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// Copyright Istio Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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// Provides utility methods to generate X.509 certificates with different
// options. This implementation is Largely inspired from
package util
import (
import (
// SupportedECSignatureAlgorithms are the types of EC Signature Algorithms
// to be used in key generation (e.g. ECDSA or ED2551)
type SupportedECSignatureAlgorithms string
const (
// only ECDSA using P256 is currently supported
EcdsaSigAlg SupportedECSignatureAlgorithms = "ECDSA"
// CertOptions contains options for generating a new certificate.
type CertOptions struct {
// Comma-separated hostnames and IPs to generate a certificate for.
// This can also be set to the identity running the workload,
// like kubernetes service account.
Host string
// The NotBefore field of the issued certificate.
NotBefore time.Time
// TTL of the certificate. NotAfter - NotBefore.
TTL time.Duration
// Signer certificate.
SignerCert *x509.Certificate
// Signer private key.
SignerPriv crypto.PrivateKey
// Signer private key (PEM encoded).
SignerPrivPem []byte
// Organization for this certificate.
Org string
// The size of RSA private key to be generated.
RSAKeySize int
// Whether this certificate is used as signing cert for CA.
IsCA bool
// Whether this certificate is self-signed.
IsSelfSigned bool
// Whether this certificate is for a client.
IsClient bool
// Whether this certificate is for a server.
IsServer bool
// Whether this certificate is for dual-use clients (SAN+CN).
IsDualUse bool
// If true, the private key is encoded with PKCS#8.
PKCS8Key bool
// The type of Elliptical Signature algorithm to use
// when generating private keys. Currently only ECDSA is supported.
// If empty, RSA is used, otherwise ECC is used.
ECSigAlg SupportedECSignatureAlgorithms
// Subjective Alternative Name values.
DNSNames string
// GenCertKeyFromOptions generates a X.509 certificate and a private key with the given options.
func GenCertKeyFromOptions(options CertOptions) (pemCert []byte, pemKey []byte, err error) {
// Generate the appropriate private&public key pair based on options.
// The public key will be bound to the certificate generated below. The
// private key will be used to sign this certificate in the self-signed
// case, otherwise the certificate is signed by the signer private key
// as specified in the CertOptions.
if options.ECSigAlg != "" {
var ecPriv *ecdsa.PrivateKey
switch options.ECSigAlg {
case EcdsaSigAlg:
ecPriv, err = ecdsa.GenerateKey(elliptic.P256(), rand.Reader)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("cert generation fails at EC key generation (%v)", err)
return nil, nil, errors.New("cert generation fails due to unsupported EC signature algorithm")
return genCert(options, ecPriv, &ecPriv.PublicKey)
if options.RSAKeySize < minimumRsaKeySize {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("requested key size does not meet the minimum requied size of %d (requested: %d)", minimumRsaKeySize, options.RSAKeySize)
rsaPriv, err := rsa.GenerateKey(rand.Reader, options.RSAKeySize)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("cert generation fails at RSA key generation (%v)", err)
return genCert(options, rsaPriv, &rsaPriv.PublicKey)
func genCert(options CertOptions, priv interface{}, key interface{}) ([]byte, []byte, error) {
template, err := genCertTemplateFromOptions(options)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("cert generation fails at cert template creation (%v)", err)
signerCert, signerKey := template, crypto.PrivateKey(priv)
if !options.IsSelfSigned {
signerCert, signerKey = options.SignerCert, options.SignerPriv
certBytes, err := x509.CreateCertificate(rand.Reader, template, signerCert, key, signerKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("cert generation fails at X509 cert creation (%v)", err)
pemCert, pemKey, err := encodePem(false, certBytes, priv, options.PKCS8Key)
return pemCert, pemKey, err
func publicKey(priv interface{}) interface{} {
switch k := priv.(type) {
case *rsa.PrivateKey:
return &k.PublicKey
case *ecdsa.PrivateKey:
return &k.PublicKey
case ed25519.PrivateKey:
return k.Public().(ed25519.PublicKey)
return nil
// GenRootCertFromExistingKey generates a X.509 certificate using existing
// CA private key. Only called by a self-signed Citadel.
