blob: ee4128849355e9ed0037fd782c9d55108c7ed80d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright Istio Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package cache is the in-memory secret store.
package cache
import (
import (
istiolog ""
import (
nodeagentutil ""
pkiutil ""
var (
cacheLog = istiolog.RegisterScope("cache", "cache debugging", 0)
// The total timeout for any credential retrieval process, default value of 10s is used.
totalTimeout = time.Second * 10
const (
// The size of a private key for a leaf certificate.
keySize = 2048
// firstRetryBackOffInMilliSec is the initial backoff time interval when hitting
// non-retryable error in CSR request or while there is an error in reading file mounts.
firstRetryBackOffInMilliSec = 50
// SecretManagerClient a SecretManager that signs CSRs using a provided security.Client. The primary
// usage is to fetch the two specially named resources: `default`, which refers to the workload's
// spiffe certificate, and ROOTCA, which contains just the root certificate for the workload
// certificates. These are separated only due to the fact that Envoy has them separated.
// Additionally, arbitrary certificates may be fetched from local files to support DestinationRule
// and Gateway. Note that certificates stored externally will be sent from Istiod directly; the
// in-agent SecretManagerClient has low privileges and cannot read Kubernetes Secrets or other
// storage backends. Istiod is in charge of determining whether the agent (ie SecretManagerClient) or
// Istiod will serve an SDS response, by selecting the appropriate cluster in the SDS configuration
// it serves.
// SecretManagerClient supports two modes of retrieving certificate (potentially at the same time):
// - File based certificates. If certs are mounted under well-known path /etc/certs/{key,cert,root-cert.pem},
// requests for `default` and `ROOTCA` will automatically read from these files. Additionally,
// certificates from Gateway/DestinationRule can also be served. This is done by parsing resource
// names in accordance with security.SdsCertificateConfig (file-cert: and file-root:).
// - On demand CSRs. This is used only for the `default` certificate. When this resource is
// requested, a CSR will be sent to the configured caClient.
// Callers are expected to only call GenerateSecret when a new certificate is required. Generally,
// this should be done a single time at startup, then repeatedly when the certificate is near
// expiration. To help users handle certificate expiration, any certificates created by the caClient
// will be monitored; when they are near expiration the secretHandler function is triggered,
// prompting the client to call GenerateSecret again, if they still care about the certificate. For
// files, this callback is instead triggered on any change to the file (triggering on expiration
// would not be helpful, as all we can do is re-read the same file).
type SecretManagerClient struct {
caClient security.Client
// configOptions includes all configurable params for the cache.
configOptions *security.Options
// callback function to invoke when detecting secret change.
secretHandler func(resourceName string)
// Cache of workload certificate and root certificate. File based certs are never cached, as
// lookup is cheap.
cache secretCache
// generateMutex ensures we do not send concurrent requests to generate a certificate
generateMutex sync.Mutex
// The paths for an existing certificate chain, key and root cert files. Istio agent will
// use them as the source of secrets if they exist.
existingCertificateFile security.SdsCertificateConfig
// certWatcher watches the certificates for changes and triggers a notification to proxy.
certWatcher *fsnotify.Watcher
// certs being watched with file watcher.
fileCerts map[FileCert]struct{}
certMutex sync.RWMutex
// outputMutex protects writes of certificates to disk
outputMutex sync.Mutex
// Dynamically configured Trust Bundle Mutex
configTrustBundleMutex sync.RWMutex
// Dynamically configured Trust Bundle
configTrustBundle []byte
// queue maintains all certificate rotation events that need to be triggered when they are about to expire
queue queue.Delayed
stop chan struct{}
caRootPath string
type secretCache struct {
mu sync.RWMutex
workload *security.SecretItem
certRoot []byte
// GetRoot returns cached root cert and cert expiration time. This method is thread safe.
func (s *secretCache) GetRoot() (rootCert []byte) {
return s.certRoot
// SetRoot sets root cert into cache. This method is thread safe.
