blob: 60c6d5c28dbcf80ad775f586933a3a067c6be289 [file] [log] [blame]
//go:build integ
// +build integ
// Copyright Istio Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package util
import (
import (
const (
ASvc = "a"
BSvc = "b"
CSvc = "c"
DSvc = "d"
ESvc = "e"
MultiversionSvc = "multiversion"
VMSvc = "vm"
HeadlessSvc = "headless"
NakedSvc = "naked"
HeadlessNakedSvc = "headless-naked"
ExternalSvc = "external"
// CallsPerCluster is used to ensure cross-cluster load balancing has a chance to work
CallsPerCluster = 5
type EchoDeployments struct {
// TODO: Consolidate the echo config and reduce/reuse echo instances (
// Namespace1 is used as the default namespace for reachability tests and other tests which can reuse the same config for echo instances
Namespace1 namespace.Instance
// Namespace2 is used by most authorization test cases within authorization_test.go
Namespace2 namespace.Instance
// Namespace3 is used by TestAuthorization_Conditions and there is one C echo instance deployed
Namespace3 namespace.Instance
A, B, C, D, E echo.Instances
Multiversion echo.Instances
Headless echo.Instances
Naked echo.Instances
VM echo.Instances
HeadlessNaked echo.Instances
All echo.Instances
External echo.Instances
func EchoConfig(name string, ns namespace.Instance, headless bool, annos echo.Annotations) echo.Config {
out := echo.Config{
Service: name,
Namespace: ns,
ServiceAccount: true,
Headless: headless,
Subsets: []echo.SubsetConfig{
Version: "v1",
Annotations: annos,
Ports: []echo.Port{
Name: "http",
Protocol: protocol.HTTP,
// We use a port > 1024 to not require root
WorkloadPort: 8090,
ServicePort: 8095,
Name: "tcp",
Protocol: protocol.TCP,
Name: "grpc",
Protocol: protocol.GRPC,
Name: "https",
Protocol: protocol.HTTPS,
ServicePort: 443,
WorkloadPort: 8443,
TLS: true,
Name: "http-8091",
Protocol: protocol.HTTP,
WorkloadPort: 8091,
Name: "http-8092",
Protocol: protocol.HTTP,
WorkloadPort: 8092,
Name: "tcp-8093",
Protocol: protocol.TCP,
WorkloadPort: 8093,
Name: "tcp-8094",
Protocol: protocol.TCP,
WorkloadPort: 8094,
// Workload Ports needed by TestPassThroughFilterChain
// The port 8084-8089 will be defined only in the workload and not in the k8s service.
Name: "tcp-8085",
ServicePort: echo.NoServicePort,
WorkloadPort: 8085,
Protocol: protocol.HTTP,
Name: "tcp-8086",
ServicePort: echo.NoServicePort,
WorkloadPort: 8086,
Protocol: protocol.HTTP,
Name: "tcp-8087",
ServicePort: echo.NoServicePort,
WorkloadPort: 8087,
Protocol: protocol.TCP,
Name: "tcp-8088",
ServicePort: echo.NoServicePort,
WorkloadPort: 8088,
Protocol: protocol.TCP,
Name: "tcp-8089",
ServicePort: echo.NoServicePort,
WorkloadPort: 8089,
Protocol: protocol.HTTPS,
TLS: true,
Name: "tcp-8084",
ServicePort: echo.NoServicePort,
WorkloadPort: 8084,
Protocol: protocol.HTTPS,
TLS: true,
// for headless service with selector, the port and target port must be equal
// Ref:
if headless {
for i := range out.Ports {
out.Ports[i].ServicePort = out.Ports[i].WorkloadPort
return out
func MustReadCert(f string) string {
b, err := os.ReadFile(path.Join(env.IstioSrc, "tests/testdata/certs/dns", f))
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("failed to read %v: %v", f, err))
return string(b)
func SetupApps(ctx resource.Context, _ istio.Instance, apps *EchoDeployments, buildVM bool) error {
if ctx.Settings().Skip(echo.VM) {
buildVM = false
var err error
apps.Namespace1, err = namespace.New(ctx, namespace.Config{
Prefix: "test-ns1",
Inject: true,
if err != nil {
return err
apps.Namespace2, err = namespace.New(ctx, namespace.Config{
Prefix: "test-ns2",
Inject: true,
if err != nil {
return err
apps.Namespace3, err = namespace.New(ctx, namespace.Config{
Prefix: "test-ns3",
Inject: true,
if err != nil {
return err
builder := deployment.New(ctx).
WithConfig(EchoConfig(ASvc, apps.Namespace1, false, nil)).
WithConfig(EchoConfig(BSvc, apps.Namespace1, false, nil)).
WithConfig(EchoConfig(CSvc, apps.Namespace1, false, nil)).
WithConfig(EchoConfig(DSvc, apps.Namespace1, false, nil)).
WithConfig(EchoConfig(ESvc, apps.Namespace1, false, nil)).
WithConfig(func() echo.Config {
// Multi-version specific setup
multiVersionCfg := EchoConfig(MultiversionSvc, apps.Namespace1, false, nil)
multiVersionCfg.Subsets = []echo.SubsetConfig{
// Istio deployment, with sidecar.
