blob: 8e1c7867617d89e2296a1bc82af2a51d93a85c17 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright Istio Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package client
import (
import (
istiolog ""
import (
dnsProto ""
var log = istiolog.RegisterScope("dns", "Istio DNS proxy", 0)
// LocalDNSServer holds configurations for the DNS downstreamUDPServer in Istio Agent
type LocalDNSServer struct {
// Holds the pointer to the DNS lookup table
lookupTable atomic.Value
// nameTable holds the original NameTable, for debugging
nameTable atomic.Value
dnsProxies []*dnsProxy
resolvConfServers []string
searchNamespaces []string
// The namespace where the proxy resides
// determines the hosts used for shortname resolution
proxyNamespace string
// Optimizations to save space and time
proxyDomain string
proxyDomainParts []string
respondBeforeSync bool
// LookupTable is borrowed from
type LookupTable struct {
// This table will be first looked up to see if the host is something that we got a Nametable entry for
// (i.e. came from istiod's service registry). If it is, then we will be able to confidently return
// NXDOMAIN errors for AAAA records for such hosts when only A records exist (or vice versa). If the
// host does not exist in this map, then we will return nil, causing the caller to query the upstream
// DNS server to resolve the host. Without this map, we would end up making unnecessary upstream DNS queries
// for hosts that will never resolve (e.g., AAAA for svc1.ns1.svc.cluster.local.svc.cluster.local.)
allHosts map[string]struct{}
// The key is a FQDN matching a DNS query (like, the value is pre-created DNS RR records
// of A or AAAA type as appropriate.
name4 map[string][]dns.RR
name6 map[string][]dns.RR
// The cname records here (comprised of different variants of the hosts above,
// expanded by the search namespaces) pointing to the actual host.
cname map[string][]dns.RR
const (
// In case the client decides to honor the TTL, keep it low so that we can always serve
// the latest IP for a host.
// TODO: make it configurable
defaultTTLInSeconds = 30
func NewLocalDNSServer(proxyNamespace, proxyDomain string, addr string) (*LocalDNSServer, error) {
h := &LocalDNSServer{
proxyNamespace: proxyNamespace,
// proxyDomain could contain the namespace making it redundant.
// we just need the .svc.cluster.local piece
parts := strings.Split(proxyDomain, ".")
if len(parts) > 0 {
if parts[0] == proxyNamespace {
parts = parts[1:]
h.proxyDomainParts = parts
h.proxyDomain = strings.Join(parts, ".")
resolvConf := "/etc/resolv.conf"
// If running as root and the alternate resolv.conf file exists, use it instead.
// This is used when running in Docker or VMs, without iptables DNS interception.
if strings.HasSuffix(addr, ":53") {
if os.Getuid() == 0 {
h.respondBeforeSync = true
// TODO: we can also copy /etc/resolv.conf to /var/lib/istio/resolv.conf and
// replace it with 'nameserver'
if _, err := os.Stat("/var/lib/istio/resolv.conf"); !os.IsNotExist(err) {
resolvConf = "/var/lib/istio/resolv.conf"
} else {
log.Error("DNS address :53 and not running as root, use default")
addr = "localhost:15053"
// We will use the local resolv.conf for resolving unknown names.
dnsConfig, err := dns.ClientConfigFromFile(resolvConf)
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("failed to load /etc/resolv.conf: %v", err)
return nil, err
// Unlike traditional DNS resolvers, we do not need to append the search
// namespace to a given query and try to resolve it. This is because the
// agent acts as a DNS interceptor for DNS queries made by the application.
// The application's resolver is already sending us DNS queries, one for each
// of the DNS search namespaces. We simply need to check the existence of this
// name in our local nametable. If not, we will forward the query to the
// upstream resolvers as is.
if dnsConfig != nil {
for _, s := range dnsConfig.Servers {
h.resolvConfServers = append(h.resolvConfServers, net.JoinHostPort(s, dnsConfig.Port))
h.searchNamespaces = dnsConfig.Search
log.WithLabels("search", h.searchNamespaces, "servers", h.resolvConfServers).Debugf("initialized DNS")
if addr == "" {
addr = "localhost:15053"
v4, v6 := separateIPtypes(dnsConfig.Servers)
host, port, err := net.SplitHostPort(addr)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("dns address must be a valid host:port")
addresses := []string{addr}
if host == "localhost" && len(v4)+len(v6) > 0 {
addresses = []string{}
// When binding to "localhost", go will pick v4 OR v6. In dual stack, we may need v4 AND v6.
