blob: c91437d2edf0582105eb3819a55a0b4564bfe79c [file] [log] [blame]
syntax = "proto3";
package dubbo.mesh.v1alpha1;
option go_package = "";
import "api/mesh/options.proto";
import "api/mesh/v1alpha1/envoy_admin.proto";
// ZoneIngress allows us to configure dataplane in the Ingress mode. In this
// mode, dataplane has only inbound interfaces. Every inbound interface matches
// with services that reside in that cluster.
message ZoneIngress {
option (dubbo.mesh.resource).name = "ZoneIngressResource";
option (dubbo.mesh.resource).type = "ZoneIngress";
option (dubbo.mesh.resource).package = "mesh";
option (dubbo.mesh.resource).dds.send_to_zone = true;
option (dubbo.mesh.resource) = "zoneingress";
option (dubbo.mesh.resource).ws.plural = "zoneingresses";
option (dubbo.mesh.resource).allow_to_inspect = true;
option (dubbo.mesh.resource).scope_namespace = true;
string zone = 1;
message Networking {
string address = 1;
string advertisedAddress = 2;
uint32 port = 3;
uint32 advertisedPort = 4;
// Admin contains configuration related to Envoy Admin API
EnvoyAdmin admin = 5;
Networking networking = 2;
message AvailableService {
map<string, string> tags = 1;
uint32 instances = 2;
string mesh = 3;
repeated AvailableService availableServices = 3;