blob: 5c558ae89cf9a0ea7dd334632da131e82b1c20c9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright Istio Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package echotest
import (
import (
type (
perDeploymentTest func(t framework.TestContext, deployments echo.Instances)
perNDeploymentTest func(t framework.TestContext, deployments echo.Services)
perInstanceTest func(t framework.TestContext, inst echo.Instance)
perClusterTest func(t framework.TestContext, c cluster.Cluster)
oneToOneTest func(t framework.TestContext, from echo.Instance, to echo.Target)
oneToNTest func(t framework.TestContext, from echo.Instance, dsts echo.Services)
oneClusterOneTest func(t framework.TestContext, from cluster.Cluster, to echo.Target)
ingressTest func(t framework.TestContext, from ingress.Instance, to echo.Target)
// Run will generate and run one subtest to send traffic between each combination
// of source instance to target deployment.
// For example, in a test named `a/to_b/from_cluster-0`,
// `a` is the source deployment, `b` is the destination deployment and
// `cluster-0` marks which instance of the source deployment.
// We use a combination of deployment name and cluster name to identify
// a particular source instance, as there should typically be one instance
// per cluster for any deployment. However we do not identify a destination
// cluster, as we expect most tests will cause load-balancing across all possible
// clusters.
func (t *T) Run(testFn oneToOneTest) {
t.rootCtx.Logf("Running tests with: sources %v -> destinations %v",
t.fromEachDeployment(t.rootCtx, func(ctx framework.TestContext, from echo.Instances) {
t.setup(ctx, from.Callers())
t.toEachDeployment(ctx, func(ctx framework.TestContext, to echo.Instances) {
t.setupPair(ctx, from.Callers(), echo.Services{to})
t.fromEachWorkloadCluster(ctx, from, func(ctx framework.TestContext, from echo.Instance) {
filteredDst := t.applyCombinationFilters(from, to)
if len(filteredDst) == 0 {
// this only happens due to conditional filters and when an entire deployment is filtered we should be noisy
ctx.Skipf("cases from %s in %s with %s as destination are removed by filters ",
from.Config().Service, from.Config().Cluster.StableName(), to[0].Config().Service)
testFn(ctx, from, filteredDst)
// RunFromClusters will generate and run one subtest to send traffic to
// destination instance. This is for ingress gateway testing when source instance
// destination instances. This can be used when we're not using echo workloads
// as the source of traffic, such as from the ingress gateway. For example:
// RunFromClusters(func(t framework.TestContext, src cluster.Cluster, dst echo.Instances)) {
// ingr := ist.IngressFor(src)
// ingr.CallWithRetryOrFail(...)
// })
func (t *T) RunFromClusters(testFn oneClusterOneTest) {
t.toEachDeployment(t.rootCtx, func(ctx framework.TestContext, dstInstances echo.Instances) {
t.setupPair(ctx, nil, echo.Services{dstInstances})
if len(ctx.Clusters()) == 1 {
testFn(ctx, ctx.Clusters()[0], dstInstances)
} else {
t.fromEachCluster(ctx, func(ctx framework.TestContext, c cluster.Cluster) {
testFn(ctx, c, dstInstances)
// fromEachCluster runs test from each cluster without requiring source deployment.
func (t *T) fromEachCluster(ctx framework.TestContext, testFn perClusterTest) {
for _, fromCluster := range t.sources.Clusters() {
fromCluster := fromCluster
ctx.NewSubTestf("from %s", fromCluster.StableName()).Run(func(ctx framework.TestContext) {
testFn(ctx, fromCluster)
// RunToN will generate nested subtests for every instance in every deployment subsets of the full set of deployments,
// such that every deployment is a destination at least once. To create as few subtests as possible, the same deployment
// may appear as a target in multiple subtests.
