blob: 32ca8489416a9f9313e4d6a6682159d5f3db109d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright Istio Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package health
import (
import (
import (
type WorkloadHealthChecker struct {
config applicationHealthCheckConfig
prober Prober
// internal field purely for convenience
type applicationHealthCheckConfig struct {
InitialDelay time.Duration
ProbeTimeout time.Duration
CheckFrequency time.Duration
SuccessThresh int
FailThresh int
type ProbeEvent struct {
Healthy bool
UnhealthyStatus int32
UnhealthyMessage string
const (
lastStateUndefined = iota
func fillInDefaults(cfg *v1alpha3.ReadinessProbe, ipAddresses []string) *v1alpha3.ReadinessProbe {
cfg = cfg.DeepCopy()
// Thresholds have a minimum of 1
cfg.FailureThreshold = orDefault(cfg.FailureThreshold, 1)
cfg.SuccessThreshold = orDefault(cfg.SuccessThreshold, 1)
// InitialDelaySeconds allows zero, no default needed
cfg.TimeoutSeconds = orDefault(cfg.TimeoutSeconds, 1)
cfg.PeriodSeconds = orDefault(cfg.PeriodSeconds, 10)
switch h := cfg.HealthCheckMethod.(type) {
case *v1alpha3.ReadinessProbe_HttpGet:
if h.HttpGet.Path == "" {
h.HttpGet.Path = "/"
if h.HttpGet.Scheme == "" {
h.HttpGet.Scheme = string(apimirror.URISchemeHTTP)
h.HttpGet.Scheme = strings.ToLower(h.HttpGet.Scheme)
if h.HttpGet.Host == "" {
if len(ipAddresses) == 0 || status.LegacyLocalhostProbeDestination.Get() {
h.HttpGet.Host = "localhost"
} else {
h.HttpGet.Host = ipAddresses[0]
return cfg
func NewWorkloadHealthChecker(cfg *v1alpha3.ReadinessProbe, envoyProbe ready.Prober, proxyAddrs []string, ipv6 bool) *WorkloadHealthChecker {
// if a config does not exist return a no-op prober
if cfg == nil {
return nil
cfg = fillInDefaults(cfg, proxyAddrs)
var prober Prober
switch healthCheckMethod := cfg.HealthCheckMethod.(type) {
case *v1alpha3.ReadinessProbe_HttpGet:
prober = NewHTTPProber(healthCheckMethod.HttpGet, ipv6)
case *v1alpha3.ReadinessProbe_TcpSocket:
prober = &TCPProber{Config: healthCheckMethod.TcpSocket}
case *v1alpha3.ReadinessProbe_Exec:
prober = &ExecProber{Config: healthCheckMethod.Exec}
prober = nil
probers := []Prober{}
if envoyProbe != nil {
probers = append(probers, &EnvoyProber{envoyProbe})
probers = append(probers, prober)
return &WorkloadHealthChecker{
config: applicationHealthCheckConfig{
InitialDelay: time.Duration(cfg.InitialDelaySeconds) * time.Second,
ProbeTimeout: time.Duration(cfg.TimeoutSeconds) * time.Second,
CheckFrequency: time.Duration(cfg.PeriodSeconds) * time.Second,
SuccessThresh: int(cfg.SuccessThreshold),
FailThresh: int(cfg.FailureThreshold),
prober: AggregateProber{Probes: probers},
func orDefault(val int32, def int32) int32 {
if val == 0 {
return def
return val
// PerformApplicationHealthCheck Performs the application-provided configuration health check.
// Instead of a heartbeat-based health checks, we only send on a health state change, and this is
// determined by the success & failure threshold provided by the user.
func (w *WorkloadHealthChecker) PerformApplicationHealthCheck(callback func(*ProbeEvent), quit chan struct{}) {
if w == nil {
healthCheckLog.Infof("starting health check for %T in %v", w.prober, w.config.InitialDelay)
// delay before starting probes.
// tracks number of success & failures after last success/failure
numSuccess, numFail := 0, 0
// if the last send/event was a success, this is true, by default false because we want to
// first send a healthy message.
lastState := lastStateUndefined
doCheck := func() {
// probe target
healthy, err := w.prober.Probe(w.config.ProbeTimeout)
if healthy.IsHealthy() {
healthCheckLog.Debug("probe completed with healthy status")
// we were healthy, increment success counter
// wipe numFail (need consecutive success)
numFail = 0
// if we reached the threshold, mark the target as healthy
if numSuccess == w.config.SuccessThresh && lastState != lastStateHealthy {
healthCheckLog.Info("success threshold hit, marking as healthy")
callback(&ProbeEvent{Healthy: true})
numSuccess = 0
lastState = lastStateHealthy
} else {
healthCheckLog.Debugf("probe completed with unhealthy status: %v", err)
// we were not healthy, increment fail counter
// wipe numSuccess (need consecutive failure)
numSuccess = 0
// if we reached the fail threshold, mark the target as unhealthy
if numFail == w.config.FailThresh && lastState != lastStateUnhealthy {
healthCheckLog.Infof("failure threshold hit, marking as unhealthy: %v", err)
numFail = 0
Healthy: false,
UnhealthyStatus: http.StatusInternalServerError,
UnhealthyMessage: err.Error(),
lastState = lastStateUnhealthy
// Send the first request immediately
periodTicker := time.NewTicker(w.config.CheckFrequency)
defer periodTicker.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-quit:
case <-periodTicker.C: