blob: a9cd8218a403286acbabb6fa5fe06f8cb9f9fa38 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright Istio Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package validation
import (
import (
udpaa ""
any ""
extensions ""
meshconfig ""
networking ""
networkingv1beta1 ""
security_beta ""
telemetry ""
type_beta ""
import (
// Constants for duration fields
const (
// nolint: revive
connectTimeoutMax = time.Second * 30
// nolint: revive
connectTimeoutMin = time.Millisecond
drainTimeMax = time.Hour
parentShutdownTimeMax = time.Hour
// UnixAddressPrefix is the prefix used to indicate an address is for a Unix Domain socket. It is used in
// ServiceEntry.Endpoint.Address message.
UnixAddressPrefix = "unix://"
matchExact = "exact:"
matchPrefix = "prefix:"
const (
regionIndex int = iota
var (
// envoy supported retry on header values
supportedRetryOnPolicies = map[string]bool{
// 'x-envoy-retry-on' supported policies:
"5xx": true,
"gateway-error": true,
"reset": true,
"connect-failure": true,
"retriable-4xx": true,
"refused-stream": true,
"retriable-status-codes": true,
"retriable-headers": true,
"envoy-ratelimited": true,
// 'x-envoy-retry-grpc-on' supported policies:
"cancelled": true,
"deadline-exceeded": true,
"internal": true,
"resource-exhausted": true,
"unavailable": true,
// golang supported methods:
supportedMethods = map[string]bool{
http.MethodGet: true,
http.MethodHead: true,
http.MethodPost: true,
http.MethodPut: true,
http.MethodPatch: true,
http.MethodDelete: true,
http.MethodConnect: true,
http.MethodOptions: true,
http.MethodTrace: true,
scope = log.RegisterScope("validation", "CRD validation debugging", 0)
// EmptyValidate is a Validate that does nothing and returns no error.
EmptyValidate = registerValidateFunc("EmptyValidate",
func(config.Config) (Warning, error) {
return nil, nil
validateFuncs = make(map[string]ValidateFunc)
type Warning error
// Validation holds errors and warnings. They can be joined with additional errors by called appendValidation
type Validation struct {
Err error
Warning Warning
type AnalysisAwareError struct {
Type string
Msg string
Parameters []interface{}
// OverlappingMatchValidationForHTTPRoute holds necessary information from virtualservice
// to do such overlapping match validation
type OverlappingMatchValidationForHTTPRoute struct {
RouteStr string
MatchStr string
Prefix string
MatchPort uint32
MatchMethod string
MatchAuthority string
MatchHeaders map[string]string
MatchQueryParams map[string]string
MatchNonHeaders map[string]string
var _ error = Validation{}
// WrapError turns an error into a Validation
func WrapError(e error) Validation {
return Validation{Err: e}
// WrapWarning turns an error into a Validation as a warning
func WrapWarning(e error) Validation {
return Validation{Warning: e}
// Warningf formats according to a format specifier and returns the string as a
// value that satisfies error. Like Errorf, but for warnings.
func Warningf(format string, a ...interface{}) Validation {
return WrapWarning(fmt.Errorf(format, a...))
func (v Validation) Unwrap() (Warning, error) {
return v.Warning, v.Err
func (v Validation) Error() string {
if v.Err == nil {
return ""
return v.Err.Error()
// ValidateFunc defines a validation func for an API proto.
type ValidateFunc func(config config.Config) (Warning, error)
// IsValidateFunc indicates whether there is a validation function with the given name.
func IsValidateFunc(name string) bool {
return GetValidateFunc(name) != nil
// GetValidateFunc returns the validation function with the given name, or null if it does not exist.
func GetValidateFunc(name string) ValidateFunc {
return validateFuncs[name]
func registerValidateFunc(name string, f ValidateFunc) ValidateFunc {
// Wrap the original validate function with an extra validate function for the annotation "".
validate := validateAnnotationDryRun(f)
validateFuncs[name] = validate
return validate
func validateAnnotationDryRun(f ValidateFunc) ValidateFunc {
return func(config config.Config) (Warning, error) {
_, isAuthz := config.Spec.(*security_beta.AuthorizationPolicy)
// Only the AuthorizationPolicy supports the annotation "".
if err := checkDryRunAnnotation(config, isAuthz); err != nil {
return nil, err
return f(config)
func checkDryRunAnnotation(cfg config.Config, allowed bool) error {
if val, found := cfg.Annotations[annotation.IoIstioDryRun.Name]; found {
if !allowed {
return fmt.Errorf("%s/%s has unsupported annotation %s, please remove the annotation", cfg.Namespace, cfg.Name, annotation.IoIstioDryRun.Name)
if spec, ok := cfg.Spec.(*security_beta.AuthorizationPolicy); ok {
switch spec.Action {
case security_beta.AuthorizationPolicy_ALLOW, security_beta.AuthorizationPolicy_DENY:
if _, err := strconv.ParseBool(val); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%s/%s has annotation %s with invalid value (%s): %v", cfg.Namespace, cfg.Name, annotation.IoIstioDryRun.Name, val, err)
return fmt.Errorf("the annotation %s currently only supports action ALLOW/DENY, found action %v in %s/%s",
annotation.IoIstioDryRun.Name, spec.Action, cfg.Namespace, cfg.Name)
return nil
// ValidatePort checks that the network port is in range
func ValidatePort(port int) error {
if 1 <= port && port <= 65535 {
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("port number %d must be in the range 1..65535", port)
// ValidateFQDN checks a fully-qualified domain name
func ValidateFQDN(fqdn string) error {
if err := checkDNS1123Preconditions(fqdn); err != nil {
return err
return validateDNS1123Labels(fqdn)
// ValidateWildcardDomain checks that a domain is a valid FQDN, but also allows wildcard prefixes.
func ValidateWildcardDomain(domain string) error {
if err := checkDNS1123Preconditions(domain); err != nil {
return err
// We only allow wildcards in the first label; split off the first label (parts[0]) from the rest of the host (parts[1])
parts := strings.SplitN(domain, ".", 2)
if !labels.IsWildcardDNS1123Label(parts[0]) {
return fmt.Errorf("domain name %q invalid (label %q invalid)", domain, parts[0])
} else if len(parts) > 1 {
return validateDNS1123Labels(parts[1])
return nil
// encapsulates DNS 1123 checks common to both wildcarded hosts and FQDNs
func checkDNS1123Preconditions(name string) error {
if len(name) > 255 {
return fmt.Errorf("domain name %q too long (max 255)", name)
if len(name) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("empty domain name not allowed")
return nil
func validateDNS1123Labels(domain string) error {
parts := strings.Split(domain, ".")
topLevelDomain := parts[len(parts)-1]
if _, err := strconv.Atoi(topLevelDomain); err == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("domain name %q invalid (top level domain %q cannot be all-numeric)", domain, topLevelDomain)
for i, label := range parts {
// Allow the last part to be empty, for unambiguous names like ``
if i == len(parts)-1 && label == "" {
return nil
if !labels.IsDNS1123Label(label) {
return fmt.Errorf("domain name %q invalid (label %q invalid)", domain, label)
return nil
// validate the trust domain format
func ValidateTrustDomain(domain string) error {
if len(domain) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("empty domain name not allowed")
parts := strings.Split(domain, ".")
for i, label := range parts {
// Allow the last part to be empty, for unambiguous names like ``
if i == len(parts)-1 && label == "" {
return nil
if !labels.IsDNS1123Label(label) {
return fmt.Errorf("trust domain name %q invalid", domain)
return nil
// ValidateHTTPHeaderName validates a header name
func ValidateHTTPHeaderName(name string) error {
if name == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("header name cannot be empty")
return nil
// ValidateHTTPHeaderWithAuthorityOperationName validates a header name when used to add/set in request.
func ValidateHTTPHeaderWithAuthorityOperationName(name string) error {
if name == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("header name cannot be empty")
// Authority header is validated later
if isInternalHeader(name) && !isAuthorityHeader(name) {
return fmt.Errorf(`invalid header %q: header cannot have ":" prefix`, name)
return nil
// ValidateHTTPHeaderWithHostOperationName validates a header name when used to destination specific add/set in request.
// TODO( merge with ValidateHTTPHeaderWithAuthorityOperationName
func ValidateHTTPHeaderWithHostOperationName(name string) error {
if name == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("header name cannot be empty")
// Authority header is validated later
if isInternalHeader(name) && !strings.EqualFold(name, "host") {
return fmt.Errorf(`invalid header %q: header cannot have ":" prefix`, name)
return nil
// ValidateHTTPHeaderOperationName validates a header name when used to remove from request or modify response.
func ValidateHTTPHeaderOperationName(name string) error {
if name == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("header name cannot be empty")
if strings.EqualFold(name, "host") {
return fmt.Errorf(`invalid header %q: cannot set Host header`, name)
if isInternalHeader(name) {
return fmt.Errorf(`invalid header %q: header cannot have ":" prefix`, name)
return nil
// ValidateHTTPHeaderValue validates a header value for Envoy
// Valid: "foo", "%HOSTNAME%", "100%%", "prefix %HOSTNAME% suffix"
// Invalid: "abc%123"
// We don't try to check that what is inside the %% is one of Envoy recognized values, we just prevent invalid config.
// See:
func ValidateHTTPHeaderValue(value string) error {
if strings.Count(value, "%")%2 != 0 {
return errors.New("single % not allowed. Escape by doubling to %% or encase Envoy variable name in pair of %")
return nil
// ValidatePercent checks that percent is in range
func ValidatePercent(val int32) error {
if val < 0 || val > 100 {
return fmt.Errorf("percentage %v is not in range 0..100", val)
return nil
// validatePercentage checks if the specified fractional percentage is valid.
func validatePercentage(percentage *networking.Percent) error {
if percentage != nil {
if percentage.Value < 0.0 || percentage.Value > 100.0 || (percentage.Value > 0.0 && percentage.Value < 0.0001) {
return fmt.Errorf("percentage %v is neither 0.0, nor in range [0.0001, 100.0]", percentage.Value)
return nil
// ValidateIPSubnet checks that a string is in "CIDR notation" or "Dot-decimal notation"
func ValidateIPSubnet(subnet string) error {
// We expect a string in "CIDR notation" or "Dot-decimal notation"
// E.g., a.b.c.d/xx form or just a.b.c.d or 2001:1::1/64
if strings.Count(subnet, "/") == 1 {
// We expect a string in "CIDR notation", i.e. a.b.c.d/xx or 2001:1::1/64 form
ip, _, err := net.ParseCIDR(subnet)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%v is not a valid CIDR block", subnet)
if ip.To4() == nil && ip.To16() == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%v is not a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address", subnet)
return nil
return ValidateIPAddress(subnet)
// ValidateIPAddress validates that a string in "CIDR notation" or "Dot-decimal notation"
func ValidateIPAddress(addr string) error {
ip := net.ParseIP(addr)
if ip == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%v is not a valid IP", addr)
return nil
// ValidateUnixAddress validates that the string is a valid unix domain socket path.
func ValidateUnixAddress(addr string) error {
if len(addr) == 0 {
return errors.New("unix address must not be empty")
// Allow unix abstract domain sockets whose names start with @
if strings.HasPrefix(addr, "@") {
return nil
// Note that we use path, not path/filepath even though a domain socket path is a file path. We don't want the
// Pilot output to depend on which OS Pilot is run on, so we always use Unix-style forward slashes.
