blob: 7b4c38ef38e243fbb9441c1dbb94de1165a33b50 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright Istio Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package inject
import (
import (
meshapi ""
proxyConfig ""
corev1 ""
import (
opconfig ""
// TestInjection tests both the mutating webhook and kube-inject. It does this by sharing the same input and output
// test files and running through the two different code paths.
func TestInjection(t *testing.T) {
type testCase struct {
in string
want string
setFlags []string
inFilePath string
mesh func(m *meshapi.MeshConfig)
skipWebhook bool
expectedError string
expectedLog string
setup func(t test.Failer)
cases := []testCase{
// verify cni
in: "hello.yaml",
want: "hello.yaml.cni.injected",
setFlags: []string{
in: "hello.yaml",
want: "hello.yaml.proxyImageName.injected",
setFlags: []string{
in: "hello.yaml",
want: "hello-tproxy.yaml.injected",
mesh: func(m *meshapi.MeshConfig) {
m.DefaultConfig.InterceptionMode = meshapi.ProxyConfig_TPROXY
in: "hello.yaml",
want: "hello-always.yaml.injected",
setFlags: []string{""},
in: "hello.yaml",
want: "hello-never.yaml.injected",
setFlags: []string{""},
in: "enable-core-dump.yaml",
want: "enable-core-dump.yaml.injected",
setFlags: []string{""},
in: "format-duration.yaml",
want: "format-duration.yaml.injected",
mesh: func(m *meshapi.MeshConfig) {
m.DefaultConfig.DrainDuration = durationpb.New(time.Second * 23)
m.DefaultConfig.ParentShutdownDuration = durationpb.New(time.Second * 42)
// Verifies that parameters are applied properly when no annotations are provided.
in: "traffic-params.yaml",
want: "traffic-params.yaml.injected",
setFlags: []string{
// Verifies that the status params behave properly.
in: "status_params.yaml",
want: "status_params.yaml.injected",
setFlags: []string{
// Verifies that the kubevirtInterfaces list are applied properly from parameters..
in: "kubevirtInterfaces.yaml",
want: "kubevirtInterfaces.yaml.injected",
setFlags: []string{
// Verifies that global.imagePullSecrets are applied properly
in: "hello.yaml",
want: "hello-image-secrets-in-values.yaml.injected",
inFilePath: "hello-image-secrets-in-values.iop.yaml",
// Verifies that global.imagePullSecrets are appended properly
in: "hello-image-pull-secret.yaml",
want: "hello-multiple-image-secrets.yaml.injected",
inFilePath: "hello-image-secrets-in-values.iop.yaml",
// Verifies that global.podDNSSearchNamespaces are applied properly
in: "hello.yaml",
want: "hello-template-in-values.yaml.injected",
inFilePath: "hello-template-in-values.iop.yaml",
// Verifies that global.mountMtlsCerts is applied properly
in: "hello.yaml",
want: "hello-mount-mtls-certs.yaml.injected",
setFlags: []string{``},
// Verifies that is set to istio-cni when not chained
in: "hello.yaml",
want: "hello-cncf-networks.yaml.injected",
setFlags: []string{
// Verifies that istio-cni is appended to flat value if set
in: "hello-existing-cncf-networks.yaml",
want: "hello-existing-cncf-networks.yaml.injected",
setFlags: []string{
// Verifies that istio-cni is appended to JSON value
in: "hello-existing-cncf-networks-json.yaml",
want: "hello-existing-cncf-networks-json.yaml.injected",
setFlags: []string{
// Verifies that HoldApplicationUntilProxyStarts in MeshConfig puts sidecar in front
in: "hello.yaml",
want: "hello.proxyHoldsApplication.yaml.injected",
setFlags: []string{
// Verifies that HoldApplicationUntilProxyStarts in MeshConfig puts sidecar in front
in: "hello-probes.yaml",
want: "hello-probes.proxyHoldsApplication.yaml.injected",
setFlags: []string{
// Verifies that HoldApplicationUntilProxyStarts in proxyconfig sets lifecycle hook
in: "hello-probes-proxyHoldApplication-ProxyConfig.yaml",
want: "hello-probes-proxyHoldApplication-ProxyConfig.yaml.injected",
// Verifies that HoldApplicationUntilProxyStarts=false in proxyconfig 'OR's with MeshConfig setting
in: "hello-probes-noProxyHoldApplication-ProxyConfig.yaml",
want: "hello-probes-noProxyHoldApplication-ProxyConfig.yaml.injected",
setFlags: []string{
// A test with no pods is not relevant for webhook
in: "hello-service.yaml",
want: "hello-service.yaml.injected",
skipWebhook: true,
// Cronjob is tricky for webhook test since the spec is different. Since the real code will
// get a pod anyways, the test isn't too useful for webhook anyways.
