blob: 183a86895b9587a8d7814fce4c3235d792016bd9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright Istio Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package ca
import (
import (
v1 ""
metav1 ""
ktesting ""
import (
certutil ""
const caNamespace = "default"
// TestJitterConfiguration tests the setup of jitter
func TestJitterConfiguration(t *testing.T) {
enableJitterOpts := getDefaultSelfSignedIstioCAOptions(nil)
enableJitterOpts.RotatorConfig.enableJitter = true
rotator0 := getRootCertRotator(enableJitterOpts)
if rotator0.backOffTime < time.Duration(0) {
t.Errorf("back off time should be zero or positive but got %v", rotator0.backOffTime)
if rotator0.backOffTime >= rotator0.config.CheckInterval {
t.Errorf("back off time should be shorter than rotation interval but got %v",
disableJitterOpts := getDefaultSelfSignedIstioCAOptions(nil)
disableJitterOpts.RotatorConfig.enableJitter = false
rotator1 := getRootCertRotator(disableJitterOpts)
if rotator1.backOffTime > time.Duration(0) {
t.Errorf("back off time should be negative but got %v", rotator1.backOffTime)
// TestRootCertRotatorWithoutRootCertSecret verifies that if root cert secret
// does not exist, the rotator does not add new root cert.
func TestRootCertRotatorWithoutRootCertSecret(t *testing.T) {
// Verifies that in self-signed CA mode, root cert rotator does not create CA secret.
rotator0 := getRootCertRotator(getDefaultSelfSignedIstioCAOptions(nil))
client0 := rotator0.config.client
client0.Secrets(rotator0.config.caStorageNamespace).Delete(context.TODO(), CASecret, metav1.DeleteOptions{})
caSecret, err := client0.Secrets(rotator0.config.caStorageNamespace).Get(context.TODO(), CASecret, metav1.GetOptions{})
if !errors.IsNotFound(err) || caSecret != nil {
t.Errorf("CA secret should not exist, but get %v: %v", caSecret, err)
type rootCertItem struct {
caSecret *v1.Secret
rootCertInKeyCertBundle []byte
func verifyRootCertAndPrivateKey(t *testing.T, shouldMatch bool, itemA, itemB rootCertItem) {
isMatched := bytes.Equal(itemA.caSecret.Data[CACertFile], itemB.caSecret.Data[CACertFile])
if isMatched != shouldMatch {
t.Errorf("Verification of root cert in CA secret failed. Want %v got %v", shouldMatch, isMatched)
isMatched = bytes.Equal(itemA.rootCertInKeyCertBundle, itemB.rootCertInKeyCertBundle)
if isMatched != shouldMatch {
t.Errorf("Verification of root cert in key cert bundle failed. Want %v got %v", shouldMatch, isMatched)
// Root cert rotation does not change root private key. Root private key should
// remain the same.
isMatched = bytes.Equal(itemA.caSecret.Data[CAPrivateKeyFile], itemB.caSecret.Data[CAPrivateKeyFile])
if !isMatched {
t.Errorf("Root private key should not change. Want %v got %v", shouldMatch, isMatched)
func loadCert(rotator *SelfSignedCARootCertRotator) rootCertItem {
client := rotator.config.client
caSecret, _ := client.Secrets(rotator.config.caStorageNamespace).Get(context.TODO(), CASecret, metav1.GetOptions{})
rootCert :=
return rootCertItem{caSecret: caSecret, rootCertInKeyCertBundle: rootCert}
// TestRootCertRotatorForSigningCitadel verifies that rotator rotates root cert,
// updates key cert bundle and config map.
func TestRootCertRotatorForSigningCitadel(t *testing.T) {
rotator := getRootCertRotator(getDefaultSelfSignedIstioCAOptions(nil))
// Make a copy of CA secret, a copy of root cert form key cert bundle, and
// a copy of root cert from config map for verification.
certItem0 := loadCert(rotator)
// Change grace period percentage to 0, so that root cert is not going to expire soon.
rotator.config.certInspector = certutil.NewCertUtil(0)
// Verifies that when root cert remaining life is not in grace period time,
// root cert is not rotated.
certItem1 := loadCert(rotator)
verifyRootCertAndPrivateKey(t, true, certItem0, certItem1)
// Change grace period percentage to 100, so that root cert is guarantee to rotate.
rotator.config.certInspector = certutil.NewCertUtil(100)
certItem2 := loadCert(rotator)
verifyRootCertAndPrivateKey(t, false, certItem1, certItem2)
// TestRootCertRotatorKeepCertFieldsUnchanged verifies that rotator
// extracts information from existing certificate and passes then into new root
// certificate.
func TestRootCertRotatorKeepCertFieldsUnchanged(t *testing.T) {
rotator := getRootCertRotator(getDefaultSelfSignedIstioCAOptions(nil))
// Update CASecret with a new root cert generated from custom cert options. The
// cert options differ from default cert options used by rotator.
