blob: c8f2429efbee6f427acd7eeaf739adbb7d886678 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright Istio Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package echotest_test
import (
import (
import (
var (
// TODO set this up with echobuilder/cluster builder in Fake mode
echo1NS = namespace.Static("echo1")
echo2NS = namespace.Static("echo2")
// 2 clusters on 2 networks
cls1 = &cluster.FakeCluster{Topology: cluster.Topology{ClusterName: "cls1", Network: "n1", Index: 0, ClusterKind: cluster.Fake}}
cls2 = &cluster.FakeCluster{Topology: cluster.Topology{ClusterName: "cls2", Network: "n2", Index: 1, ClusterKind: cluster.Fake}}
// simple pod
a1 = &fakeInstance{Cluster: cls1, Namespace: echo1NS, Service: "a"}
a2 = &fakeInstance{Cluster: cls2, Namespace: echo1NS, Service: "a"}
// simple pod with different svc
b1 = &fakeInstance{Cluster: cls1, Namespace: echo1NS, Service: "b"}
b2 = &fakeInstance{Cluster: cls2, Namespace: echo1NS, Service: "b"}
// another simple pod with different svc
c1 = &fakeInstance{Cluster: cls1, Namespace: echo1NS, Service: "c"}
c2 = &fakeInstance{Cluster: cls2, Namespace: echo1NS, Service: "c"}
// simple pod with a different namespace
a1Ns2 = &fakeInstance{Cluster: cls1, Namespace: echo2NS, Service: "a"}
a2Ns2 = &fakeInstance{Cluster: cls2, Namespace: echo2NS, Service: "a"}
// virtual machine
vm1 = &fakeInstance{Cluster: cls1, Namespace: echo1NS, Service: "vm", DeployAsVM: true}
vm2 = &fakeInstance{Cluster: cls2, Namespace: echo1NS, Service: "vm", DeployAsVM: true}
// headless
headless1 = &fakeInstance{Cluster: cls1, Namespace: echo1NS, Service: "headless", Headless: true}
headless2 = &fakeInstance{Cluster: cls2, Namespace: echo1NS, Service: "headless", Headless: true}
// naked pod (uninjected)
naked1 = &fakeInstance{Cluster: cls1, Namespace: echo1NS, Service: "naked", Subsets: []echo.SubsetConfig{{
Annotations: echo.NewAnnotations().SetBool(echo.SidecarInject, false),
naked2 = &fakeInstance{Cluster: cls2, Namespace: echo1NS, Service: "naked", Subsets: []echo.SubsetConfig{{
Annotations: echo.NewAnnotations().SetBool(echo.SidecarInject, false),
// external svc
external1 = &fakeInstance{
Cluster: cls1, Namespace: echo1NS, Service: "external", DefaultHostHeader: "", Subsets: []echo.SubsetConfig{{
Annotations: map[echo.Annotation]*echo.AnnotationValue{echo.SidecarInject: {Value: strconv.FormatBool(false)}},
external2 = &fakeInstance{
Cluster: cls2, Namespace: echo1NS, Service: "external", DefaultHostHeader: "", Subsets: []echo.SubsetConfig{{
Annotations: map[echo.Annotation]*echo.AnnotationValue{echo.SidecarInject: {Value: strconv.FormatBool(false)}},
all = echo.Instances{a1, a2, b1, b2, c1, c2, a1Ns2, a2Ns2, vm1, vm2, headless1, headless2, naked1, naked2, external1, external2}
func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
func TestDeployments(t *testing.T) {
if diff := cmp.Diff(
Name: "a",
Namespace: echo1NS,
Name: "a",
Namespace: echo2NS,
Name: "b",
Namespace: echo1NS,
Name: "c",
Namespace: echo1NS,
Name: "external",
Namespace: echo1NS,
Name: "headless",
Namespace: echo1NS,
Name: "naked",
Namespace: echo1NS,
Name: "vm",
Namespace: echo1NS,
); diff != "" {
func TestFilters(t *testing.T) {
tests := map[string]struct {
filter func(echo.Instances) echo.Instances
expect echo.Instances
"SingleSimplePodServiceAndAllSpecial": {
filter: echotest.SingleSimplePodServiceAndAllSpecial(),
expect: echo.Instances{
// Keep pods for one regular service per namespace.
