blob: c90e2102753175bba586330e33d35402b1e55f5e [file] [log] [blame]
//go:build integ
// +build integ
// Copyright Istio Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package common
import (
import (
// callCountMultiplier is used to ensure cross-cluster load balancing has a chance to work
const callCountMultiplier = 5
type TrafficCall struct {
name string
call func(t test.Failer, options echo.CallOptions) echo.CallResult
opts echo.CallOptions
type skip struct {
skip bool
reason string
type TrafficTestCase struct {
name string
// config can optionally be templated using the params src, dst (each are []echo.Instance)
config string
// Multiple calls. Cannot be used with call/opts
children []TrafficCall
// Single call. Cannot be used with children or workloadAgnostic tests.
call func(t test.Failer, options echo.CallOptions) echo.CallResult
// opts specifies the echo call options. When using RunForApps, the To will be set dynamically.
opts echo.CallOptions
// setupOpts allows modifying options based on sources/destinations
setupOpts func(src echo.Caller, opts *echo.CallOptions)
// check is used to build validators dynamically when using RunForApps based on the active/src dest pair
check func(src echo.Caller, opts *echo.CallOptions) echo.Checker
checkForN func(src echo.Caller, dst echo.Services, opts *echo.CallOptions) echo.Checker
// setting cases to skipped is better than not adding them - gives visibility to what needs to be fixed
skip skip
// workloadAgnostic is a temporary setting to trigger using RunForApps
// TODO remove this and force everything to be workoad agnostic
workloadAgnostic bool
// toN causes the test to be run for N destinations. The call will be made from instances of the first deployment
// in each subset in each cluster. See echotes.T's RunToN for more details.
toN int
// viaIngress makes the ingress gateway the caller for tests
viaIngress bool
// sourceMatchers allows adding additional filtering for workload agnostic cases to test using fewer clients
sourceMatchers []match.Matcher
// targetMatchers allows adding additional filtering for workload agnostic cases to test using fewer targets
targetMatchers []match.Matcher
// comboFilters allows conditionally filtering based on pairs of apps
comboFilters []echotest.CombinationFilter
// vars given to the config template
templateVars func(src echo.Callers, dest echo.Instances) map[string]interface{}
// minIstioVersion allows conditionally skipping based on required version
minIstioVersion string
func (c TrafficTestCase) RunForApps(t framework.TestContext, apps echo.Instances, namespace string) {
if c.skip.skip {
if c.minIstioVersion != "" {
skipMV := !t.Settings().Revisions.AtLeast(resource.IstioVersion(c.minIstioVersion))
if skipMV {
if c.opts.To != nil {
t.Fatal("TrafficTestCase.RunForApps: opts.To must not be specified")
if != nil {
t.Fatal("TrafficTestCase.RunForApps: call must not be specified")
// just check if any of the required fields are set
optsSpecified := c.opts.Port.Name != "" || c.opts.Scheme != ""
if optsSpecified && len(c.children) > 0 {
t.Fatal("TrafficTestCase: must not specify both opts and children")
job := func(t framework.TestContext) {
echoT := echotest.New(t, apps).
SetupForServicePair(func(t framework.TestContext, src echo.Callers, dsts echo.Services) error {
tmplData := map[string]interface{}{
// tests that use simple Run only need the first
"dst": dsts[0],
"dstSvc": dsts[0][0].Config().Service,
// tests that use RunForN need all destination deployments
"dsts": dsts,
"dstSvcs": dsts.NamespacedNames().Names(),
if len(src) > 0 {
tmplData["src"] = src
if src, ok := src[0].(echo.Instance); ok {
tmplData["srcSvc"] = src.Config().Service
if c.templateVars != nil {
for k, v := range c.templateVars(src, dsts[0]) {
tmplData[k] = v
cfg := yml.MustApplyNamespace(t, tmpl.MustEvaluate(c.config, tmplData), namespace)
// we only apply to config clusters
return t.ConfigIstio().YAML("", cfg).Apply()
// TODO mainly testing proxyless features as a client for now
ToMatch(match.And(append(c.targetMatchers, match.NotProxylessGRPC)...)).
