blob: 421edc588c213eef671425e81de504da47f54729 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021-2023 Buf Technologies, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import type { Interceptor, Transport } from "@apachedubbo/dubbo";
import type { Compression } from "@apachedubbo/dubbo/protocol";
import { createTransport } from "@apachedubbo/dubbo/protocol-grpc";
import type {
} from "@bufbuild/protobuf";
import {
type DeprecatedNodeTransportOptions,
type NodeTransportOptions,
} from "./node-transport-options.js";
* Options used to configure the gRPC-web transport.
* See createGrpcTransport().
type GrpcTransportOptions = NodeTransportOptions &
DeprecatedNodeTransportOptions & {
* Base URI for all HTTP requests.
* Requests will be made to <baseUrl>/<package>.<service>/method
* Example: `baseUrl: ""`
* This will make a `POST /my-api/my_package.MyService/Foo` to
* `` via HTTPS.
baseUrl: string;
* By default, clients use the binary format for gRPC-web, because
* not all gRPC-web implementations support JSON.
useBinaryFormat?: boolean;
* Interceptors that should be applied to all calls running through
* this transport. See the Interceptor type for details.
interceptors?: Interceptor[];
* Options for the JSON format.
* By default, unknown fields are ignored.
jsonOptions?: Partial<JsonReadOptions & JsonWriteOptions>;
* Options for the binary wire format.
binaryOptions?: Partial<BinaryReadOptions & BinaryWriteOptions>;
* Compression algorithms available to a client. Clients ask servers to
* compress responses using any of the registered algorithms. The first
* registered algorithm is the most preferred.
* It is safe to use this option liberally: servers will ignore any
* compression algorithms they don't support. To compress requests, pair this
* option with `sendCompression`.
* If this option is not provided, the compression algorithms "gzip" and "br"
* (Brotli) are accepted. To opt out of response compression, pass an
* empty array.
acceptCompression?: Compression[];
* Configures the client to use the specified algorithm to compress request
* messages.
* Because some servers don't support compression, clients default to sending
* uncompressed requests.
sendCompression?: Compression;
* Sets a minimum size threshold for compression: Messages that are smaller
* than the configured minimum are sent uncompressed.
* The default value is 1 kibibyte, because the CPU cost of compressing very
* small messages usually isn't worth the small reduction in network I/O.
compressMinBytes?: number;
* Limits the performance impact of pathologically large messages sent by the
* server. Limits apply to each individual message, not to the stream as a
* whole.
* The default limit is the maximum supported value of ~4GiB.
readMaxBytes?: number;
* Prevents sending messages too large for the server to handle.
* The default limit is the maximum supported value of ~4GiB.
writeMaxBytes?: number;
* Create a Transport for the gRPC protocol using the Node.js `http`, `http2`,
* or `http2` module.
export function createGrpcTransport(options: GrpcTransportOptions): Transport {
return createTransport(validateNodeTransportOptions(options));