if !path.IsAbs(addr) || strings.HasSuffix(addr, "/") {
return fmt.Errorf("%s is not an absolute path to a file", addr)
return nil
// ValidateGateway checks gateway specifications
var ValidateGateway = registerValidateFunc("ValidateGateway",
func(cfg config.Config) (Warning, error) {
name := cfg.Name
v := Validation{}
// Gateway name must conform to the DNS label format (no dots)
if !labels.IsDNS1123Label(name) {
v = appendValidation(v, fmt.Errorf("invalid gateway name: %q", name))
value, ok := cfg.Spec.(*networking.Gateway)
if !ok {
v = appendValidation(v, fmt.Errorf("cannot cast to gateway: %#v", cfg.Spec))
return v.Unwrap()
if len(value.Servers) == 0 {
v = appendValidation(v, fmt.Errorf("gateway must have at least one server"))
} else {
for _, server := range value.Servers {
v = appendValidation(v, validateServer(server))
// Ensure unique port names
portNames := make(map[string]bool)
for _, s := range value.Servers {
if s == nil {
v = appendValidation(v, fmt.Errorf("server may not be nil"))
if s.Port != nil {
if portNames[s.Port.Name] {
v = appendValidation(v, fmt.Errorf("port names in servers must be unique: duplicate name %s", s.Port.Name))
portNames[s.Port.Name] = true
if !protocol.Parse(s.Port.Protocol).IsHTTP() && s.GetTls().GetHttpsRedirect() {
v = appendValidation(v, WrapWarning(fmt.Errorf("tls.httpsRedirect should only be used with http servers")))
return v.Unwrap()
func validateServer(server *networking.Server) (v Validation) {
if server == nil {
return WrapError(fmt.Errorf("cannot have nil server"))
if len(server.Hosts) == 0 {
v = appendValidation(v, fmt.Errorf("server config must contain at least one host"))
} else {
for _, hostname := range server.Hosts {
v = appendValidation(v, validateNamespaceSlashWildcardHostname(hostname, true))
portErr := validateServerPort(server.Port)
if portErr != nil {
v = appendValidation(v, portErr)
v = appendValidation(v, validateServerBind(server.Port, server.Bind))
v = appendValidation(v, validateTLSOptions(server.Tls))
// If port is HTTPS or TLS, make sure that server has TLS options
if portErr == nil {
p := protocol.Parse(server.Port.Protocol)
if p.IsTLS() && server.Tls == nil {
v = appendValidation(v, fmt.Errorf("server must have TLS settings for HTTPS/TLS protocols"))
} else if !p.IsTLS() && server.Tls != nil {
// only tls redirect is allowed if this is a HTTP server
if p.IsHTTP() {
if !gateway.IsPassThroughServer(server) ||
server.Tls.CaCertificates != "" || server.Tls.PrivateKey != "" || server.Tls.ServerCertificate != "" {
v = appendValidation(v, fmt.Errorf("server cannot have TLS settings for plain text HTTP ports"))
} else {
v = appendValidation(v, fmt.Errorf("server cannot have TLS settings for non HTTPS/TLS ports"))
return v
func validateServerPort(port *networking.Port) (errs error) {
if port == nil {
return appendErrors(errs, fmt.Errorf("port is required"))
if protocol.Parse(port.Protocol) == protocol.Unsupported {
errs = appendErrors(errs, fmt.Errorf("invalid protocol %q, supported protocols are HTTP, HTTP2, GRPC, GRPC-WEB, MONGO, REDIS, MYSQL, TCP", port.Protocol))
if port.Number > 0 {
errs = appendErrors(errs, ValidatePort(int(port.Number)))
if port.Name == "" {
errs = appendErrors(errs, fmt.Errorf("port name must be set: %v", port))
func validateServerBind(port *networking.Port, bind string) (errs error) {
if strings.HasPrefix(bind, UnixAddressPrefix) {
errs = appendErrors(errs, ValidateUnixAddress(strings.TrimPrefix(bind, UnixAddressPrefix)))
if port != nil && port.Number != 0 {
errs = appendErrors(errs, fmt.Errorf("port number must be 0 for unix domain socket: %v", port))
} else if len(bind) != 0 {
errs = appendErrors(errs, ValidateIPAddress(bind))
func validateTLSOptions(tls *networking.ServerTLSSettings) (v Validation) {
if tls == nil {
// no tls config at all is valid
invalidCiphers := sets.New()
validCiphers := sets.New()
duplicateCiphers := sets.New()
for _, cs := range tls.CipherSuites {
if !security.IsValidCipherSuite(cs) {
} else {
if !validCiphers.Contains(cs) {
} else {
if len(invalidCiphers) > 0 {
v = appendWarningf(v, "ignoring invalid cipher suites: %v", invalidCiphers.SortedList())
if len(duplicateCiphers) > 0 {
v = appendWarningf(v, "ignoring duplicate cipher suites: %v", duplicateCiphers.SortedList())
if tls.Mode == networking.ServerTLSSettings_ISTIO_MUTUAL {
// ISTIO_MUTUAL TLS mode uses either SDS or default certificate mount paths
// therefore, we should fail validation if other TLS fields are set
if tls.ServerCertificate != "" {
v = appendValidation(v, fmt.Errorf("ISTIO_MUTUAL TLS cannot have associated server certificate"))
if tls.PrivateKey != "" {
v = appendValidation(v, fmt.Errorf("ISTIO_MUTUAL TLS cannot have associated private key"))
if tls.CaCertificates != "" {
v = appendValidation(v, fmt.Errorf("ISTIO_MUTUAL TLS cannot have associated CA bundle"))
if tls.CredentialName != "" {
if features.EnableLegacyIstioMutualCredentialName {
// Legacy mode enabled, just warn
v = appendWarningf(v, "ISTIO_MUTUAL TLS cannot have associated credentialName")
} else {
v = appendValidation(v, fmt.Errorf("ISTIO_MUTUAL TLS cannot have associated credentialName"))
if tls.Mode == networking.ServerTLSSettings_PASSTHROUGH || tls.Mode == networking.ServerTLSSettings_AUTO_PASSTHROUGH {
if tls.ServerCertificate != "" || tls.PrivateKey != "" || tls.CaCertificates != "" || tls.CredentialName != "" {
// Warn for backwards compatibility
v = appendWarningf(v, "%v mode does not use certificates, they will be ignored", tls.Mode)
if (tls.Mode == networking.ServerTLSSettings_SIMPLE || tls.Mode == networking.ServerTLSSettings_MUTUAL) && tls.CredentialName != "" {
// If tls mode is SIMPLE or MUTUAL, and CredentialName is specified, credentials are fetched
// remotely. ServerCertificate and CaCertificates fields are not required.
if tls.Mode == networking.ServerTLSSettings_SIMPLE {
if tls.ServerCertificate == "" {
v = appendValidation(v, fmt.Errorf("SIMPLE TLS requires a server certificate"))
if tls.PrivateKey == "" {
v = appendValidation(v, fmt.Errorf("SIMPLE TLS requires a private key"))
} else if tls.Mode == networking.ServerTLSSettings_MUTUAL {
if tls.ServerCertificate == "" {
v = appendValidation(v, fmt.Errorf("MUTUAL TLS requires a server certificate"))
if tls.PrivateKey == "" {
v = appendValidation(v, fmt.Errorf("MUTUAL TLS requires a private key"))
if tls.CaCertificates == "" {
v = appendValidation(v, fmt.Errorf("MUTUAL TLS requires a client CA bundle"))
// ValidateDestinationRule checks proxy policies
var ValidateDestinationRule = registerValidateFunc("ValidateDestinationRule",
func(cfg config.Config) (Warning, error) {
rule, ok := cfg.Spec.(*networking.DestinationRule)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot cast to destination rule")
v := Validation{}
if features.EnableDestinationRuleInheritance {
if rule.Host == "" {
if rule.GetWorkloadSelector() != nil {
v = appendValidation(v,
fmt.Errorf("mesh/namespace destination rule cannot have workloadSelector configured"))
if len(rule.Subsets) != 0 {
v = appendValidation(v,
fmt.Errorf("mesh/namespace destination rule cannot have subsets"))
if len(rule.ExportTo) != 0 {
v = appendValidation(v,
fmt.Errorf("mesh/namespace destination rule cannot have exportTo configured"))
if rule.TrafficPolicy != nil && len(rule.TrafficPolicy.PortLevelSettings) != 0 {
v = appendValidation(v,
fmt.Errorf("mesh/namespace destination rule cannot have portLevelSettings configured"))
} else {
v = appendValidation(v, ValidateWildcardDomain(rule.Host))
} else {
v = appendValidation(v, ValidateWildcardDomain(rule.Host))
v = appendValidation(v, validateTrafficPolicy(rule.TrafficPolicy))
for _, subset := range rule.Subsets {
if subset == nil {
v = appendValidation(v, errors.New("subset may not be null"))
v = appendValidation(v, validateSubset(subset))
v = appendValidation(v,
validateExportTo(cfg.Namespace, rule.ExportTo, false, rule.GetWorkloadSelector() != nil))
v = appendValidation(v, validateWorkloadSelector(rule.GetWorkloadSelector()))
return v.Unwrap()
func validateExportTo(namespace string, exportTo []string, isServiceEntry bool, isDestinationRuleWithSelector bool) (errs error) {
if len(exportTo) > 0 {
// Make sure there are no duplicates
exportToSet := sets.New()
for _, e := range exportTo {
key := e
if visibility.Instance(e) == visibility.Private {
// substitute this with the current namespace so that we
// can check for duplicates like ., namespace
key = namespace
if exportToSet.Contains(key) {
if key != e {
errs = appendErrors(errs, fmt.Errorf("duplicate entries in exportTo: . and current namespace %s", namespace))
} else {
errs = appendErrors(errs, fmt.Errorf("duplicate entries in exportTo for entry %s", e))
} else {
// if this is a serviceEntry, allow ~ in exportTo as it can be used to create
// a service that is not even visible within the local namespace to anyone other
// than the proxies of that service.