in: "cronjob.yaml",
want: "cronjob.yaml.injected",
skipWebhook: true,
in: "traffic-annotations-bad-includeipranges.yaml",
expectedError: "includeipranges",
in: "traffic-annotations-bad-excludeipranges.yaml",
expectedError: "excludeipranges",
in: "traffic-annotations-bad-includeinboundports.yaml",
expectedError: "includeinboundports",
in: "traffic-annotations-bad-excludeinboundports.yaml",
expectedError: "excludeinboundports",
in: "traffic-annotations-bad-excludeoutboundports.yaml",
expectedError: "excludeoutboundports",
in: "hello.yaml",
want: "hello-no-seccontext.yaml.injected",
setup: func(t test.Failer) {
test.SetBoolForTest(t, &features.EnableLegacyFSGroupInjection, false)
test.SetEnvForTest(t, "ENABLE_LEGACY_FSGROUP_INJECTION", "false")
in: "traffic-annotations.yaml",
want: "traffic-annotations.yaml.injected",
mesh: func(m *meshapi.MeshConfig) {
if m.DefaultConfig.ProxyMetadata == nil {
m.DefaultConfig.ProxyMetadata = map[string]string{}
m.DefaultConfig.ProxyMetadata["ISTIO_META_TLS_CLIENT_KEY"] = "/etc/identity/client/keys/client-key.pem"
in: "proxy-override.yaml",
want: "proxy-override.yaml.injected",
in: "explicit-security-context.yaml",
want: "explicit-security-context.yaml.injected",
in: "only-proxy-container.yaml",
want: "only-proxy-container.yaml.injected",
in: "proxy-override-args.yaml",
want: "proxy-override-args.yaml.injected",
in: "custom-template.yaml",
want: "custom-template.yaml.injected",
inFilePath: "custom-template.iop.yaml",
in: "tcp-probes.yaml",
want: "tcp-probes.yaml.injected",
in: "tcp-probes.yaml",
want: "tcp-probes-disabled.yaml.injected",
setup: func(t test.Failer) {
test.SetBoolForTest(t, &features.RewriteTCPProbes, false)
in: "hello-host-network-with-ns.yaml",
want: "hello-host-network-with-ns.yaml.injected",
expectedLog: "Skipping injection because Deployment \"sample/hello-host-network\" has host networking enabled",
// Keep track of tests we add options above
// We will search for all test files and skip these ones
alreadyTested := sets.New()
for _, t := range cases {
if t.want != "" {
} else {
alreadyTested.Insert( + ".injected")
files, err := os.ReadDir("testdata/inject")
if err != nil {
if len(files) < 3 {
t.Fatalf("Didn't find test files - something must have gone wrong")
// Automatically add any other test files in the folder. This ensures we don't
// forget to add to this list, that we don't have duplicates, etc
// Keep track of all golden files so we can ensure we don't have unused ones later
allOutputFiles := sets.New()
for _, f := range files {
if strings.HasSuffix(f.Name(), ".injected") {
if strings.HasSuffix(f.Name(), ".iop.yaml") {
if !strings.HasSuffix(f.Name(), ".yaml") {
want := f.Name() + ".injected"
if alreadyTested.Contains(want) {
cases = append(cases, testCase{in: f.Name(), want: want})
// Precompute injection settings. This may seem like a premature optimization, but due to the size of
// YAMLs, with -race this was taking >10min in some cases to generate!