oldCertOrg := "old cert org"
oldCertRSAKeySize := 2048
customCertOptions := util.CertOptions{
TTL: rotator.config.caCertTTL,
Org: oldCertOrg,
IsCA: true,
IsSelfSigned: true,
RSAKeySize: oldCertRSAKeySize,
updateRootCertWithCustomCertOptions(t, rotator, customCertOptions)
// Make a copy of CA secret, a copy of root cert form key cert bundle, and
// a copy of root cert from config map for verification.
certItem0 := loadCert(rotator)
// Change grace period percentage to 100, so that root cert is guarantee to rotate.
rotator.config.certInspector = certutil.NewCertUtil(100)
// Rotate the root certificate now.
certItem1 := loadCert(rotator)
if !bytes.Equal(certItem0.caSecret.Data[CAPrivateKeyFile], certItem1.caSecret.Data[CAPrivateKeyFile]) {
t.Errorf("private key should not change")
// verifyRootCertFields verifies that new root cert and private key matches the
// old root cert and private key.
verifyRootCertFields(t, certItem0, certItem1)
// updateRootCertWithCustomCertOptions generate root cert and private key with
// custom cert options, and replaces root cert and key in CA secret.
func updateRootCertWithCustomCertOptions(t *testing.T,
rotator *SelfSignedCARootCertRotator, options util.CertOptions) {
certItem := loadCert(rotator)
pemCert, pemKey, err := util.GenCertKeyFromOptions(options)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to rotate secret: %v", err)
newSecret := certItem.caSecret
newSecret.Data[CACertFile] = pemCert
newSecret.Data[CAPrivateKeyFile] = pemKey
rotator.config.client.Secrets(rotator.config.caStorageNamespace).Update(context.TODO(), newSecret, metav1.UpdateOptions{})
// verifyRootCertFields verifies that certain fields in both new and old root
// cert and key should not change.
func verifyRootCertFields(t *testing.T, oldCertItem, newCertItem rootCertItem) {
if !bytes.Equal(oldCertItem.caSecret.Data[CAPrivateKeyFile],
newCertItem.caSecret.Data[CAPrivateKeyFile]) {
t.Errorf("private key should not change")
oldKeyLen := getPublicKeySizeInBits(oldCertItem.caSecret.Data[CAPrivateKeyFile])
newKeyLen := getPublicKeySizeInBits(newCertItem.caSecret.Data[CAPrivateKeyFile])
if oldKeyLen != newKeyLen {
t.Errorf("Public key size should not change, (got %d) vs (expected %d)",
newKeyLen, oldKeyLen)
oldRootCert, _ := util.ParsePemEncodedCertificate(oldCertItem.caSecret.Data[CACertFile])
newRootCert, _ := util.ParsePemEncodedCertificate(newCertItem.caSecret.Data[CACertFile])
if oldRootCert.Subject.String() != newRootCert.Subject.String() {
t.Errorf("certificate Subject does not match (old: %s) vs (new: %s)",
oldRootCert.Subject.String(), newRootCert.Subject.String())
if oldRootCert.Issuer.String() != newRootCert.Issuer.String() {
t.Errorf("certificate Issuer does not match (old: %s) vs (new: %s)",
oldRootCert.Issuer.String(), newRootCert.Issuer.String())
if oldRootCert.IsCA != newRootCert.IsCA {
t.Errorf("certificate IsCA does not match (old: %t) vs (new: %t)",
oldRootCert.IsCA, newRootCert.IsCA)
if oldRootCert.Version != newRootCert.Version {
t.Errorf("certificate Version does not match (old: %d) vs (new: %d)",
oldRootCert.Version, newRootCert.Version)
if oldRootCert.PublicKeyAlgorithm != newRootCert.PublicKeyAlgorithm {
t.Errorf("public key algorithm does not match (old: %s) vs (new: %s)",
oldRootCert.PublicKeyAlgorithm.String(), newRootCert.PublicKeyAlgorithm.String())
func getPublicKeySizeInBits(keyPem []byte) int {
privateKey, _ := util.ParsePemEncodedKey(keyPem)
k := privateKey.(*rsa.PrivateKey)
return k.PublicKey.Size() * 8
// TestKeyCertBundleReloadInRootCertRotatorForSigningCitadel verifies that
// rotator reloads root cert into KeyCertBundle if the root cert in key cert bundle is
// different from istio-ca-secret.
func TestKeyCertBundleReloadInRootCertRotatorForSigningCitadel(t *testing.T) {
rotator := getRootCertRotator(getDefaultSelfSignedIstioCAOptions(nil))
// Mutate the root cert and private key as if they are rotated by other Citadel.
