blob: 2f43e8bb8fb653ad4fa074fe383403ca03e84a4c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright Istio Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package bugreport
import (
import (
import (
cluster2 ""
const (
bugReportDefaultTimeout = 30 * time.Minute
istioRevisionLabel = ""
var (
bugReportDefaultIstioNamespace = "dubbo-system"
bugReportDefaultInclude = []string{""}
bugReportDefaultExclude = []string{strings.Join(inject.IgnoredNamespaces.SortedList(), ",")}
// Cmd returns a cobra command for bug-report.
func Cmd(logOpts *log.Options) *cobra.Command {
rootCmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "bug-report",
Short: "Cluster information and log capture support tool.",
SilenceUsage: true,
Long: `bug-report selectively captures cluster information and logs into an archive to help diagnose problems.
Proxy logs can be filtered using:
--include|--exclude ns1,ns2.../dep1,dep2.../pod1,pod2.../lbl1=val1,lbl2=val2.../ann1=val1,ann2=val2.../cntr1,cntr...
where ns=namespace, dep=deployment, lbl=label, ann=annotation, cntr=container
The filter spec is interpreted as 'must be in (ns1 OR ns2) AND (dep1 OR dep2) AND (cntr1 OR cntr2)...'
The log will be included only if the container matches at least one include filter and does not match any exclude filters.
All parts of the filter are optional and can be omitted e.g. ns1//pod1 filters only for namespace ns1 and pod1.
All names except label and annotation keys support '*' glob matching pattern.
--include ns1,ns2 (only namespaces ns1 and ns2)
--include n*//p*/l=v* (pods with name beginning with 'p' in namespaces beginning with 'n' and having label 'l' with value beginning with 'v'.)`,
RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
return runBugReportCommand(cmd, logOpts)
addFlags(rootCmd, gConfig)
return rootCmd
var (
// Logs, along with stats and importance metrics. Key is path (namespace/deployment/pod/cluster) which can be
// parsed with ParsePath.
logs = make(map[string]string)
stats = make(map[string]*processlog.Stats)
importance = make(map[string]int)
// Aggregated errors for all fetch operations.
gErrors util.Errors
lock = sync.RWMutex{}
func runBugReportCommand(_ *cobra.Command, logOpts *log.Options) error {
if err := configLogs(logOpts); err != nil {
return err
config, err := parseConfig()
if err != nil {
return err
clusterCtxStr := ""
if config.Context == "" {
var err error
clusterCtxStr, err = content.GetClusterContext(config.KubeConfigPath)
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
clusterCtxStr = config.Context
common.LogAndPrintf("\nTarget cluster context: %s\n", clusterCtxStr)
common.LogAndPrintf("Running with the following config: \n\n%s\n\n", config)
clientConfig, clientset, err := kubeclient.New(config.KubeConfigPath, config.Context)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not initialize k8s client: %s ", err)
client, err := kube.NewExtendedClient(clientConfig, "")
if err != nil {
return err
common.LogAndPrintf("\nCluster endpoint: %s\n", client.RESTConfig().Host)
clusterResourcesCtx, getClusterResourcesCancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), commandTimeout)
curTime := time.Now()
defer func() {
message := "Timeout when get cluster resources, please using --include or --exclude to filter"
if time.Until(curTime.Add(commandTimeout)) < 0 {
resources, err := cluster2.GetClusterResources(clusterResourcesCtx, clientset, config)
if err != nil {
return err
dumpRevisionsAndVersions(resources, config.KubeConfigPath, config.Context, config.IstioNamespace)
log.Infof("Cluster resource tree:\n\n%s\n\n", resources)
paths, err := filter.GetMatchingPaths(config, resources)
if err != nil {
return err
common.LogAndPrintf("\n\nFetching proxy logs for the following containers:\n\n%s\n", strings.Join(paths, "\n"))
gatherInfo(client, config, resources, paths)
if len(gErrors) != 0 {
// TODO: sort by importance and discard any over the size limit.