if util.Refresh() {
writeInjectionSettings(t, "default", nil, "")
for i, c := range cases {
if c.setFlags != nil || c.inFilePath != "" {
writeInjectionSettings(t, fmt.Sprintf("%s.%d",, i), c.setFlags, c.inFilePath)
// Preload default settings. Computation here is expensive, so this speeds the tests up substantially
defaultTemplate, defaultValues, defaultMesh := readInjectionSettings(t, "default")
for i, c := range cases {
i, c := i, c
testName := fmt.Sprintf("[%02d] %s", i, c.want)
if c.expectedError != "" {
testName = fmt.Sprintf("[%02d] %s", i,
t.Run(testName, func(t *testing.T) {
if c.setup != nil {
} else {
// Tests with custom setup modify global state and cannot run in parallel
mc, err := mesh.DeepCopyMeshConfig(defaultMesh)
if err != nil {
sidecarTemplate, valuesConfig := defaultTemplate, defaultValues
if c.setFlags != nil || c.inFilePath != "" {
sidecarTemplate, valuesConfig, mc = readInjectionSettings(t, fmt.Sprintf("%s.%d",, i))
if c.mesh != nil {
inputFilePath := "testdata/inject/" +
wantFilePath := "testdata/inject/" + c.want
in, err := os.Open(inputFilePath)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed to open %q: %v", inputFilePath, err)
t.Cleanup(func() {
_ = in.Close()
// First we test kube-inject. This will run exactly what kube-inject does, and write output to the golden files
t.Run("kube-inject", func(t *testing.T) {
var got bytes.Buffer
logs := make([]string, 0)
warn := func(s string) {
logs = append(logs, s)
if err = IntoResourceFile(nil, sidecarTemplate.Templates, valuesConfig, "", mc, in, &got, warn); err != nil {
if c.expectedError != "" {
if !strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(err.Error()), c.expectedError) {
t.Fatalf("expected error %q got %q", c.expectedError, err)
t.Fatalf("IntoResourceFile(%v) returned an error: %v", inputFilePath, err)
if c.expectedError != "" {
t.Fatalf("expected error but got none")
if c.expectedLog != "" {
hasExpectedLog := false
for _, log := range logs {
if strings.Contains(log, c.expectedLog) {
hasExpectedLog = true
if !hasExpectedLog {
t.Fatal("expected log but got none")
// The version string is a maintenance pain for this test. Strip the version string before comparing.
gotBytes := util.StripVersion(got.Bytes())
wantBytes := util.ReadGoldenFile(t, gotBytes, wantFilePath)
util.CompareBytes(t, gotBytes, wantBytes, wantFilePath)
// Exit early if we don't need to test webhook. We can skip errors since its redundant
// and painful to test here.
if c.expectedError != "" || c.skipWebhook {
// Next run the webhook test. This one is a bit trickier as the webhook operates
// on Pods, but the inputs are Deployments/StatefulSets/etc. As a result, we need
// to convert these to pods, then run the injection This test will *not*
// overwrite golden files, as we do not have identical textual output as
// kube-inject. Instead, we just compare the desired/actual pod specs.
t.Run("webhook", func(t *testing.T) {
webhook := &Webhook{
Config: sidecarTemplate,
meshConfig: mc,
env: &model.Environment{
PushContext: &model.PushContext{
ProxyConfigs: &model.ProxyConfigs{},
valuesConfig: valuesConfig,
revision: "default",
// Split multi-part yaml documents. Input and output will have the same number of parts.
inputYAMLs := splitYamlFile(inputFilePath, t)
wantYAMLs := splitYamlFile(wantFilePath, t)
for i := 0; i < len(inputYAMLs); i++ {
t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("yamlPart[%d]", i), func(t *testing.T) {
runWebhook(t, webhook, inputYAMLs[i], wantYAMLs[i], true)
// Make sure we don't have any stale test data leftover, as it can cause confusion.