certItem0 := loadCert(rotator)
oldRootCert := certItem0.rootCertInKeyCertBundle
options := util.CertOptions{
TTL: rotator.config.caCertTTL,
SignerPrivPem: certItem0.caSecret.Data[CAPrivateKeyFile],
IsCA: true,
IsSelfSigned: true,
IsDualUse: rotator.config.dualUse,
pemCert, pemKey, ckErr := util.GenRootCertFromExistingKey(options)
if ckErr != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to rotate secret: %s", ckErr.Error())
newSecret := certItem0.caSecret
newSecret.Data[CACertFile] = pemCert
newSecret.Data[CAPrivateKeyFile] = pemKey
rotator.config.client.Secrets(rotator.config.caStorageNamespace).Update(context.TODO(), newSecret, metav1.UpdateOptions{})
// Change grace period percentage to 0, so that root cert is not going to expire soon.
rotator.config.certInspector = certutil.NewCertUtil(0)
// Verifies that when root cert remaining life is not in grace period time,
// root cert is not rotated.
certItem1 := loadCert(rotator)
if !bytes.Equal(newSecret.Data[CACertFile], certItem1.caSecret.Data[CACertFile]) {
t.Error("root cert in istio-ca-secret should be the same.")
// Verifies that after rotation, the rotator should have reloaded root cert into
// key cert bundle.
if bytes.Equal(oldRootCert, {
t.Error("root cert in key cert bundle should be different after rotation.")
if !bytes.Equal(certItem1.caSecret.Data[CACertFile], {
t.Error("root cert in key cert bundle should be the same as root " +
"cert in istio-ca-secret after root cert rotation.")
// TestRollbackAtRootCertRotatorForSigningCitadel verifies that rotator rollbacks
// new root cert if it fails to update new root cert into configmap.
func TestRollbackAtRootCertRotatorForSigningCitadel(t *testing.T) {
fakeClient := fake.NewSimpleClientset()
rotator := getRootCertRotator(getDefaultSelfSignedIstioCAOptions(fakeClient))
// Make a copy of CA secret, a copy of root cert form key cert bundle, and
// a copy of root cert from config map for verification.
certItem0 := loadCert(rotator)
// Change grace period percentage to 100, so that root cert is guarantee to rotate.
rotator.config.certInspector = certutil.NewCertUtil(100)
fakeClient.PrependReactor("update", "secrets", func(action ktesting.Action) (bool, runtime.Object, error) {
return true, &v1.Secret{}, errors.NewUnauthorized("no permission to update secret")
certItem1 := loadCert(rotator)
// Verify that root cert does not change.
verifyRootCertAndPrivateKey(t, true, certItem0, certItem1)
// TestRootCertRotatorGoroutineForSigningCitadel verifies that rotator
// periodically rotates root cert, updates key cert bundle and config map.
func TestRootCertRotatorGoroutineForSigningCitadel(t *testing.T) {
rotator := getRootCertRotator(getDefaultSelfSignedIstioCAOptions(nil))
// Make a copy of CA secret, a copy of root cert form key cert bundle, and
// a copy of root cert from config map for verification.
certItem0 := loadCert(rotator)
// Configure rotator to periodically rotates root cert.
rotator.config.certInspector = certutil.NewCertUtil(100)
rotator.config.caCertTTL = 1 * time.Minute
rotator.config.CheckInterval = 500 * time.Millisecond
rootCertRotatorChan := make(chan struct{})
go rotator.Run(rootCertRotatorChan)
defer close(rootCertRotatorChan)
// Wait until root cert rotation is done.
time.Sleep(600 * time.Millisecond)
certItem1 := loadCert(rotator)
verifyRootCertAndPrivateKey(t, false, certItem0, certItem1)
time.Sleep(600 * time.Millisecond)
certItem2 := loadCert(rotator)
verifyRootCertAndPrivateKey(t, false, certItem1, certItem2)
func getDefaultSelfSignedIstioCAOptions(fclient *fake.Clientset) *IstioCAOptions {
caCertTTL := time.Hour
defaultCertTTL := 30 * time.Minute
maxCertTTL := time.Hour
org := ""
client := fake.NewSimpleClientset().CoreV1()
if fclient != nil {
client = fclient.CoreV1()
rootCertFile := ""
rootCertCheckInverval := time.Hour
rsaKeySize := 2048
caopts, _ := NewSelfSignedIstioCAOptions(context.Background(),
cmd.DefaultRootCertGracePeriodPercentile, caCertTTL,
rootCertCheckInverval, defaultCertTTL, maxCertTTL, org, false,
caNamespace, -1, client, rootCertFile, false, rsaKeySize)
return caopts
func getRootCertRotator(opts *IstioCAOptions) *SelfSignedCARootCertRotator {
ca, _ := NewIstioCA(opts)
ca.rootCertRotator.config.retryMax = time.Millisecond * 50
ca.rootCertRotator.config.retryInterval = time.Millisecond * 5
return ca.rootCertRotator