doTest := func(t framework.TestContext, from echo.Caller, to echo.Services) {
buildOpts := func(options echo.CallOptions) echo.CallOptions {
opts := options
opts.To = to[0]
if c.check != nil {
opts.Check = c.check(from, &opts)
if c.checkForN != nil {
opts.Check = c.checkForN(from, to, &opts)
if opts.Count == 0 {
opts.Count = callCountMultiplier * opts.To.WorkloadsOrFail(t).Len()
if c.setupOpts != nil {
c.setupOpts(from, &opts)
return opts
if optsSpecified {
from.CallOrFail(t, buildOpts(c.opts))
for _, child := range c.children {
t.NewSubTest( framework.TestContext) {
from.CallOrFail(t, buildOpts(child.opts))
if c.toN > 0 {
echoT.RunToN(c.toN, func(t framework.TestContext, src echo.Instance, dsts echo.Services) {
doTest(t, src, dsts)
} else if c.viaIngress {
echoT.RunViaIngress(func(t framework.TestContext, from ingress.Instance, to echo.Target) {
doTest(t, from, echo.Services{to.Instances()})
} else {
echoT.Run(func(t framework.TestContext, from echo.Instance, to echo.Target) {
doTest(t, from, echo.Services{to.Instances()})
if != "" {
} else {
func (c TrafficTestCase) Run(t framework.TestContext, namespace string) {
job := func(t framework.TestContext) {
if c.skip.skip {
if c.minIstioVersion != "" {
skipMV := !t.Settings().Revisions.AtLeast(resource.IstioVersion(c.minIstioVersion))
if skipMV {
if len(c.config) > 0 {
cfg := yml.MustApplyNamespace(t, c.config, namespace)
// we only apply to config clusters
t.ConfigIstio().YAML("", cfg).ApplyOrFail(t)
if != nil && len(c.children) > 0 {
t.Fatal("TrafficTestCase: must not specify both call and children")
if != nil {, c.opts)
for _, child := range c.children {
t.NewSubTest( framework.TestContext) {, child.opts)
if != "" {
} else {
func RunAllTrafficTests(t framework.TestContext, i istio.Instance, apps *deployment.SingleNamespaceView) {
cases := map[string][]TrafficTestCase{}
if !t.Settings().Selector.Excludes(label.NewSet(label.IPv4)) { //
cases["jwt-claim-route"] = jwtClaimRoute(apps)
cases["virtualservice"] = virtualServiceCases(t, t.Settings().Skip(echo.VM))
cases["sniffing"] = protocolSniffingCases(apps)
cases["selfcall"] = selfCallsCases()
cases["serverfirst"] = serverFirstTestCases(apps)
cases["gateway"] = gatewayCases()
cases["autopassthrough"] = autoPassthroughCases(t, apps)
cases["loop"] = trafficLoopCases(apps)
cases["tls-origination"] = tlsOriginationCases(apps)
cases["instanceip"] = instanceIPTests(apps)
cases["services"] = serviceCases(apps)
if h, err := hostCases(apps); err != nil {
t.Fatal("failed to setup host cases: %v", err)
} else {
cases["host"] = h
cases["envoyfilter"] = envoyFilterCases(apps)
if len(t.Clusters().ByNetwork()) == 1 {
// Consistent hashing does not work for multinetwork. The first request will consistently go to a
// gateway, but that gateway will tcp_proxy it to a random pod.
cases["consistent-hash"] = consistentHashCases(apps)
cases["use-client-protocol"] = useClientProtocolCases(apps)
cases["destinationrule"] = destinationRuleCases(apps)
if !t.Settings().Skip(echo.VM) {
cases["vm"] = VMTestCases(t, apps.VM, apps)
cases["dns"] = DNSTestCases(apps, i.Settings().EnableCNI)
for name, tts := range cases {
t.NewSubTest(name).Run(func(t framework.TestContext) {
for _, tt := range tts {
if tt.workloadAgnostic {
tt.RunForApps(t, apps.All.Instances(), apps.Namespace.Name())
} else {
tt.Run(t, apps.Namespace.Name())
func ExpectString(got, expected, help string) error {
if got != expected {
return fmt.Errorf("got unexpected %v: got %q, wanted %q", help, got, expected)
return nil
func AlmostEquals(a, b, precision int) bool {
upper := a + precision
lower := a - precision
if b < lower || b > upper {
return false
return true