if isServiceEntry && visibility.Instance(e) == visibility.None {
} else {
if err := visibility.Instance(key).Validate(); err != nil {
errs = appendErrors(errs, err)
} else {
// Make sure workloadSelector based destination rule does not use exportTo other than current namespace
if isDestinationRuleWithSelector && !exportToSet.IsEmpty() {
if exportToSet.Contains(namespace) {
if len(exportToSet) > 1 {
errs = appendErrors(errs, fmt.Errorf("destination rule with workload selector cannot have multiple entries in exportTo"))
} else {
errs = appendErrors(errs, fmt.Errorf("destination rule with workload selector cannot have exportTo beyond current namespace"))
// Make sure we have only one of . or *
if exportToSet.Contains(string(visibility.Public)) {
// make sure that there are no other entries in the exportTo
// i.e. no point in saying ns1,ns2,*. Might as well say *
if len(exportTo) > 1 {
errs = appendErrors(errs, fmt.Errorf("cannot have both public (*) and non-public exportTo values for a resource"))
// if this is a service entry, then we need to disallow * and ~ together. Or ~ and other namespaces
if exportToSet.Contains(string(visibility.None)) {
if len(exportTo) > 1 {
errs = appendErrors(errs, fmt.Errorf("cannot export service entry to no one (~) and someone"))
func validateAlphaWorkloadSelector(selector *networking.WorkloadSelector) error {
var errs error
if selector != nil {
for k, v := range selector.Labels {
if k == "" {
errs = appendErrors(errs,
fmt.Errorf("empty key is not supported in selector: %q", fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", k, v)))
if strings.Contains(k, "*") || strings.Contains(v, "*") {
errs = appendErrors(errs,
fmt.Errorf("wildcard is not supported in selector: %q", fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", k, v)))
return errs
// ValidateEnvoyFilter checks envoy filter config supplied by user
var ValidateEnvoyFilter = registerValidateFunc("ValidateEnvoyFilter",
func(cfg config.Config) (Warning, error) {
errs := Validation{}
rule, ok := cfg.Spec.(*networking.EnvoyFilter)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot cast to Envoy filter")
if err := validateAlphaWorkloadSelector(rule.WorkloadSelector); err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, cp := range rule.ConfigPatches {
if cp == nil {
errs = appendValidation(errs, fmt.Errorf("Envoy filter: null config patch")) // nolint: stylecheck
if cp.ApplyTo == networking.EnvoyFilter_INVALID {
errs = appendValidation(errs, fmt.Errorf("Envoy filter: missing applyTo")) // nolint: stylecheck
if cp.Patch == nil {
errs = appendValidation(errs, fmt.Errorf("Envoy filter: missing patch")) // nolint: stylecheck
if cp.Patch.Operation == networking.EnvoyFilter_Patch_INVALID {
errs = appendValidation(errs, fmt.Errorf("Envoy filter: missing patch operation")) // nolint: stylecheck
if cp.Patch.Operation != networking.EnvoyFilter_Patch_REMOVE && cp.Patch.Value == nil {
errs = appendValidation(errs, fmt.Errorf("Envoy filter: missing patch value for non-remove operation")) // nolint: stylecheck
// ensure that the supplied regex for proxy version compiles
if cp.Match != nil && cp.Match.Proxy != nil && cp.Match.Proxy.ProxyVersion != "" {
if _, err := regexp.Compile(cp.Match.Proxy.ProxyVersion); err != nil {
errs = appendValidation(errs, fmt.Errorf("Envoy filter: invalid regex for proxy version, [%v]", err)) // nolint: stylecheck
// ensure that applyTo, match and patch all line up
switch cp.ApplyTo {
case networking.EnvoyFilter_LISTENER,
if cp.Match != nil && cp.Match.ObjectTypes != nil {
if cp.Match.GetListener() == nil {
errs = appendValidation(errs, fmt.Errorf("Envoy filter: applyTo for listener class objects cannot have non listener match")) // nolint: stylecheck
listenerMatch := cp.Match.GetListener()
if listenerMatch.FilterChain != nil {
if listenerMatch.FilterChain.Filter != nil {
if cp.ApplyTo == networking.EnvoyFilter_LISTENER || cp.ApplyTo == networking.EnvoyFilter_FILTER_CHAIN {
// This would be an error but is a warning for backwards compatibility
errs = appendValidation(errs, WrapWarning(
fmt.Errorf("Envoy filter: filter match has no effect when used with %v", cp.ApplyTo))) // nolint: stylecheck
// filter names are required if network filter matches are being made
if listenerMatch.FilterChain.Filter.Name == "" {
errs = appendValidation(errs, fmt.Errorf("Envoy filter: filter match has no name to match on")) // nolint: stylecheck
} else if listenerMatch.FilterChain.Filter.SubFilter != nil {
// sub filter match is supported only for applyTo HTTP_FILTER
if cp.ApplyTo != networking.EnvoyFilter_HTTP_FILTER {
errs = appendValidation(errs, fmt.Errorf("Envoy filter: subfilter match can be used with applyTo HTTP_FILTER only")) // nolint: stylecheck
// sub filter match requires the network filter to match to envoy http connection manager
if listenerMatch.FilterChain.Filter.Name != wellknown.HTTPConnectionManager &&
listenerMatch.FilterChain.Filter.Name != "envoy.http_connection_manager" {
errs = appendValidation(errs, fmt.Errorf("Envoy filter: subfilter match requires filter match with %s", // nolint: stylecheck
if listenerMatch.FilterChain.Filter.SubFilter.Name == "" {
errs = appendValidation(errs, fmt.Errorf("Envoy filter: subfilter match has no name to match on")) // nolint: stylecheck
errs = appendValidation(errs, validateListenerMatchName(listenerMatch.FilterChain.Filter.GetName()))
errs = appendValidation(errs, validateListenerMatchName(listenerMatch.FilterChain.Filter.GetSubFilter().GetName()))
case networking.EnvoyFilter_ROUTE_CONFIGURATION, networking.EnvoyFilter_VIRTUAL_HOST, networking.EnvoyFilter_HTTP_ROUTE:
if cp.Match != nil && cp.Match.ObjectTypes != nil {
if cp.Match.GetRouteConfiguration() == nil {
errs = appendValidation(errs,
fmt.Errorf("Envoy filter: applyTo for http route class objects cannot have non route configuration match")) // nolint: stylecheck
case networking.EnvoyFilter_CLUSTER:
if cp.Match != nil && cp.Match.ObjectTypes != nil {
if cp.Match.GetCluster() == nil {
errs = appendValidation(errs, fmt.Errorf("Envoy filter: applyTo for cluster class objects cannot have non cluster match")) // nolint: stylecheck
// ensure that the struct is valid
if _, err := xds.BuildXDSObjectFromStruct(cp.ApplyTo, cp.Patch.Value, false); err != nil {
errs = appendValidation(errs, err)
} else {
// Run with strict validation, and emit warnings. This helps capture cases like unknown fields
// We do not want to reject in case the proto is valid but our libraries are outdated
obj, err := xds.BuildXDSObjectFromStruct(cp.ApplyTo, cp.Patch.Value, true)
if err != nil {
errs = appendValidation(errs, WrapWarning(err))
// Append any deprecation notices
if obj != nil {
errs = appendValidation(errs, validateDeprecatedFilterTypes(obj))
errs = appendValidation(errs, validateMissingTypedConfigFilterTypes(obj))
return errs.Unwrap()
func validateListenerMatchName(name string) error {
if newName, f := xds.ReverseDeprecatedFilterNames[name]; f {
return WrapWarning(fmt.Errorf("using deprecated filter name %q; use %q instead", name, newName))
return nil
func recurseDeprecatedTypes(message protoreflect.Message) ([]string, error) {
var topError error
var deprecatedTypes []string
if message == nil {
return nil, nil
message.Range(func(descriptor protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, value protoreflect.Value) bool {
m, isMessage := value.Interface().(protoreflect.Message)
if isMessage {
anyMessage, isAny := m.Interface().(*any.Any)
if isAny {
mt, err := protoregistry.GlobalTypes.FindMessageByURL(anyMessage.TypeUrl)
if err != nil {
topError = err
return false
var fileOpts proto.Message = mt.Descriptor().ParentFile().Options().(*descriptorpb.FileOptions)
if proto.HasExtension(fileOpts, udpaa.E_FileStatus) {
ext := proto.GetExtension(fileOpts, udpaa.E_FileStatus)
udpaext, ok := ext.(*udpaa.StatusAnnotation)
if !ok {
topError = fmt.Errorf("extension was of wrong type: %T", ext)
return false
if udpaext.PackageVersionStatus == udpaa.PackageVersionStatus_FROZEN {
deprecatedTypes = append(deprecatedTypes, anyMessage.TypeUrl)
newTypes, err := recurseDeprecatedTypes(m)
if err != nil {
topError = err
return false
deprecatedTypes = append(deprecatedTypes, newTypes...)
return true
return deprecatedTypes, topError
// recurseMissingTypedConfig checks that configured filters do not rely on `name` and elide `typed_config`.
// This is temporarily enabled in Envoy by the envoy.reloadable_features.no_extension_lookup_by_name flag, but in the future will be removed.
func recurseMissingTypedConfig(message protoreflect.Message) []string {
var deprecatedTypes []string
if message == nil {
return nil
// First, iterate over the fields to find the 'name' field to help with reporting errors.
var name string
for i := 0; i < message.Type().Descriptor().Fields().Len(); i++ {
field := message.Type().Descriptor().Fields().Get(i)
if field.JSONName() == "name" {
name = fmt.Sprintf("%v", message.Get(field).Interface())
// Now go through fields again
for i := 0; i < message.Type().Descriptor().Fields().Len(); i++ {
field := message.Type().Descriptor().Fields().Get(i)
set := message.Has(field)
// If it has a typedConfig field, it must be set.
// Note: it is possible there is some API that has typedConfig but has a non-deprecated alternative,
// but I couldn't find any. Worst case, this is a warning, not an error, so a false positive is not so bad.
if field.JSONName() == "typedConfig" && !set {
deprecatedTypes = append(deprecatedTypes, name)
if set {
// If the field was set and is a message, recurse into it to check children
m, isMessage := message.Get(field).Interface().(protoreflect.Message)
if isMessage {
deprecatedTypes = append(deprecatedTypes, recurseMissingTypedConfig(m)...)
