blob: ddf7f5fd4c91a9c4cfb27885cbe2d9075212662d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright Istio Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package ca
import (
import (
metav1 ""
corev1 ""
import (
k8ssecret ""
caerror ""
certutil ""
const (
// istioCASecretType is the Istio secret annotation type.
istioCASecretType = ""
// CACertFile is the CA certificate chain file.
CACertFile = "ca-cert.pem"
// CAPrivateKeyFile is the private key file of CA.
CAPrivateKeyFile = "ca-key.pem"
// CASecret stores the key/cert of self-signed CA for persistency purpose.
CASecret = "istio-ca-secret"
// CertChainFile is the ID/name for the certificate chain file.
CertChainFile = "cert-chain.pem"
// PrivateKeyFile is the ID/name for the private key file.
PrivateKeyFile = "key.pem"
// RootCertFile is the ID/name for the CA root certificate file.
RootCertFile = "root-cert.pem"
// TLSSecretCACertFile is the CA certificate file name as it exists in tls type k8s secret.
TLSSecretCACertFile = "tls.crt"
// TLSSecretCAPrivateKeyFile is the CA certificate key file name as it exists in tls type k8s secret.
TLSSecretCAPrivateKeyFile = "tls.key"
// TLSSecretRootCertFile is the root cert file name as it exists in tls type k8s secret.
TLSSecretRootCertFile = "ca.crt"
// The standard key size to use when generating an RSA private key
rsaKeySize = 2048
// SigningCAFileBundle locations of the files used for the signing CA
type SigningCAFileBundle struct {
RootCertFile string
CertChainFiles []string
SigningCertFile string
SigningKeyFile string
var pkiCaLog = log.RegisterScope("pkica", "Citadel CA log", 0)
// caTypes is the enum for the CA type.
type caTypes int
type CertOpts struct {
// SubjectIDs are used for building the SAN extension for the certificate.
SubjectIDs []string
// TTL is the requested lifetime (Time to live) to be applied in the certificate.
TTL time.Duration
// ForCA indicates whether the signed certificate if for CA.
// If true, the signed certificate is a CA certificate, otherwise, it is a workload certificate.
ForCA bool
// Cert Signer info
CertSigner string
const (
// selfSignedCA means the Istio CA uses a self signed certificate.
selfSignedCA caTypes = iota
// pluggedCertCA means the Istio CA uses a operator-specified key/cert.
// IstioCAOptions holds the configurations for creating an Istio CA.
// TODO(myidpt): remove IstioCAOptions.
type IstioCAOptions struct {
CAType caTypes
DefaultCertTTL time.Duration
MaxCertTTL time.Duration
CARSAKeySize int
KeyCertBundle *util.KeyCertBundle
// Config for creating self-signed root cert rotator.
RotatorConfig *SelfSignedCARootCertRotatorConfig
// NewSelfSignedIstioCAOptions returns a new IstioCAOptions instance using self-signed certificate.
func NewSelfSignedIstioCAOptions(ctx context.Context,
rootCertGracePeriodPercentile int, caCertTTL, rootCertCheckInverval, defaultCertTTL,
maxCertTTL time.Duration, org string, dualUse bool, namespace string,
readCertRetryInterval time.Duration, client corev1.CoreV1Interface,
rootCertFile string, enableJitter bool, caRSAKeySize int) (caOpts *IstioCAOptions, err error) {
// For the first time the CA is up, if readSigningCertOnly is unset,
// it generates a self-signed key/cert pair and write it to CASecret.
