blob: db877605085ab0630e755ab7344e3c31cef9c3ab [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright Istio Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package check
import (
import (
import (
echoClient ""
// Each applies the given per-response function across all responses.
func Each(c func(r echoClient.Response) error) echo.Checker {
return func(result echo.CallResult, _ error) error {
rs := result.Responses
if rs.IsEmpty() {
return fmt.Errorf("no responses received")
outErr := istiomultierror.New()
for i, r := range rs {
if err := c(r); err != nil {
outErr = multierror.Append(outErr, fmt.Errorf("response[%d]: %v", i, err))
return outErr.ErrorOrNil()
// And is an aggregate Checker that requires all Checkers succeed. Any nil Checkers are ignored.
func And(checkers ...echo.Checker) echo.Checker {
return func(result echo.CallResult, err error) error {
for _, c := range filterNil(checkers) {
if err := c(result, err); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Or is an aggregate Checker that requires at least one Checker succeeds.
func Or(checkers ...echo.Checker) echo.Checker {
return func(result echo.CallResult, err error) error {
out := istiomultierror.New()
for _, c := range checkers {
err := c(result, err)
if err == nil {
return nil
out = multierror.Append(out, err)
return out.ErrorOrNil()
func filterNil(checkers []echo.Checker) []echo.Checker {
var out []echo.Checker
for _, c := range checkers {
if c != nil {
out = append(out, c)
return out
// NoError is similar to echo.NoChecker, but provides additional context information.
func NoError() echo.Checker {
return func(_ echo.CallResult, err error) error {
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("expected no error, but encountered %v", err)
return nil
// Error provides a checker that returns an error if the call succeeds.
func Error() echo.Checker {
return func(_ echo.CallResult, err error) error {
if err == nil {
return errors.New("expected error, but none occurred")
return nil
// ErrorContains is similar to Error, but checks that the error message contains the given string.
func ErrorContains(expected string) echo.Checker {
return func(_ echo.CallResult, err error) error {
if err == nil {
return errors.New("expected error, but none occurred")
if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), expected) {
return fmt.Errorf("expected error to contain %s: %v", expected, err)
return nil
func ErrorOrStatus(expected int) echo.Checker {
expectedStr := ""
if expected > 0 {
expectedStr = strconv.Itoa(expected)
return func(resp echo.CallResult, err error) error {
if err != nil {
return nil
for _, r := range resp.Responses {
if r.Code != expectedStr {
return fmt.Errorf("expected response code `%s`, got %q", expectedStr, r.Code)
return nil
// OK is a shorthand for NoErrorAndStatus(200).
func OK() echo.Checker {
return NoErrorAndStatus(http.StatusOK)
// NoErrorAndStatus is checks that no error occurred and htat the returned status code matches the expected
// value.
func NoErrorAndStatus(expected int) echo.Checker {
return And(NoError(), Status(expected))
// Status checks that the response status code matches the expected value. If the expected value is zero,
// checks that the response code is unset.
func Status(expected int) echo.Checker {
expectedStr := ""
if expected > 0 {
expectedStr = strconv.Itoa(expected)
return Each(func(r echoClient.Response) error {
if r.Code != expectedStr {
return fmt.Errorf("expected response code `%s`, got %q. Response: %s", expectedStr, r.Code, r)
return nil
// BodyContains checks that the response body contains the given string.
func BodyContains(expected string) echo.Checker {
return Each(func(r echoClient.Response) error {
if !strings.Contains(r.RawContent, expected) {
return fmt.Errorf("want %q in body but not found: %s", expected, r.RawContent)
return nil
// Forbidden checks that the response indicates that the request was rejected by RBAC.
func Forbidden(p protocol.Instance) echo.Checker {
switch {
case p.IsGRPC():
return ErrorContains("rpc error: code = PermissionDenied")
case p.IsTCP():
return ErrorContains("EOF")
return NoErrorAndStatus(http.StatusForbidden)
// TooManyRequests checks that at least one message receives a StatusTooManyRequests status code.
func TooManyRequests() echo.Checker {
codeStr := strconv.Itoa(http.StatusTooManyRequests)
return func(result echo.CallResult, _ error) error {
for _, r := range result.Responses {
if codeStr == r.Code {
// Successfully received too many requests.
return nil
return errors.New("no request received StatusTooManyRequest error")
func Host(expected string) echo.Checker {
return Each(func(r echoClient.Response) error {
if r.Host != expected {
return fmt.Errorf("expected host %s, received %s", expected, r.Host)
return nil
func Protocol(expected string) echo.Checker {
return Each(func(r echoClient.Response) error {
if r.Protocol != expected {
return fmt.Errorf("expected protocol %s, received %s", expected, r.Protocol)
return nil
func Alpn(expected string) echo.Checker {
return Each(func(r echoClient.Response) error {
if r.Alpn != expected {
return fmt.Errorf("expected alpn %s, received %s", expected, r.Alpn)
return nil
func MTLSForHTTP() echo.Checker {
return Each(func(r echoClient.Response) error {
if !strings.HasPrefix(r.RequestURL, "http://") &&
!strings.HasPrefix(r.RequestURL, "grpc://") &&
!strings.HasPrefix(r.RequestURL, "ws://") {
// Non-HTTP traffic. Fail open, we cannot check mTLS.
