blob: 1b3d261fd8d55acf6f5a0da12f166eb08717784c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright Istio Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package framework
import (
import (
import (
type Test interface {
// Label applies the given labels to this test.
Label(labels ...label.Instance) Test
// Label applies the given labels to this test.
Features(feats ...features.Feature) Test
NotImplementedYet(features ...features.Feature) Test
// RequireIstioVersion ensures that all installed versions of Istio are at least the
// required version for the annotated test to pass
RequireIstioVersion(version string) Test
// RequiresMinClusters ensures that the current environment contains at least the expected number of clusters.
// Otherwise it stops test execution and skips the test.
RequiresMinClusters(minClusters int) Test
// RequiresMaxClusters ensures that the current environment contains at most the expected number of clusters.
// Otherwise it stops test execution and skips the test.
RequiresMaxClusters(maxClusters int) Test
// RequiresSingleCluster this a utility that requires the min/max clusters to both = 1.
RequiresSingleCluster() Test
// RequiresLocalControlPlane ensures that clusters are using locally-deployed control planes.
RequiresLocalControlPlane() Test
// RequiresSingleNetwork ensures that clusters are in the same network
RequiresSingleNetwork() Test
// Run the test, supplied as a lambda.
Run(fn func(t TestContext))
// RunParallel runs this test in parallel with other children of the same parent test/suite. Under the hood,
// this relies on Go's t.Parallel() and will, therefore, have the same behavior.
// A parallel test will run in parallel with siblings that share the same parent test. The parent test function
// will exit before the parallel children are executed. It should be noted that if the parent test is prevented
// from exiting (e.g. parent test is waiting for something to occur within the child test), the test will
// deadlock.
// Example:
// func TestParallel(t *testing.T) {
// framework.NewTest(t).
// Run(func(ctx framework.TestContext) {
// ctx.NewSubTest("T1").
// Run(func(ctx framework.TestContext) {
// ctx.NewSubTest("T1a").
// RunParallel(func(ctx framework.TestContext) {
// // Run in parallel with T1b
// })
// ctx.NewSubTest("T1b").
// RunParallel(func(ctx framework.TestContext) {
// // Run in parallel with T1a
// })
// // Exits before T1a and T1b are run.
// })
// ctx.NewSubTest("T2").
// Run(func(ctx framework.TestContext) {
// ctx.NewSubTest("T2a").
// RunParallel(func(ctx framework.TestContext) {
// // Run in parallel with T2b
// })
// ctx.NewSubTest("T2b").
// RunParallel(func(ctx framework.TestContext) {
// // Run in parallel with T2a
// })
// // Exits before T2a and T2b are run.
// })
// })
// }
// In the example above, non-parallel parents T1 and T2 contain parallel children T1a, T1b, T2a, T2b.
// Since both T1 and T2 are non-parallel, they are run synchronously: T1 followed by T2. After T1 exits,
// T1a and T1b are run asynchronously with each other. After T1a and T1b complete, T2 is then run in the
// same way: T2 exits, then T2a and T2b are run asynchronously to completion.
RunParallel(fn func(t TestContext))
// Test allows the test author to specify test-related metadata in a fluent-style, before commencing execution.
type testImpl struct {
// name to be used when creating a Golang test. Only used for subtests.
name string
parent *testImpl
goTest *testing.T
labels []label.Instance
// featureLabels maps features to the scenarios they cover.
featureLabels map[features.Feature][]string
notImplemented bool
s *suiteContext
requiredMinClusters int
requiredMaxClusters int
requireLocalIstiod bool
requireSingleNetwork bool
minIstioVersion string
ctx *testContext
// Indicates that at least one child test is being run in parallel. In Go, when
// t.Parallel() is called on a test, execution is halted until the parent test exits.
// Only after that point, are the Parallel children are resumed. Because the parent test
// must exit before the Parallel children do, we have to defer closing the parent's
// testcontext until after the children have completed.
hasParallelChildren bool
// globalCleanupLock defines a global wait group to synchronize cleanup of test suites
var globalParentLock = new(sync.Map)
// NewTest returns a new test wrapper for running a single test.
func NewTest(t *testing.T) Test {
if analyze() {
return newTestAnalyzer(t)
defer rtMu.Unlock()
if rt == nil {
panic("call to scope without running the test framework")
runner := &testImpl{
s: rt.suiteContext(),
goTest: t,
featureLabels: make(map[features.Feature][]string),
return runner
func (t *testImpl) Label(labels ...label.Instance) Test {
t.labels = append(t.labels, labels...)