return deprecatedTypes
func validateDeprecatedFilterTypes(obj proto.Message) error {
deprecated, err := recurseDeprecatedTypes(obj.ProtoReflect())
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to find deprecated types: %v", err)
if len(deprecated) > 0 {
return WrapWarning(fmt.Errorf("using deprecated type_url(s); %v", strings.Join(deprecated, ", ")))
return nil
func validateMissingTypedConfigFilterTypes(obj proto.Message) error {
missing := recurseMissingTypedConfig(obj.ProtoReflect())
if len(missing) > 0 {
return WrapWarning(fmt.Errorf("using deprecated types by name without typed_config; %v", strings.Join(missing, ", ")))
return nil
// validates that hostname in ns/<hostname> is a valid hostname according to
// API specs
func validateSidecarOrGatewayHostnamePart(hostname string, isGateway bool) (errs error) {
// short name hosts are not allowed
if hostname != "*" && !strings.Contains(hostname, ".") {
errs = appendErrors(errs, fmt.Errorf("short names (non FQDN) are not allowed"))
if err := ValidateWildcardDomain(hostname); err != nil {
if !isGateway {
errs = appendErrors(errs, err)
// Gateway allows IP as the host string, as well
ipAddr := net.ParseIP(hostname)
if ipAddr == nil {
errs = appendErrors(errs, err)
func validateNamespaceSlashWildcardHostname(hostname string, isGateway bool) (errs error) {
parts := strings.SplitN(hostname, "/", 2)
if len(parts) != 2 {
if isGateway {
// Old style host in the gateway
return validateSidecarOrGatewayHostnamePart(hostname, true)
errs = appendErrors(errs, fmt.Errorf("host must be of form namespace/dnsName"))
if len(parts[0]) == 0 || len(parts[1]) == 0 {
errs = appendErrors(errs, fmt.Errorf("config namespace and dnsName in host entry cannot be empty"))
if !isGateway {
// namespace can be * or . or ~ or a valid DNS label in sidecars
if parts[0] != "*" && parts[0] != "." && parts[0] != "~" {
if !labels.IsDNS1123Label(parts[0]) {
errs = appendErrors(errs, fmt.Errorf("invalid namespace value %q in sidecar", parts[0]))
} else {
// namespace can be * or . or a valid DNS label in gateways
if parts[0] != "*" && parts[0] != "." {
if !labels.IsDNS1123Label(parts[0]) {
errs = appendErrors(errs, fmt.Errorf("invalid namespace value %q in gateway", parts[0]))
errs = appendErrors(errs, validateSidecarOrGatewayHostnamePart(parts[1], isGateway))
// ValidateSidecar checks sidecar config supplied by user
var ValidateSidecar = registerValidateFunc("ValidateSidecar",
func(cfg config.Config) (Warning, error) {
errs := Validation{}
rule, ok := cfg.Spec.(*networking.Sidecar)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot cast to Sidecar")
if err := validateAlphaWorkloadSelector(rule.WorkloadSelector); err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(rule.Egress) == 0 && len(rule.Ingress) == 0 && rule.OutboundTrafficPolicy == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("sidecar: empty configuration provided")
portMap := make(map[uint32]struct{})
for _, i := range rule.Ingress {
if i == nil {
errs = appendValidation(errs, fmt.Errorf("sidecar: ingress may not be null"))
if i.Port == nil {
errs = appendValidation(errs, fmt.Errorf("sidecar: port is required for ingress listeners"))
bind := i.GetBind()
errs = appendValidation(errs, validateSidecarIngressPortAndBind(i.Port, bind))
if _, found := portMap[i.Port.Number]; found {
errs = appendValidation(errs, fmt.Errorf("sidecar: ports on IP bound listeners must be unique"))
portMap[i.Port.Number] = struct{}{}
if len(i.DefaultEndpoint) != 0 {
if strings.HasPrefix(i.DefaultEndpoint, UnixAddressPrefix) {
errs = appendValidation(errs, ValidateUnixAddress(strings.TrimPrefix(i.DefaultEndpoint, UnixAddressPrefix)))
} else {
// format should be or :port
parts := strings.Split(i.DefaultEndpoint, ":")
if len(parts) < 2 {
errs = appendValidation(errs, fmt.Errorf("sidecar: defaultEndpoint must be of form<port>,<port>, unix://filepath, or unset"))
} else {
if len(parts[0]) > 0 && parts[0] != "" && parts[0] != "" {
errs = appendValidation(errs, fmt.Errorf("sidecar: defaultEndpoint must be of form<port>,<port>, unix://filepath, or unset"))
port, err := strconv.Atoi(parts[1])
if err != nil {
errs = appendValidation(errs, fmt.Errorf("sidecar: defaultEndpoint port (%s) is not a number: %v", parts[1], err))
} else {
errs = appendValidation(errs, ValidatePort(port))
if i.Tls != nil {
if len(i.Tls.SubjectAltNames) > 0 {
errs = appendValidation(errs, fmt.Errorf("sidecar: subjectAltNames is not supported in ingress tls"))
if i.Tls.HttpsRedirect {
errs = appendValidation(errs, fmt.Errorf("sidecar: httpsRedirect is not supported"))
if i.Tls.CredentialName != "" {
errs = appendValidation(errs, fmt.Errorf("sidecar: credentialName is not currently supported"))
if i.Tls.Mode == networking.ServerTLSSettings_ISTIO_MUTUAL || i.Tls.Mode == networking.ServerTLSSettings_AUTO_PASSTHROUGH {
errs = appendValidation(errs, fmt.Errorf("configuration is invalid: cannot set mode to %s in sidecar ingress tls", i.Tls.Mode.String()))
protocol := protocol.Parse(i.Port.Protocol)
if !protocol.IsTLS() {
errs = appendValidation(errs, fmt.Errorf("server cannot have TLS settings for non HTTPS/TLS ports"))
errs = appendValidation(errs, validateTLSOptions(i.Tls))
portMap = make(map[uint32]struct{})
udsMap := make(map[string]struct{})
catchAllEgressListenerFound := false
for index, egress := range rule.Egress {
if egress == nil {
errs = appendValidation(errs, errors.New("egress listener may not be null"))
// there can be only one catch all egress listener with empty port, and it should be the last listener.
if egress.Port == nil {
if !catchAllEgressListenerFound {
if index == len(rule.Egress)-1 {
catchAllEgressListenerFound = true
} else {
errs = appendValidation(errs, fmt.Errorf("sidecar: the egress listener with empty port should be the last listener in the list"))
} else {
errs = appendValidation(errs, fmt.Errorf("sidecar: egress can have only one listener with empty port"))
} else {
bind := egress.GetBind()
captureMode := egress.GetCaptureMode()
errs = appendValidation(errs, validateSidecarEgressPortBindAndCaptureMode(egress.Port, bind, captureMode))
if egress.Port.Number == 0 {
if _, found := udsMap[bind]; found {
errs = appendValidation(errs, fmt.Errorf("sidecar: unix domain socket values for listeners must be unique"))
udsMap[bind] = struct{}{}
} else {
if _, found := portMap[egress.Port.Number]; found {
errs = appendValidation(errs, fmt.Errorf("sidecar: ports on IP bound listeners must be unique"))
portMap[egress.Port.Number] = struct{}{}
// validate that the hosts field is a slash separated value
// of form ns1/host, or */host, or */*, or ns1/*, or ns1/*
if len(egress.Hosts) == 0 {
errs = appendValidation(errs, fmt.Errorf("sidecar: egress listener must contain at least one host"))
} else {
nssSvcs := map[string]map[string]bool{}
for _, hostname := range egress.Hosts {
parts := strings.SplitN(hostname, "/", 2)
if len(parts) == 2 {
ns := parts[0]
svc := parts[1]
if ns == "." {
ns = cfg.Namespace
if _, ok := nssSvcs[ns]; !ok {
nssSvcs[ns] = map[string]bool{}
// test/a
// test/a
// test/*
if svc != "*" {
if _, ok := nssSvcs[ns][svc]; ok || nssSvcs[ns]["*"] {
// already exists
// TODO: prevent this invalid setting, maybe in 1.12+
errs = appendValidation(errs, WrapWarning(fmt.Errorf("duplicated egress host: %s", hostname)))
} else {
if len(nssSvcs[ns]) != 0 {
errs = appendValidation(errs, WrapWarning(fmt.Errorf("duplicated egress host: %s", hostname)))
nssSvcs[ns][svc] = true
errs = appendValidation(errs, validateNamespaceSlashWildcardHostname(hostname, false))
// */*
// test/a
if nssSvcs["*"]["*"] && len(nssSvcs) != 1 {
errs = appendValidation(errs, WrapWarning(fmt.Errorf("`*/*` host select all resources, no other hosts can be added")))
errs = appendValidation(errs, validateSidecarOutboundTrafficPolicy(rule.OutboundTrafficPolicy))
return errs.Unwrap()
func validateSidecarOutboundTrafficPolicy(tp *networking.OutboundTrafficPolicy) (errs error) {
if tp == nil {
mode := tp.GetMode()
if tp.EgressProxy != nil {
if mode != networking.OutboundTrafficPolicy_ALLOW_ANY {
errs = appendErrors(errs, fmt.Errorf("sidecar: egress_proxy must be set only with ALLOW_ANY outbound_traffic_policy mode"))
errs = appendErrors(errs, ValidateFQDN(tp.EgressProxy.GetHost()))
if tp.EgressProxy.Port == nil {
errs = appendErrors(errs, fmt.Errorf("sidecar: egress_proxy port must be non-nil"))
errs = appendErrors(errs, validateDestination(tp.EgressProxy))
func validateSidecarEgressPortBindAndCaptureMode(port *networking.Port, bind string,
captureMode networking.CaptureMode) (errs error) {
// Port name is optional. Validate if exists.
if len(port.Name) > 0 {
errs = appendErrors(errs, ValidatePortName(port.Name))
// Handle Unix domain sockets
if port.Number == 0 {
// require bind to be a unix domain socket
errs = appendErrors(errs,
if !strings.HasPrefix(bind, UnixAddressPrefix) {
errs = appendErrors(errs, fmt.Errorf("sidecar: ports with 0 value must have a unix domain socket bind address"))
} else {
errs = appendErrors(errs, ValidateUnixAddress(strings.TrimPrefix(bind, UnixAddressPrefix)))
if captureMode != networking.CaptureMode_DEFAULT && captureMode != networking.CaptureMode_NONE {
errs = appendErrors(errs, fmt.Errorf("sidecar: captureMode must be DEFAULT/NONE for unix domain socket listeners"))
} else {
errs = appendErrors(errs,
if len(bind) != 0 {
errs = appendErrors(errs, ValidateIPAddress(bind))
func validateSidecarIngressPortAndBind(port *networking.Port, bind string) (errs error) {
// Port name is optional. Validate if exists.
if len(port.Name) > 0 {
errs = appendErrors(errs, ValidatePortName(port.Name))
errs = appendErrors(errs,
if len(bind) != 0 {
errs = appendErrors(errs, ValidateIPAddress(bind))
func validateTrafficPolicy(policy *networking.TrafficPolicy) Validation {
if policy == nil {
return Validation{}
if policy.OutlierDetection == nil && policy.ConnectionPool == nil &&
policy.LoadBalancer == nil && policy.Tls == nil && policy.PortLevelSettings == nil {
return WrapError(fmt.Errorf("traffic policy must have at least one field"))
return appendValidation(validateOutlierDetection(policy.OutlierDetection),
func validateOutlierDetection(outlier *networking.OutlierDetection) (errs Validation) {
if outlier == nil {
if outlier.BaseEjectionTime != nil {
errs = appendValidation(errs, ValidateDuration(outlier.BaseEjectionTime))
// nolint: staticcheck
if outlier.ConsecutiveErrors != 0 {
warn := "outlier detection consecutive errors is deprecated, use consecutiveGatewayErrors or consecutive5xxErrors instead"
errs = appendValidation(errs, WrapWarning(errors.New(warn)))
if !outlier.SplitExternalLocalOriginErrors && outlier.ConsecutiveLocalOriginFailures.GetValue() > 0 {
err := "outlier detection consecutive local origin failures is specified, but split external local origin errors is set to false"
errs = appendValidation(errs, errors.New(err))
if outlier.Interval != nil {
errs = appendValidation(errs, ValidateDuration(outlier.Interval))
errs = appendValidation(errs, ValidatePercent(outlier.MaxEjectionPercent), ValidatePercent(outlier.MinHealthPercent))
func validateConnectionPool(settings *networking.ConnectionPoolSettings) (errs error) {
if settings == nil {
if settings.Http == nil && settings.Tcp == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("connection pool must have at least one field")
if httpSettings := settings.Http; httpSettings != nil {
if httpSettings.Http1MaxPendingRequests < 0 {
errs = appendErrors(errs, fmt.Errorf("http1 max pending requests must be non-negative"))
if httpSettings.Http2MaxRequests < 0 {
errs = appendErrors(errs, fmt.Errorf("http2 max requests must be non-negative"))
if httpSettings.MaxRequestsPerConnection < 0 {
errs = appendErrors(errs, fmt.Errorf("max requests per connection must be non-negative"))
if httpSettings.MaxRetries < 0 {
errs = appendErrors(errs, fmt.Errorf("max retries must be non-negative"))
if httpSettings.IdleTimeout != nil {
errs = appendErrors(errs, ValidateDuration(httpSettings.IdleTimeout))
if httpSettings.H2UpgradePolicy == networking.ConnectionPoolSettings_HTTPSettings_UPGRADE && httpSettings.UseClientProtocol {
errs = appendErrors(errs, fmt.Errorf("use client protocol must not be true when H2UpgradePolicy is UPGRADE"))
if tcp := settings.Tcp; tcp != nil {
if tcp.MaxConnections < 0 {
errs = appendErrors(errs, fmt.Errorf("max connections must be non-negative"))
if tcp.ConnectTimeout != nil {
errs = appendErrors(errs, ValidateDuration(tcp.ConnectTimeout))
func validateLoadBalancer(settings *networking.LoadBalancerSettings) (errs error) {
if settings == nil {
// simple load balancing is always valid
consistentHash := settings.GetConsistentHash()
if consistentHash != nil {
httpCookie := consistentHash.GetHttpCookie()
if httpCookie != nil {
if httpCookie.Name == "" {
errs = appendErrors(errs, fmt.Errorf("name required for HttpCookie"))
if httpCookie.Ttl == nil {
errs = appendErrors(errs, fmt.Errorf("ttl required for HttpCookie"))
if err := validateLocalityLbSetting(settings.LocalityLbSetting); err != nil {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, err)
func validateTLS(settings *networking.ClientTLSSettings) (errs error) {
if settings == nil {
if (settings.Mode == networking.ClientTLSSettings_SIMPLE || settings.Mode == networking.ClientTLSSettings_MUTUAL) &&
settings.CredentialName != "" {
if settings.ClientCertificate != "" || settings.CaCertificates != "" || settings.PrivateKey != "" {
errs = appendErrors(errs,
fmt.Errorf("cannot specify client certificates or CA certificate If credentialName is set"))
// If tls mode is SIMPLE or MUTUAL, and CredentialName is specified, credentials are fetched
// remotely. ServerCertificate and CaCertificates fields are not required.
