blob: 6cf088d06f07918a7367988edfaa42bde1fe866e [file] [log] [blame]
//go:build integ
// +build integ
// Copyright Istio Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package prometheus
import (
import (
import (
util ""
var (
client, server echo.Instances
nonInjectedServer echo.Instances
mockProm echo.Instances
ist istio.Instance
appNsInst namespace.Instance
promInst prometheus.Instance
ingr []ingress.Instance
var PeerAuthenticationConfig = `
kind: PeerAuthentication
name: default
mode: STRICT
// GetIstioInstance gets Istio instance.
func GetIstioInstance() *istio.Instance {
return &ist
// GetAppNamespace gets bookinfo instance.
func GetAppNamespace() namespace.Instance {
return appNsInst
// GetPromInstance gets prometheus instance.
func GetPromInstance() prometheus.Instance {
return promInst
// GetIstioInstance gets Istio instance.
func GetIngressInstance() []ingress.Instance {
return ingr
func GetClientInstances() echo.Instances {
return client
func GetTarget() echo.Target {
return server
// TestStatsFilter includes common test logic for stats and metadataexchange filters running
// with nullvm and wasm runtime.
func TestStatsFilter(t *testing.T, feature features.Feature) {
Run(func(t framework.TestContext) {
// Enable strict mTLS. This is needed for mock secured prometheus scraping test.
t.ConfigIstio().YAML(ist.Settings().SystemNamespace, PeerAuthenticationConfig).ApplyOrFail(t)
g, _ := errgroup.WithContext(context.Background())
for _, cltInstance := range client {
cltInstance := cltInstance
g.Go(func() error {
err := retry.UntilSuccess(func() error {
if err := SendTraffic(cltInstance); err != nil {
return err
c := cltInstance.Config().Cluster
sourceCluster := "Kubernetes"
if len(t.AllClusters()) > 1 {
sourceCluster = c.Name()
sourceQuery, destinationQuery, appQuery := buildQuery(sourceCluster)
prom := GetPromInstance()
// Query client side metrics
if _, err := prom.QuerySum(c, sourceQuery); err != nil {
util.PromDiff(t, prom, c, sourceQuery)
return err
// Query client side metrics for non-injected server
outOfMeshServerQuery := buildOutOfMeshServerQuery(sourceCluster)
if _, err := prom.QuerySum(c, outOfMeshServerQuery); err != nil {
util.PromDiff(t, prom, c, outOfMeshServerQuery)
return err
// Query server side metrics.
if _, err := prom.QuerySum(c, destinationQuery); err != nil {
util.PromDiff(t, prom, c, destinationQuery)
return err
// This query will continue to increase due to readiness probe; don't wait for it to converge
if _, err := prom.QuerySum(c, appQuery); err != nil {
util.PromDiff(t, prom, c, appQuery)
return err
return nil
}, retry.Delay(framework.TelemetryRetryDelay), retry.Timeout(framework.TelemetryRetryTimeout))
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
if err := g.Wait(); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("test failed: %v", err)
// In addition, verifies that mocked prometheus could call metrics endpoint with proxy provisioned certs
for _, prom := range mockProm {
st := match.Cluster(prom.Config().Cluster).FirstOrFail(t, server)
prom.CallOrFail(t, echo.CallOptions{
ToWorkload: st,
Scheme: scheme.HTTPS,
Port: echo.Port{ServicePort: 15014},
HTTP: echo.HTTP{
Path: "/metrics",
TLS: echo.TLS{
CertFile: "/etc/certs/custom/cert-chain.pem",
KeyFile: "/etc/certs/custom/key.pem",
CaCertFile: "/etc/certs/custom/root-cert.pem",
InsecureSkipVerify: true,
// TestStatsTCPFilter includes common test logic for stats and metadataexchange filters running
// with nullvm and wasm runtime for TCP.