for path, text := range logs {
namespace, _, pod, _, err := cluster2.ParsePath(path)
if err != nil {
writeFile(filepath.Join(archive.ProxyOutputPath(tempDir, namespace, pod), common.ProxyContainerName+".log"), text)
outDir, err := os.Getwd()
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("using ./ to write archive: %s", err.Error())
outDir = "."
outPath := filepath.Join(outDir, "bug-report.tar.gz")
common.LogAndPrintf("Creating an archive at %s.\n", outPath)
archiveDir := archive.DirToArchive(tempDir)
if err := archive.Create(archiveDir, outPath); err != nil {
return err
common.LogAndPrintf("Cleaning up temporary files in %s.\n", archiveDir)
if err := os.RemoveAll(archiveDir); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func dumpRevisionsAndVersions(resources *cluster2.Resources, kubeconfig, configContext, istioNamespace string) {
text := ""
text += fmt.Sprintf("CLI version:\n%s\n\n", version.Info.LongForm())
revisions := getIstioRevisions(resources)
istioVersions, proxyVersions := getIstioVersions(kubeconfig, configContext, istioNamespace, revisions)
text += "The following Istio control plane revisions/versions were found in the cluster:\n"
for rev, ver := range istioVersions {
text += fmt.Sprintf("Revision %s:\n%s\n\n", rev, ver)
text += "The following proxy revisions/versions were found in the cluster:\n"
for rev, ver := range proxyVersions {
text += fmt.Sprintf("Revision %s: Versions {%s}\n", rev, strings.Join(ver, ", "))
writeFile(filepath.Join(archive.OutputRootDir(tempDir), "versions"), text)
// getIstioRevisions returns a slice with all Istio revisions detected in the cluster.
func getIstioRevisions(resources *cluster2.Resources) []string {
revMap := sets.New()
for _, podLabels := range resources.Labels {
for label, value := range podLabels {
if label == istioRevisionLabel {
return revMap.SortedList()
// getIstioVersions returns a mapping of revision to aggregated version string for Istio components and revision to
// slice of versions for proxies. Any errors are embedded in the revision strings.
func getIstioVersions(kubeconfig, configContext, istioNamespace string, revisions []string) (map[string]string, map[string][]string) {
istioVersions := make(map[string]string)
proxyVersionsMap := make(map[string]sets.Set)
proxyVersions := make(map[string][]string)
for _, revision := range revisions {
istioVersions[revision] = getIstioVersion(kubeconfig, configContext, istioNamespace, revision)
proxyInfo, err := proxy.GetProxyInfo(kubeconfig, configContext, revision, istioNamespace)
if err != nil {
for _, pi := range *proxyInfo {
if proxyVersionsMap[revision] == nil {
proxyVersionsMap[revision] = sets.New()
for revision, vmap := range proxyVersionsMap {
for v := range vmap {
proxyVersions[revision] = append(proxyVersions[revision], v)
return istioVersions, proxyVersions
func getIstioVersion(kubeconfig, configContext, istioNamespace, revision string) string {
kubeClient, err := kube.NewExtendedClient(kube.BuildClientCmd(kubeconfig, configContext), revision)
if err != nil {
return err.Error()
versions, err := kubeClient.GetIstioVersions(context.TODO(), istioNamespace)
if err != nil {
return err.Error()
return pretty.Sprint(versions)
// gatherInfo fetches all logs, resources, debug etc. using goroutines.
// proxy logs and info are saved in logs/stats/importance global maps.