Version: "vistio",
// Legacy deployment subset, does not have sidecar injected.
Version: "vlegacy",
Annotations: echo.NewAnnotations().SetBool(echo.SidecarInject, false),
return multiVersionCfg
WithConfig(EchoConfig(NakedSvc, apps.Namespace1, false, echo.NewAnnotations().
SetBool(echo.SidecarInject, false))).
WithConfig(EchoConfig(BSvc, apps.Namespace2, false, nil)).
WithConfig(EchoConfig(CSvc, apps.Namespace2, false, nil)).
WithConfig(EchoConfig(ESvc, apps.Namespace2, false, nil)).
WithConfig(EchoConfig(CSvc, apps.Namespace3, false, nil)).
WithConfig(func() echo.Config {
// VM specific setup
vmCfg := EchoConfig(VMSvc, apps.Namespace1, false, nil)
// for test cases that have `buildVM` off, vm will function like a regular pod
vmCfg.DeployAsVM = buildVM
return vmCfg
Service: ExternalSvc,
Namespace: apps.Namespace1,
Ports: []echo.Port{
// Plain HTTP port only used to route request to egress gateway
Name: "http",
Protocol: protocol.HTTP,
ServicePort: 80,
WorkloadPort: 8080,
// HTTPS port
Name: "https",
Protocol: protocol.HTTPS,
ServicePort: 443,
WorkloadPort: 8443,
TLS: true,
// Set up TLS certs on the server. This will make the server listen with these credentials.
TLSSettings: &common.TLSSettings{
// Echo has these test certs baked into the docker image
RootCert: MustReadCert("root-cert.pem"),
ClientCert: MustReadCert("cert-chain.pem"),
Key: MustReadCert("key.pem"),
// Override hostname to match the SAN in the cert we are using
Hostname: "server.default.svc",
Subsets: []echo.SubsetConfig{{
Version: "v1",
Annotations: echo.NewAnnotations().SetBool(echo.SidecarInject, false),
WithConfig(EchoConfig(HeadlessSvc, apps.Namespace1, true, nil)).
WithConfig(EchoConfig(HeadlessNakedSvc, apps.Namespace1, true, echo.NewAnnotations().
SetBool(echo.SidecarInject, false)))
echos, err := builder.Build()
if err != nil {
return err
apps.All = echos
anyNamespace := func(svcName string) match.Matcher {
return func(i echo.Instance) bool {
return i.Config().Service == svcName
apps.A = anyNamespace(ASvc).GetMatches(echos)
apps.B = anyNamespace(BSvc).GetMatches(echos)
apps.C = anyNamespace(CSvc).GetMatches(echos)
apps.D = anyNamespace(DSvc).GetMatches(echos)
apps.E = anyNamespace(ESvc).GetMatches(echos)
apps.Multiversion = anyNamespace(MultiversionSvc).GetMatches(echos)
apps.Headless = anyNamespace(HeadlessSvc).GetMatches(echos)
apps.Naked = anyNamespace(NakedSvc).GetMatches(echos)
apps.VM = anyNamespace(VMSvc).GetMatches(echos)
apps.HeadlessNaked = anyNamespace(HeadlessNakedSvc).GetMatches(echos)
apps.External = anyNamespace(ExternalSvc).GetMatches(echos)
return nil
func (apps *EchoDeployments) IsNaked(t echo.Target) bool {
return apps.HeadlessNaked.ContainsTarget(t) || apps.Naked.ContainsTarget(t)
func (apps *EchoDeployments) IsHeadless(t echo.Target) bool {
return apps.HeadlessNaked.ContainsTarget(t) || apps.Headless.ContainsTarget(t)
func (apps *EchoDeployments) IsVM(t echo.Target) bool {
return apps.VM.ContainsTarget(t)
// IsMultiversion matches instances that have Multi-version specific setup.
var IsMultiversion match.Matcher = func(i echo.Instance) bool {
if len(i.Config().Subsets) != 2 {
return false
var matchIstio, matchLegacy bool
for _, s := range i.Config().Subsets {
if s.Version == "vistio" {
matchIstio = true
} else if s.Version == "vlegacy" && !s.Annotations.GetBool(echo.SidecarInject) {
matchLegacy = true
return matchIstio && matchLegacy
var IsNotMultiversion = match.Not(IsMultiversion)
// SourceMatcher matches workload pod A with sidecar injected and VM
func SourceMatcher(ns namespace.Instance, skipVM bool) match.Matcher {
m := match.ServiceName(echo.NamespacedName{
Name: ASvc,
Namespace: ns,
if !skipVM {
m = match.Or(m, match.ServiceName(echo.NamespacedName{
Name: VMSvc,
Namespace: ns,
return m
// DestMatcher matches workload pod B with sidecar injected and VM
func DestMatcher(ns namespace.Instance, skipVM bool) match.Matcher {
m := match.ServiceName(echo.NamespacedName{
Name: BSvc,
Namespace: ns,
if !skipVM {
m = match.Or(m, match.ServiceName(echo.NamespacedName{
Name: VMSvc,
Namespace: ns,
return m