blob: 3a1373954a2134de35b84c57c56fd0d5d1b170d1 [file] [log] [blame]
syntax = "proto3";
package dubbo.mesh;
option go_package = "";
import "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto";
message DubboResourceOptions {
// Name of the Dubbo resource struct.
string name = 1;
// Name and value of the modelResourceType constant.
string type = 2;
// True if this resource has global scope. Otherwise it will be mesh scope.
bool global = 3;
// Name of the resource's Go package.
string package = 4;
// Whether to skip type registration for this resource.
bool skip_registration = 6;
DubboDdsOptions dds = 10;
DubboWsOptions ws = 7;
// Whether scope is "Namespace"; Otherwise to "Cluster".
bool scope_namespace = 11;
// Whether to skip generation of native API helper functions.
bool skip_kubernetes_wrappers = 12;
// Whether to generate Inspect API endpoint
bool allow_to_inspect = 13;
// If resource has more than one version, then the flag defines which version
// is used in the storage. All other versions must be convertible to it.
bool storage_version = 14;
// The name of the policy showed as plural to be displayed in the UI and maybe
// CLI
string plural_display_name = 15;
// Is Experimental indicates if a policy is in experimental state (might not
// be production ready).
bool is_experimental = 16;
// Columns to set using `+kubebuilder::printcolumns`
repeated string additional_printer_columns = 17;
// Whether the resource has a matching insight type
bool has_insights = 18;
message DubboWsOptions {
// Name is the name of the policy for resource name usage in path.
string name = 1;
// Plural is only to be set if the plural of the resource is irregular (not
// just adding a 's' at the end).
string plural = 2;
// ReadOnly if the resource is read only.
bool read_only = 3;
// AdminOnly whether this entity requires admin auth to access these
// endpoints.
bool admin_only = 4;
message DubboDdsOptions {
// SendToGlobal whether this entity will be sent from zone cp to global cp
bool send_to_global = 1;
// SendToZone whether this entity will be sent from global cp to zone cp
bool send_to_zone = 2;
message DubboPolicyOptions {
// Whether to skip type registration for this resource.
bool skip_registration = 1;
// An optional alternative plural form if this is unset default to a standard
// derivation of the name
string plural = 2;
extend google.protobuf.MessageOptions {
DubboResourceOptions resource = 43534533; // 'dubbo'
DubboPolicyOptions policy = 43534534; // 'dubbo'