blob: 73f4e5c4b2c3aa17d37ef85668e942e76f24e8b5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright Istio Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package kube
import (
import (
kubeApiAdmissionv1 ""
kubeApiAdmissionv1beta1 ""
authenticationv1 ""
metav1 ""
const (
// APIVersion constants
admissionAPIV1 = ""
admissionAPIV1beta1 = ""
// Operation constants
Create string = "CREATE"
Update string = "UPDATE"
Delete string = "DELETE"
Connect string = "CONNECT"
// AdmissionReview describes an admission review request/response.
type AdmissionReview struct {
// TypeMeta describes an individual object in an API response or request
// with strings representing the type of the object and its API schema version.
// Structures that are versioned or persisted should inline TypeMeta.
// Request describes the attributes for the admission request.
Request *AdmissionRequest `json:"request,omitempty"`
// Response describes the attributes for the admission response.
Response *AdmissionResponse `json:"response,omitempty"`
// AdmissionRequest describes the admission.Attributes for the admission request.
type AdmissionRequest struct {
// UID is an identifier for the individual request/response. It allows us to distinguish instances of requests which are
// otherwise identical (parallel requests, requests when earlier requests did not modify etc)
// The UID is meant to track the round trip (request/response) between the KAS and the WebHook, not the user request.
// It is suitable for correlating log entries between the webhook and apiserver, for either auditing or debugging.
UID types.UID `json:"uid"`
// Kind is the fully-qualified type of object being submitted (for example, v1.Pod or autoscaling.v1.Scale)
Kind metav1.GroupVersionKind `json:"kind"`
// Resource is the fully-qualified resource being requested (for example, v1.pods)
Resource metav1.GroupVersionResource `json:"resource"`
// SubResource is the subresource being requested, if any (for example, "status" or "scale")
SubResource string `json:"subResource,omitempty"`
// RequestKind is the fully-qualified type of the original API request (for example, v1.Pod or autoscaling.v1.Scale).
// If this is specified and differs from the value in "kind", an equivalent match and conversion was performed.
// For example, if deployments can be modified via apps/v1 and apps/v1beta1, and a webhook registered a rule of
// `apiGroups:["apps"], apiVersions:["v1"], resources: ["deployments"]` and `matchPolicy: Equivalent`,
// an API request to apps/v1beta1 deployments would be converted and sent to the webhook
// with `kind: {group:"apps", version:"v1", kind:"Deployment"}` (matching the rule the webhook registered for),
// and `requestKind: {group:"apps", version:"v1beta1", kind:"Deployment"}` (indicating the kind of the original API request).
RequestKind *metav1.GroupVersionKind `json:"requestKind,omitempty"`
// RequestResource is the fully-qualified resource of the original API request (for example, v1.pods).
// If this is specified and differs from the value in "resource", an equivalent match and conversion was performed.
// For example, if deployments can be modified via apps/v1 and apps/v1beta1, and a webhook registered a rule of
// `apiGroups:["apps"], apiVersions:["v1"], resources: ["deployments"]` and `matchPolicy: Equivalent`,
// an API request to apps/v1beta1 deployments would be converted and sent to the webhook
// with `resource: {group:"apps", version:"v1", resource:"deployments"}` (matching the resource the webhook registered for),
// and `requestResource: {group:"apps", version:"v1beta1", resource:"deployments"}` (indicating the resource of the original API request).
RequestResource *metav1.GroupVersionResource `json:"requestResource,omitempty"`
// RequestSubResource is the name of the subresource of the original API request, if any (for example, "status" or "scale")
// If this is specified and differs from the value in "subResource", an equivalent match and conversion was performed.
RequestSubResource string `json:"requestSubResource,omitempty"`
// UserInfo is information about the requesting user
UserInfo authenticationv1.UserInfo `json:"userInfo"`
// Name is the name of the object as presented in the request. On a CREATE operation, the client may omit name and
// rely on the server to generate the name. If that is the case, this field will contain an empty string.
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
// Namespace is the namespace associated with the request (if any).