// Errors are reported through gErrors.
func gatherInfo(client kube.ExtendedClient, config *config.BugReportConfig, resources *cluster2.Resources, paths []string) {
// no timeout on mandatoryWg.
var mandatoryWg sync.WaitGroup
cmdTimer := time.NewTimer(time.Duration(config.CommandTimeout))
beginTime := time.Now()
clusterDir := archive.ClusterInfoPath(tempDir)
params := &content.Params{
Client: client,
DryRun: config.DryRun,
KubeConfig: config.KubeConfigPath,
KubeContext: config.Context,
common.LogAndPrintf("\nFetching Istio control plane information from cluster.\n\n")
getFromCluster(content.GetK8sResources, params, clusterDir, &mandatoryWg)
getFromCluster(content.GetCRs, params, clusterDir, &mandatoryWg)
getFromCluster(content.GetEvents, params, clusterDir, &mandatoryWg)
getFromCluster(content.GetClusterInfo, params, clusterDir, &mandatoryWg)
getFromCluster(content.GetNodeInfo, params, clusterDir, &mandatoryWg)
getFromCluster(content.GetSecrets, params.SetVerbose(config.FullSecrets), clusterDir, &mandatoryWg)
getFromCluster(content.GetDescribePods, params.SetIstioNamespace(config.IstioNamespace), clusterDir, &mandatoryWg)
// optionalWg is subject to timer.
var optionalWg sync.WaitGroup
for _, p := range paths {
namespace, _, pod, container, err := cluster2.ParsePath(p)
if err != nil {
cp := params.SetNamespace(namespace).SetPod(pod).SetContainer(container)
proxyDir := archive.ProxyOutputPath(tempDir, namespace, pod)
switch {
case common.IsProxyContainer(params.ClusterVersion, container):
getFromCluster(content.GetCoredumps, cp, filepath.Join(proxyDir, "cores"), &mandatoryWg)
getFromCluster(content.GetNetstat, cp, proxyDir, &mandatoryWg)
getFromCluster(content.GetProxyInfo, cp, archive.ProxyOutputPath(tempDir, namespace, pod), &optionalWg)
getProxyLogs(client, config, resources, p, namespace, pod, container, &optionalWg)
case resources.IsDiscoveryContainer(params.ClusterVersion, namespace, pod, container):
getFromCluster(content.GetIstiodInfo, cp, archive.IstiodPath(tempDir, namespace, pod), &mandatoryWg)
getIstiodLogs(client, config, resources, namespace, pod, &mandatoryWg)
case common.IsOperatorContainer(params.ClusterVersion, container):
getOperatorLogs(client, config, resources, namespace, pod, &optionalWg)
// Not all items are subject to timeout. Proceed only if the non-cancellable items have completed.
// If log fetches have completed, cancel the timeout.
go func() {
// Wait for log fetches, up to the timeout.
// Find the timeout duration left for the analysis process.
analyzeTimeout := time.Until(beginTime.Add(time.Duration(config.CommandTimeout)))
// Analyze runs many queries internally, so run these queries sequentially and after everything else has finished.
runAnalyze(config, params, analyzeTimeout)
// getFromCluster runs a cluster info fetching function f against the cluster and writes the results to fileName.
// Runs if a goroutine, with errors reported through gErrors.
func getFromCluster(f func(params *content.Params) (map[string]string, error), params *content.Params, dir string, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
log.Infof("Waiting on %s", runtime.FuncForPC(reflect.ValueOf(f).Pointer()).Name())
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
out, err := f(params)
if err == nil {
writeFiles(dir, out)
log.Infof("Done with %s", runtime.FuncForPC(reflect.ValueOf(f).Pointer()).Name())
// getProxyLogs fetches proxy logs for the given namespace/pod/container and stores the output in global structs.
// Runs if a goroutine, with errors reported through gErrors.
// TODO(stewartbutler): output the logs to a more robust/complete structure.
func getProxyLogs(client kube.ExtendedClient, config *config.BugReportConfig, resources *cluster2.Resources,
path, namespace, pod, container string, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
log.Infof("Waiting on logs %s", pod)
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
clog, cstat, imp, err := getLog(client, resources, config, namespace, pod, container)
if err == nil {
logs[path], stats[path], importance[path] = clog, cstat, imp
log.Infof("Done with logs %s", pod)
// getIstiodLogs fetches Istiod logs for the given namespace/pod and writes the output.