// For subsequent restart, CA will reads key/cert from CASecret.
caSecret, scrtErr := client.Secrets(namespace).Get(context.TODO(), CASecret, metav1.GetOptions{})
if scrtErr != nil && readCertRetryInterval > time.Duration(0) {
pkiCaLog.Infof("Citadel in signing key/cert read only mode. Wait until secret %s:%s can be loaded...", namespace, CASecret)
ticker := time.NewTicker(readCertRetryInterval)
defer ticker.Stop()
for scrtErr != nil {
select {
case <-ticker.C:
if caSecret, scrtErr = client.Secrets(namespace).Get(context.TODO(), CASecret, metav1.GetOptions{}); scrtErr == nil {
pkiCaLog.Infof("Citadel successfully loaded the secret.")
case <-ctx.Done():
pkiCaLog.Errorf("Secret waiting thread is terminated.")
return nil, fmt.Errorf("secret waiting thread is terminated")
caOpts = &IstioCAOptions{
CAType: selfSignedCA,
DefaultCertTTL: defaultCertTTL,
MaxCertTTL: maxCertTTL,
RotatorConfig: &SelfSignedCARootCertRotatorConfig{
CheckInterval: rootCertCheckInverval,
caCertTTL: caCertTTL,
retryInterval: cmd.ReadSigningCertRetryInterval,
retryMax: cmd.ReadSigningCertRetryMax,
certInspector: certutil.NewCertUtil(rootCertGracePeriodPercentile),
caStorageNamespace: namespace,
dualUse: dualUse,
org: org,
rootCertFile: rootCertFile,
enableJitter: enableJitter,
client: client,
if scrtErr != nil {
pkiCaLog.Infof("Failed to get secret (error: %s), will create one", scrtErr)
options := util.CertOptions{
TTL: caCertTTL,
Org: org,
IsCA: true,
IsSelfSigned: true,
RSAKeySize: caRSAKeySize,
IsDualUse: dualUse,
pemCert, pemKey, ckErr := util.GenCertKeyFromOptions(options)
if ckErr != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to generate CA cert and key for self-signed CA (%v)", ckErr)
rootCerts, err := util.AppendRootCerts(pemCert, rootCertFile)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to append root certificates (%v)", err)
if caOpts.KeyCertBundle, err = util.NewVerifiedKeyCertBundleFromPem(pemCert, pemKey, nil, rootCerts); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create CA KeyCertBundle (%v)", err)
// Write the key/cert back to secret so they will be persistent when CA restarts.
secret := k8ssecret.BuildSecret("", CASecret, namespace, nil, nil, nil, pemCert, pemKey, istioCASecretType)
if _, err = client.Secrets(namespace).Create(context.TODO(), secret, metav1.CreateOptions{}); err != nil {
pkiCaLog.Errorf("Failed to write secret to CA (error: %s). Abort.", err)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create CA due to secret write error")
pkiCaLog.Infof("Using self-generated public key: %v", string(rootCerts))
} else {
pkiCaLog.Infof("Load signing key and cert from existing secret %s:%s", caSecret.Namespace, caSecret.Name)
rootCerts, err := util.AppendRootCerts(caSecret.Data[CACertFile], rootCertFile)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to append root certificates (%v)", err)
if caOpts.KeyCertBundle, err = util.NewVerifiedKeyCertBundleFromPem(caSecret.Data[CACertFile],
caSecret.Data[CAPrivateKeyFile], nil, rootCerts); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create CA KeyCertBundle (%v)", err)
pkiCaLog.Infof("Using existing public key: %v", string(rootCerts))
return caOpts, nil
// NewSelfSignedDebugIstioCAOptions returns a new IstioCAOptions instance using self-signed certificate produced by in-memory CA,
// which runs without K8s, and no local ca key file presented.
