blob: 465542c014d7440dc2ad18e26e08e289dc486a24 [file] [log] [blame]
//go:build integfuzz
// +build integfuzz
// Copyright Istio Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package fuzz
import (
import (
const (
apacheServer = "apache"
nginxServer = "nginx"
tomcatServer = "tomcat"
dotdotpwn = "dotdotpwn"
wfuzz = "wfuzz"
authzDenyPolicy = `
kind: AuthorizationPolicy
name: policy-deny
action: DENY
- to:
- operation:
paths: ["/private/secret.html"]
jwtTool = "jwttool"
requestAuthnPolicy = `
kind: RequestAuthentication
name: jwt
- issuer: ""
jwksUri: ""
- issuer: ""
jwksUri: ""
var (
// Known unsupported path parameter ("/bla;foo") normalization for Tomcat.
dotdotPwnIgnoreTomcat = []string{
"/../private/secret.html;index.html <- VULNERABLE!",
"/../private/secret.html;index.htm <- VULNERABLE!",
"/..%5Cprivate%5Csecret.html;index.html <- VULNERABLE!",
"/..%5Cprivate%5Csecret.html;index.htm <- VULNERABLE!",
// Known unsupported path parameter ("/bla;foo") normalization for Tomcat.
wfuzzIgnoreTomcat = []string{
func deploy(t framework.TestContext, name, ns, yaml string) {
t.ConfigIstio().File(ns, yaml).ApplyOrFail(t)
if _, err := kube.WaitUntilPodsAreReady(kube.NewPodFetch(t.Clusters().Default(), ns, "app="+name)); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Wait for pod %s failed: %v", name, err)
t.Logf("deploy %s is ready", name)
func waitService(t framework.TestContext, name, ns string) {
if _, _, err := kube.WaitUntilServiceEndpointsAreReady(t.Clusters().Default(), ns, name); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Wait for service %s failed: %v", name, err)
if name == apacheServer || name == nginxServer || name == tomcatServer {
if _, _, err := kube.WaitUntilServiceEndpointsAreReady(t.Clusters().Default(), ns, name); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Wait for service %s failed: %v", name, err)
t.Logf("service %s is ready", name)
func ignoreTomcat(t framework.TestContext, line string, ignores []string) bool {
for _, ignore := range ignores {
if strings.Contains(line, ignore) {
t.Logf("ignored known unsupported normalization: %s", ignore)
return true
return false
func runFuzzer(t framework.TestContext, fuzzer, ns, server string) {
pods, err := t.Clusters().Default().PodsForSelector(context.TODO(), ns, "app="+fuzzer)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to get %s pod: %v", fuzzer, err)
t.Logf("running %s test against the %s (should normally complete in 60 seconds)...", fuzzer, server)
switch fuzzer {
case dotdotpwn:
// Run the dotdotpwn fuzz testing against the http server ("-m http") on port 8080 ("-x 8080"), other arguments:
// "-C": Continue if no data was received from host.
// "-d 1": depth of traversals.
// "-t 50": time in milliseconds between each test.
// "-f private/secret.html": specific filename to fetch after bypassing the authorization policy.
// "-k secret_data_leaked": text pattern to match in the response.
// "-r %s.txt": report filename.
command := fmt.Sprintf(`./ -m http -h %s -x 8080 -C -d 1 -t 50 -f private/secret.html -k secret_data_leaked -r %s.txt`, server, server)
stdout, stderr, err := t.Clusters().Default().PodExec(pods.Items[0].Name, ns, dotdotpwn, command)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to run dotdotpwn: %v", err)
t.Logf("%s\n%s\n", stdout, stderr)
t.Logf("dotdotpwn fuzz test completed for %s", server)
var errLines []string
for _, line := range strings.Split(stdout, "\n") {
if strings.Contains(line, "<- VULNERABLE") {
if server == tomcatServer && ignoreTomcat(t, line, dotdotPwnIgnoreTomcat) {
errLines = append(errLines, line)
if len(errLines) != 0 {
t.Errorf("found potential policy bypass requests, please read the log for more details:\n- %s", strings.Join(errLines, "\n- "))
} else {
t.Logf("no potential policy bypass requests found")
case wfuzz:
// Run the wfuzz fuzz with the following parameters:
// -z file,wordlist/dirTraversal.txt,<...>: Fuzz based on the basic directory traversal patterns with various encodings (see details below).
// -f %s.out,csv -o csv: Output result in csv format.
// --ss secret_data_leaked: Show responses with the specified regex within the content.
// -t 5: Specify the number of concurrent connections.
// %s:8080/FUZZ: target server.
command := fmt.Sprintf("wfuzz -z file,wordlist/dirTraversal.txt,"+
"doble_nibble_hex-"+ // Replaces ALL characters in string using the %%dd%dd escape.
"double_urlencode-"+ // Applies a double encode to special characters in string using the %25xx escape.
// Letters, digits, and the characters '_.-' are never quoted.
"first_nibble_hex-"+ // Replaces ALL characters in string using the %%dd? escape.
"second_nibble_hex-"+ // Replaces ALL characters in string using the %?%dd escape.
"uri_double_hex-"+ // Encodes ALL characters using the %25xx escape.
"uri_hex-"+ // Encodes ALL characters using the %xx escape.
"uri_triple_hex-"+ // Encodes ALL characters using the %25%xx%xx escape.
"uri_unicode-"+ // Replaces ALL characters in string using the %u00xx escape.
"urlencode-"+ // Replace special characters in string using the %xx escape.
// Letters, digits, and the characters '_.-' are never quoted.