func GenRootCertFromExistingKey(options CertOptions) (pemCert []byte, pemKey []byte, err error) {
if !options.IsSelfSigned || len(options.SignerPrivPem) == 0 {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("skip cert " +
"generation. Citadel is not in self-signed mode or CA private key is not " +
template, err := genCertTemplateFromOptions(options)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("cert generation fails at cert template creation (%v)", err)
caPrivateKey, err := ParsePemEncodedKey(options.SignerPrivPem)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("unrecogniazed CA "+
"private key, skip root cert rotation: %s", err.Error())
certBytes, err := x509.CreateCertificate(rand.Reader, template, template, publicKey(caPrivateKey), caPrivateKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("cert generation fails at X509 cert creation (%v)", err)
pemCert = pem.EncodeToMemory(&pem.Block{Type: "CERTIFICATE", Bytes: certBytes})
return pemCert, options.SignerPrivPem, nil
// GetCertOptionsFromExistingCert parses cert and generates a CertOptions
// that contains information about the cert. This is the reverse operation of
// genCertTemplateFromOptions(), and only called by a self-signed Citadel.
func GetCertOptionsFromExistingCert(certBytes []byte) (opts CertOptions, err error) {
cert, certErr := ParsePemEncodedCertificate(certBytes)
if certErr != nil {
return opts, certErr
orgs := cert.Subject.Organization
if len(orgs) > 0 {
opts.Org = orgs[0]
// TODO(JimmyCYJ): parse other fields from certificate, e.g. CommonName.
return opts, nil
// MergeCertOptions merges deltaOpts into defaultOpts and returns the merged
// CertOptions. Only called by a self-signed Citadel.
func MergeCertOptions(defaultOpts, deltaOpts CertOptions) CertOptions {
if len(deltaOpts.Org) > 0 {
defaultOpts.Org = deltaOpts.Org
// TODO(JimmyCYJ): merge other fields, e.g. Host, IsDualUse, etc.
return defaultOpts
// GenCertFromCSR generates a X.509 certificate with the given CSR.
func GenCertFromCSR(csr *x509.CertificateRequest, signingCert *x509.Certificate, publicKey interface{},
signingKey crypto.PrivateKey, subjectIDs []string, ttl time.Duration, isCA bool) (cert []byte, err error) {
tmpl, err := genCertTemplateFromCSR(csr, subjectIDs, ttl, isCA)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return x509.CreateCertificate(rand.Reader, tmpl, signingCert, publicKey, signingKey)
// LoadSignerCredsFromFiles loads the signer cert&key from the given files.
// signerCertFile: cert file name
// signerPrivFile: private key file name
func LoadSignerCredsFromFiles(signerCertFile string, signerPrivFile string) (*x509.Certificate, crypto.PrivateKey, error) {
signerCertBytes, err := os.ReadFile(signerCertFile)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("certificate file reading failure (%v)", err)
signerPrivBytes, err := os.ReadFile(signerPrivFile)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("private key file reading failure (%v)", err)
cert, err := ParsePemEncodedCertificate(signerCertBytes)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("pem encoded cert parsing failure (%v)", err)
key, err := ParsePemEncodedKey(signerPrivBytes)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("pem encoded key parsing failure (%v)", err)
return cert, key, nil
// ClockSkewGracePeriod defines the period of time a certificate will be valid before its creation.
// This is meant to handle cases where we have clock skew between the CA and workloads.
const ClockSkewGracePeriod = time.Minute * 2
// genCertTemplateFromCSR generates a certificate template with the given CSR.
// The NotBefore value of the cert is set to current time.
func genCertTemplateFromCSR(csr *x509.CertificateRequest, subjectIDs []string, ttl time.Duration, isCA bool) (
*x509.Certificate, error) {
subjectIDsInString := strings.Join(subjectIDs, ",")
var keyUsage x509.KeyUsage
extKeyUsages := []x509.ExtKeyUsage{}
if isCA {
// If the cert is a CA cert, the private key is allowed to sign other certificates.
keyUsage = x509.KeyUsageCertSign
} else {
// Otherwise the private key is allowed for digital signature and key encipherment.
keyUsage = x509.KeyUsageDigitalSignature | x509.KeyUsageKeyEncipherment
// For now, we do not differentiate non-CA certs to be used on client auth or server auth.
extKeyUsages = append(extKeyUsages, x509.ExtKeyUsageServerAuth, x509.ExtKeyUsageClientAuth)
// Build cert extensions with the subjectIDs.
ext, err := BuildSubjectAltNameExtension(subjectIDsInString)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
exts := []pkix.Extension{*ext}
subject := pkix.Name{}
// Dual use mode if common name in CSR is not empty.
