blob: ff22663bec81adf704e20365d6a2aa269fbf6214 [file] [log] [blame]
//go:build lbsim
// +build lbsim
// Copyright Istio Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package loadbalancersim
import (
import (
func TestLoadBalancing(t *testing.T) {
serviceTime := 20 * time.Millisecond
numClients := 1
clientRPS := 1500
clientRequests := 1500
activeRequestBias := 1.0
sameZone := locality.Parse("us-east/ny")
sameRegion := locality.Parse("us-east/boston")
otherRegion := locality.Parse("asia-east/hongkong")
priorityWeights := map[uint32]uint32{
0: 30,
1: 20,
2: 1,
networkLatencies := map[mesh.RouteKey]time.Duration{
Src: sameZone,
Dest: sameZone,
}: 1 * time.Millisecond,
Src: sameZone,
Dest: sameRegion,
}: 10 * time.Millisecond,
Src: sameZone,
Dest: otherRegion,
}: 100 * time.Millisecond,
networkLatencyCases := []struct {
enable bool
latencies map[mesh.RouteKey]time.Duration
enable: false,
latencies: make(map[mesh.RouteKey]time.Duration),
enable: true,
latencies: networkLatencies,
weightCases := []struct {
enableWeighting bool
newWeightedConnection loadbalancer.WeightedConnectionFactory
enableWeighting: false,
newWeightedConnection: loadbalancer.EquallyWeightedConnectionFactory(),
enableWeighting: true,
newWeightedConnection: loadbalancer.PriorityWeightedConnectionFactory(loadbalancer.LocalityPrioritySelector, priorityWeights),
algorithmCases := []struct {
name string
newLB func(conns []*loadbalancer.WeightedConnection) network.Connection
name: "round robin",
newLB: loadbalancer.NewRoundRobin,
name: "least request",
newLB: func(conns []*loadbalancer.WeightedConnection) network.Connection {
return loadbalancer.NewLeastRequest(loadbalancer.LeastRequestSettings{
Connections: conns,
ActiveRequestBias: activeRequestBias,
topologyCases := []struct {
name string
countSameZone int
countSameRegion int
countOtherRegion int
name: "all local",
countSameZone: 6,
countSameRegion: 0,
countOtherRegion: 0,
name: "even",
countSameZone: 2,
countSameRegion: 2,
countOtherRegion: 2,
name: "one remote",
countSameZone: 4,
countSameRegion: 1,
countOtherRegion: 1,
name: "one local",
countSameZone: 1,
countSameRegion: 3,
countOtherRegion: 3,
var sm suiteMetrics
for _, enableQueueLatency := range []bool{false, true} {
t.Run("queue latency "+toggleStr(enableQueueLatency), func(t *testing.T) {
for _, networkLatencyCase := range networkLatencyCases {
t.Run("network latency "+toggleStr(networkLatencyCase.enable), func(t *testing.T) {
for _, weightCase := range weightCases {
weightCase := weightCase
t.Run("weighting "+toggleStr(weightCase.enableWeighting), func(t *testing.T) {
for _, algorithmCase := range algorithmCases {
algorithmCase := algorithmCase
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
for _, topologyCase := range topologyCases {
topologyCase := topologyCase
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
m := mesh.New(mesh.Settings{
NetworkLatencies: networkLatencyCase.latencies,
defer m.ShutDown()
// Create the new test output.
tm := &testMetrics{
hasNetworkLatency: networkLatencyCase.enable,
hasQueueLatency: enableQueueLatency,
weighted: weightCase.enableWeighting,
sm = append(sm, tm)
// Create the clients.
for i := 0; i < numClients; i++ {
_ = m.NewClient(mesh.ClientSettings{
RPS: clientRPS,
Locality: sameZone,
// Allocate the nodes in the configured topology.