if settings.Mode == networking.ClientTLSSettings_MUTUAL {
if settings.ClientCertificate == "" {
errs = appendErrors(errs, fmt.Errorf("client certificate required for mutual tls"))
if settings.PrivateKey == "" {
errs = appendErrors(errs, fmt.Errorf("private key required for mutual tls"))
func validateSubset(subset *networking.Subset) error {
return appendErrors(validateSubsetName(subset.Name),
func validatePortTrafficPolicies(pls []*networking.TrafficPolicy_PortTrafficPolicy) (errs error) {
for _, t := range pls {
if t == nil {
errs = appendErrors(errs, fmt.Errorf("traffic policy may not be null"))
if t.Port == nil {
errs = appendErrors(errs, fmt.Errorf("portTrafficPolicy must have valid port"))
if t.OutlierDetection == nil && t.ConnectionPool == nil &&
t.LoadBalancer == nil && t.Tls == nil {
errs = appendErrors(errs, fmt.Errorf("port traffic policy must have at least one field"))
} else {
errs = appendErrors(errs, validateOutlierDetection(t.OutlierDetection),
// ValidateProxyAddress checks that a network address is well-formed
func ValidateProxyAddress(hostAddr string) error {
hostname, p, err := net.SplitHostPort(hostAddr)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to split %q: %v", hostAddr, err)
port, err := strconv.Atoi(p)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("port (%s) is not a number: %v", p, err)
if err = ValidatePort(port); err != nil {
return err
if err = ValidateFQDN(hostname); err != nil {
ip := net.ParseIP(hostname)
if ip == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%q is not a valid hostname or an IP address", hostname)
return nil
// ValidateDuration checks that a proto duration is well-formed
func ValidateDuration(pd *durationpb.Duration) error {
dur := pd.AsDuration()
if dur < time.Millisecond {
return errors.New("duration must be greater than 1ms")
if dur%time.Millisecond != 0 {
return errors.New("only durations to ms precision are supported")
return nil
// ValidateDurationRange verifies range is in specified duration
func ValidateDurationRange(dur, min, max time.Duration) error {
if dur > max || dur < min {
return fmt.Errorf("time %v must be >%v and <%v", dur.String(), min.String(), max.String())
return nil
// ValidateParentAndDrain checks that parent and drain durations are valid
func ValidateParentAndDrain(drainTime, parentShutdown *durationpb.Duration) (errs error) {
if err := ValidateDuration(drainTime); err != nil {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, multierror.Prefix(err, "invalid drain duration:"))
if err := ValidateDuration(parentShutdown); err != nil {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, multierror.Prefix(err, "invalid parent shutdown duration:"))
if errs != nil {
drainDuration := drainTime.AsDuration()
parentShutdownDuration := parentShutdown.AsDuration()
if drainDuration%time.Second != 0 {
errs = multierror.Append(errs,
errors.New("drain time only supports durations to seconds precision"))
if parentShutdownDuration%time.Second != 0 {
errs = multierror.Append(errs,
errors.New("parent shutdown time only supports durations to seconds precision"))
if parentShutdownDuration <= drainDuration {
errs = multierror.Append(errs,
fmt.Errorf("parent shutdown time %v must be greater than drain time %v",
parentShutdownDuration.String(), drainDuration.String()))
if drainDuration > drainTimeMax {
errs = multierror.Append(errs,
fmt.Errorf("drain time %v must be <%v", drainDuration.String(), drainTimeMax.String()))
if parentShutdownDuration > parentShutdownTimeMax {
errs = multierror.Append(errs,
fmt.Errorf("parent shutdown time %v must be <%v",
parentShutdownDuration.String(), parentShutdownTimeMax.String()))
// ValidateLightstepCollector validates the configuration for sending envoy spans to LightStep
func ValidateLightstepCollector(ls *meshconfig.Tracing_Lightstep) error {
var errs error
if ls.GetAddress() == "" {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, errors.New("address is required"))
if err := ValidateProxyAddress(ls.GetAddress()); err != nil {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, multierror.Prefix(err, "invalid lightstep address:"))
if ls.GetAccessToken() == "" {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, errors.New("access token is required"))
return errs
// validateCustomTags validates that tracing CustomTags map does not contain any nil items
func validateCustomTags(tags map[string]*meshconfig.Tracing_CustomTag) error {
for tagName, tagVal := range tags {
if tagVal == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("encountered nil value for custom tag: %s", tagName)
return nil
// ValidateZipkinCollector validates the configuration for sending envoy spans to Zipkin
func ValidateZipkinCollector(z *meshconfig.Tracing_Zipkin) error {
return ValidateProxyAddress(strings.Replace(z.GetAddress(), "$(HOST_IP)", "", 1))
// ValidateDatadogCollector validates the configuration for sending envoy spans to Datadog
func ValidateDatadogCollector(d *meshconfig.Tracing_Datadog) error {
// If the address contains $(HOST_IP), replace it with a valid IP before validation.
return ValidateProxyAddress(strings.Replace(d.GetAddress(), "$(HOST_IP)", "", 1))
// ValidateConnectTimeout validates the envoy connection timeout
func ValidateConnectTimeout(timeout *durationpb.Duration) error {
if err := ValidateDuration(timeout); err != nil {
return err
err := ValidateDurationRange(timeout.AsDuration(), connectTimeoutMin, connectTimeoutMax)
return err
// ValidateProtocolDetectionTimeout validates the envoy protocol detection timeout
func ValidateProtocolDetectionTimeout(timeout *durationpb.Duration) error {
dur := timeout.AsDuration()
// 0s is a valid value if trying to disable protocol detection timeout
if dur == time.Second*0 {
return nil
if dur%time.Millisecond != 0 {
return errors.New("only durations to ms precision are supported")
return nil
// ValidateMaxServerConnectionAge validate negative duration
func ValidateMaxServerConnectionAge(in time.Duration) error {
if err := IsNegativeDuration(in); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%v: --keepaliveMaxServerConnectionAge only accepts positive duration eg: 30m", err)
return nil
// IsNegativeDuration check if the duration is negative
func IsNegativeDuration(in time.Duration) error {
if in < 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid duration: %s", in.String())
return nil
// ValidateMeshConfig checks that the mesh config is well-formed
func ValidateMeshConfig(mesh *meshconfig.MeshConfig) (errs error) {
if err := ValidatePort(int(mesh.ProxyListenPort)); err != nil {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, multierror.Prefix(err, "invalid proxy listen port:"))
if err := ValidateConnectTimeout(mesh.ConnectTimeout); err != nil {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, multierror.Prefix(err, "invalid connect timeout:"))
if err := ValidateProtocolDetectionTimeout(mesh.ProtocolDetectionTimeout); err != nil {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, multierror.Prefix(err, "invalid protocol detection timeout:"))
if mesh.DefaultConfig == nil {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, errors.New("missing default config"))
} else if err := ValidateMeshConfigProxyConfig(mesh.DefaultConfig); err != nil {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, err)
if err := validateLocalityLbSetting(mesh.LocalityLbSetting); err != nil {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, err)
if err := validateServiceSettings(mesh); err != nil {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, err)
if err := validateTrustDomainConfig(mesh); err != nil {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, err)
if err := validateExtensionProvider(mesh); err != nil {
scope.Warnf("found invalid extension provider (can be ignored if the given extension provider is not used): %v", err)
func validateTrustDomainConfig(config *meshconfig.MeshConfig) (errs error) {
if err := ValidateTrustDomain(config.TrustDomain); err != nil {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, fmt.Errorf("trustDomain: %v", err))
for i, tda := range config.TrustDomainAliases {
if err := ValidateTrustDomain(tda); err != nil {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, fmt.Errorf("trustDomainAliases[%d], domain `%s` : %v", i, tda, err))
func validateServiceSettings(config *meshconfig.MeshConfig) (errs error) {
for sIndex, s := range config.ServiceSettings {
for _, h := range s.Hosts {
if err := ValidateWildcardDomain(h); err != nil {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, fmt.Errorf("serviceSettings[%d], host `%s`: %v", sIndex, h, err))
func validatePrivateKeyProvider(pkpConf *meshconfig.PrivateKeyProvider) error {
var errs error
if pkpConf.GetProvider() == nil {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, errors.New("private key provider confguration is required"))
switch pkpConf.GetProvider().(type) {
case *meshconfig.PrivateKeyProvider_Cryptomb:
cryptomb := pkpConf.GetCryptomb()
if cryptomb == nil {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, errors.New("cryptomb confguration is required"))
} else {
pollDelay := cryptomb.GetPollDelay()
if pollDelay == nil {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, errors.New("pollDelay is required"))
} else if pollDelay.GetSeconds() == 0 && pollDelay.GetNanos() == 0 {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, errors.New("pollDelay must be non zero"))
errs = multierror.Append(errs, errors.New("unknown private key provider"))
return errs
// ValidateMeshConfigProxyConfig checks that the mesh config is well-formed
func ValidateMeshConfigProxyConfig(config *meshconfig.ProxyConfig) (errs error) {
if config.ConfigPath == "" {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, errors.New("config path must be set"))
if config.BinaryPath == "" {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, errors.New("binary path must be set"))
clusterName := config.GetClusterName()
switch naming := clusterName.(type) {
case *meshconfig.ProxyConfig_ServiceCluster:
if naming.ServiceCluster == "" {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, errors.New("service cluster must be specified"))
case *meshconfig.ProxyConfig_TracingServiceName_: // intentionally left empty for now
errs = multierror.Append(errs, errors.New("oneof service cluster or tracing service name must be specified"))
if err := ValidateParentAndDrain(config.DrainDuration, config.ParentShutdownDuration); err != nil {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, multierror.Prefix(err, "invalid parent and drain time combination"))
// discovery address is mandatory since mutual TLS relies on CDS.
