blob: 8acb2c43e479d9cc1374c06b6a96d6c47fb0c34b [file] [log] [blame]
# The sample RSA public and private keys are used to generate different tokens for testing. They can be simply generated
# with the command `make -f tools/certs/ sample-RSA`.
pubkey = sample-RSA-public.pem
privkey = sample-RSA-private.pem
jwks =
jwt_tool_version = 2.2.3
# To disable the proxy option set this value to: False (no quotes)
proxy = False
# Set this to the URL you are hosting your custom JWKS file - your own server, or maybe use this cheeky reflective URL ({base64-encoded_JWKS_here})
jwksloc =
# Set this to the base URL of a Collaborator server, somewhere you can read live logs, a Request Bin etc.
httplistener =
useragent = Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) jwt_tool
wordlist = jwt-common.txt
commonHeaders = common-headers.txt
commonPayloads = common-payloads.txt
# Set at runtime - changes here are ignored
sigType =
targetUrl =
cookies =
key =
keyList =
keyFile =
headerLoc =
payloadclaim =
headerclaim =
payloadvalue =
headervalue =
canaryvalue =
header =
exploitType =
scanMode =
reqMode =
postData =
resCode =
resSize =
resContent =