"utf8 "+ // Replaces ALL characters in string using the \u00xx escape.
"-f %s.out,csv -o csv -c -v --ss secret_data_leaked -t 5 %s:8080/FUZZ", server, server)
stdout, stderr, err := t.Clusters().Default().PodExec(pods.Items[0].Name, ns, wfuzz, command)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to run wfuzz: %v", err)
t.Logf("%s\n%s\n", stdout, stderr)
t.Logf("wfuzz test completed for %s", server)
var errLines []string
for _, line := range strings.Split(stdout, "\n") {
if strings.Contains(line, ",200,") {
if server == tomcatServer && ignoreTomcat(t, line, wfuzzIgnoreTomcat) {
errLines = append(errLines, line)
if len(errLines) != 0 {
t.Errorf("found potential policy bypass requests, please read the log for more details:\n- %s", strings.Join(errLines, "\n- "))
} else {
t.Logf("no potential policy bypass requests found")
t.Fatalf("unknown fuzzer %s", fuzzer)
func TestFuzzAuthorization(t *testing.T) {
Run(func(t framework.TestContext) {
ns := "fuzz-authz"
namespace.ClaimOrFail(t, t, ns)
t.ConfigIstio().YAML(ns, authzDenyPolicy).ApplyOrFail(t)
t.Logf("authorization policy applied")
deploy(t, dotdotpwn, ns, "fuzzers/dotdotpwn/dotdotpwn.yaml")
t.ConfigIstio().File(ns, "fuzzers/wfuzz/wordlist.yaml").ApplyOrFail(t)
deploy(t, wfuzz, ns, "fuzzers/wfuzz/wfuzz.yaml")
deploy(t, apacheServer, ns, "backends/apache/apache.yaml")
deploy(t, nginxServer, ns, "backends/nginx/nginx.yaml")
deploy(t, tomcatServer, ns, "backends/tomcat/tomcat.yaml")
waitService(t, apacheServer, ns)
waitService(t, nginxServer, ns)
waitService(t, tomcatServer, ns)
for _, fuzzer := range []string{dotdotpwn, wfuzz} {
t.NewSubTest(fuzzer).Run(func(t framework.TestContext) {
for _, target := range []string{apacheServer, nginxServer, tomcatServer} {
t.NewSubTest(target).Run(func(t framework.TestContext) {
runFuzzer(t, fuzzer, ns, target)
func runJwtToolTest(t framework.TestContext, ns, server, jwtToken string) {
pods, err := t.Clusters().Default().PodsForSelector(context.TODO(), ns, "app="+jwtTool)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to get jwttool pod: %v", err)
t.Logf("running jwttool fuzz test against the %s (should normally complete in 10 seconds)...", server)
// Run the jwttool fuzz testing with "--mode at" to run all tests:
// - JWT Attack Playbook
// - Fuzz existing claims to force errors
// - Fuzz common claims
commands := []string{
fmt.Sprintf("http://%s:8080/private/secret.html", server),
fmt.Sprintf("Authorization: Bearer %s", jwtToken),
stdout, stderr, err := t.Clusters().Default().PodExecCommands(pods.Items[0].Name, ns, jwtTool, commands)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to run jwttool: %v", err)
t.Logf("%s\n%s\n", stdout, stderr)
t.Logf("jwttool fuzz test completed for %s", server)
if !strings.Contains(stdout, "Prescan: original token Response Code: 200") {
t.Fatalf("could not find prescan check, please make sure the completed successfully")
errCases := []string{}
scanStarted := false
for _, line := range strings.Split(stdout, "\n") {
if scanStarted {
// First check the response is a valid test case.
if strings.Contains(line, "jwttool_") && !strings.Contains(line, "(should always be valid)") {
// Then add it to errCases if the test case has a response code other than 401.
if !strings.Contains(line, "Response Code: 401") {
errCases = append(errCases, line)
} else if strings.Contains(line, "LAUNCHING SCAN") {
scanStarted = true
if len(errCases) != 0 {
t.Errorf("found %d potential policy bypass requests:\n- %s", len(errCases), strings.Join(errCases, "\n- "))
} else {
t.Logf("no potential policy bypass requests found")
func TestRequestAuthentication(t *testing.T) {
Run(func(t framework.TestContext) {
ns := "fuzz-jwt"
namespace.ClaimOrFail(t, t, ns)
t.ConfigIstio().YAML(ns, requestAuthnPolicy).ApplyOrFail(t)
t.Logf("request authentication policy applied")
// We don't care about the actual backend for JWT test, one backend is good enough.
deploy(t, apacheServer, ns, "backends/apache/apache.yaml")
deploy(t, jwtTool, ns, "fuzzers/jwt_tool/jwt_tool.yaml")
waitService(t, apacheServer, ns)
testCases := []struct {
name string
baseToken string
{"TokenIssuer1", jwt.TokenIssuer1},
{"TokenIssuer1WithAud", jwt.TokenIssuer1WithAud},
{"TokenIssuer1WithAzp", jwt.TokenIssuer1WithAzp},
{"TokenIssuer2", jwt.TokenIssuer2},
{"TokenIssuer1WithNestedClaims1", jwt.TokenIssuer1WithNestedClaims1},
{"TokenIssuer1WithNestedClaims2", jwt.TokenIssuer1WithNestedClaims2},
{"TokenIssuer2WithSpaceDelimitedScope", jwt.TokenIssuer2WithSpaceDelimitedScope},
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.NewSubTest( framework.TestContext) {
runJwtToolTest(t, ns, apacheServer, tc.baseToken)