return t
func (t *testImpl) Features(feats ...features.Feature) Test {
if err := addFeatureLabels(t.featureLabels, feats...); err != nil {
// test runs shouldn't fail
return t
func (t *testImpl) NotImplementedYet(features ...features.Feature) Test {
t.notImplemented = true
Run(func(_ TestContext) { t.goTest.Skip("Test Not Yet Implemented") })
return t
func (t *testImpl) RequiresMinClusters(minClusters int) Test {
t.requiredMinClusters = minClusters
return t
func (t *testImpl) RequiresMaxClusters(maxClusters int) Test {
t.requiredMaxClusters = maxClusters
return t
func (t *testImpl) RequiresSingleCluster() Test {
return t.RequiresMaxClusters(1).RequiresMinClusters(1)
func (t *testImpl) RequiresLocalControlPlane() Test {
t.requireLocalIstiod = true
return t
func (t *testImpl) RequiresSingleNetwork() Test {
t.requireSingleNetwork = true
return t
func (t *testImpl) RequireIstioVersion(version string) Test {
t.minIstioVersion = version
return t
func (t *testImpl) Run(fn func(ctx TestContext)) {
t.runInternal(fn, false)
func (t *testImpl) RunParallel(fn func(ctx TestContext)) {
t.runInternal(fn, true)
func (t *testImpl) runInternal(fn func(ctx TestContext), parallel bool) {
// Disallow running the same test more than once.
if t.ctx != nil {
testName :=
if testName == "" && t.goTest != nil {
testName = t.goTest.Name()
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Attempting to run test `%s` more than once", testName))
if t.s.skipped {
t.goTest.Skip("Skipped because parent Suite was skipped.")
if t.parent != nil {
// Create a new subtest under the parent's test.
parentGoTest := t.parent.goTest
parentCtx := t.parent.ctx
parentGoTest.Run(, func(goTest *testing.T) {
t.goTest = goTest
t.doRun(parentCtx.newChildContext(t), fn, parallel)
} else {
// Not a child context. Running with the test provided during construction.
t.doRun(newRootContext(t, t.goTest, t.labels...), fn, parallel)
func (t *testImpl) doRun(ctx *testContext, fn func(ctx TestContext), parallel bool) {
if fn == nil {
panic("attempting to run test with nil function")
t.ctx = ctx
// we check kube for min clusters, these assume we're talking about real multicluster.
// it's possible to have 1 kube cluster then 1 non-kube cluster (vm for example)
if t.requiredMinClusters > 0 && len(t.s.Environment().Clusters().Kube()) < t.requiredMinClusters {
t.goTest.Skipf("Skipping %q: number of clusters %d is below required min %d",
t.goTest.Name(), len(t.s.Environment().Clusters()), t.requiredMinClusters)
// max clusters doesn't check kube only, the test may be written in a way that doesn't loop over all of Clusters()
if t.requiredMaxClusters > 0 && len(t.s.Environment().Clusters()) > t.requiredMaxClusters {
t.goTest.Skipf("Skipping %q: number of clusters %d is above required max %d",
t.goTest.Name(), len(t.s.Environment().Clusters()), t.requiredMaxClusters)
if t.requireLocalIstiod {
for _, c := range ctx.Clusters() {
if !c.IsPrimary() {
t.goTest.Skipf(fmt.Sprintf("Skipping %q: cluster %s is not using a local control plane",
t.goTest.Name(), c.Name()))
if t.requireSingleNetwork && t.s.Environment().IsMultinetwork() {
t.goTest.Skipf(fmt.Sprintf("Skipping %q: only single network allowed",
if t.minIstioVersion != "" {
if !t.ctx.Settings().Revisions.AtLeast(resource.IstioVersion(t.minIstioVersion)) {
t.goTest.Skipf("Skipping %q: running with min Istio version %q, test requires at least %s",
t.goTest.Name(), t.ctx.Settings().Revisions.Minimum(), t.minIstioVersion)
start := time.Now()
scopes.Framework.Infof("=== BEGIN: Test: '%s[%s]' ===", rt.suiteContext().Settings().TestID, t.goTest.Name())
// Initial setup if we're running in Parallel.
if parallel {
// Inform the parent, who will need to call ctx.Done asynchronously.
if t.parent != nil {
t.parent.hasParallelChildren = true
// Run the underlying Go test in parallel. This will not return until the parent
// test (if there is one) exits.
defer func() {
doneFn := func() {
message := "passed"
if t.goTest.Failed() {
message = "failed"
end := time.Now()
scopes.Framework.Infof("=== DONE (%s): Test: '%s[%s] (%v)' ===",
if t.hasParallelChildren {
if t.hasParallelChildren {
// If a child is running in parallel, it won't continue until this test returns.
// Since ctx.Done() will block until the child test is complete, we run ctx.Done()
// asynchronously.
globalParentLock.Store(t, struct{}{})
go doneFn()
} else {