for _, c := range cases {
delete(allOutputFiles, c.want)
if len(allOutputFiles) != 0 {
t.Fatalf("stale golden files found: %v", allOutputFiles.UnsortedList())
func testInjectionTemplate(t *testing.T, template, input, expected string) {
tmpl, err := ParseTemplates(map[string]string{SidecarTemplateName: template})
if err != nil {
webhook := &Webhook{
Config: &Config{
Templates: tmpl,
Policy: InjectionPolicyEnabled,
DefaultTemplates: []string{SidecarTemplateName},
env: &model.Environment{
PushContext: &model.PushContext{
ProxyConfigs: &model.ProxyConfigs{},
runWebhook(t, webhook, []byte(input), []byte(expected), false)
func TestMultipleInjectionTemplates(t *testing.T) {
p, err := ParseTemplates(map[string]string{
"sidecar": `
- name: istio-proxy
image: proxy
"init": `
- name: istio-init
image: proxy
if err != nil {
webhook := &Webhook{
Config: &Config{
Templates: p,
Aliases: map[string][]string{"both": {"sidecar", "init"}},
Policy: InjectionPolicyEnabled,
env: &model.Environment{
PushContext: &model.PushContext{
ProxyConfigs: &model.ProxyConfigs{},
input := `
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: hello
annotations: sidecar,init
- name: hello
image: ""
inputAlias := `
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: hello
annotations: both
- name: hello
image: ""
// nolint: lll
expected := `
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
annotations: %s /stats/prometheus "0" "true" '{"version":"","initContainers":["istio-init"],"containers":["istio-proxy"],"volumes":["istio-envoy","istio-data","istio-podinfo","istio-token","istiod-ca-cert"],"imagePullSecrets":null}'
name: hello
- name: istio-init
image: proxy
- name: hello
- name: istio-proxy
image: proxy
runWebhook(t, webhook, []byte(input), []byte(fmt.Sprintf(expected, "sidecar,init")), false)
runWebhook(t, webhook, []byte(inputAlias), []byte(fmt.Sprintf(expected, "both")), false)
// TestStrategicMerge ensures we can use
// directives in the injection template
func TestStrategicMerge(t *testing.T) {
$patch: replace
foo: bar
- name: injected
image: ""
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: hello
key: value
- name: hello
image: ""
// We expect resources to only have limits, since we had the "replace" directive.
// nolint: lll
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
annotations: /stats/prometheus "0" "true"
foo: bar
name: hello
- name: injected
image: ""
- name: hello
image: ""
func runWebhook(t *testing.T, webhook *Webhook, inputYAML []byte, wantYAML []byte, idempotencyCheck bool) {
// Convert the input YAML to a deployment.
inputRaw, err := FromRawToObject(inputYAML)
if err != nil {
inputPod := objectToPod(t, inputRaw)
// Convert the wanted YAML to a deployment.
wantRaw, err := FromRawToObject(wantYAML)
if err != nil {
wantPod := objectToPod(t, wantRaw)
// Generate the patch. At runtime, the webhook would actually generate the patch against the
// pod configuration. But since our input files are deployments, rather than actual pod instances,
// we have to apply the patch to the template portion of the deployment only.
templateJSON := convertToJSON(inputPod, t)
got := webhook.inject(&kube.AdmissionReview{
Request: &kube.AdmissionRequest{
Object: runtime.RawExtension{
Raw: templateJSON,
Namespace: jsonToUnstructured(inputYAML, t).GetNamespace(),
}, "")
var gotPod *corev1.Pod
// Apply the generated patch to the template.
