blob: 14a202fc9d06963f4b01a000d450ffd408e225b3 [file] [log] [blame]
# Environment variables used to configure istio startup
# Comma separated list of CIDRs used for services. If set, iptables will be run to allow istio
# sidecar to intercept outbound calls to configured addresses. If not set, outbound istio sidecar
# will not be used via iptables.
# Name of the service exposed by the machine.
# ISTIO_SERVICE=myservice
# The mode used to redirect inbound connections to Envoy. This setting
# has no effect on outbound traffic: iptables REDIRECT is always used for
# outbound connections.
# If "REDIRECT", use iptables REDIRECT to NAT and redirect to Envoy.
# The "REDIRECT" mode loses source addresses during redirection.
# If "TPROXY", use iptables TPROXY to redirect to Envoy.
# The "TPROXY" mode preserves both the source and destination IP
# addresses and ports, so that they can be used for advanced filtering
# and manipulation.
# The "TPROXY" mode also configures the sidecar to run with the
# CAP_NET_ADMIN capability, which is required to use TPROXY.
# If not set, defaults to "REDIRECT".
# When the interception mode is "TPROXY", the iptables skb mark that is set on
# every inbound packet to be redirected to Envoy.
# If not set, defaults to "1337".
# When the interception mode is "TPROXY", the number of the routing table that
# is configured and used to route inbound connections to the loopback interface
# in order to be redirected to Envoy.
# If not set, defaults to "133".
# Comma separated list of local ports that will use Istio sidecar for inbound services.
# If set, iptables rules will be configured to intercept inbound traffic and redirect to sidecar.
# If not set, no rules will be enabled
# List of ports to exclude from inbound interception, if ISTIO_INBOUND_PORTS is set to *
# Port 22 is automatically excluded
# Namespace of the cluster.
# Specify the IP address used in endpoints. If not set, 'hostname --ip-address' will be used.
# Needed if the host has multiple IP.
# If istio-pilot is configured with mTLS authentication (--controlPlaneAuthPolicy MUTUAL_TLS ) you must
# also configure the mesh expansion machines:
# Fine tunning - useful if installing/building binaries instead of using the .deb file, or running
# multiple instances.
# Port used by Envoy. Defaults to 15001, used in the autogenerated config
# ENVOY_PORT=15001
# User running Envoy. For testing you can use a regular user ID - however running iptables requires
# root or netadmin capability. The debian file creates user istio.
# ENVOY_USER=istio-proxy
# Uncomment to enable debugging
# ISTIO_AGENT_FLAGS="--proxyLogLevel debug"
# Directory for stdout redirection. The redirection is required because envoy attempts to open
# /dev/stdout - must be a real file. Will be used for access logs. Additional config for logsaver
# needs to be made, envoy reopens the file on SIGUSR1
# ISTIO_LOG_DIR=/var/log/istio
# Installation directory for istio binaries, customize in case you're using a binary.
# This is likely to change - current path matches the docker layout in 0.1
# ISTIO_BIN_BASE=/usr/local/bin
# Location of istio configs.
# ISTIO_CFG=/var/lib/istio
# Ignore Istio iptables custom rules
# Enable this flag if you would like to manage iptables yourself. Default to false (true/false)
# Location of provisioning certificates. VM provisioning tools must generate a certificate with
# the expected SAN. Istio-agent will use it to connect to istiod and get fresh certificates.
# PROV_CERT=/var/run/secrets/istio
# Location to save the certificates from the CA. Setting this to the same location with PROV_CERT
# allows rotation of the secrets. Users may also use longer-lived PROV_CERT, rotated under the control
# of the provisioning tool.
# Istiod may return a certificate with additional information and shorter lived, to be used for
# workload communication. In order to use the certificate with applications not supporting SDS, set this
# environment variable. If the value is different from PROV_CERTS the workload certs will be saved, but
# the provisioning cert will remain under control of the VM provisioning tools.
# OUTPUT_CERTS=/var/run/secrets/istio
# OUTPUT_CERTS=/etc/certs
# Address of the CA. The CA must implement the Istio protocol, accepting the provisioning certificate
# and returning workload certificates. Istiod is implementing the protocol, and is the default value
# if CA_ADDR is not set.
# set CA_ADDR if your istiod.dubbo-system.svc is on port other than 15012
# CA_ADDR=istiod.dubbo-system.svc:32018