func NewSelfSignedDebugIstioCAOptions(rootCertFile string, caCertTTL, defaultCertTTL, maxCertTTL time.Duration,
org string, caRSAKeySize int) (caOpts *IstioCAOptions, err error) {
caOpts = &IstioCAOptions{
CAType: selfSignedCA,
DefaultCertTTL: defaultCertTTL,
MaxCertTTL: maxCertTTL,
CARSAKeySize: caRSAKeySize,
options := util.CertOptions{
TTL: caCertTTL,
Org: org,
IsCA: true,
IsSelfSigned: true,
RSAKeySize: caRSAKeySize,
IsDualUse: true, // hardcoded to true for K8S as well
pemCert, pemKey, ckErr := util.GenCertKeyFromOptions(options)
if ckErr != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to generate CA cert and key for self-signed CA (%v)", ckErr)
rootCerts, err := util.AppendRootCerts(pemCert, rootCertFile)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to append root certificates (%v)", err)
if caOpts.KeyCertBundle, err = util.NewVerifiedKeyCertBundleFromPem(pemCert, pemKey, nil, rootCerts); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create CA KeyCertBundle (%v)", err)
return caOpts, nil
// NewPluggedCertIstioCAOptions returns a new IstioCAOptions instance using given certificate.
func NewPluggedCertIstioCAOptions(fileBundle SigningCAFileBundle,
defaultCertTTL, maxCertTTL time.Duration, caRSAKeySize int) (caOpts *IstioCAOptions, err error) {
caOpts = &IstioCAOptions{
CAType: pluggedCertCA,
DefaultCertTTL: defaultCertTTL,
MaxCertTTL: maxCertTTL,
CARSAKeySize: caRSAKeySize,
if caOpts.KeyCertBundle, err = util.NewVerifiedKeyCertBundleFromFile(
fileBundle.SigningCertFile, fileBundle.SigningKeyFile, fileBundle.CertChainFiles, fileBundle.RootCertFile); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create CA KeyCertBundle (%v)", err)
// Validate that the passed in signing cert can be used as CA.
// The check can't be done inside `KeyCertBundle`, since bundle could also be used to
// validate workload certificates (i.e., where the leaf certificate is not a CA).
b, err := os.ReadFile(fileBundle.SigningCertFile)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
block, _ := pem.Decode(b)
if block == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid PEM encoded certificate")
cert, err := x509.ParseCertificate(block.Bytes)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse X.509 certificate")
if !cert.IsCA {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("certificate is not authorized to sign other certificates")
return caOpts, nil
// IstioCA generates keys and certificates for Istio identities.
type IstioCA struct {
defaultCertTTL time.Duration
maxCertTTL time.Duration
caRSAKeySize int
keyCertBundle *util.KeyCertBundle
// rootCertRotator periodically rotates self-signed root cert for CA. It is nil
// if CA is not self-signed CA.
rootCertRotator *SelfSignedCARootCertRotator
// NewIstioCA returns a new IstioCA instance.
func NewIstioCA(opts *IstioCAOptions) (*IstioCA, error) {
ca := &IstioCA{
maxCertTTL: opts.MaxCertTTL,
keyCertBundle: opts.KeyCertBundle,
caRSAKeySize: opts.CARSAKeySize,
if opts.CAType == selfSignedCA && opts.RotatorConfig != nil && opts.RotatorConfig.CheckInterval > time.Duration(0) {
ca.rootCertRotator = NewSelfSignedCARootCertRotator(opts.RotatorConfig, ca)
// if CA cert becomes invalid before workload cert it's going to cause workload cert to be invalid too,
// however citatel won't rotate if that happens, this function will prevent that using cert chain TTL as
// the workload TTL
defaultCertTTL, err := ca.minTTL(opts.DefaultCertTTL)
if err != nil {
return ca, fmt.Errorf("failed to get default cert TTL %s", err.Error())
ca.defaultCertTTL = defaultCertTTL
return ca, nil
func (ca *IstioCA) Run(stopChan chan struct{}) {
if ca.rootCertRotator != nil {
// Start root cert rotator in a separate goroutine.
go ca.rootCertRotator.Run(stopChan)
// Sign takes a PEM-encoded CSR and cert opts, and returns a signed certificate.
func (ca *IstioCA) Sign(csrPEM []byte, certOpts CertOpts) (
[]byte, error) {
return ca.sign(csrPEM, certOpts.SubjectIDs, certOpts.TTL, true, certOpts.ForCA)
// SignWithCertChain is similar to Sign but returns the leaf cert and the entire cert chain.