// If we are in this situation, explicitly listen to v4, v6, or both.
if len(v4) > 0 {
addresses = append(addresses, net.JoinHostPort("", port))
if len(v6) > 0 {
addresses = append(addresses, net.JoinHostPort("::1", port))
for _, ipAddr := range addresses {
for _, proto := range []string{"udp", "tcp"} {
proxy, err := newDNSProxy(proto, ipAddr, h)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
h.dnsProxies = append(h.dnsProxies, proxy)
return h, nil
// StartDNS starts DNS-over-UDP and DNS-over-TCP servers.
func (h *LocalDNSServer) StartDNS() {
for _, p := range h.dnsProxies {
go p.start()
func (h *LocalDNSServer) UpdateLookupTable(nt *dnsProto.NameTable) {
lookupTable := &LookupTable{
allHosts: map[string]struct{}{},
name4: map[string][]dns.RR{},
name6: map[string][]dns.RR{},
cname: map[string][]dns.RR{},
h.BuildAlternateHosts(nt, lookupTable.buildDNSAnswers)
log.Debugf("updated lookup table with %d hosts", len(lookupTable.allHosts))
// BuildAlternateHosts builds alternate hosts for Kubernetes services in the name table and
// calls the passed in function with the built alternate hosts.
func (h *LocalDNSServer) BuildAlternateHosts(nt *dnsProto.NameTable,
apply func(map[string]struct{}, []net.IP, []net.IP, []string)) {
for hostname, ni := range nt.Table {
// Given a host
// if its a non-k8s host, store the host+. as the key with the pre-computed DNS RR records
// if its a k8s host, store all variants (i.e. shortname+., shortname+namespace+., fqdn+., etc.)
// shortname+. is only for hosts in current namespace
var altHosts sets.Set
if ni.Registry == string(provider.Kubernetes) {
altHosts = generateAltHosts(hostname, ni, h.proxyNamespace, h.proxyDomain, h.proxyDomainParts)
} else {
if !strings.HasSuffix(hostname, ".") {
hostname += "."
altHosts = sets.New(hostname)
ipv4, ipv6 := separateIPtypes(ni.Ips)
if len(ipv6) == 0 && len(ipv4) == 0 {
// malformed ips
apply(altHosts, ipv4, ipv6, h.searchNamespaces)
// upstrem sends the requeset to the upstream server, with associated logs and metrics
func (h *LocalDNSServer) upstream(proxy *dnsProxy, req *dns.Msg, hostname string) *dns.Msg {
start := time.Now()
// We did not find the host in our internal cache. Query upstream and return the response as is.
log.Debugf("response for hostname %q not found in dns proxy, querying upstream", hostname)
response := h.queryUpstream(proxy.upstreamClient, req, log)
log.Debugf("upstream response for hostname %q : %v", hostname, response)
return response
// ServeDNS is the implementation of DNS interface
func (h *LocalDNSServer) ServeDNS(proxy *dnsProxy, w dns.ResponseWriter, req *dns.Msg) {
var response *dns.Msg
log := log.WithLabels("protocol", proxy.protocol, "edns", req.IsEdns0() != nil)
if log.DebugEnabled() {
id := uuid.New()
log = log.WithLabels("id", id)
log.Debugf("request %v", req)
if len(req.Question) == 0 {
response = new(dns.Msg)
response.Rcode = dns.RcodeServerFailure
_ = w.WriteMsg(response)
lp := h.lookupTable.Load()
hostname := strings.ToLower(req.Question[0].Name)
if lp == nil {
if h.respondBeforeSync {
response = h.upstream(proxy, req, hostname)
response.Truncate(size(proxy.protocol, req))
_ = w.WriteMsg(response)
} else {
log.Debugf("dns request for host %q before lookup table is loaded", hostname)
response = new(dns.Msg)
response.Rcode = dns.RcodeServerFailure
_ = w.WriteMsg(response)
lookupTable := lp.(*LookupTable)
var answers []dns.RR
// This name will always end in a dot.