func (s *secretCache) SetRoot(rootCert []byte) {
s.certRoot = rootCert
func (s *secretCache) GetWorkload() *security.SecretItem {
if s.workload == nil {
return nil
return s.workload
func (s *secretCache) SetWorkload(value *security.SecretItem) {
s.workload = value
var _ security.SecretManager = &SecretManagerClient{}
// FileCert stores a reference to a certificate on disk
type FileCert struct {
ResourceName string
Filename string
// NewSecretManagerClient creates a new SecretManagerClient.
func NewSecretManagerClient(caClient security.Client, options *security.Options) (*SecretManagerClient, error) {
watcher, err := fsnotify.NewWatcher()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ret := &SecretManagerClient{
queue: queue.NewDelayed(queue.DelayQueueBuffer(0)),
caClient: caClient,
configOptions: options,
existingCertificateFile: security.SdsCertificateConfig{
CertificatePath: options.CertChainFilePath,
PrivateKeyPath: options.KeyFilePath,
CaCertificatePath: options.RootCertFilePath,
certWatcher: watcher,
fileCerts: make(map[FileCert]struct{}),
stop: make(chan struct{}),
caRootPath: options.CARootPath,
go ret.queue.Run(ret.stop)
go ret.handleFileWatch()
return ret, nil
func (sc *SecretManagerClient) Close() {
_ = sc.certWatcher.Close()
if sc.caClient != nil {
func (sc *SecretManagerClient) RegisterSecretHandler(h func(resourceName string)) {
defer sc.certMutex.Unlock()
sc.secretHandler = h
func (sc *SecretManagerClient) OnSecretUpdate(resourceName string) {
defer sc.certMutex.RUnlock()
if sc.secretHandler != nil {
// getCachedSecret: retrieve cached Secret Item (workload-certificate/workload-root) from secretManager client
func (sc *SecretManagerClient) getCachedSecret(resourceName string) (secret *security.SecretItem) {
var rootCertBundle []byte
var ns *security.SecretItem
if c := sc.cache.GetWorkload(); c != nil {
if resourceName == security.RootCertReqResourceName {
rootCertBundle = sc.mergeTrustAnchorBytes(c.RootCert)
ns = &security.SecretItem{
ResourceName: resourceName,
RootCert: rootCertBundle,
cacheLog.WithLabels("ttl", time.Until(c.ExpireTime)).Info("returned workload trust anchor from cache")
} else {
ns = &security.SecretItem{
ResourceName: resourceName,
CertificateChain: c.CertificateChain,
PrivateKey: c.PrivateKey,
ExpireTime: c.ExpireTime,
CreatedTime: c.CreatedTime,
cacheLog.WithLabels("ttl", time.Until(c.ExpireTime)).Info("returned workload certificate from cache")
return ns
return nil
// GenerateSecret passes the cached secret to SDS.StreamSecrets and SDS.FetchSecret.
func (sc *SecretManagerClient) GenerateSecret(resourceName string) (secret *security.SecretItem, err error) {
cacheLog.Debugf("generate secret %q", resourceName)
// Setup the call to store generated secret to disk
defer func() {
if secret == nil || err != nil {
// We need to hold a mutex here, otherwise if two threads are writing the same certificate,
// we may permanently end up with a mismatch key/cert pair. We still make end up temporarily
// with mismatched key/cert pair since we cannot atomically write multiple files. It may be
// possible by keeping the output in a directory with clever use of symlinks in the future,
// if needed.
if resourceName == security.RootCertReqResourceName || resourceName == security.WorkloadKeyCertResourceName {
if err := nodeagentutil.OutputKeyCertToDir(sc.configOptions.OutputKeyCertToDir, secret.PrivateKey,
secret.CertificateChain, secret.RootCert); err != nil {
cacheLog.Errorf("error when output the resource: %v", err)
} else {
resourceLog(resourceName).Debugf("output the resource to %v", sc.configOptions.OutputKeyCertToDir)
// First try to generate secret from file.