return nil
_, f1 := r.RequestHeaders["X-Forwarded-Client-Cert"]
// nolint: staticcheck
_, f2 := r.RequestHeaders["x-forwarded-client-cert"] // grpc has different casing
if f1 || f2 {
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("expected X-Forwarded-Client-Cert but not found: %v", r)
func Port(expected int) echo.Checker {
return Each(func(r echoClient.Response) error {
expectedStr := strconv.Itoa(expected)
if r.Port != expectedStr {
return fmt.Errorf("expected port %s, received %s", expectedStr, r.Port)
return nil
func requestHeader(r echoClient.Response, key, expected string) error {
actual := r.RequestHeaders.Get(key)
if actual != expected {
return fmt.Errorf("request header %s: expected `%s`, received `%s`", key, expected, actual)
return nil
func responseHeader(r echoClient.Response, key, expected string) error {
actual := r.ResponseHeaders.Get(key)
if actual != expected {
return fmt.Errorf("response header %s: expected `%s`, received `%s`", key, expected, actual)
return nil
func RequestHeader(key, expected string) echo.Checker {
return Each(func(r echoClient.Response) error {
return requestHeader(r, key, expected)
func ResponseHeader(key, expected string) echo.Checker {
return Each(func(r echoClient.Response) error {
return responseHeader(r, key, expected)
func RequestHeaders(expected map[string]string) echo.Checker {
return Each(func(r echoClient.Response) error {
outErr := istiomultierror.New()
for k, v := range expected {
outErr = multierror.Append(outErr, requestHeader(r, k, v))
return outErr.ErrorOrNil()
func ResponseHeaders(expected map[string]string) echo.Checker {
return Each(func(r echoClient.Response) error {
outErr := istiomultierror.New()
for k, v := range expected {
outErr = multierror.Append(outErr, responseHeader(r, k, v))
return outErr.ErrorOrNil()
func Cluster(expected string) echo.Checker {
return Each(func(r echoClient.Response) error {
if r.Cluster != expected {
return fmt.Errorf("expected cluster %s, received %s", expected, r.Cluster)
return nil
func URL(expected string) echo.Checker {
return Each(func(r echoClient.Response) error {
if r.URL != expected {
return fmt.Errorf("expected URL %s, received %s", expected, r.URL)
return nil
// ReachedTargetClusters is similar to ReachedClusters, except that the set of expected clusters is
// retrieved from the Target of the request.
func ReachedTargetClusters(allClusters cluster.Clusters) echo.Checker {
return func(result echo.CallResult, err error) error {
expectedByNetwork := result.Opts.To.Clusters().ByNetwork()
return checkReachedClusters(result, allClusters, expectedByNetwork)
// ReachedClusters returns an error if requests did not load balance as expected.
// For cases where all clusters are on the same network, verifies that each of the expected clusters was reached.
// For multi-network configurations, verifies the current (limited) Istio load balancing behavior when going through
// a gateway. Ensures that all expected networks were reached, and that all clusters on the same network as the
// client were reached.
func ReachedClusters(allClusters cluster.Clusters, expectedClusters cluster.Clusters) echo.Checker {
expectedByNetwork := expectedClusters.ByNetwork()
return func(result echo.CallResult, err error) error {
return checkReachedClusters(result, allClusters, expectedByNetwork)
func checkReachedClusters(result echo.CallResult, allClusters cluster.Clusters, expectedByNetwork cluster.ClustersByNetwork) error {
if err := checkReachedNetworks(result, allClusters, expectedByNetwork); err != nil {
return err
return checkReachedClustersInNetwork(result, allClusters, expectedByNetwork)
func checkReachedNetworks(result echo.CallResult, allClusters cluster.Clusters, expectedByNetwork cluster.ClustersByNetwork) error {
// Gather the networks that were reached.
networkHits := make(map[string]int)
for _, rr := range result.Responses {
c := allClusters.GetByName(rr.Cluster)
if c != nil {
// Verify that all expected networks were reached.
for network := range expectedByNetwork {
if networkHits[network] == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("did not reach network %v, got %v", network, networkHits)
// Verify that no unexpected networks were reached.
for network := range networkHits {
if expectedByNetwork[network] == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("reached network not in %v, got %v", expectedByNetwork.Networks(), networkHits)
return nil
func checkReachedClustersInNetwork(result echo.CallResult, allClusters cluster.Clusters, expectedByNetwork cluster.ClustersByNetwork) error {
// Determine the source network of the caller.
var sourceNetwork string
switch from := result.From.(type) {
case echo.Instance:
sourceNetwork = from.Config().Cluster.NetworkName()
case ingress.Instance:
sourceNetwork = from.Cluster().NetworkName()
// Unable to determine the source network of the caller. Skip this check.
return nil
// Lookup only the expected clusters in the same network as the caller.
expectedClustersInSourceNetwork := expectedByNetwork[sourceNetwork]
clusterHits := make(map[string]int)
for _, rr := range result.Responses {
for _, c := range expectedClustersInSourceNetwork {
if clusterHits[c.Name()] == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("did not reach all of %v in source network %v, got %v",
expectedClustersInSourceNetwork, sourceNetwork, clusterHits)
// Verify that no unexpected clusters were reached.
for clusterName := range clusterHits {
reachedCluster := allClusters.GetByName(clusterName)
if reachedCluster == nil || reachedCluster.NetworkName() != sourceNetwork {
// Ignore clusters on a different network from the source.
if expectedClustersInSourceNetwork.GetByName(clusterName) == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("reached cluster %v in source network %v not in %v, got %v",
clusterName, sourceNetwork, expectedClustersInSourceNetwork, clusterHits)
return nil