// We expect only one question in the query even though the spec allows many
// clients usually do not do more than one query either.
answers, hostFound := lookupTable.lookupHost(req.Question[0].Qtype, hostname)
if hostFound {
response = new(dns.Msg)
// We are the authority here, since we control DNS for known hostnames
response.Authoritative = true
// Even if answers is empty, we still return NOERROR. This matches expected behavior of DNS
// servers. NXDOMAIN means we do not know *anything* about the domain; if we set it here then
// a client (ie curl, see sending parallel
// requests for A and AAAA may get NXDOMAIN for AAAA and treat the entire thing as a NXDOMAIN
response.Answer = answers
// Randomize the responses; this ensures for things like headless services we can do DNS-LB
// This matches standard kube-dns behavior. We only do this for cached responses as the
// upstream DNS server would already round robin if desired.
if len(answers) > 0 {
log.Debugf("response for hostname %q (found=true): %v", hostname, response)
} else {
response = h.upstream(proxy, req, hostname)
// Compress the response - we don't know if the incoming response was compressed or not. If it was,
// but we don't compress on the outbound, we will run into issues. For example, if the compressed
// size is 450 bytes but uncompressed 1000 bytes now we are outside of the non-eDNS UDP size limits
response.Truncate(size(proxy.protocol, req))
_ = w.WriteMsg(response)
// IsReady returns true if DNS lookup table is updated atleast once.
func (h *LocalDNSServer) IsReady() bool {
return h.lookupTable.Load() != nil
func (h *LocalDNSServer) NameTable() *dnsProto.NameTable {
lt := h.nameTable.Load()
if lt == nil {
return nil
return lt.(*dnsProto.NameTable)
// Inspired by
func roundRobinResponse(res *dns.Msg) {
if res.Rcode != dns.RcodeSuccess {
if res.Question[0].Qtype == dns.TypeAXFR || res.Question[0].Qtype == dns.TypeIXFR {
res.Answer = roundRobin(res.Answer)
res.Ns = roundRobin(res.Ns)
res.Extra = roundRobin(res.Extra)
func roundRobin(in []dns.RR) []dns.RR {
cname := make([]dns.RR, 0)
address := make([]dns.RR, 0)
mx := make([]dns.RR, 0)
rest := make([]dns.RR, 0)
for _, r := range in {
switch r.Header().Rrtype {
case dns.TypeCNAME:
cname = append(cname, r)
case dns.TypeA, dns.TypeAAAA:
address = append(address, r)
case dns.TypeMX:
mx = append(mx, r)
rest = append(rest, r)
out := append(cname, rest...)
out = append(out, address...)
out = append(out, mx...)
return out
func roundRobinShuffle(records []dns.RR) {
switch l := len(records); l {
case 0, 1:
case 2:
if dns.Id()%2 == 0 {
records[0], records[1] = records[1], records[0]
for j := 0; j < l*(int(dns.Id())%4+1); j++ {
q := int(dns.Id()) % l
p := int(dns.Id()) % l
if q == p {
p = (p + 1) % l
records[q], records[p] = records[p], records[q]
func (h *LocalDNSServer) Close() {
for _, p := range h.dnsProxies {
// TODO: Figure out how to send parallel queries to all nameservers
func (h *LocalDNSServer) queryUpstream(upstreamClient *dns.Client, req *dns.Msg, scope *istiolog.Scope) *dns.Msg {
var response *dns.Msg
for _, upstream := range h.resolvConfServers {
cResponse, _, err := upstreamClient.Exchange(req, upstream)
if err == nil {
response = cResponse
scope.Infof("upstream failure: %v", err)
if response == nil {
response = new(dns.Msg)
response.Rcode = dns.RcodeServerFailure
return response
func separateIPtypes(ips []string) (ipv4, ipv6 []net.IP) {
for _, ip := range ips {
addr := net.ParseIP(ip)
if addr == nil {
log.Debugf("ignoring un-parsable IP address: %v", ip)
if addr.To4() != nil {
ipv4 = append(ipv4, addr.To4())
} else {
ipv6 = append(ipv6, addr)
func generateAltHosts(hostname string, nameinfo *dnsProto.NameTable_NameInfo, proxyNamespace, proxyDomain string,
proxyDomainParts []string,
) sets.Set {
out := sets.New()
out.Insert(hostname + ".")