// Runs if a goroutine, with errors reported through gErrors.
func getIstiodLogs(client kube.ExtendedClient, config *config.BugReportConfig, resources *cluster2.Resources,
namespace, pod string, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
log.Infof("Waiting on logs %s", pod)
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
clog, _, _, err := getLog(client, resources, config, namespace, pod, common.DiscoveryContainerName)
writeFile(filepath.Join(archive.IstiodPath(tempDir, namespace, pod), "discovery.log"), clog)
log.Infof("Done with logs %s", pod)
// getOperatorLogs fetches istio-operator logs for the given namespace/pod and writes the output.
func getOperatorLogs(client kube.ExtendedClient, config *config.BugReportConfig, resources *cluster2.Resources,
namespace, pod string, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
log.Infof("Waiting on logs %s", pod)
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
clog, _, _, err := getLog(client, resources, config, namespace, pod, common.OperatorContainerName)
writeFile(filepath.Join(archive.OperatorPath(tempDir, namespace, pod), "operator.log"), clog)
log.Infof("Done with logs %s", pod)
// getLog fetches the logs for the given namespace/pod/container and returns the log text and stats for it.
func getLog(client kube.ExtendedClient, resources *cluster2.Resources, config *config.BugReportConfig,
namespace, pod, container string) (string, *processlog.Stats, int, error) {
log.Infof("Getting logs for %s/%s/%s...", namespace, pod, container)
clog, err := kubectlcmd.Logs(client, namespace, pod, container, false, config.DryRun)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, 0, err
if resources.ContainerRestarts(namespace, pod, container) > 0 {
pclog, err := kubectlcmd.Logs(client, namespace, pod, container, true, config.DryRun)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, 0, err
clog = "========= Previous log present (appended at the end) =========\n\n" + clog +
"\n\n========= Previous log =========\n\n" + pclog
var cstat *processlog.Stats
clog, cstat = processlog.Process(config, clog)
return clog, cstat, cstat.Importance(), nil
func runAnalyze(config *config.BugReportConfig, params *content.Params, analyzeTimeout time.Duration) {
newParam := params.SetNamespace(common.NamespaceAll)
common.LogAndPrintf("Running istio analyze on all namespaces and report as below:")
out, err := content.GetAnalyze(newParam.SetIstioNamespace(config.IstioNamespace), analyzeTimeout)
if err != nil {
common.LogAndPrintf("\nAnalysis Report:\n")
writeFiles(archive.AnalyzePath(tempDir, common.StrNamespaceAll), out)
func writeFiles(dir string, files map[string]string) {
for fname, text := range files {
writeFile(filepath.Join(dir, fname), text)
func writeFile(path, text string) {
if strings.TrimSpace(text) == "" {
if err := os.WriteFile(path, []byte(text), 0o644); err != nil {
func mkdirOrExit(fpath string) {
if err := os.MkdirAll(path.Dir(fpath), 0o755); err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Could not create output directories: %s", err)
func appendGlobalErr(err error) {
if err == nil {
gErrors = util.AppendErr(gErrors, err)
func BuildClientsFromConfig(kubeConfig []byte) (kube.Client, error) {
if len(kubeConfig) == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("kubeconfig is empty")
rawConfig, err := clientcmd.Load(kubeConfig)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("kubeconfig cannot be loaded: %v", err)
if err := clientcmd.Validate(*rawConfig); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("kubeconfig is not valid: %v", err)
clientConfig := clientcmd.NewDefaultClientConfig(*rawConfig, &clientcmd.ConfigOverrides{})
clients, err := kube.NewClient(clientConfig)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create kube clients: %v", err)
return clients, nil
func configLogs(opt *log.Options) error {
logDir := filepath.Join(archive.OutputRootDir(tempDir), "bug-report.log")
f, err := os.Create(logDir)
if err != nil {
return err
op := []string{logDir}
opt2 := *opt
opt2.OutputPaths = op
opt2.ErrorOutputPaths = op
opt2.SetOutputLevel("default", log.InfoLevel)
return log.Configure(&opt2)