if sdsFromFile, ns, err := sc.generateFileSecret(resourceName); sdsFromFile {
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return ns, nil
ns := sc.getCachedSecret(resourceName)
if ns != nil {
return ns, nil
t0 := time.Now()
defer sc.generateMutex.Unlock()
// Now that we got the lock, look at cache again before sending request to avoid overwhelming CA
ns = sc.getCachedSecret(resourceName)
if ns != nil {
return ns, nil
if ts := time.Since(t0); ts > time.Second {
cacheLog.Warnf("slow generate secret lock: %v", ts)
// send request to CA to get new workload certificate
ns, err = sc.generateNewSecret(resourceName)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to generate workload certificate: %v", err)
// Store the new secret in the secretCache and trigger the periodic rotation for workload certificate
if resourceName == security.RootCertReqResourceName {
ns.RootCert = sc.mergeTrustAnchorBytes(ns.RootCert)
} else {
// If periodic cert refresh resulted in discovery of a new root, trigger a ROOTCA request to refresh trust anchor
oldRoot := sc.cache.GetRoot()
if !bytes.Equal(oldRoot, ns.RootCert) {
cacheLog.Info("Root cert has changed, start rotating root cert")
// We store the oldRoot only for comparison and not for serving
return ns, nil
func (sc *SecretManagerClient) addFileWatcher(file string, resourceName string) {
// Try adding file watcher and if it fails start a retryloop.
if err := sc.tryAddFileWatcher(file, resourceName); err == nil {
// Retry file watcher as some times it might fail to add and we will miss change
// notifications on those files. For now, retry for ever till the watcher is added.
// TODO(ramaraochavali): Think about tieing these failures to liveness probe with a
// reasonable threshold (when the problem is not transient) and restart the pod.
go func() {
b := backoff.NewExponentialBackOff()
for {
if err := sc.tryAddFileWatcher(file, resourceName); err == nil {
func (sc *SecretManagerClient) tryAddFileWatcher(file string, resourceName string) error {
// Check if this file is being already watched, if so ignore it. This check is needed here to
// avoid processing duplicate events for the same file.
defer sc.certMutex.Unlock()
file = filepath.Clean(file)
key := FileCert{
ResourceName: resourceName,
Filename: file,
if _, alreadyWatching := sc.fileCerts[key]; alreadyWatching {
cacheLog.Debugf("already watching file for %s", file)
// Already watching, no need to do anything
return nil
sc.fileCerts[key] = struct{}{}
// File is not being watched, start watching now and trigger key push.
cacheLog.Infof("adding watcher for file certificate %s", file)
if err := sc.certWatcher.Add(file); err != nil {
cacheLog.Errorf("%v: error adding watcher for file, retrying watches [%s] %v", resourceName, file, err)
return err
return nil
// If there is existing root certificates under a well known path, return true.
// Otherwise, return false.
func (sc *SecretManagerClient) rootCertificateExist(filePath string) bool {
b, err := os.ReadFile(filePath)
if err != nil || len(b) == 0 {
return false
return true
// If there is an existing private key and certificate under a well known path, return true.
// Otherwise, return false.
func (sc *SecretManagerClient) keyCertificateExist(certPath, keyPath string) bool {
b, err := os.ReadFile(certPath)
if err != nil || len(b) == 0 {
return false
b, err = os.ReadFile(keyPath)
if err != nil || len(b) == 0 {
return false
return true
// Generate a root certificate item from the passed in rootCertPath
func (sc *SecretManagerClient) generateRootCertFromExistingFile(rootCertPath, resourceName string, workload bool) (*security.SecretItem, error) {
rootCert, err := sc.readFileWithTimeout(rootCertPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Set the rootCert only if it is workload root cert.
if workload {
return &security.SecretItem{
ResourceName: resourceName,
RootCert: rootCert,
}, nil
// Generate a key and certificate item from the existing key certificate files from the passed in file paths.
func (sc *SecretManagerClient) generateKeyCertFromExistingFiles(certChainPath, keyPath, resourceName string) (*security.SecretItem, error) {
// There is a remote possibility that key is written and cert is not written yet.
