blob: 6dacc3c446433402a0c10bb401675cc4a6391636 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright Istio Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
import "google/protobuf/wrappers.proto";
// Generate with protoc --go_out=. echo.proto -I /work/common-protos/ -I.
package proto;
option go_package="../proto";
service EchoTestService {
rpc Echo (EchoRequest) returns (EchoResponse);
rpc ForwardEcho (ForwardEchoRequest) returns (ForwardEchoResponse);
message EchoRequest {
string message = 1;
message EchoResponse {
string message = 1;
message Header {
string key = 1;
string value = 2;
message ForwardEchoRequest {
int32 count = 1;
int32 qps = 2;
int64 timeout_micros = 3;
string url = 4;
repeated Header headers = 5;
string message = 6;
// Method for the request. Valid only for HTTP
string method = 9;
// If true, requests will be sent using h2c prior knowledge
bool http2 = 7;
// If true, requests will be sent using http3
bool http3 = 15;
// If true, requests will not be sent until magic string is received
bool serverFirst = 8;
// If true, 301 redirects will be followed
bool followRedirects = 14;
// If non-empty, make the request with the corresponding cert and key.
string cert = 10;
string key = 11;
// If non-empty, verify the server CA
string caCert = 12;
// If non-empty, make the request with the corresponding cert and key file.
string certFile = 16;
string keyFile = 17;
// If non-empty, verify the server CA with the ca cert file.
string caCertFile = 18;
// Skip verifying peer's certificate.
bool insecureSkipVerify = 19;
// List of ALPNs to present. If not set, this will be automatically be set based on the protocol
Alpn alpn = 13;
// Server name (SNI) to present in TLS connections. If not set, Host will be used for http requests.
string serverName = 20;
// Expected response determines what string to look for in the response to validate TCP requests succeeded.
// If not set, defaults to "StatusCode=200"
google.protobuf.StringValue expectedResponse = 21;
message Alpn {
repeated string value = 1;
message ForwardEchoResponse {
repeated string output = 1;