Namespace string `json:"namespace,omitempty"`
// Operation is the operation being performed. This may be different than the operation
// requested. e.g. a patch can result in either a CREATE or UPDATE Operation.
Operation string `json:"operation"`
// Object is the object from the incoming request.
Object runtime.RawExtension `json:"object,omitempty"`
// OldObject is the existing object. Only populated for DELETE and UPDATE requests.
OldObject runtime.RawExtension `json:"oldObject,omitempty"`
// DryRun indicates that modifications will definitely not be persisted for this request.
// Defaults to false.
DryRun *bool `json:"dryRun,omitempty"`
// Options is the operation option structure of the operation being performed.
// e.g. `` or ``. This may be
// different than the options the caller provided. e.g. for a patch request the performed
// Operation might be a CREATE, in which case the Options will a
// `` even though the caller provided ``.
Options runtime.RawExtension `json:"options,omitempty"`
// AdmissionResponse describes an admission response.
type AdmissionResponse struct {
// UID is an identifier for the individual request/response.
// This should be copied over from the corresponding AdmissionRequest.
UID types.UID `json:"uid"`
// Allowed indicates whether or not the admission request was permitted.
Allowed bool `json:"allowed"`
// Result contains extra details into why an admission request was denied.
// This field IS NOT consulted in any way if "Allowed" is "true".
Result *metav1.Status `json:"status,omitempty"`
// The patch body. Currently we only support "JSONPatch" which implements RFC 6902.
Patch []byte `json:"patch,omitempty"`
// The type of Patch. Currently we only allow "JSONPatch".
PatchType *string `json:"patchType,omitempty"`
// AuditAnnotations is an unstructured key value map set by remote admission controller (e.g. error=image-blacklisted).
// MutatingAdmissionWebhook and ValidatingAdmissionWebhook admission controller will prefix the keys with
// admission webhook name (e.g. AuditAnnotations will be provided by
// the admission webhook to add additional context to the audit log for this request.
AuditAnnotations map[string]string `json:"auditAnnotations,omitempty"`
// warnings is a list of warning messages to return to the requesting API client.
// Warning messages describe a problem the client making the API request should correct or be aware of.
// Limit warnings to 120 characters if possible.
// Warnings over 256 characters and large numbers of warnings may be truncated.
Warnings []string `json:"warnings,omitempty"`
func AdmissionReviewKubeToAdapter(object runtime.Object) (*AdmissionReview, error) {
var typeMeta metav1.TypeMeta
var req *AdmissionRequest
var resp *AdmissionResponse
switch obj := object.(type) {
case *kubeApiAdmissionv1beta1.AdmissionReview:
typeMeta = obj.TypeMeta
arv1beta1Response := obj.Response
arv1beta1Request := obj.Request
if arv1beta1Response != nil {
resp = &AdmissionResponse{
UID: arv1beta1Response.UID,
Allowed: arv1beta1Response.Allowed,
Result: arv1beta1Response.Result,
Patch: arv1beta1Response.Patch,
Warnings: arv1beta1Response.Warnings,
if arv1beta1Response.PatchType != nil {
patchType := string(*arv1beta1Response.PatchType)
resp.PatchType = &patchType
if arv1beta1Request != nil {
req = &AdmissionRequest{
UID: arv1beta1Request.UID,
Kind: arv1beta1Request.Kind,
Resource: arv1beta1Request.Resource,
UserInfo: arv1beta1Request.UserInfo,
Name: arv1beta1Request.Name,
Namespace: arv1beta1Request.Namespace,