// do not generate alt hostnames if the service is in a different domain (i.e. cluster) than the proxy
// as we have no way to resolve conflicts on name.namespace entries across clusters of different domains
if proxyDomain == "" || !strings.HasSuffix(hostname, proxyDomain) {
return out
out.Insert(nameinfo.Shortname + "." + nameinfo.Namespace + ".")
if proxyNamespace == nameinfo.Namespace {
out.Insert(nameinfo.Shortname + ".")
// Do we need to generate entries for name.namespace.svc, name.namespace.svc.cluster, etc. ?
// If these are not that frequently used, then not doing so here will save some space and time
// as some people have very long proxy domains with multiple dots
// For now, we will generate just one more domain (which is usually the .svc piece).
out.Insert(nameinfo.Shortname + "." + nameinfo.Namespace + "." + proxyDomainParts[0] + ".")
// Add any additional alt hostnames.
// nolint: staticcheck
for _, altHost := range nameinfo.AltHosts {
out.Insert(altHost + ".")
return out
// Given a host, this function first decides if the host is part of our service registry.
// If it is not part of the registry, return nil so that caller queries upstream. If it is part
// of registry, we will look it up in one of our tables, failing which we will return NXDOMAIN.
func (table *LookupTable) lookupHost(qtype uint16, hostname string) ([]dns.RR, bool) {
var hostFound bool
question := host.Name(hostname)
wildcard := false
// First check if host exists in all hosts.
_, hostFound = table.allHosts[hostname]
// If it is not found, check if a wildcard host exists for it.
// For example for "*", with the question "",
// we check if we have entries for "*", "*" etc.
if !hostFound {
labels := dns.SplitDomainName(hostname)
for idx := range labels {
qhost := "*." + strings.Join(labels[idx+1:], ".") + "."
if _, hostFound = table.allHosts[qhost]; hostFound {
wildcard = true
hostname = qhost
if !hostFound {
return nil, false
var out []dns.RR
// Odds are, the first query will always be an expanded hostname
// (productpage.ns1.svc.cluster.local.ns1.svc.cluster.local)
// So lookup the cname table first
cn := table.cname[hostname]
if len(cn) > 0 {
// this was a cname match
hostname = cn[0].(*dns.CNAME).Target
var ipAnswers []dns.RR
var wcAnswers []dns.RR
switch qtype {
case dns.TypeA:
ipAnswers = table.name4[hostname]
case dns.TypeAAAA:
ipAnswers = table.name6[hostname]
// TODO: handle PTR records for reverse dns lookups
return nil, false
if len(ipAnswers) > 0 {
// For wildcard hosts, set the host that is being queried for.
if wildcard {
for _, answer := range ipAnswers {
copied := dns.Copy(answer)
copied.Header().Name = string(question)
wcAnswers = append(wcAnswers, copied)
// We will return a chained response. In a chained response, the first entry is the cname record,
// and the second one is the A/AAAA record itself. Some clients do not follow cname redirects
// with additional DNS queries. Instead, they expect all the resolved records to be in the same
// big DNS response (presumably assuming that a recursive DNS query should do the deed, resolve
// cname et al and return the composite response).
out = append(out, cn...)
if wildcard {
out = append(out, wcAnswers...)
} else {
out = append(out, ipAnswers...)
return out, hostFound
// This function stores the list of hostnames along with the precomputed DNS response for that hostname.