a1, a2, a1Ns2, a2Ns2,
// keep the special cases
vm1, vm2,
headless1, headless2,
naked1, naked2,
external1, external2,
"ReachableDestinations from pod": {
filter: func(instances echo.Instances) echo.Instances {
return echotest.ReachableDestinations(a1, instances)
expect: echo.Instances{
// all instances
a1, a2, a1Ns2, a2Ns2, b1, b2, c1, c2, vm1, vm2, external1, external2,
// only same network/cluster
headless1, naked1,
"ReachableDestinations from naked": {
filter: func(instances echo.Instances) echo.Instances {
return echotest.ReachableDestinations(naked1, instances)
expect: echo.Instances{
// only same network/cluster, no VMs
a1, a1Ns2, b1, c1, headless1, naked1, external1,
"ReachableDestinations from vm": {
filter: func(instances echo.Instances) echo.Instances {
return echotest.ReachableDestinations(vm1, instances)
expect: echo.Instances{
// all pods/vms, no external
a1, a2, a1Ns2, a2Ns2, b1, b2, c1, c2, vm1, vm2,
// only same network/cluster
headless1, naked1,
for n, tc := range tests {
n, tc := n, tc
t.Run(n, func(t *testing.T) {
compare(t, tc.filter(all), tc.expect)
func compare(t *testing.T, got echo.Instances, want echo.Instances) {
if len(got) != len(want) {
t.Errorf("got %d instances but expected %d", len(got), len(want))
expected := map[string]struct{}{}
for _, i := range want {
expected[instanceKey(i)] = struct{}{}
unexpected := map[string]struct{}{}
for _, i := range all {
k := instanceKey(i)
if _, ok := expected[k]; !ok {
unexpected[k] = struct{}{}
for _, i := range got {
k := instanceKey(i)
// just remove the items rather than looping over expected, if anythings left we missed it
delete(expected, k)
if _, ok := unexpected[k]; ok {
t.Errorf("expected %s to be filtered out", k)
if len(expected) > 0 {
t.Errorf("did not include %v", expected)
func TestRun(t *testing.T) {
// source svc/cluster -> dest services -> number of subtests (should == num clusters)
framework.NewTest(t).Run(func(t framework.TestContext) {
tests := map[string]struct {
run func(t framework.TestContext, testTopology map[string]map[string]int)
expect map[string]map[string]int
"Run_WithDefaultFilters": {
run: func(t framework.TestContext, testTopology map[string]map[string]int) {
echotest.New(t, all).
Run(func(ctx framework.TestContext, from echo.Instance, to echo.Target) {
// TODO if the destinations would change based on which cluster then add cluster to srCkey
fromKey := from.Config().ClusterLocalFQDN()
toKey := to.Config().ClusterLocalFQDN()
if testTopology[fromKey] == nil {
testTopology[fromKey] = map[string]int{}
expect: map[string]map[string]int{
"a.echo1.svc.cluster.local": {
"b.echo1.svc.cluster.local": 2,
"external.echo1.svc.cluster.local": 2,
"headless.echo1.svc.cluster.local": 2,
"naked.echo1.svc.cluster.local": 2,
"vm.echo1.svc.cluster.local": 2,
"a.echo2.svc.cluster.local": {
"b.echo1.svc.cluster.local": 2,
"external.echo1.svc.cluster.local": 2,
"headless.echo1.svc.cluster.local": 2,
"naked.echo1.svc.cluster.local": 2,
"vm.echo1.svc.cluster.local": 2,
"headless.echo1.svc.cluster.local": {
"b.echo1.svc.cluster.local": 2,
"external.echo1.svc.cluster.local": 2,
"headless.echo1.svc.cluster.local": 2,
"naked.echo1.svc.cluster.local": 2,
"vm.echo1.svc.cluster.local": 2,
"naked.echo1.svc.cluster.local": {
"b.echo1.svc.cluster.local": 2,
"external.echo1.svc.cluster.local": 2,
"headless.echo1.svc.cluster.local": 2,
"naked.echo1.svc.cluster.local": 2,
"vm.echo1.svc.cluster.local": {
"b.echo1.svc.cluster.local": 2,
"headless.echo1.svc.cluster.local": 2,
"naked.echo1.svc.cluster.local": 2,
"vm.echo1.svc.cluster.local": 2,
"RunToN": {
run: func(t framework.TestContext, testTopology map[string]map[string]int) {
echotest.New(t, all).