// Example: Given a as the only source, with a, b, c, d as destinationsand n = 3, we get the following subtests:
// a/to_a_b_c/from_cluster_1:
// a/to_a_b_c/from_cluster_2:
// a/to_b_c_d/from_cluster_1:
// a/to_b_c_d/from_cluster_2:
func (t *T) RunToN(n int, testFn oneToNTest) {
t.fromEachDeployment(t.rootCtx, func(ctx framework.TestContext, from echo.Instances) {
t.setup(ctx, from.Callers())
t.toNDeployments(ctx, n, from, func(ctx framework.TestContext, toServices echo.Services) {
t.setupPair(ctx, from.Callers(), toServices)
t.fromEachWorkloadCluster(ctx, from, func(ctx framework.TestContext, fromInstance echo.Instance) {
// reapply destination filters to only get the reachable instances for this cluster
// this can be done safely since toNDeployments asserts the Services won't change
destDeployments := t.applyCombinationFilters(fromInstance, toServices.Instances()).Services()
testFn(ctx, fromInstance, destDeployments)
func (t *T) RunViaIngress(testFn ingressTest) {
i := istio.GetOrFail(t.rootCtx, t.rootCtx)
t.toEachDeployment(t.rootCtx, func(ctx framework.TestContext, dstInstances echo.Instances) {
t.setupPair(ctx, i.Ingresses().Callers(), echo.Services{dstInstances})
doTest := func(ctx framework.TestContext, fromCluster cluster.Cluster, dst echo.Instances) {
ingr := i.IngressFor(fromCluster)
if ingr == nil {
ctx.Skipf("no ingress for %s", fromCluster.StableName())
testFn(ctx, ingr, dst)
if len(ctx.Clusters()) == 1 {
doTest(ctx, ctx.Clusters()[0], dstInstances)
} else {
t.fromEachCluster(ctx, func(ctx framework.TestContext, c cluster.Cluster) {
doTest(ctx, c, dstInstances)
func (t *T) isMultipleNamespaces() bool {
namespaces := map[string]struct{}{}
for _, instances := range []echo.Instances{t.sources, t.destinations} {
for _, i := range instances {
namespaces[i.Config().Namespace.Name()] = struct{}{}
if len(namespaces) > 1 {
return true
return false
// fromEachDeployment enumerates subtests for deployment with the structure <src>
// Intended to be used in combination with other helpers to enumerate subtests for destinations.
func (t *T) fromEachDeployment(ctx framework.TestContext, testFn perDeploymentTest) {
includeNS := t.isMultipleNamespaces()
for _, from := range t.sources.Services() {
from := from
subtestName := from.Config().Service
if includeNS {
subtestName += "." + from.Config().Namespace.Prefix()
ctx.NewSubTest(subtestName).Run(func(ctx framework.TestContext) {
testFn(ctx, from)
// toEachDeployment enumerates subtests for every deployment as a destination, adding /to_<dst> to the parent test.
// Intended to be used in combination with other helpers which enumerates the subtests and chooses the source instances.
func (t *T) toEachDeployment(ctx framework.TestContext, testFn perDeploymentTest) {
includeNS := t.isMultipleNamespaces()
for _, to := range t.destinations.Services() {
to := to
subtestName := to.Config().Service
if includeNS {
subtestName += "." + to.Config().Namespace.Prefix()
ctx.NewSubTestf("to %s", subtestName).Run(func(ctx framework.TestContext) {
testFn(ctx, to)
func (t *T) fromEachWorkloadCluster(ctx framework.TestContext, from echo.Instances, testFn perInstanceTest) {
for _, fromInstance := range from {
fromInstance := fromInstance
if len(ctx.Clusters()) == 1 && len(from) == 1 {
testFn(ctx, fromInstance)
} else {
ctx.NewSubTestf("from %s", fromInstance.Config().Cluster.StableName()).Run(func(ctx framework.TestContext) {
// assumes we don't change config from cluster to cluster
testFn(ctx, fromInstance)
func (t *T) toNDeployments(ctx framework.TestContext, n int, from echo.Instances, testFn perNDeploymentTest) {
includeNS := t.isMultipleNamespaces()
// every eligible target instance from any cluster (map to dedupe)
var commonTargets []string
for _, fromInstance := range from {
// eligible target instances from the source cluster
filteredForSource := t.applyCombinationFilters(fromInstance, t.destinations)
// make sure this targets the same deployments (not necessarily the same instances)
targetNames := filteredForSource.Services().FQDNs()
if len(commonTargets) == 0 {
commonTargets = targetNames
} else if !util.StringSliceEqual(targetNames, commonTargets) {
ctx.Fatalf("%s in each cluster each cluster would not target the same set of deploments", fromInstance.Config().Service)
// we take all instances that match the deployments
// combination filters should be run again for individual sources
filteredTargets := t.destinations.Services().MatchFQDNs(commonTargets...)
for _, svc := range nDestinations(ctx, n, filteredTargets) {
svc := svc
namespacedNames := svc.NamespacedNames()
var toNames []string
if includeNS {
toNames = namespacedNames.NamesWithNamespacePrefix()
} else {
toNames = namespacedNames.Names()
ctx.NewSubTestf("to %s", strings.Join(toNames, " ")).Run(func(ctx framework.TestContext) {
testFn(ctx, svc)
// nDestinations splits the given deployments into subsets of size n. A deployment may be present in multiple subsets to
// ensure every deployment is included.
func nDestinations(ctx framework.TestContext, n int, deployments echo.Services) (out []echo.Services) {
nDests := len(deployments)
if nDests < n {
ctx.Fatalf("want to run with %d destinations but there are only %d total", n, nDests)
for i := 0; i < nDests; i += n {
start := i
if start+n-1 >= nDests {
// re-use a few destinations to fit the entire slice in
start = nDests - n
out = append(out, deployments[start:start+n])