// To handle that case, check if cert and key are valid if they are valid then only send to proxy.
b := backoff.NewExponentialBackOff()
b.InitialInterval = sc.configOptions.FileDebounceDuration
secretValid := func() error {
_, err := tls.LoadX509KeyPair(certChainPath, keyPath)
if errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist) {
return backoff.Permanent(err)
return err
if err := backoff.Retry(secretValid, b); err != nil {
return nil, err
return sc.keyCertSecretItem(certChainPath, keyPath, resourceName)
func (sc *SecretManagerClient) keyCertSecretItem(cert, key, resource string) (*security.SecretItem, error) {
certChain, err := sc.readFileWithTimeout(cert)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
keyPEM, err := sc.readFileWithTimeout(key)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
now := time.Now()
var certExpireTime time.Time
if certExpireTime, err = nodeagentutil.ParseCertAndGetExpiryTimestamp(certChain); err != nil {
cacheLog.Errorf("failed to extract expiration time in the certificate loaded from file: %v", err)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to extract expiration time in the certificate loaded from file: %v", err)
return &security.SecretItem{
CertificateChain: certChain,
PrivateKey: keyPEM,
ResourceName: resource,
CreatedTime: now,
ExpireTime: certExpireTime,
}, nil
// readFileWithTimeout reads the given file with timeout. It returns error
// if it is not able to read file after timeout.
func (sc *SecretManagerClient) readFileWithTimeout(path string) ([]byte, error) {
retryBackoffInMS := int64(firstRetryBackOffInMilliSec)
timeout := time.After(totalTimeout)
for {
cert, err := os.ReadFile(path)
if err == nil {
return cert, nil
select {
case <-time.After(time.Duration(retryBackoffInMS)):
retryBackoffInMS *= 2
case <-timeout:
return nil, err
case <-sc.stop:
return nil, err
func (sc *SecretManagerClient) generateFileSecret(resourceName string) (bool, *security.SecretItem, error) {
logPrefix := cacheLogPrefix(resourceName)
cf := sc.existingCertificateFile
// outputToCertificatePath handles a special case where we have configured to output certificates
// to the special /etc/certs directory. In this case, we need to ensure we do *not* read from
// these files, otherwise we would never rotate.
outputToCertificatePath, ferr := file.DirEquals(filepath.Dir(cf.CertificatePath), sc.configOptions.OutputKeyCertToDir)
if ferr != nil {
return false, nil, ferr
// When there are existing root certificates, or private key and certificate under
// a well known path, they are used in the SDS response.
sdsFromFile := false
var err error
var sitem *security.SecretItem
switch {
// Default root certificate.
case resourceName == security.RootCertReqResourceName && sc.rootCertificateExist(cf.CaCertificatePath) && !outputToCertificatePath:
sdsFromFile = true
if sitem, err = sc.generateRootCertFromExistingFile(cf.CaCertificatePath, resourceName, true); err == nil {
// If retrieving workload trustBundle, then merge other configured trustAnchors in ProxyConfig
sitem.RootCert = sc.mergeTrustAnchorBytes(sitem.RootCert)
sc.addFileWatcher(cf.CaCertificatePath, resourceName)
// Default workload certificate.
case resourceName == security.WorkloadKeyCertResourceName && sc.keyCertificateExist(cf.CertificatePath, cf.PrivateKeyPath) && !outputToCertificatePath:
sdsFromFile = true
if sitem, err = sc.generateKeyCertFromExistingFiles(cf.CertificatePath, cf.PrivateKeyPath, resourceName); err == nil {
// Adding cert is sufficient here as key can't change without changing the cert.
sc.addFileWatcher(cf.CertificatePath, resourceName)
case resourceName == security.FileRootSystemCACert:
sdsFromFile = true
if sc.caRootPath != "" {
if sitem, err = sc.generateRootCertFromExistingFile(sc.caRootPath, resourceName, false); err == nil {
sc.addFileWatcher(sc.caRootPath, resourceName)
} else {
sdsFromFile = false
// Check if the resource name refers to a file mounted certificate.
// Currently used in destination rules and server certs (via metadata).