FromMatch(match.And(match.NotNaked, match.NotHeadless)).
RunToN(3, func(ctx framework.TestContext, from echo.Instance, dsts echo.Services) {
srcKey := from.Config().ClusterLocalFQDN()
if testTopology[srcKey] == nil {
testTopology[srcKey] = map[string]int{}
var dstnames []string
for _, dst := range dsts {
dstnames = append(dstnames, dst.Config().ClusterLocalFQDN())
dstKey := strings.Join(dstnames, "_")
expect: map[string]map[string]int{
"a.echo1.svc.cluster.local": {
"b.echo1.svc.cluster.local_external.echo1.svc.cluster.local_naked.echo1.svc.cluster.local": 2,
"external.echo1.svc.cluster.local_naked.echo1.svc.cluster.local_vm.echo1.svc.cluster.local": 2,
"a.echo2.svc.cluster.local": {
"b.echo1.svc.cluster.local_external.echo1.svc.cluster.local_naked.echo1.svc.cluster.local": 2,
"external.echo1.svc.cluster.local_naked.echo1.svc.cluster.local_vm.echo1.svc.cluster.local": 2,
"vm.echo1.svc.cluster.local": {
// VM cannot hit external services (
"b.echo1.svc.cluster.local_naked.echo1.svc.cluster.local_vm.echo1.svc.cluster.local": 2,
for name, tt := range tests {
tt := tt
t.NewSubTest(name).Run(func(t framework.TestContext) {
testTopology := map[string]map[string]int{}, testTopology)
if diff := cmp.Diff(testTopology, tt.expect); diff != "" {
var _ echo.Instance = fakeInstance{}
func instanceKey(i echo.Instance) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s.%s", i.Config().Service, i.Config().Namespace.Name(), i.Config().Cluster.Name())
// fakeInstance wraps echo.Config for test-framework internals tests where we don't actually make calls
type fakeInstance echo.Config
func (f fakeInstance) WithWorkloads(wl ...echo.Workload) echo.Instance {
panic("implement me")
func (f fakeInstance) Instances() echo.Instances {
return echo.Instances{f}
func (f fakeInstance) ID() resource.ID {
panic("implement me")
func (f fakeInstance) NamespacedName() echo.NamespacedName {
return f.Config().NamespacedName()
func (f fakeInstance) PortForName(name string) echo.Port {
return f.Config().Ports.MustForName(name)
func (f fakeInstance) Config() echo.Config {
cfg := echo.Config(f)
_ = cfg.FillDefaults(nil)
return cfg
func (f fakeInstance) Address() string {
panic("implement me")
func (f fakeInstance) Addresses() []string {
panic("implement me")
func (f fakeInstance) Workloads() (echo.Workloads, error) {
panic("implement me")
func (f fakeInstance) WorkloadsOrFail(test.Failer) echo.Workloads {
panic("implement me")
func (f fakeInstance) MustWorkloads() echo.Workloads {
panic("implement me")
func (f fakeInstance) Clusters() cluster.Clusters {
panic("implement me")
func (f fakeInstance) Call(echo.CallOptions) (echo.CallResult, error) {
panic("implement me")
func (f fakeInstance) CallOrFail(test.Failer, echo.CallOptions) echo.CallResult {
panic("implement me")
func (f fakeInstance) Restart() error {
panic("implement me")