func TestStatsTCPFilter(t *testing.T, feature features.Feature) {
Run(func(t framework.TestContext) {
g, _ := errgroup.WithContext(context.Background())
for _, cltInstance := range client {
cltInstance := cltInstance
g.Go(func() error {
err := retry.UntilSuccess(func() error {
if err := SendTCPTraffic(cltInstance); err != nil {
return err
c := cltInstance.Config().Cluster
sourceCluster := "Kubernetes"
if len(t.AllClusters()) > 1 {
sourceCluster = c.Name()
destinationQuery := buildTCPQuery(sourceCluster)
if _, err := GetPromInstance().Query(c, destinationQuery); err != nil {
util.PromDiff(t, promInst, c, destinationQuery)
return err
return nil
}, retry.Delay(framework.TelemetryRetryDelay), retry.Timeout(framework.TelemetryRetryTimeout))
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
if err := g.Wait(); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("test failed: %v", err)
// TestSetup set up echo app for stats testing.
func TestSetup(ctx resource.Context) (err error) {
appNsInst, err = namespace.New(ctx, namespace.Config{
Prefix: "echo",
Inject: true,
if err != nil {
outputCertAnnot := `
OUTPUT_CERTS: /etc/certs/custom`
echos, err := deployment.New(ctx).
With(nil, echo.Config{
Service: "client",
Namespace: appNsInst,
Ports: nil,
Subsets: []echo.SubsetConfig{{}},
With(nil, echo.Config{
Service: "server",
Namespace: appNsInst,
Subsets: []echo.SubsetConfig{{}},
Ports: []echo.Port{
Name: "http",
Protocol: protocol.HTTP,
WorkloadPort: 8090,
Name: "tcp",
Protocol: protocol.TCP,
// We use a port > 1024 to not require root
WorkloadPort: 9000,
ServicePort: 9000,
With(nil, echo.Config{
Service: "server-no-sidecar",
Namespace: appNsInst,
Subsets: []echo.SubsetConfig{
Annotations: map[echo.Annotation]*echo.AnnotationValue{
echo.SidecarInject: {
Value: strconv.FormatBool(false),
Ports: []echo.Port{
Name: "http",
Protocol: protocol.HTTP,
WorkloadPort: 8090,
Name: "tcp",
Protocol: protocol.TCP,
// We use a port > 1024 to not require root
WorkloadPort: 9000,
ServicePort: 9000,
With(nil, echo.Config{
// mock prom instance is used to mock a prometheus server, which will visit other echo instance /metrics
// endpoint with proxy provisioned certs.
Service: "mock-prom",
Namespace: appNsInst,
Subsets: []echo.SubsetConfig{
Annotations: map[echo.Annotation]*echo.AnnotationValue{
echo.SidecarIncludeInboundPorts: {
Value: "",
echo.SidecarIncludeOutboundIPRanges: {
Value: "",
echo.SidecarProxyConfig: {
Value: outputCertAnnot,
echo.SidecarVolumeMount: {
Value: `[{"name": "custom-certs", "mountPath": "/etc/certs/custom"}]`,
TLSSettings: &common.TLSSettings{
ProxyProvision: true,
Ports: []echo.Port{},
if err != nil {
return err
for _, c := range ctx.Clusters() {
ingr = append(ingr, ist.IngressFor(c))
client = match.ServiceName(echo.NamespacedName{Name: "client", Namespace: appNsInst}).GetMatches(echos)
server = match.ServiceName(echo.NamespacedName{Name: "server", Namespace: appNsInst}).GetMatches(echos)
nonInjectedServer = match.ServiceName(echo.NamespacedName{Name: "server-no-sidecar", Namespace: appNsInst}).GetMatches(echos)
mockProm = match.ServiceName(echo.NamespacedName{Name: "mock-prom", Namespace: appNsInst}).GetMatches(echos)
promInst, err = prometheus.New(ctx, prometheus.Config{})
if err != nil {
return nil
// SendTraffic makes a client call to the "server" service on the http port.