// Based on the resource name, we need to read the secret from a file encoded in the resource name.
cfg, ok := security.SdsCertificateConfigFromResourceName(resourceName)
sdsFromFile = ok
switch {
case ok && cfg.IsRootCertificate():
if sitem, err = sc.generateRootCertFromExistingFile(cfg.CaCertificatePath, resourceName, false); err == nil {
sc.addFileWatcher(cfg.CaCertificatePath, resourceName)
case ok && cfg.IsKeyCertificate():
if sitem, err = sc.generateKeyCertFromExistingFiles(cfg.CertificatePath, cfg.PrivateKeyPath, resourceName); err == nil {
// Adding cert is sufficient here as key can't change without changing the cert.
sc.addFileWatcher(cfg.CertificatePath, resourceName)
if sdsFromFile {
if err != nil {
cacheLog.Errorf("%s failed to generate secret for proxy from file: %v",
logPrefix, err)
return sdsFromFile, nil, err
cacheLog.WithLabels("resource", resourceName).Info("read certificate from file")
// We do not register the secret. Unlike on-demand CSRs, there is nothing we can do if a file
// cert expires; there is no point sending an update when its near expiry. Instead, a
// separate file watcher will ensure if the file changes we trigger an update.
return sdsFromFile, sitem, nil
return sdsFromFile, nil, nil
func (sc *SecretManagerClient) generateNewSecret(resourceName string) (*security.SecretItem, error) {
trustBundlePEM := []string{}
var rootCertPEM []byte
if sc.caClient == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("attempted to fetch secret, but ca client is nil")
t0 := time.Now()
logPrefix := cacheLogPrefix(resourceName)
csrHostName := &spiffe.Identity{
TrustDomain: sc.configOptions.TrustDomain,
Namespace: sc.configOptions.WorkloadNamespace,
ServiceAccount: sc.configOptions.ServiceAccount,
cacheLog.Debugf("constructed host name for CSR: %s", csrHostName.String())
options := pkiutil.CertOptions{
Host: csrHostName.String(),
RSAKeySize: keySize,
PKCS8Key: sc.configOptions.Pkcs8Keys,
ECSigAlg: pkiutil.SupportedECSignatureAlgorithms(sc.configOptions.ECCSigAlg),
// Generate the cert/key, send CSR to CA.
csrPEM, keyPEM, err := pkiutil.GenCSR(options)
if err != nil {
cacheLog.Errorf("%s failed to generate key and certificate for CSR: %v", logPrefix, err)
return nil, err
timeBeforeCSR := time.Now()
certChainPEM, err := sc.caClient.CSRSign(csrPEM, int64(sc.configOptions.SecretTTL.Seconds()))
if err == nil {
trustBundlePEM, err = sc.caClient.GetRootCertBundle()
csrLatency := float64(time.Since(timeBeforeCSR).Nanoseconds()) / float64(time.Millisecond)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
certChain := concatCerts(certChainPEM)
var expireTime time.Time
// Cert expire time by default is createTime + sc.configOptions.SecretTTL.
// Istiod respects SecretTTL that passed to it and use it decide TTL of cert it issued.
// Some customer CA may override TTL param that's passed to it.