// In this case, set CN as determined by DualUseCommonName(subjectIDsInString).
if len(csr.Subject.CommonName) != 0 {
if cn, err := DualUseCommonName(subjectIDsInString); err != nil {
// log and continue
log.Errorf("dual-use failed for cert template - omitting CN (%v)", err)
} else {
subject.CommonName = cn
now := time.Now()
serialNum, err := genSerialNum()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// SignatureAlgorithm will use the default algorithm.
// See .
return &x509.Certificate{
SerialNumber: serialNum,
Subject: subject,
NotBefore: now.Add(-ClockSkewGracePeriod),
NotAfter: now.Add(ttl),
KeyUsage: keyUsage,
ExtKeyUsage: extKeyUsages,
IsCA: isCA,
BasicConstraintsValid: true,
ExtraExtensions: exts,
}, nil
// genCertTemplateFromoptions generates a certificate template with the given options.
func genCertTemplateFromOptions(options CertOptions) (*x509.Certificate, error) {
var keyUsage x509.KeyUsage
if options.IsCA {
// If the cert is a CA cert, the private key is allowed to sign other certificates.
keyUsage = x509.KeyUsageCertSign
} else {
// Otherwise the private key is allowed for digital signature and key encipherment.
keyUsage = x509.KeyUsageDigitalSignature | x509.KeyUsageKeyEncipherment
extKeyUsages := []x509.ExtKeyUsage{}
if options.IsServer {
extKeyUsages = append(extKeyUsages, x509.ExtKeyUsageServerAuth)
if options.IsClient {
extKeyUsages = append(extKeyUsages, x509.ExtKeyUsageClientAuth)
notBefore := time.Now()
if !options.NotBefore.IsZero() {
notBefore = options.NotBefore
serialNum, err := genSerialNum()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
subject := pkix.Name{
Organization: []string{options.Org},
exts := []pkix.Extension{}
if h := options.Host; len(h) > 0 {
s, err := BuildSubjectAltNameExtension(h)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if options.IsDualUse {
cn, err := DualUseCommonName(h)
if err != nil {
// log and continue
log.Errorf("dual-use failed for cert template - omitting CN (%v)", err)
} else {
subject.CommonName = cn
exts = []pkix.Extension{*s}
dnsNames := strings.Split(options.DNSNames, ",")
if len(dnsNames[0]) == 0 {
dnsNames = nil
return &x509.Certificate{
SerialNumber: serialNum,
Subject: subject,
NotBefore: notBefore,
NotAfter: notBefore.Add(options.TTL),
KeyUsage: keyUsage,
ExtKeyUsage: extKeyUsages,
IsCA: options.IsCA,
BasicConstraintsValid: true,
ExtraExtensions: exts,
DNSNames: dnsNames,
}, nil
func genSerialNum() (*big.Int, error) {
serialNumLimit := new(big.Int).Lsh(big.NewInt(1), 128)
serialNum, err := rand.Int(rand.Reader, serialNumLimit)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("serial number generation failure (%v)", err)
return serialNum, nil
func encodePem(isCSR bool, csrOrCert []byte, priv interface{}, pkcs8 bool) (
csrOrCertPem []byte, privPem []byte, err error) {
encodeMsg := "CERTIFICATE"
if isCSR {
csrOrCertPem = pem.EncodeToMemory(&pem.Block{Type: encodeMsg, Bytes: csrOrCert})
var encodedKey []byte
if pkcs8 {
if encodedKey, err = x509.MarshalPKCS8PrivateKey(priv); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
privPem = pem.EncodeToMemory(&pem.Block{Type: blockTypePKCS8PrivateKey, Bytes: encodedKey})
} else {
switch k := priv.(type) {
case *rsa.PrivateKey:
encodedKey = x509.MarshalPKCS1PrivateKey(k)
privPem = pem.EncodeToMemory(&pem.Block{Type: blockTypeRSAPrivateKey, Bytes: encodedKey})
case *ecdsa.PrivateKey:
encodedKey, err = x509.MarshalECPrivateKey(k)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
privPem = pem.EncodeToMemory(&pem.Block{Type: blockTypeECPrivateKey, Bytes: encodedKey})
err = nil