// strictly speaking, proxies can operate without RDS/CDS and with hot restarts
// but that requires additional test validation
if config.DiscoveryAddress == "" {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, errors.New("discovery address must be set to the proxy discovery service"))
} else if err := ValidateProxyAddress(config.DiscoveryAddress); err != nil {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, multierror.Prefix(err, "invalid discovery address:"))
if tracer := config.GetTracing().GetLightstep(); tracer != nil {
if err := ValidateLightstepCollector(tracer); err != nil {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, multierror.Prefix(err, "invalid lightstep config:"))
if tracer := config.GetTracing().GetZipkin(); tracer != nil {
if err := ValidateZipkinCollector(tracer); err != nil {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, multierror.Prefix(err, "invalid zipkin config:"))
if tracer := config.GetTracing().GetDatadog(); tracer != nil {
if err := ValidateDatadogCollector(tracer); err != nil {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, multierror.Prefix(err, "invalid datadog config:"))
if tracer := config.GetTracing().GetTlsSettings(); tracer != nil {
if err := validateTLS(tracer); err != nil {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, multierror.Prefix(err, "invalid tracing TLS config:"))
if tracerCustomTags := config.GetTracing().GetCustomTags(); tracerCustomTags != nil {
if err := validateCustomTags(tracerCustomTags); err != nil {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, multierror.Prefix(err, "invalid tracing custom tags:"))
if config.StatsdUdpAddress != "" {
if err := ValidateProxyAddress(config.StatsdUdpAddress); err != nil {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, multierror.Prefix(err, fmt.Sprintf("invalid statsd udp address %q:", config.StatsdUdpAddress)))
// nolint: staticcheck
if config.EnvoyMetricsServiceAddress != "" {
if err := ValidateProxyAddress(config.EnvoyMetricsServiceAddress); err != nil {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, multierror.Prefix(err, fmt.Sprintf("invalid envoy metrics service address %q:", config.EnvoyMetricsServiceAddress)))
} else {
scope.Warnf("EnvoyMetricsServiceAddress is deprecated, use EnvoyMetricsService instead.") // nolint: stylecheck
if config.EnvoyMetricsService != nil && config.EnvoyMetricsService.Address != "" {
if err := ValidateProxyAddress(config.EnvoyMetricsService.Address); err != nil {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, multierror.Prefix(err, fmt.Sprintf("invalid envoy metrics service address %q:", config.EnvoyMetricsService.Address)))
if config.EnvoyAccessLogService != nil && config.EnvoyAccessLogService.Address != "" {
if err := ValidateProxyAddress(config.EnvoyAccessLogService.Address); err != nil {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, multierror.Prefix(err, fmt.Sprintf("invalid envoy access log service address %q:", config.EnvoyAccessLogService.Address)))
if err := ValidatePort(int(config.ProxyAdminPort)); err != nil {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, multierror.Prefix(err, "invalid proxy admin port:"))
if err := ValidateControlPlaneAuthPolicy(config.ControlPlaneAuthPolicy); err != nil {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, multierror.Prefix(err, "invalid authentication policy:"))
if err := ValidatePort(int(config.StatusPort)); err != nil {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, multierror.Prefix(err, "invalid status port:"))
if pkpConf := config.GetPrivateKeyProvider(); pkpConf != nil {
if err := validatePrivateKeyProvider(pkpConf); err != nil {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, multierror.Prefix(err, "invalid private key provider confguration:"))
func ValidateControlPlaneAuthPolicy(policy meshconfig.AuthenticationPolicy) error {
if policy == meshconfig.AuthenticationPolicy_NONE || policy == meshconfig.AuthenticationPolicy_MUTUAL_TLS {
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("unrecognized control plane auth policy %q", policy)
func validateWorkloadSelector(selector *type_beta.WorkloadSelector) error {
var errs error
if selector != nil {
for k, v := range selector.MatchLabels {
if k == "" {
errs = appendErrors(errs,
fmt.Errorf("empty key is not supported in selector: %q", fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", k, v)))
if strings.Contains(k, "*") || strings.Contains(v, "*") {
errs = appendErrors(errs,
fmt.Errorf("wildcard is not supported in selector: %q", fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", k, v)))
return errs
// ValidateAuthorizationPolicy checks that AuthorizationPolicy is well-formed.
var ValidateAuthorizationPolicy = registerValidateFunc("ValidateAuthorizationPolicy",
func(cfg config.Config) (Warning, error) {
in, ok := cfg.Spec.(*security_beta.AuthorizationPolicy)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot cast to AuthorizationPolicy")
var errs error
if err := validateWorkloadSelector(in.Selector); err != nil {
errs = appendErrors(errs, err)
if in.Action == security_beta.AuthorizationPolicy_CUSTOM {
if in.Rules == nil {
errs = appendErrors(errs, fmt.Errorf("CUSTOM action without `rules` is meaningless as it will never be triggered, "+
"add an empty rule `{}` if you want it be triggered for every request"))
} else {
if in.GetProvider() == nil || in.GetProvider().GetName() == "" {
errs = appendErrors(errs, fmt.Errorf("`` must not be empty"))
// TODO(yangminzhu): Add support for more matching rules.
for _, rule := range in.GetRules() {
check := func(invalid bool, name string) error {
if invalid {
return fmt.Errorf("%s is currently not supported with CUSTOM action", name)
return nil
for _, from := range rule.GetFrom() {
if src := from.GetSource(); src != nil {
errs = appendErrors(errs, check(len(src.Namespaces) != 0, "From.Namespaces"))
errs = appendErrors(errs, check(len(src.NotNamespaces) != 0, "From.NotNamespaces"))
errs = appendErrors(errs, check(len(src.Principals) != 0, "From.Principals"))
errs = appendErrors(errs, check(len(src.NotPrincipals) != 0, "From.NotPrincipals"))
errs = appendErrors(errs, check(len(src.RequestPrincipals) != 0, "From.RequestPrincipals"))
errs = appendErrors(errs, check(len(src.NotRequestPrincipals) != 0, "From.NotRequestPrincipals"))
for _, when := range rule.GetWhen() {
errs = appendErrors(errs, check(when.Key == "source.namespace", when.Key))
errs = appendErrors(errs, check(when.Key == "source.principal", when.Key))
errs = appendErrors(errs, check(strings.HasPrefix(when.Key, "request.auth."), when.Key))
if in.GetProvider() != nil && in.Action != security_beta.AuthorizationPolicy_CUSTOM {
errs = appendErrors(errs, fmt.Errorf("`provider` must not be with non CUSTOM action, found %s", in.Action))
if in.Action == security_beta.AuthorizationPolicy_DENY && in.Rules == nil {
errs = appendErrors(errs, fmt.Errorf("DENY action without `rules` is meaningless as it will never be triggered, "+
"add an empty rule `{}` if you want it be triggered for every request"))
for i, rule := range in.GetRules() {
if rule == nil {
errs = appendErrors(errs, fmt.Errorf("`rule` must not be nil, found at rule %d", i))
if rule.From != nil && len(rule.From) == 0 {
errs = appendErrors(errs, fmt.Errorf("`from` must not be empty, found at rule %d", i))
for _, from := range rule.From {
if from == nil {
errs = appendErrors(errs, fmt.Errorf("`from` must not be nil, found at rule %d", i))
if from.Source == nil {
errs = appendErrors(errs, fmt.Errorf("`from.source` must not be nil, found at rule %d", i))
} else {
src := from.Source
if len(src.Principals) == 0 && len(src.RequestPrincipals) == 0 && len(src.Namespaces) == 0 && len(src.IpBlocks) == 0 &&
len(src.RemoteIpBlocks) == 0 && len(src.NotPrincipals) == 0 && len(src.NotRequestPrincipals) == 0 && len(src.NotNamespaces) == 0 &&
len(src.NotIpBlocks) == 0 && len(src.NotRemoteIpBlocks) == 0 {
errs = appendErrors(errs, fmt.Errorf("`from.source` must not be empty, found at rule %d", i))
errs = appendErrors(errs, security.ValidateIPs(from.Source.GetIpBlocks()))
errs = appendErrors(errs, security.ValidateIPs(from.Source.GetNotIpBlocks()))
errs = appendErrors(errs, security.ValidateIPs(from.Source.GetRemoteIpBlocks()))
errs = appendErrors(errs, security.ValidateIPs(from.Source.GetNotRemoteIpBlocks()))
errs = appendErrors(errs, security.CheckEmptyValues("Principals", src.Principals))
errs = appendErrors(errs, security.CheckEmptyValues("RequestPrincipals", src.RequestPrincipals))
errs = appendErrors(errs, security.CheckEmptyValues("Namespaces", src.Namespaces))
errs = appendErrors(errs, security.CheckEmptyValues("IpBlocks", src.IpBlocks))
errs = appendErrors(errs, security.CheckEmptyValues("RemoteIpBlocks", src.RemoteIpBlocks))
errs = appendErrors(errs, security.CheckEmptyValues("NotPrincipals", src.NotPrincipals))
errs = appendErrors(errs, security.CheckEmptyValues("NotRequestPrincipals", src.NotRequestPrincipals))
errs = appendErrors(errs, security.CheckEmptyValues("NotNamespaces", src.NotNamespaces))
errs = appendErrors(errs, security.CheckEmptyValues("NotIpBlocks", src.NotIpBlocks))
errs = appendErrors(errs, security.CheckEmptyValues("NotRemoteIpBlocks", src.NotRemoteIpBlocks))
if rule.To != nil && len(rule.To) == 0 {
errs = appendErrors(errs, fmt.Errorf("`to` must not be empty, found at rule %d", i))
for _, to := range rule.To {
if to == nil {
errs = appendErrors(errs, fmt.Errorf("`to` must not be nil, found at rule %d", i))
if to.Operation == nil {
errs = appendErrors(errs, fmt.Errorf("`to.operation` must not be nil, found at rule %d", i))
} else {
op := to.Operation
if len(op.Ports) == 0 && len(op.Methods) == 0 && len(op.Paths) == 0 && len(op.Hosts) == 0 &&
len(op.NotPorts) == 0 && len(op.NotMethods) == 0 && len(op.NotPaths) == 0 && len(op.NotHosts) == 0 {
errs = appendErrors(errs, fmt.Errorf("`to.operation` must not be empty, found at rule %d", i))
errs = appendErrors(errs, security.ValidatePorts(to.Operation.GetPorts()))
errs = appendErrors(errs, security.ValidatePorts(to.Operation.GetNotPorts()))
errs = appendErrors(errs, security.CheckEmptyValues("Ports", op.Ports))
errs = appendErrors(errs, security.CheckEmptyValues("Methods", op.Methods))
errs = appendErrors(errs, security.CheckEmptyValues("Paths", op.Paths))
errs = appendErrors(errs, security.CheckEmptyValues("Hosts", op.Hosts))
errs = appendErrors(errs, security.CheckEmptyValues("NotPorts", op.NotPorts))
errs = appendErrors(errs, security.CheckEmptyValues("NotMethods", op.NotMethods))
errs = appendErrors(errs, security.CheckEmptyValues("NotPaths", op.NotPaths))
errs = appendErrors(errs, security.CheckEmptyValues("NotHosts", op.NotHosts))
for _, condition := range rule.GetWhen() {
key := condition.GetKey()
if key == "" {
errs = appendErrors(errs, fmt.Errorf("`key` must not be empty"))
} else {
if len(condition.GetValues()) == 0 && len(condition.GetNotValues()) == 0 {
errs = appendErrors(errs, fmt.Errorf("at least one of `values` or `notValues` must be set for key %s",
} else {
if err := security.ValidateAttribute(key, condition.GetValues()); err != nil {
errs = appendErrors(errs, fmt.Errorf("invalid `value` for `key` %s: %v", key, err))
if err := security.ValidateAttribute(key, condition.GetNotValues()); err != nil {
errs = appendErrors(errs, fmt.Errorf("invalid `notValue` for `key` %s: %v", key, err))
return nil, multierror.Prefix(errs, fmt.Sprintf("invalid policy %s.%s:", cfg.Name, cfg.Namespace))
// ValidateRequestAuthentication checks that request authentication spec is well-formed.