// Most hostnames have a DNS response containing the A/AAAA records. In addition, this function stores a
// variant of the host+ the first search domain in resolv.conf as the first query
// is likely to be host.ns.svc.cluster.local (e.g., due to
// the list of search namespaces in resolv.conf (unless the app explicitly does which is unlikely).
// We will resolve with a CNAME record pointing to
// which will cause the client's resolver to automatically resolve , and short circuit the lengthy
// search process down to just two DNS queries. This will eliminate unnecessary upstream DNS queries from the
// agent, reduce load on DNS servers and improve overall latency. This idea was borrowed and adapted from
// the autopath plugin in coredns. The implementation here is very different from auto path though.
// Autopath does inline computation to see if the given query could potentially match something else
// and then returns a CNAME record. In our case, we preemptively store these random dns names as a host
// in the lookup table with a CNAME record as the DNS response. This technique eliminates the need
// to do string parsing, memory allocations, etc. at query time at the cost of Nx number of entries (i.e. memory) to store
// the lookup table, where N is number of search namespaces.
func (table *LookupTable) buildDNSAnswers(altHosts map[string]struct{}, ipv4 []net.IP, ipv6 []net.IP, searchNamespaces []string) {
for h := range altHosts {
h = strings.ToLower(h)
table.allHosts[h] = struct{}{}
if len(ipv4) > 0 {
table.name4[h] = a(h, ipv4)
if len(ipv6) > 0 {
table.name6[h] = aaaa(h, ipv6)
if len(searchNamespaces) > 0 {
// NOTE: Right now, rather than storing one expanded host for each one of the search namespace
// entries, we are going to store just the first one (assuming that most clients will
// do sequential dns resolution, starting with the first search namespace)
// host h already ends with a .
// search namespace might not. So we append one in the end if needed
expandedHost := strings.ToLower(h + searchNamespaces[0])
if !strings.HasSuffix(searchNamespaces[0], ".") {
expandedHost += "."
// make sure this is not a proper hostname
// if host is productpage, and search namespace is ns1.svc.cluster.local
// then the expanded host productpage.ns1.svc.cluster.local is a valid hostname
// that is likely to be already present in the altHosts
if _, exists := altHosts[expandedHost]; !exists {
table.cname[expandedHost] = cname(expandedHost, h)
table.allHosts[expandedHost] = struct{}{}
// Borrowed from
// a takes a slice of net.IPs and returns a slice of A RRs.
func a(host string, ips []net.IP) []dns.RR {
answers := make([]dns.RR, len(ips))
for i, ip := range ips {
r := new(dns.A)
r.Hdr = dns.RR_Header{Name: host, Rrtype: dns.TypeA, Class: dns.ClassINET, Ttl: defaultTTLInSeconds}
r.A = ip
answers[i] = r
return answers
// aaaa takes a slice of net.IPs and returns a slice of AAAA RRs.
func aaaa(host string, ips []net.IP) []dns.RR {
answers := make([]dns.RR, len(ips))
for i, ip := range ips {
r := new(dns.AAAA)
r.Hdr = dns.RR_Header{Name: host, Rrtype: dns.TypeAAAA, Class: dns.ClassINET, Ttl: defaultTTLInSeconds}
r.AAAA = ip
answers[i] = r
return answers
func cname(host string, targetHost string) []dns.RR {
answer := new(dns.CNAME)
answer.Hdr = dns.RR_Header{
Name: host,
Rrtype: dns.TypeCNAME,
Class: dns.ClassINET,
Ttl: defaultTTLInSeconds,
answer.Target = targetHost
return []dns.RR{answer}
// Size returns if buffer size *advertised* in the requests OPT record.
// Or when the request was over TCP, we return the maximum allowed size of 64K.
func size(proto string, r *dns.Msg) int {
size := uint16(0)
if o := r.IsEdns0(); o != nil {
size = o.UDPSize()
// normalize size
size = ednsSize(proto, size)
return int(size)
// ednsSize returns a normalized size based on proto.
func ednsSize(proto string, size uint16) uint16 {
if proto == "tcp" {
return dns.MaxMsgSize
if size < dns.MinMsgSize {
return dns.MinMsgSize
return size