blob: b2e842b6d19a4e9b453dd7f6ab18c1dc1967b8fe [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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// limitations under the License.
package bufmodule
import (
import (
type targetingModule struct {
targetPaths []string
pathsAllowNotExistOnWalk bool
excludePaths []string
func newTargetingModule(
delegate Module,
targetPaths []string,
excludePaths []string,
pathsAllowNotExistOnWalk bool,
) (*targetingModule, error) {
if err := normalpath.ValidatePathsNormalizedValidatedUnique(targetPaths); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &targetingModule{
Module: delegate,
targetPaths: targetPaths,
pathsAllowNotExistOnWalk: pathsAllowNotExistOnWalk,
excludePaths: excludePaths,
}, nil
func (m *targetingModule) TargetFileInfos(ctx context.Context) (fileInfos []bufmoduleref.FileInfo, retErr error) {
defer func() {
if retErr == nil {
excludePathMap := stringutil.SliceToMap(m.excludePaths)
// We start by ensuring that no paths have been duplicated between target and exclude pathes.
for _, targetPath := range m.targetPaths {
if _, ok := excludePathMap[targetPath]; ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(
"cannot set the same path for both --path and --exclude-path flags: %s",
sourceReadBucket := m.getSourceReadBucket()
// potentialDirPaths are paths that we need to check if they are directories.
// These are any files that do not end in .proto, as well as files that end in .proto, but
// do not have a corresponding file in the source ReadBucket.
// If there is not an file the path ending in .proto could be a directory
// that itself contains files, i.e. a/b.proto/c.proto is valid.
var potentialDirPaths []string
// fileInfoPaths are the paths that are files, so we return them as a separate set.
fileInfoPaths := make(map[string]struct{})
// If m.targetPaths == nil then we are accepting all paths and we only need to filter on
// the excluded paths.
// In the event that we do have target paths, we need first gather up all the target paths
// that are proto files. If all target paths proto files, we can return them first.
if m.targetPaths != nil {
for _, targetPath := range m.targetPaths {
if normalpath.Ext(targetPath) != ".proto" {
// not a .proto file, therefore must be a directory
potentialDirPaths = append(potentialDirPaths, targetPath)
} else {
objectInfo, err := sourceReadBucket.Stat(ctx, targetPath)
if err != nil {
if !storage.IsNotExist(err) {
return nil, err
// we do not have a file, so even though this path ends
// in .proto, this could be a directory - we need to check it
potentialDirPaths = append(potentialDirPaths, targetPath)
} else {
// Since all of these are specific files to include, and we've already checked
// for duplicated excludes, we know that this file is not excluded.
// We have a file, therefore the targetPath was a file path
// add to the nonImportImageFiles if does not already exist
if _, ok := fileInfoPaths[targetPath]; !ok {
fileInfoPaths[targetPath] = struct{}{}
fileInfo, err := bufmoduleref.NewFileInfo(
if err != nil {
return nil, err
fileInfos = append(fileInfos, fileInfo)
if len(potentialDirPaths) == 0 {
// We had no potential directory paths as we were able to get
// an file for all targetPaths, so we can return the FileInfos now
// this means we do not have to do the expensive O(sourceReadBucketSize) operation
// to check to see if each file is within a potential directory path.
if !m.pathsAllowNotExistOnWalk {
foundPathSentinelError := errors.New("sentinel")
for _, excludePath := range m.excludePaths {
var foundPath bool
if walkErr := sourceReadBucket.Walk(
func(objectInfo storage.ObjectInfo) error {
if normalpath.EqualsOrContainsPath(excludePath, objectInfo.Path(), normalpath.Relative) {
foundPath = true
// We return early using the sentinel error here, since we don't need to do
// the rest of the walk if the path is found.
return foundPathSentinelError
return nil
); walkErr != nil && !errors.Is(walkErr, foundPathSentinelError) {
return nil, walkErr
if !foundPath {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("path %q has no matching file in the image", excludePath)
return fileInfos, nil
// We have potential directory paths, do the expensive operation to
// make a map of the directory paths.
potentialDirPathMap := stringutil.SliceToMap(potentialDirPaths)
// The map of paths within potentialDirPath that matches a file.
// This needs to contain all paths in potentialDirPathMap at the end for us to
// have had matches for every targetPath input.
matchingPotentialDirPathMap := make(map[string]struct{})
// The map of exclude paths that have a match on the walk. This is used to check against
// pathsAllowNotExistOnWalk.
matchingExcludePaths := make(map[string]struct{})
if walkErr := sourceReadBucket.Walk(
func(objectInfo storage.ObjectInfo) error {
path := objectInfo.Path()
fileMatchingExcludePathMap := normalpath.MapAllEqualOrContainingPathMap(
for excludeMatchingPath := range fileMatchingExcludePathMap {
if _, ok := matchingExcludePaths[excludeMatchingPath]; !ok {
matchingExcludePaths[excludeMatchingPath] = struct{}{}
// get the paths in potentialDirPathMap that match this path
fileMatchingPathMap := normalpath.MapAllEqualOrContainingPathMap(
if shouldExcludeFile(fileMatchingPathMap, fileMatchingExcludePathMap) {
return nil
if m.targetPaths != nil {
// We had a match, this means that some path in potentialDirPaths matched
// the path, add all the paths in potentialDirPathMap that
// matched to matchingPotentialDirPathMap.
for key := range fileMatchingPathMap {
matchingPotentialDirPathMap[key] = struct{}{}
// then, add the file if it is not added
if _, ok := fileInfoPaths[path]; !ok {
fileInfoPaths[path] = struct{}{}
fileInfo, err := bufmoduleref.NewFileInfo(
if err != nil {
return err
fileInfos = append(fileInfos, fileInfo)
return nil
); walkErr != nil {
return nil, walkErr
// if !allowNotExist, i.e. if all targetPaths must have a matching file,
// we check the matchingPotentialDirPathMap against the potentialDirPathMap
// to make sure that potentialDirPathMap is covered
if !m.pathsAllowNotExistOnWalk {
for potentialDirPath := range potentialDirPathMap {
if _, ok := matchingPotentialDirPathMap[potentialDirPath]; !ok {
// no match, this is an error given that allowNotExist is false
return nil, fmt.Errorf("path %q has no matching file in the module", potentialDirPath)
for excludePath := range excludePathMap {
if _, ok := matchingExcludePaths[excludePath]; !ok {
// no match, this is an error given that allowNotExist is false
return nil, fmt.Errorf("path %q has no matching file in the module", excludePath)
return fileInfos, nil
func shouldExcludeFile(
fileMatchingPathMap map[string]struct{},
fileMatchingExcludePathMap map[string]struct{},
) bool {
if fileMatchingPathMap == nil {
return len(fileMatchingExcludePathMap) > 0
for fileMatchingPath := range fileMatchingPathMap {
for fileMatchingExcludePath := range fileMatchingExcludePathMap {
if normalpath.EqualsOrContainsPath(fileMatchingPath, fileMatchingExcludePath, normalpath.Relative) {
delete(fileMatchingPathMap, fileMatchingPath)
return len(fileMatchingPathMap) == 0