var ValidateRequestAuthentication = registerValidateFunc("ValidateRequestAuthentication",
func(cfg config.Config) (Warning, error) {
in, ok := cfg.Spec.(*security_beta.RequestAuthentication)
if !ok {
return nil, errors.New("cannot cast to RequestAuthentication")
var errs error
errs = appendErrors(errs, validateWorkloadSelector(in.Selector))
for _, rule := range in.JwtRules {
errs = appendErrors(errs, validateJwtRule(rule))
return nil, errs
func validateJwtRule(rule *security_beta.JWTRule) (errs error) {
if rule == nil {
return nil
if len(rule.Issuer) == 0 {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, errors.New("issuer must be set"))
for _, audience := range rule.Audiences {
if len(audience) == 0 {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, errors.New("audience must be non-empty string"))
if len(rule.JwksUri) != 0 {
if _, err := security.ParseJwksURI(rule.JwksUri); err != nil {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, err)
if rule.Jwks != "" {
_, err := jwk.Parse([]byte(rule.Jwks))
if err != nil {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, fmt.Errorf("jwks parse error: %v", err))
for _, location := range rule.FromHeaders {
if location == nil {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, errors.New("location header name must be non-null"))
if len(location.Name) == 0 {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, errors.New("location header name must be non-empty string"))
for _, location := range rule.FromParams {
if len(location) == 0 {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, errors.New("location query must be non-empty string"))
// ValidatePeerAuthentication checks that peer authentication spec is well-formed.
var ValidatePeerAuthentication = registerValidateFunc("ValidatePeerAuthentication",
func(cfg config.Config) (Warning, error) {
in, ok := cfg.Spec.(*security_beta.PeerAuthentication)
if !ok {
return nil, errors.New("cannot cast to PeerAuthentication")
var errs error
emptySelector := in.Selector == nil || len(in.Selector.MatchLabels) == 0
if emptySelector && len(in.PortLevelMtls) != 0 {
errs = appendErrors(errs,
fmt.Errorf("mesh/namespace peer authentication cannot have port level mTLS"))
if in.PortLevelMtls != nil && len(in.PortLevelMtls) == 0 {
errs = appendErrors(errs,
fmt.Errorf("port level mTLS, if defined, must have at least one element"))
for port := range in.PortLevelMtls {
if port == 0 {
errs = appendErrors(errs, fmt.Errorf("port cannot be 0"))
errs = appendErrors(errs, validateWorkloadSelector(in.Selector))
return nil, errs
// ValidateVirtualService checks that a v1alpha3 route rule is well-formed.
var ValidateVirtualService = registerValidateFunc("ValidateVirtualService",
func(cfg config.Config) (Warning, error) {
virtualService, ok := cfg.Spec.(*networking.VirtualService)
if !ok {
return nil, errors.New("cannot cast to virtual service")
errs := Validation{}
if len(virtualService.Hosts) == 0 {
// This must be delegate - enforce delegate validations.
if len(virtualService.Gateways) != 0 {
// meaningless to specify gateways in delegate
errs = appendValidation(errs, fmt.Errorf("delegate virtual service must have no gateways specified"))
if len(virtualService.Tls) != 0 {
// meaningless to specify tls in delegate, we donot support tls delegate
errs = appendValidation(errs, fmt.Errorf("delegate virtual service must have no tls route specified"))
if len(virtualService.Tcp) != 0 {
// meaningless to specify tls in delegate, we donot support tcp delegate
errs = appendValidation(errs, fmt.Errorf("delegate virtual service must have no tcp route specified"))
appliesToMesh := false
appliesToGateway := false
if len(virtualService.Gateways) == 0 {
appliesToMesh = true
} else {
errs = appendValidation(errs, validateGatewayNames(virtualService.Gateways))
for _, gatewayName := range virtualService.Gateways {
if gatewayName == constants.IstioMeshGateway {
appliesToMesh = true
} else {
appliesToGateway = true
if !appliesToGateway {
validateJWTClaimRoute := func(headers map[string]*networking.StringMatch) {
for key := range headers {
if strings.HasPrefix(key, constant.HeaderJWTClaim) {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("JWT claim based routing (key: %s) is only supported for gateway, found no gateways: %v", key, virtualService.Gateways)
errs = appendValidation(errs, errors.New(msg))
for _, http := range virtualService.GetHttp() {
for _, m := range http.GetMatch() {
allHostsValid := true
for _, virtualHost := range virtualService.Hosts {
if err := ValidateWildcardDomain(virtualHost); err != nil {
ipAddr := net.ParseIP(virtualHost) // Could also be an IP
if ipAddr == nil {
errs = appendValidation(errs, err)
allHostsValid = false
} else if appliesToMesh && virtualHost == "*" {
errs = appendValidation(errs, fmt.Errorf("wildcard host * is not allowed for virtual services bound to the mesh gateway"))
allHostsValid = false
// Check for duplicate hosts
// Duplicates include literal duplicates as well as wildcard duplicates
// E.g., *, and *.com are duplicates in the same virtual service
if allHostsValid {
for i := 0; i < len(virtualService.Hosts); i++ {
hostI := host.Name(virtualService.Hosts[i])
for j := i + 1; j < len(virtualService.Hosts); j++ {
hostJ := host.Name(virtualService.Hosts[j])
if hostI.Matches(hostJ) {
errs = appendValidation(errs, fmt.Errorf("duplicate hosts in virtual service: %s & %s", hostI, hostJ))
if len(virtualService.Http) == 0 && len(virtualService.Tcp) == 0 && len(virtualService.Tls) == 0 {
errs = appendValidation(errs, errors.New("http, tcp or tls must be provided in virtual service"))
for _, httpRoute := range virtualService.Http {
if httpRoute == nil {
errs = appendValidation(errs, errors.New("http route may not be null"))
errs = appendValidation(errs, validateHTTPRoute(httpRoute, len(virtualService.Hosts) == 0))
for _, tlsRoute := range virtualService.Tls {
errs = appendValidation(errs, validateTLSRoute(tlsRoute, virtualService))
for _, tcpRoute := range virtualService.Tcp {
errs = appendValidation(errs, validateTCPRoute(tcpRoute))
errs = appendValidation(errs, validateExportTo(cfg.Namespace, virtualService.ExportTo, false, false))
warnUnused := func(ruleno, reason string) {
errs = appendValidation(errs, WrapWarning(&AnalysisAwareError{
Type: "VirtualServiceUnreachableRule",
Msg: fmt.Sprintf("virtualService rule %v not used (%s)", ruleno, reason),
Parameters: []interface{}{ruleno, reason},
warnIneffective := func(ruleno, matchno, dupno string) {
errs = appendValidation(errs, WrapWarning(&AnalysisAwareError{
Type: "VirtualServiceIneffectiveMatch",
Msg: fmt.Sprintf("virtualService rule %v match %v is not used (duplicate/overlapping match in rule %v)", ruleno, matchno, dupno),
Parameters: []interface{}{ruleno, matchno, dupno},
analyzeUnreachableHTTPRules(virtualService.Http, warnUnused, warnIneffective)
analyzeUnreachableTCPRules(virtualService.Tcp, warnUnused, warnIneffective)
analyzeUnreachableTLSRules(virtualService.Tls, warnUnused, warnIneffective)
return errs.Unwrap()
func assignExactOrPrefix(exact, prefix string) string {
if exact != "" {
return matchExact + exact
if prefix != "" {
return matchPrefix + prefix
return ""
// genMatchHTTPRoutes build the match rules into struct OverlappingMatchValidationForHTTPRoute
// based on particular HTTPMatchRequest, according to comments on
// only support Match's port, method, authority, headers, query params and nonheaders for now.