if got.Patch != nil {
patchedPod := &corev1.Pod{}
patch := prettyJSON(got.Patch, t)
patchedTemplateJSON := applyJSONPatch(templateJSON, patch, t)
if err := json.Unmarshal(patchedTemplateJSON, patchedPod); err != nil {
gotPod = patchedPod
} else {
gotPod = inputPod
if err := normalizeAndCompareDeployments(gotPod, wantPod, false, t); err != nil {
if idempotencyCheck {
t.Run("idempotency", func(t *testing.T) {
if err := normalizeAndCompareDeployments(gotPod, wantPod, true, t); err != nil {
func TestSkipUDPPorts(t *testing.T) {
cases := []struct {
c corev1.Container
ports []string
c: corev1.Container{
Ports: []corev1.ContainerPort{},
c: corev1.Container{
Ports: []corev1.ContainerPort{
ContainerPort: 80,
Protocol: corev1.ProtocolTCP,
ContainerPort: 8080,
Protocol: corev1.ProtocolTCP,
ports: []string{"80", "8080"},
c: corev1.Container{
Ports: []corev1.ContainerPort{
ContainerPort: 53,
Protocol: corev1.ProtocolTCP,
ContainerPort: 53,
Protocol: corev1.ProtocolUDP,
ports: []string{"53"},
c: corev1.Container{
Ports: []corev1.ContainerPort{
ContainerPort: 80,
Protocol: corev1.ProtocolTCP,
ContainerPort: 53,
Protocol: corev1.ProtocolUDP,
ports: []string{"80"},
c: corev1.Container{
Ports: []corev1.ContainerPort{
ContainerPort: 53,
Protocol: corev1.ProtocolUDP,
for i := range cases {
expectPorts := cases[i].ports
ports := getPortsForContainer(cases[i].c)
if len(ports) != len(expectPorts) {
t.Fatalf("unexpect ports result for case %d", i)
for j := 0; j < len(ports); j++ {
if ports[j] != expectPorts[j] {
t.Fatalf("unexpect ports result for case %d: expect %v, got %v", i, expectPorts, ports)
func TestCleanProxyConfig(t *testing.T) {
overrides := mesh.DefaultProxyConfig()
overrides.ConfigPath = "/foo/bar"
overrides.DrainDuration = durationpb.New(7 * time.Second)
overrides.ProxyMetadata = map[string]string{
"foo": "barr",
explicit := mesh.DefaultProxyConfig()
explicit.ConfigPath = constants.ConfigPathDir
explicit.DrainDuration = durationpb.New(45 * time.Second)
cases := []struct {
name string
proxy *meshapi.ProxyConfig
expect string
"explicit default",
for _, tt := range cases {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
got := protoToJSON(tt.proxy)
if got != tt.expect {
t.Fatalf("incorrect output: got %v, expected %v", got, tt.expect)
roundTrip, err := mesh.ApplyProxyConfig(got, mesh.DefaultMeshConfig())
if err != nil {
if !cmp.Equal(roundTrip.GetDefaultConfig(), tt.proxy, protocmp.Transform()) {
t.Fatalf("round trip is not identical: got \n%+v, expected \n%+v", *roundTrip.GetDefaultConfig(), tt.proxy)
func TestAppendMultusNetwork(t *testing.T) {
cases := []struct {
name string
in string
want string
name: "empty",
in: "",
want: "istio-cni",
name: "flat-single",
in: "macvlan-conf-1",
want: "macvlan-conf-1, istio-cni",
name: "flat-multiple",
in: "macvlan-conf-1, macvlan-conf-2",
want: "macvlan-conf-1, macvlan-conf-2, istio-cni",
name: "json-single",
in: `[{"name": "macvlan-conf-1"}]`,
want: `[{"name": "macvlan-conf-1"}, {"name": "istio-cni"}]`,
name: "json-multiple",
in: `[{"name": "macvlan-conf-1"}, {"name": "macvlan-conf-2"}]`,
want: `[{"name": "macvlan-conf-1"}, {"name": "macvlan-conf-2"}, {"name": "istio-cni"}]`,
name: "json-multiline",
in: `[
{"name": "macvlan-conf-1"},
{"name": "macvlan-conf-2"}
want: `[
{"name": "macvlan-conf-1"},
{"name": "macvlan-conf-2"}
, {"name": "istio-cni"}]`,
name: "json-multiline-additional-fields",
in: `[
{"name": "macvlan-conf-1", "another-field": "another-value"},
{"name": "macvlan-conf-2"}
want: `[
{"name": "macvlan-conf-1", "another-field": "another-value"},
{"name": "macvlan-conf-2"}
, {"name": "istio-cni"}]`,
name: "json-preconfigured-istio-cni",
in: `[
{"name": "macvlan-conf-1"},
{"name": "macvlan-conf-2"},
{"name": "istio-cni", "config": "additional-config"},
want: `[
{"name": "macvlan-conf-1"},
{"name": "macvlan-conf-2"},
{"name": "istio-cni", "config": "additional-config"},