Operation: string(arv1beta1Request.Operation),
Object: arv1beta1Request.Object,
OldObject: arv1beta1Request.OldObject,
case *kubeApiAdmissionv1.AdmissionReview:
typeMeta = obj.TypeMeta
arv1Response := obj.Response
arv1Request := obj.Request
if arv1Response != nil {
resp = &AdmissionResponse{
UID: arv1Response.UID,
Allowed: arv1Response.Allowed,
Result: arv1Response.Result,
Patch: arv1Response.Patch,
Warnings: arv1Response.Warnings,
if arv1Response.PatchType != nil {
patchType := string(*arv1Response.PatchType)
resp.PatchType = &patchType
if arv1Request != nil {
req = &AdmissionRequest{
UID: arv1Request.UID,
Kind: arv1Request.Kind,
Resource: arv1Request.Resource,
UserInfo: arv1Request.UserInfo,
Name: arv1Request.Name,
Namespace: arv1Request.Namespace,
Operation: string(arv1Request.Operation),
Object: arv1Request.Object,
OldObject: arv1Request.OldObject,
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported type :%v", object.GetObjectKind())
return &AdmissionReview{
TypeMeta: typeMeta,
Request: req,
Response: resp,
}, nil
func AdmissionReviewAdapterToKube(ar *AdmissionReview, apiVersion string) runtime.Object {
var res runtime.Object
arRequest := ar.Request
arResponse := ar.Response
if apiVersion == "" {
apiVersion = admissionAPIV1beta1
switch apiVersion {
case admissionAPIV1beta1:
arv1beta1 := kubeApiAdmissionv1beta1.AdmissionReview{}
if arRequest != nil {
arv1beta1.Request = &kubeApiAdmissionv1beta1.AdmissionRequest{
UID: arRequest.UID,
Kind: arRequest.Kind,
Resource: arRequest.Resource,
SubResource: arRequest.SubResource,
Name: arRequest.Name,
Namespace: arRequest.Namespace,
RequestKind: arRequest.RequestKind,
RequestResource: arRequest.RequestResource,
RequestSubResource: arRequest.RequestSubResource,
Operation: kubeApiAdmissionv1beta1.Operation(arRequest.Operation),
UserInfo: arRequest.UserInfo,
Object: arRequest.Object,
OldObject: arRequest.OldObject,
DryRun: arRequest.DryRun,
Options: arRequest.Options,
if arResponse != nil {
var patchType *kubeApiAdmissionv1beta1.PatchType
if arResponse.PatchType != nil {
patchType = (*kubeApiAdmissionv1beta1.PatchType)(arResponse.PatchType)
arv1beta1.Response = &kubeApiAdmissionv1beta1.AdmissionResponse{
UID: arResponse.UID,
Allowed: arResponse.Allowed,
Result: arResponse.Result,
Patch: arResponse.Patch,
PatchType: patchType,
AuditAnnotations: arResponse.AuditAnnotations,
Warnings: arResponse.Warnings,
arv1beta1.TypeMeta = ar.TypeMeta
res = &arv1beta1
case admissionAPIV1:
arv1 := kubeApiAdmissionv1.AdmissionReview{}
if arRequest != nil {
arv1.Request = &kubeApiAdmissionv1.AdmissionRequest{
UID: arRequest.UID,
Kind: arRequest.Kind,
Resource: arRequest.Resource,
SubResource: arRequest.SubResource,
Name: arRequest.Name,
Namespace: arRequest.Namespace,
RequestKind: arRequest.RequestKind,
RequestResource: arRequest.RequestResource,
RequestSubResource: arRequest.RequestSubResource,
Operation: kubeApiAdmissionv1.Operation(arRequest.Operation),
UserInfo: arRequest.UserInfo,
Object: arRequest.Object,
OldObject: arRequest.OldObject,
DryRun: arRequest.DryRun,
Options: arRequest.Options,
if arResponse != nil {
var patchType *kubeApiAdmissionv1.PatchType
if arResponse.PatchType != nil {
patchType = (*kubeApiAdmissionv1.PatchType)(arResponse.PatchType)
arv1.Response = &kubeApiAdmissionv1.AdmissionResponse{
UID: arResponse.UID,
Allowed: arResponse.Allowed,
Result: arResponse.Result,
Patch: arResponse.Patch,
PatchType: patchType,
AuditAnnotations: arResponse.AuditAnnotations,
Warnings: arResponse.Warnings,
arv1.TypeMeta = ar.TypeMeta
res = &arv1
return res