m.NewNodes(topologyCase.countSameZone, serviceTime, enableQueueLatency, sameZone)
m.NewNodes(topologyCase.countSameRegion, serviceTime, enableQueueLatency, sameRegion)
m.NewNodes(topologyCase.countOtherRegion, serviceTime, enableQueueLatency, otherRegion)
runTest(t, testSettings{
mesh: m,
clientRequests: clientRequests,
activeRequestBias: activeRequestBias,
newWeightedConnection: weightCase.newWeightedConnection,
newLB: algorithmCase.newLB,
}, tm)
outputFile := os.Getenv("LB_SIM_OUTPUT_FILE")
if len(outputFile) == 0 {
homeDir, err := os.UserHomeDir()
if err != nil {
outputFile = fmt.Sprintf("%s/lb_output.csv", homeDir)
err := os.WriteFile(outputFile, []byte(sm.toCSV()), 0644)
if err != nil {
func toggleStrUpper(on bool) string {
return strings.ToUpper(toggleStr(on))
func toggleStr(on bool) string {
if on {
return "on"
return "off"
type testSettings struct {
mesh *mesh.Instance
clientRequests int
newLB func(conns []*loadbalancer.WeightedConnection) network.Connection
newWeightedConnection loadbalancer.WeightedConnectionFactory
activeRequestBias float64
type testMetrics struct {
hasQueueLatency bool
hasNetworkLatency bool
weighted bool
algorithm string
topology string
qLatencyMin float64
qLatencyAvg float64
qLatencyMax float64
latencyMin float64
latencyAvg float64
latencyMax float64
nodesSameZone int
nodesSameRegion int
nodesOtherRegion int
requestsSameZone uint64
requestsSameRegion uint64
requestsOtherRegion uint64
func (tm testMetrics) totalRequests() uint64 {
return tm.requestsSameZone + tm.requestsSameRegion + tm.requestsOtherRegion
func (tm testMetrics) sameZonePercent() float64 {
return (float64(tm.requestsSameZone) / float64(tm.totalRequests())) * 100
func (tm testMetrics) sameRegionPercent() float64 {
return (float64(tm.requestsSameRegion) / float64(tm.totalRequests())) * 100
func (tm testMetrics) otherRegionPercent() float64 {
return (float64(tm.requestsOtherRegion) / float64(tm.totalRequests())) * 100
func (tm testMetrics) String() string {
out := ""
out += fmt.Sprintf(" Requests: %d\n", tm.totalRequests())
out += fmt.Sprintf(" Topology: Same Zone=%d, Same Region=%d, Other Region=%d\n", tm.nodesSameZone, tm.nodesSameRegion, tm.nodesOtherRegion)
out += fmt.Sprintf("Latency (min): %8.3fs\n", tm.latencyMin)
out += fmt.Sprintf("Latency (avg): %8.3fs\n", tm.latencyAvg)
out += fmt.Sprintf("Latency (max): %8.3fs\n", tm.latencyMax)
out += fmt.Sprintf("QLatency (min): %8.3fs\n", tm.qLatencyMin)
out += fmt.Sprintf("QLatency (avg): %8.3fs\n", tm.qLatencyAvg)
out += fmt.Sprintf("QLatency (max): %8.3fs\n", tm.qLatencyMax)
out += fmt.Sprintf(" Same Zone: %8.3f%%\n", tm.sameZonePercent())
out += fmt.Sprintf(" Same Region: %8.3f%%\n", tm.sameRegionPercent())
out += fmt.Sprintf(" Other Region: %8.3f%%\n", tm.otherRegionPercent())
return out
func (tm testMetrics) toCSV() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f", tm.topology,
toggleStrUpper(tm.weighted), toggleStrUpper(tm.hasNetworkLatency), toggleStrUpper(tm.hasQueueLatency),
tm.algorithm, tm.latencyMin, tm.latencyAvg, tm.latencyMax, tm.qLatencyMin, tm.qLatencyAvg, tm.qLatencyMax,
tm.sameZonePercent(), tm.sameRegionPercent(), tm.otherRegionPercent())
type suiteMetrics []*testMetrics
func cmpBool(b1, b2 bool) int {
if b1 == b2 {
return 0
if !b1 {
return -1
return 1
func (sm suiteMetrics) toCSV() string {
sort.SliceStable(sm, func(i, j int) bool {
a := sm[i]
b := sm[j]
if cmp := cmpBool(a.hasQueueLatency, b.hasQueueLatency); cmp != 0 {
return cmp < 0
if cmp := cmpBool(a.hasNetworkLatency, b.hasNetworkLatency); cmp != 0 {
return cmp < 0
if cmp := strings.Compare(a.topology, b.topology); cmp != 0 {
return cmp < 0
// Sort algorithm in descending order so "round robin" is first
return strings.Compare(a.algorithm, b.algorithm) > 0
for _, tm := range sm {
out += tm.toCSV() + "\n"
return out
func runTest(t *testing.T, s testSettings, tm *testMetrics) {
wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
clientLatencies := make([]timeseries.Data, len(s.mesh.Clients()))
for i, client := range s.mesh.Clients() {
i := i
client := client
go func() {
// Assign weights to the endpoints.
var conns []*loadbalancer.WeightedConnection
for _, n := range s.mesh.Nodes() {
conns = append(conns, s.newWeightedConnection(client, n))
// Create a load balancer
lb := s.newLB(conns)
// Send the requests.
client.SendRequests(lb, s.clientRequests, func() {
clientLatencies[i] = lb.Latency().Data()
c := s.mesh.Clients()[0]
clientLocality := c.Locality()
clientLatency := clientLatencies[0]
nodesSameZone := s.mesh.Nodes().Select(locality.MatchZone(clientLocality))
nodesSameRegion := s.mesh.Nodes().Select(locality.MatchOtherZoneInSameRegion(clientLocality))
nodesOtherRegion := s.mesh.Nodes().Select(locality.Not(locality.MatchRegion(clientLocality)))
// Store in the output.
qLatency := s.mesh.Nodes().QueueLatency().Data()
tm.qLatencyMin = qLatency.Min()
tm.qLatencyAvg = qLatency.Mean()
tm.qLatencyMax = qLatency.Max()
tm.latencyMin = clientLatency.Min()
tm.latencyAvg = clientLatency.Mean()
tm.latencyMax = clientLatency.Max()
tm.nodesSameZone = len(nodesSameZone)
tm.nodesSameRegion = len(nodesSameRegion)
tm.nodesOtherRegion = len(nodesOtherRegion)
tm.requestsSameZone = nodesSameZone.TotalRequests()
tm.requestsSameRegion = nodesSameRegion.TotalRequests()
tm.requestsOtherRegion = nodesOtherRegion.TotalRequests()
t.Log("Test Results:\n" + tm.String())