blob: 8b53c3162cbd769af89bfc2347fefd0530058b3d [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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// limitations under the License.
package manifest
import (
import (
// Blob is an anonymous file associated with a digest.
type Blob interface {
Digest() *Digest
Open(context.Context) (io.ReadCloser, error)
type memoryBlob struct {
digest Digest
content []byte
var _ Blob = (*memoryBlob)(nil)
type memoryBlobOptions struct {
validateDigest bool
// MemoryBlobOption are options passed when creating a new memory blob.
type MemoryBlobOption func(*memoryBlobOptions)
// MemoryBlobWithDigestValidation checks that the passed content and digest match.
func MemoryBlobWithDigestValidation() MemoryBlobOption {
return func(opts *memoryBlobOptions) {
opts.validateDigest = true
// NewMemoryBlob takes a digest and a content, and turns it into an in-memory
// representation of a blob, which returns the digest and an io.ReadCloser for
// its content.
func NewMemoryBlob(digest Digest, content []byte, opts ...MemoryBlobOption) (Blob, error) {
var config memoryBlobOptions
for _, option := range opts {
if config.validateDigest {
digester, err := NewDigester(digest.Type())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
contentDigest, err := digester.Digest(bytes.NewReader(content))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !digest.Equal(*contentDigest) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("digest and content mismatch")
return &memoryBlob{
digest: digest,
content: content,
}, nil
func (b *memoryBlob) Digest() *Digest {
if b == nil {
return nil
return &b.digest
func (b *memoryBlob) Open(context.Context) (io.ReadCloser, error) {
if b == nil {
return nil, os.ErrNotExist
return io.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(b.content)), nil
// BlobSet represents a set of deduplicated blobs by their digests.
type BlobSet struct {
digestToBlob map[string]Blob
type blobSetOptions struct {
validateContent bool
skipNilBlobs bool
// BlobSetOption are options passed when creating a new blob set.
type BlobSetOption func(*blobSetOptions)
// BlobSetWithContentValidation turns on content validation for all the blobs
// when creating a new BlobSet. If this option is on, blobs with the same digest
// must have the same content (in case blobs with the same digest are sent). If
// this option is not passed, then the latest duplicated blob digest content
// will prevail in the set.
func BlobSetWithContentValidation() BlobSetOption {
return func(opts *blobSetOptions) {
opts.validateContent = true
// BlobSetWithSkipNilBlobs allows passing nil blobs in the slice of blobs. The default behavior is
// that if you pass a nil blob in the slice, you'll get an error from the `NewBlobSet` constructor.
// If you pass this option, any nil blob will be skipped and the blob set will be built only from
// the non-nil ones.
func BlobSetWithSkipNilBlobs() BlobSetOption {
return func(opts *blobSetOptions) {
opts.skipNilBlobs = true
// NewBlobSet receives a slice of blobs, and de-duplicates them into a BlobSet.
func NewBlobSet(ctx context.Context, blobs []Blob, opts ...BlobSetOption) (*BlobSet, error) {
var config blobSetOptions
for _, option := range opts {
digestToBlobs := make(map[string]Blob, len(blobs))
for i, b := range blobs {
if b == nil {
if config.skipNilBlobs {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("blobs[%d]: nil blob", i)
digestStr := b.Digest().String()
if config.validateContent {
existingBlob, alreadyPresent := digestToBlobs[digestStr]
if alreadyPresent {
equalContent, err := BlobEqual(ctx, b, existingBlob)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("compare duplicated blobs with digest %q: %w", digestStr, err)
if !equalContent {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("duplicated blobs with digest %q have different contents", digestStr)
digestToBlobs[digestStr] = b
return &BlobSet{digestToBlob: digestToBlobs}, nil
// BlobFor returns the blob for the passed digest string, or nil, ok=false if
// the digest has no blob in the set.
func (s *BlobSet) BlobFor(digest string) (Blob, bool) {
blob, ok := s.digestToBlob[digest]
if !ok {
return nil, false
return blob, true
// Blobs returns a slice of the blobs in the set.
func (s *BlobSet) Blobs() []Blob {
blobs := make([]Blob, 0, len(s.digestToBlob))
for _, b := range s.digestToBlob {
blobs = append(blobs, b)
return blobs
// NewMemoryBlobFromReader creates a memory blob from content, which is read
// until completion. The returned blob contains all bytes read. If you are using
// this in a loop, you might better use NewMemoryBlobFromReaderWithDigester so
// you can reuse your digester.
func NewMemoryBlobFromReader(content io.Reader) (Blob, error) {
digester, err := NewDigester(DigestTypeShake256)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return NewMemoryBlobFromReaderWithDigester(content, digester)
// NewMemoryBlobFromReaderWithDigester creates a memory blob from content with
// the passed digester. The content is read until completion. The returned blob
// contains all bytes read.
func NewMemoryBlobFromReaderWithDigester(content io.Reader, digester Digester) (Blob, error) {
var contentInMemory bytes.Buffer
tee := io.TeeReader(content, &contentInMemory)
digest, err := digester.Digest(tee)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &memoryBlob{
digest: *digest,
content: contentInMemory.Bytes(),
}, nil
// BlobEqual returns true if blob a is the same as blob b. The digest is
// checked for equality and the content bytes compared.
// An error is returned if an unexpected I/O error occurred when opening,
// reading, or closing either blob.
func BlobEqual(ctx context.Context, a, b Blob) (_ bool, retErr error) {
const blockSize = 4096
if !a.Digest().Equal(*b.Digest()) {
// digests don't match
return false, nil
aFile, err := a.Open(ctx)
if err != nil {
return false, err
defer func() { retErr = multierr.Append(retErr, aFile.Close()) }()
bFile, err := b.Open(ctx)
if err != nil {
return false, err
defer func() { retErr = multierr.Append(retErr, bFile.Close()) }()
// Read blockSize from a, then from b, and compare.
aBlock := make([]byte, blockSize)
bBlock := make([]byte, blockSize)
for {
aN, aErr := aFile.Read(aBlock)
bN, bErr := io.ReadAtLeast(bFile, bBlock[:aN], aN) // exactly aN bytes
// We're running unexpected error processing (not EOF) before comparing
// bytes because it doesn't matter if the returned bytes match if an
// error occurred before an expected EOF.
if bErr == io.ErrUnexpectedEOF {
// b is shorter; we can error early
return false, nil
if aErr != nil && aErr != io.EOF {
// unexpected read error
return false, aErr
if bErr != nil && bErr != io.EOF {
// unexpected read error
return false, bErr
if !bytes.Equal(aBlock[:aN], bBlock[:bN]) {
// Read content doesn't match.
return false, nil
if aErr == io.EOF || bErr == io.EOF {
// EOF
aN, aErr := aFile.Read(aBlock[:1])
bN, bErr := bFile.Read(bBlock[:1])
if aN == 0 && bN == 0 && aErr == io.EOF && bErr == io.EOF {
// a and b are at EOF with no more data for us
return true, nil
// either a or b are longer
return false, multierr.Append(nilEOF(aErr), nilEOF(bErr))
// nilEOF maps io.EOF to nil
func nilEOF(err error) error {
if err == io.EOF {
return nil
return err