FreeMessageRangeString returns the string representation of the free ranges for the message.
func FreeMessageRangeString(message Message) string {
freeRanges := FreeMessageRanges(message)
if len(freeRanges) == 0 {
return ""
suffixes := make([]string, len(freeRanges))
for i, freeRange := range freeRanges {
suffixes[i] = freeMessageRangeStringSuffix(freeRange)
return fmt.Sprintf(
"%- 35s free: %s",
strings.Join(suffixes, " "),
// FreeMessageRanges returns the free message ranges for the given message.
// Not recursive.
func FreeMessageRanges(message Message) []MessageRange {
used := append(
for _, field := range message.Fields() {
used = append(
newFreeMessageRange(message, field.Number(), field.Number()),
sort.Slice(used, func(i, j int) bool {
return used[i].Start() < used[j].Start()
// now compute the inverse (unused ranges)
unused := make([]MessageRange, 0, len(used)+1)
last := 0
for _, r := range used {
if r.Start() <= last+1 {
last = r.End()
unused = append(
newFreeMessageRange(message, last+1, r.Start()-1),
last = r.End()
if last < messageRangeInclusiveMax {
unused = append(
newFreeMessageRange(message, last+1, messageRangeInclusiveMax),
return unused
// CheckTagRangeIsSubset checks if supersetRanges is a superset of subsetRanges.
// If so, it returns true and nil. If not, it returns false with a slice of failing ranges from subsetRanges.
func CheckTagRangeIsSubset(supersetRanges []TagRange, subsetRanges []TagRange) (bool, []TagRange) {
if len(subsetRanges) == 0 {
return true, nil
if len(supersetRanges) == 0 {
return false, subsetRanges
supersetTagRangeGroups := groupAdjacentTagRanges(supersetRanges)
subsetTagRanges := sortTagRanges(subsetRanges)
missingTagRanges := []TagRange{}
for i, j := 0, 0; j < len(subsetTagRanges); j++ {
for supersetTagRangeGroups[i].end < subsetTagRanges[j].Start() {
if i++; i == len(supersetTagRangeGroups) {
missingTagRanges = append(missingTagRanges, subsetTagRanges[j:]...)
return false, missingTagRanges
if supersetTagRangeGroups[i].start > subsetTagRanges[j].Start() ||
supersetTagRangeGroups[i].end < subsetTagRanges[j].End() {
missingTagRanges = append(missingTagRanges, subsetTagRanges[j])
if len(missingTagRanges) != 0 {
return false, missingTagRanges
return true, nil
// groupAdjacentTagRanges sorts and groups adjacent tag ranges.
func groupAdjacentTagRanges(ranges []TagRange) []tagRangeGroup {
if len(ranges) == 0 {
return []tagRangeGroup{}
sortedTagRanges := sortTagRanges(ranges)
j := 0
groupedTagRanges := make([]tagRangeGroup, 1, len(ranges))
groupedTagRanges[j] = tagRangeGroup{
ranges: sortedTagRanges[0:1],
start: sortedTagRanges[0].Start(),
end: sortedTagRanges[0].End(),
for i := 1; i < len(sortedTagRanges); i++ {
if sortedTagRanges[i].Start() <= sortedTagRanges[i-1].End()+1 {
if sortedTagRanges[i].End() > groupedTagRanges[j].end {
groupedTagRanges[j].end = sortedTagRanges[i].End()
groupedTagRanges[j].ranges = groupedTagRanges[j].ranges[0 : len(groupedTagRanges[j].ranges)+1]
} else {
groupedTagRanges = append(groupedTagRanges, tagRangeGroup{
ranges: sortedTagRanges[i : i+1],
start: sortedTagRanges[i].Start(),
end: sortedTagRanges[i].End(),
return groupedTagRanges
// sortTagRanges sorts tag ranges by their start, end components.
func sortTagRanges(ranges []TagRange) []TagRange {
rangesCopy := make([]TagRange, len(ranges))
copy(rangesCopy, ranges)
sort.Slice(rangesCopy, func(i, j int) bool {
return rangesCopy[i].Start() < rangesCopy[j].Start() ||
(rangesCopy[i].Start() == rangesCopy[j].Start() &&
rangesCopy[i].End() < rangesCopy[j].End())
return rangesCopy
func freeMessageRangeStringSuffix(freeRange MessageRange) string {
start := freeRange.Start()
end := freeRange.End()
if start == end {
return fmt.Sprintf("%d", start)
if freeRange.Max() {
return fmt.Sprintf("%d-INF", start)
return fmt.Sprintf("%d-%d", start, end)
func mapFiles(files []File, getKey func(File) string) (map[string][]File, error) {
keyToFilePathToFile := make(map[string]map[string]File)
for _, file := range files {
if err := addUniqueFileToMap(keyToFilePathToFile, getKey(file), file); err != nil {
return nil, err
return mapToSortedFiles(keyToFilePathToFile), nil
func addUniqueFileToMap(keyToFilePathToFile map[string]map[string]File, key string, file File) error {
filePathToFile, ok := keyToFilePathToFile[key]
if !ok {
filePathToFile = make(map[string]File)
keyToFilePathToFile[key] = filePathToFile
if _, ok := filePathToFile[file.Path()]; ok {
return fmt.Errorf("duplicate file: %s", file.Path())
filePathToFile[file.Path()] = file
return nil
func mapToSortedFiles(keyToFileMap map[string]map[string]File) map[string][]File {
keyToSortedFiles := make(map[string][]File, len(keyToFileMap))
for key, fileMap := range keyToFileMap {
files := make([]File, 0, len(fileMap))
for _, file := range fileMap {
files = append(files, file)
keyToSortedFiles[key] = files
return keyToSortedFiles
type tagRangeGroup struct {
ranges []TagRange
start int
end int