func SendTraffic(cltInstance echo.Instance) error {
_, err := cltInstance.Call(echo.CallOptions{
To: server,
Port: echo.Port{
Name: "http",
Count: util.RequestCountMultipler * server.MustWorkloads().Len(),
Check: check.OK(),
Retry: echo.Retry{
NoRetry: true,
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = cltInstance.Call(echo.CallOptions{
To: nonInjectedServer,
Port: echo.Port{
Name: "http",
Count: util.RequestCountMultipler * nonInjectedServer.MustWorkloads().Len(),
Retry: echo.Retry{
NoRetry: true,
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// SendTCPTraffic makes a client call to the "server" service on the tcp port.
func SendTCPTraffic(cltInstance echo.Instance) error {
_, err := cltInstance.Call(echo.CallOptions{
To: server,
Port: echo.Port{
Name: "tcp",
Count: util.RequestCountMultipler * server.MustWorkloads().Len(),
Retry: echo.Retry{
NoRetry: true,
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// BuildQueryCommon is the shared function to construct prom query for istio_request_total metric.
func BuildQueryCommon(labels map[string]string, ns string) (sourceQuery, destinationQuery, appQuery prometheus.Query) {
sourceQuery.Metric = "istio_requests_total"
sourceQuery.Labels = clone(labels)
sourceQuery.Labels["reporter"] = "source"
destinationQuery.Metric = "istio_requests_total"
destinationQuery.Labels = clone(labels)
destinationQuery.Labels["reporter"] = "destination"
appQuery.Metric = "istio_echo_http_requests_total"
appQuery.Labels = map[string]string{"namespace": ns}
func clone(labels map[string]string) map[string]string {
ret := map[string]string{}
for k, v := range labels {
ret[k] = v
return ret
func buildQuery(sourceCluster string) (sourceQuery, destinationQuery, appQuery prometheus.Query) {
ns := GetAppNamespace()
labels := map[string]string{
"request_protocol": "http",
"response_code": "200",
"destination_app": "server",
"destination_version": "v1",
"destination_service": "server." + ns.Name() + ".svc.cluster.local",
"destination_service_name": "server",
"destination_workload_namespace": ns.Name(),
"destination_service_namespace": ns.Name(),
"source_app": "client",
"source_version": "v1",
"source_workload": "client-v1",
"source_workload_namespace": ns.Name(),
"source_cluster": sourceCluster,
return BuildQueryCommon(labels, ns.Name())
func buildOutOfMeshServerQuery(sourceCluster string) prometheus.Query {
ns := GetAppNamespace()
labels := map[string]string{
"request_protocol": "http",
"response_code": "200",
// For out of mesh server, client side metrics rely on endpoint resource metadata
// to fill in workload labels. To limit size of endpoint resource, we only populate
// workload name and namespace, canonical service name and version in endpoint metadata.
// Thus destination_app and destination_version labels are unknown.
"destination_app": "unknown",
"destination_version": "unknown",
"destination_service": "server-no-sidecar." + ns.Name() + ".svc.cluster.local",
"destination_service_name": "server-no-sidecar",
"destination_workload_namespace": ns.Name(),
"destination_service_namespace": ns.Name(),
"source_app": "client",
"source_version": "v1",
"source_workload": "client-v1",
"source_workload_namespace": ns.Name(),
"source_cluster": sourceCluster,
source, _, _ := BuildQueryCommon(labels, ns.Name())
return source
func buildTCPQuery(sourceCluster string) (destinationQuery prometheus.Query) {
ns := GetAppNamespace()
labels := map[string]string{
"request_protocol": "tcp",
"destination_service_name": "server",
"destination_canonical_revision": "v1",
"destination_canonical_service": "server",
"destination_app": "server",
"destination_version": "v1",
"destination_workload_namespace": ns.Name(),
"destination_service_namespace": ns.Name(),
"source_app": "client",
"source_version": "v1",
"source_workload": "client-v1",
"source_workload_namespace": ns.Name(),
"source_cluster": sourceCluster,
"reporter": "destination",
return prometheus.Query{
Metric: "istio_tcp_connections_opened_total",
Labels: labels,