func (ca *IstioCA) SignWithCertChain(csrPEM []byte, certOpts CertOpts) (
[]string, error) {
cert, err := ca.signWithCertChain(csrPEM, certOpts.SubjectIDs, certOpts.TTL, true, certOpts.ForCA)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return []string{string(cert)}, nil
// GetCAKeyCertBundle returns the KeyCertBundle for the CA.
func (ca *IstioCA) GetCAKeyCertBundle() *util.KeyCertBundle {
return ca.keyCertBundle
// GenKeyCert generates a certificate signed by the CA,
// returns the certificate chain and the private key.
func (ca *IstioCA) GenKeyCert(hostnames []string, certTTL time.Duration, checkLifetime bool) ([]byte, []byte, error) {
opts := util.CertOptions{
RSAKeySize: rsaKeySize,
// use the type of private key the CA uses to generate an intermediate CA of that type (e.g. CA cert using RSA will
// cause intermediate CAs using RSA to be generated)
_, signingKey, _, _ := ca.keyCertBundle.GetAll()
if util.IsSupportedECPrivateKey(signingKey) {
opts.ECSigAlg = util.EcdsaSigAlg
csrPEM, privPEM, err := util.GenCSR(opts)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
certPEM, err := ca.signWithCertChain(csrPEM, hostnames, certTTL, checkLifetime, false)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return certPEM, privPEM, nil
func (ca *IstioCA) minTTL(defaultCertTTL time.Duration) (time.Duration, error) {
certChainPem := ca.keyCertBundle.GetCertChainPem()
if len(certChainPem) == 0 {
return defaultCertTTL, nil
certChainExpiration, err := util.TimeBeforeCertExpires(certChainPem, time.Now())
if err != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("failed to get cert chain TTL %s", err.Error())
if certChainExpiration.Seconds() <= 0 {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("cert chain has expired")
if defaultCertTTL.Seconds() > certChainExpiration.Seconds() {
return certChainExpiration, nil
return defaultCertTTL, nil
func (ca *IstioCA) sign(csrPEM []byte, subjectIDs []string, requestedLifetime time.Duration, checkLifetime, forCA bool) ([]byte, error) {
signingCert, signingKey, _, _ := ca.keyCertBundle.GetAll()
if signingCert == nil {
return nil, caerror.NewError(caerror.CANotReady, fmt.Errorf("Istio CA is not ready")) // nolint
csr, err := util.ParsePemEncodedCSR(csrPEM)
if err != nil {
return nil, caerror.NewError(caerror.CSRError, err)
lifetime := requestedLifetime
// If the requested requestedLifetime is non-positive, apply the default TTL.
if requestedLifetime.Seconds() <= 0 {
lifetime = ca.defaultCertTTL
// If checkLifetime is set and the requested TTL is greater than maxCertTTL, return an error
if checkLifetime && requestedLifetime.Seconds() > ca.maxCertTTL.Seconds() {
return nil, caerror.NewError(caerror.TTLError, fmt.Errorf(
"requested TTL %s is greater than the max allowed TTL %s", requestedLifetime, ca.maxCertTTL))
certBytes, err := util.GenCertFromCSR(csr, signingCert, csr.PublicKey, *signingKey, subjectIDs, lifetime, forCA)
if err != nil {
return nil, caerror.NewError(caerror.CertGenError, err)
block := &pem.Block{
Bytes: certBytes,
cert := pem.EncodeToMemory(block)
return cert, nil
func (ca *IstioCA) signWithCertChain(csrPEM []byte, subjectIDs []string, requestedLifetime time.Duration, lifetimeCheck,
forCA bool) ([]byte, error) {
cert, err := ca.sign(csrPEM, subjectIDs, requestedLifetime, lifetimeCheck, forCA)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
chainPem := ca.GetCAKeyCertBundle().GetCertChainPem()
if len(chainPem) > 0 {
cert = append(cert, chainPem...)
return cert, nil