for _, tc := range cases {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
actual := appendMultusNetwork(, "istio-cni")
if actual != tc.want {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected result.\nExpected:\n%v\nActual:\n%v", tc.want, actual)
t.Run("idempotency", func(t *testing.T) {
actual := appendMultusNetwork(actual, "istio-cni")
if actual != tc.want {
t.Fatalf("Function is not idempotent.\nExpected:\n%v\nActual:\n%v", tc.want, actual)
func Test_updateClusterEnvs(t *testing.T) {
type args struct {
container *corev1.Container
newKVs map[string]string
tests := []struct {
name string
args args
want *corev1.Container
args: args{
container: &corev1.Container{},
newKVs: parseInjectEnvs("/inject/net/network1/cluster/cluster1"),
want: &corev1.Container{
Env: []corev1.EnvVar{
Value: "cluster1",
Value: "network1",
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
updateClusterEnvs(tt.args.container, tt.args.newKVs)
if !cmp.Equal(tt.args.container.Env, tt.want.Env) {
t.Fatalf("updateClusterEnvs got \n%+v, expected \n%+v", tt.args.container.Env, tt.want.Env)
func TestQuantityConversion(t *testing.T) {
for _, tt := range []struct {
in string
out int
err error
in: "4000m",
out: 4,
in: "6500m",
out: 7,
in: "200mi",
err: errors.New("unable to parse"),
} {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
got, err := quantityToConcurrency(
if err != nil {
if tt.err == nil {
t.Errorf("expected no error, got %v", err)
} else {
if tt.out != got {
t.Errorf("got %v, want %v", got, tt.out)
func TestProxyImage(t *testing.T) {
val := func(hub string, tag interface{}) *opconfig.Values {
t, _ := structpb.NewValue(tag)
return &opconfig.Values{
Global: &opconfig.GlobalConfig{
Hub: hub,
Tag: t,
pc := func(imageType string) *proxyConfig.ProxyImage {
return &proxyConfig.ProxyImage{
ImageType: imageType,
ann := func(imageType string) map[string]string {
if imageType == "" {
return nil
return map[string]string{
annotation.SidecarProxyImageType.Name: imageType,
for _, tt := range []struct {
desc string
v *opconfig.Values
pc *proxyConfig.ProxyImage
ann map[string]string
want string
desc: "vals-only-int-tag",
v: val("", 11),
want: "",
desc: "pc overrides imageType - float tag",
v: val("", 1.12),
pc: pc("distroless"),
want: "",
desc: "annotation overrides imageType",
v: val("", "1.11.2-asm.17"),
ann: ann("distroless"),
want: "",
desc: "pc and annotation overrides imageType",
v: val("", "1.11.2-asm.17"),
pc: pc("distroless"),
ann: ann("debug"),
want: "",
desc: "pc and annotation overrides imageType, ann is default",
v: val("", "1.11.2-asm.17"),
pc: pc("debug"),
ann: ann("default"),
want: "",
desc: "pc overrides imageType with default, tag also has image type",
v: val("", "1.11.2-asm.17-distroless"),
pc: pc("default"),
want: "",
desc: "ann overrides imageType with default, tag also has image type",
v: val("", "1.11.2-asm.17-distroless"),
ann: ann("default"),
want: "",
desc: "pc overrides imageType, tag also has image type",
v: val("", "1.12-debug"),
pc: pc("distroless"),
want: "",
desc: "annotation overrides imageType, tag also has the same image type",
v: val("", "1.12-distroless"),
ann: ann("distroless"),
want: "",
desc: "unusual tag should work",
v: val("private-repo/istio", "1.12-this-is-unusual-tag"),
want: "private-repo/istio/proxyv2:1.12-this-is-unusual-tag",
desc: "unusual tag should work, default override",
v: val("private-repo/istio", "1.12-this-is-unusual-tag-distroless"),
pc: pc("default"),
want: "private-repo/istio/proxyv2:1.12-this-is-unusual-tag",
desc: "annotation overrides imageType with unusual tag",
v: val("private-repo/istio", "1.12-this-is-unusual-tag"),
ann: ann("distroless"),
want: "private-repo/istio/proxyv2:1.12-this-is-unusual-tag-distroless",
} {
t.Run(tt.desc, func(t *testing.T) {
got := ProxyImage(tt.v, tt.pc, tt.ann)
if got != tt.want {
t.Errorf("got: <%s>, want <%s> <== value(%v) proxyConfig(%v) ann(%v)", got, tt.want, tt.v, tt.pc, tt.ann)