if expireTime, err = nodeagentutil.ParseCertAndGetExpiryTimestamp(certChain); err != nil {
cacheLog.Errorf("%s failed to extract expire time from server certificate in CSR response %+v: %v",
logPrefix, certChainPEM, err)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to extract expire time from server certificate in CSR response: %v", err)
cacheLog.WithLabels("latency", time.Since(t0), "ttl", time.Until(expireTime)).Info("generated new workload certificate")
if len(trustBundlePEM) > 0 {
rootCertPEM = concatCerts(trustBundlePEM)
} else {
// If CA Client has no explicit mechanism to retrieve CA root, infer it from the root of the certChain
rootCertPEM = []byte(certChainPEM[len(certChainPEM)-1])
return &security.SecretItem{
CertificateChain: certChain,
PrivateKey: keyPEM,
ResourceName: resourceName,
CreatedTime: time.Now(),
ExpireTime: expireTime,
RootCert: rootCertPEM,
}, nil
func (sc *SecretManagerClient) rotateTime(secret security.SecretItem) time.Duration {
secretLifeTime := secret.ExpireTime.Sub(secret.CreatedTime)
gracePeriod := time.Duration((sc.configOptions.SecretRotationGracePeriodRatio) * float64(secretLifeTime))
delay := time.Until(secret.ExpireTime.Add(-gracePeriod))
if delay < 0 {
delay = 0
return delay
func (sc *SecretManagerClient) registerSecret(item security.SecretItem) {
delay := sc.rotateTime(item)
certExpirySeconds.ValueFrom(func() float64 { return time.Until(item.ExpireTime).Seconds() }, item.ResourceName)
item.ResourceName = security.WorkloadKeyCertResourceName
// In case there are two calls to GenerateSecret at once, we don't want both to be concurrently registered
if sc.cache.GetWorkload() != nil {
resourceLog(item.ResourceName).Infof("skip scheduling certificate rotation, already scheduled")
resourceLog(item.ResourceName).Debugf("scheduled certificate for rotation in %v", delay)
sc.queue.PushDelayed(func() error {
resourceLog(item.ResourceName).Debugf("rotating certificate")
// Clear the cache so the next call generates a fresh certificate
return nil
}, delay)
func (sc *SecretManagerClient) handleFileWatch() {
for {
select {
case event, ok := <-sc.certWatcher.Events:
// Channel is closed.
if !ok {
// We only care about updates that change the file content
if !(isWrite(event) || isRemove(event) || isCreate(event)) {
resources := make(map[FileCert]struct{})
for k, v := range sc.fileCerts {
resources[k] = v
// Trigger callbacks for all resources referencing this file. This is practically always
// a single resource.
cacheLog.Infof("event for file certificate %s : %s, pushing to proxy", event.Name, event.Op.String())
for k := range resources {
if k.Filename == event.Name {
// If it is remove event - cleanup from file certs so that if it is added again, we can watch.
if isRemove(event) {
for fc := range sc.fileCerts {
if fc.Filename == event.Name {
cacheLog.Debugf("removing file %s from file certs", event.Name)
delete(sc.fileCerts, fc)
case err, ok := <-sc.certWatcher.Errors:
// Channel is closed.
if !ok {
cacheLog.Errorf("certificate watch error: %v", err)
func isWrite(event fsnotify.Event) bool {
return event.Op&fsnotify.Write == fsnotify.Write
func isCreate(event fsnotify.Event) bool {
return event.Op&fsnotify.Create == fsnotify.Create
func isRemove(event fsnotify.Event) bool {
return event.Op&fsnotify.Remove == fsnotify.Remove
// concatCerts concatenates PEM certificates, making sure each one starts on a new line
func concatCerts(certsPEM []string) []byte {
if len(certsPEM) == 0 {
return []byte{}
var certChain bytes.Buffer
for i, c := range certsPEM {
if i < len(certsPEM)-1 && !strings.HasSuffix(c, "\n") {
return certChain.Bytes()
// UpdateConfigTrustBundle : Update the Configured Trust Bundle in the secret Manager client
func (sc *SecretManagerClient) UpdateConfigTrustBundle(trustBundle []byte) error {
if bytes.Equal(sc.configTrustBundle, trustBundle) {
return nil
sc.configTrustBundle = trustBundle
return nil
// mergeTrustAnchorBytes: Merge cert bytes with the cached TrustAnchors.
func (sc *SecretManagerClient) mergeTrustAnchorBytes(caCerts []byte) []byte {
return sc.mergeConfigTrustBundle(pkiutil.PemCertBytestoString(caCerts))
// mergeConfigTrustBundle: merge rootCerts trustAnchors provided in args with proxyConfig trustAnchors
// ensure dedup and sorting before returning trustAnchors
func (sc *SecretManagerClient) mergeConfigTrustBundle(rootCerts []string) []byte {
existingCerts := pkiutil.PemCertBytestoString(sc.configTrustBundle)
anchors := sets.New()
for _, cert := range existingCerts {
for _, cert := range rootCerts {
anchorBytes := []byte{}
for _, cert := range anchors.SortedList() {
anchorBytes = pkiutil.AppendCertByte(anchorBytes, []byte(cert))
return anchorBytes