func genMatchHTTPRoutes(route *networking.HTTPRoute, match *networking.HTTPMatchRequest,
rulen, matchn int) (matchHTTPRoutes *OverlappingMatchValidationForHTTPRoute) {
// skip current match if no match field for current route
if match == nil {
return nil
// skip current match if no URI field
if match.Uri == nil {
return nil
// store all httproute with prefix match uri
tmpPrefix := match.Uri.GetPrefix()
if tmpPrefix != "" {
// set Method
methodExact := match.Method.GetExact()
methodPrefix := match.Method.GetPrefix()
methodMatch := assignExactOrPrefix(methodExact, methodPrefix)
// if no method information, it should be GET by default
if methodMatch == "" {
methodMatch = matchExact + "GET"
// set Authority
authorityExact := match.Authority.GetExact()
authorityPrefix := match.Authority.GetPrefix()
authorityMatch := assignExactOrPrefix(authorityExact, authorityPrefix)
// set Headers
headerMap := make(map[string]string)
for hkey, hvalue := range match.Headers {
hvalueExact := hvalue.GetExact()
hvaluePrefix := hvalue.GetPrefix()
hvalueMatch := assignExactOrPrefix(hvalueExact, hvaluePrefix)
headerMap[hkey] = hvalueMatch
// set QueryParams
QPMap := make(map[string]string)
for qpkey, qpvalue := range match.QueryParams {
qpvalueExact := qpvalue.GetExact()
qpvaluePrefix := qpvalue.GetPrefix()
qpvalueMatch := assignExactOrPrefix(qpvalueExact, qpvaluePrefix)
QPMap[qpkey] = qpvalueMatch
// set WithoutHeaders
noHeaderMap := make(map[string]string)
for nhkey, nhvalue := range match.WithoutHeaders {
nhvalueExact := nhvalue.GetExact()
nhvaluePrefix := nhvalue.GetPrefix()
nhvalueMatch := assignExactOrPrefix(nhvalueExact, nhvaluePrefix)
noHeaderMap[nhkey] = nhvalueMatch
matchHTTPRoutes = &OverlappingMatchValidationForHTTPRoute{
routeName(route, rulen),
requestName(match, matchn),
return nil
// coveredValidation validate the overlapping match between two instance of OverlappingMatchValidationForHTTPRoute
func coveredValidation(vA, vB *OverlappingMatchValidationForHTTPRoute) bool {
// check the URI overlapping match, such as vB.Prefix is '/debugs' and vA.Prefix is '/debug'
if strings.HasPrefix(vB.Prefix, vA.Prefix) {
// check the port field
if vB.MatchPort != vA.MatchPort {
return false
// check the match method
if vA.MatchMethod != vB.MatchMethod {
if !strings.HasPrefix(vA.MatchMethod, vB.MatchMethod) {
return false
// check the match authority
if vA.MatchAuthority != vB.MatchAuthority {
if !strings.HasPrefix(vA.MatchAuthority, vB.MatchAuthority) {
return false
// check the match Headers
vAHeaderLen := len(vA.MatchHeaders)
vBHeaderLen := len(vB.MatchHeaders)
if vAHeaderLen != vBHeaderLen {
return false
for hdKey, hdValue := range vA.MatchHeaders {
vBhdValue, ok := vB.MatchHeaders[hdKey]
if !ok {
return false
} else if hdValue != vBhdValue {
if !strings.HasPrefix(hdValue, vBhdValue) {
return false
// check the match QueryParams
vAQPLen := len(vA.MatchQueryParams)
vBQPLen := len(vB.MatchQueryParams)
if vAQPLen != vBQPLen {
return false
for qpKey, qpValue := range vA.MatchQueryParams {
vBqpValue, ok := vB.MatchQueryParams[qpKey]
if !ok {
return false
} else if qpValue != vBqpValue {
if !strings.HasPrefix(qpValue, vBqpValue) {
return false
// check the match NonHeaders
vANonHDLen := len(vA.MatchNonHeaders)
vBNonHDLen := len(vB.MatchNonHeaders)
if vANonHDLen != vBNonHDLen {
return false
for nhKey, nhValue := range vA.MatchNonHeaders {
vBnhValue, ok := vB.MatchNonHeaders[nhKey]
if !ok {
return false
} else if nhValue != vBnhValue {
if !strings.HasPrefix(nhValue, vBnhValue) {
return false
} else {
// no URI overlapping match
return false
return true
func analyzeUnreachableHTTPRules(routes []*networking.HTTPRoute,
reportUnreachable func(ruleno, reason string), reportIneffective func(ruleno, matchno, dupno string)) {
matchesEncountered := make(map[string]int)
emptyMatchEncountered := -1
var matchHTTPRoutes []*OverlappingMatchValidationForHTTPRoute
for rulen, route := range routes {
if route == nil {
if len(route.Match) == 0 {
if emptyMatchEncountered >= 0 {
reportUnreachable(routeName(route, rulen), "only the last rule can have no matches")
emptyMatchEncountered = rulen
duplicateMatches := 0
for matchn, match := range route.Match {
dupn, ok := matchesEncountered[asJSON(match)]
if ok {
reportIneffective(routeName(route, rulen), requestName(match, matchn), routeName(routes[dupn], dupn))
// no need to handle for totally duplicated match rules
matchesEncountered[asJSON(match)] = rulen
// build the match rules into struct OverlappingMatchValidationForHTTPRoute based on current match
matchHTTPRoute := genMatchHTTPRoutes(route, match, rulen, matchn)
if matchHTTPRoute != nil {
matchHTTPRoutes = append(matchHTTPRoutes, matchHTTPRoute)
if duplicateMatches == len(route.Match) {
reportUnreachable(routeName(route, rulen), "all matches used by prior rules")
// at least 2 prefix matched routes for overlapping match validation
if len(matchHTTPRoutes) > 1 {
// check the overlapping match from the first prefix information
for routeIndex, routePrefix := range matchHTTPRoutes {
for rIndex := routeIndex + 1; rIndex < len(matchHTTPRoutes); rIndex++ {
// exclude the duplicate-match cases which have been validated above
if strings.Compare(matchHTTPRoutes[rIndex].Prefix, routePrefix.Prefix) == 0 {
// Validate former prefix match does not cover the latter one.
if coveredValidation(routePrefix, matchHTTPRoutes[rIndex]) {
prefixMatchA := matchHTTPRoutes[rIndex].MatchStr + " of prefix " + matchHTTPRoutes[rIndex].Prefix
prefixMatchB := routePrefix.MatchStr + " of prefix " + routePrefix.Prefix + " on " + routePrefix.RouteStr
reportIneffective(matchHTTPRoutes[rIndex].RouteStr, prefixMatchA, prefixMatchB)
// NOTE: This method identical to analyzeUnreachableHTTPRules.
func analyzeUnreachableTCPRules(routes []*networking.TCPRoute,
reportUnreachable func(ruleno, reason string), reportIneffective func(ruleno, matchno, dupno string)) {
matchesEncountered := make(map[string]int)
emptyMatchEncountered := -1
for rulen, route := range routes {
if route == nil {
if len(route.Match) == 0 {
if emptyMatchEncountered >= 0 {
reportUnreachable(routeName(route, rulen), "only the last rule can have no matches")
emptyMatchEncountered = rulen
duplicateMatches := 0
for matchn, match := range route.Match {
dupn, ok := matchesEncountered[asJSON(match)]
if ok {
reportIneffective(routeName(route, rulen), requestName(match, matchn), routeName(routes[dupn], dupn))
} else {
matchesEncountered[asJSON(match)] = rulen
if duplicateMatches == len(route.Match) {
reportUnreachable(routeName(route, rulen), "all matches used by prior rules")
// NOTE: This method identical to analyzeUnreachableHTTPRules.
func analyzeUnreachableTLSRules(routes []*networking.TLSRoute,
reportUnreachable func(ruleno, reason string), reportIneffective func(ruleno, matchno, dupno string)) {
matchesEncountered := make(map[string]int)
emptyMatchEncountered := -1
for rulen, route := range routes {
if route == nil {
if len(route.Match) == 0 {
if emptyMatchEncountered >= 0 {
reportUnreachable(routeName(route, rulen), "only the last rule can have no matches")
emptyMatchEncountered = rulen
duplicateMatches := 0
for matchn, match := range route.Match {
dupn, ok := matchesEncountered[asJSON(match)]
if ok {
reportIneffective(routeName(route, rulen), requestName(match, matchn), routeName(routes[dupn], dupn))
} else {
matchesEncountered[asJSON(match)] = rulen
if duplicateMatches == len(route.Match) {
reportUnreachable(routeName(route, rulen), "all matches used by prior rules")
// asJSON() creates a JSON serialization of a match, to use for match comparison. We don't use the JSON itself.
func asJSON(data interface{}) string {
// Remove the name, so we can create a serialization that only includes traffic routing config
switch mr := data.(type) {
case *networking.HTTPMatchRequest:
if mr != nil && mr.Name != "" {
cl := &networking.HTTPMatchRequest{}
protomarshal.ShallowCopy(cl, mr)
cl.Name = ""
data = cl
b, err := json.Marshal(data)
if err != nil {
return err.Error()
return string(b)
func routeName(route interface{}, routen int) string {
switch r := route.(type) {
case *networking.HTTPRoute:
if r.Name != "" {
return fmt.Sprintf("%q", r.Name)
// TCP and TLS routes have no names
return fmt.Sprintf("#%d", routen)
func requestName(match interface{}, matchn int) string {
switch mr := match.(type) {
case *networking.HTTPMatchRequest:
if mr != nil && mr.Name != "" {
return fmt.Sprintf("%q", mr.Name)
// TCP and TLS matches have no names
return fmt.Sprintf("#%d", matchn)
func validateTLSRoute(tls *networking.TLSRoute, context *networking.VirtualService) (errs Validation) {
if tls == nil {
if len(tls.Match) == 0 {
errs = appendValidation(errs, errors.New("TLS route must have at least one match condition"))
for _, match := range tls.Match {
errs = appendValidation(errs, validateTLSMatch(match, context))
if len(tls.Route) == 0 {
errs = appendValidation(errs, errors.New("TLS route is required"))
errs = appendValidation(errs, validateRouteDestinations(tls.Route))
return errs
func validateTLSMatch(match *networking.TLSMatchAttributes, context *networking.VirtualService) (errs Validation) {
if match == nil {
errs = appendValidation(errs, errors.New("TLS match may not be null"))
if len(match.SniHosts) == 0 {
errs = appendValidation(errs, fmt.Errorf("TLS match must have at least one SNI host"))
} else {
for _, sniHost := range match.SniHosts {
errs = appendValidation(errs, validateSniHost(sniHost, context))
for _, destinationSubnet := range match.DestinationSubnets {
errs = appendValidation(errs, ValidateIPSubnet(destinationSubnet))
if match.Port != 0 {
errs = appendValidation(errs, ValidatePort(int(match.Port)))
errs = appendValidation(errs, labels.Instance(match.SourceLabels).Validate())
errs = appendValidation(errs, validateGatewayNames(match.Gateways))
func validateSniHost(sniHost string, context *networking.VirtualService) (errs Validation) {
if err := ValidateWildcardDomain(sniHost); err != nil {
ipAddr := net.ParseIP(sniHost) // Could also be an IP
if ipAddr != nil {
errs = appendValidation(errs, WrapWarning(fmt.Errorf("using an IP address (%q) goes against SNI spec and most clients do not support this", ipAddr)))
return appendValidation(errs, err)
sniHostname := host.Name(sniHost)
for _, hostname := range context.Hosts {
if sniHostname.SubsetOf(host.Name(hostname)) {
return appendValidation(errs, fmt.Errorf("SNI host %q is not a compatible subset of any of the virtual service hosts: [%s]",
sniHost, strings.Join(context.Hosts, ", ")))
func validateTCPRoute(tcp *networking.TCPRoute) (errs error) {
if tcp == nil {
return nil
for _, match := range tcp.Match {
errs = appendErrors(errs, validateTCPMatch(match))
if len(tcp.Route) == 0 {
errs = appendErrors(errs, errors.New("TCP route is required"))
errs = appendErrors(errs, validateRouteDestinations(tcp.Route))
func validateTCPMatch(match *networking.L4MatchAttributes) (errs error) {
if match == nil {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, errors.New("tcp match may not be nil"))
for _, destinationSubnet := range match.DestinationSubnets {
errs = appendErrors(errs, ValidateIPSubnet(destinationSubnet))
if match.Port != 0 {
errs = appendErrors(errs, ValidatePort(int(match.Port)))
errs = appendErrors(errs, labels.Instance(match.SourceLabels).Validate())
errs = appendErrors(errs, validateGatewayNames(match.Gateways))
func validateStringMatchRegexp(sm *networking.StringMatch, where string) error {
switch sm.GetMatchType().(type) {
case *networking.StringMatch_Regex:
return nil
re := sm.GetRegex()
if re == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("%q: regex string match should not be empty", where)
// Envoy enforces a re2.max_program_size.error_level re2 program size is not the same as length,
// but it is always *larger* than length. Because goland does not have a way to evaluate the
// program size, we approximate by the length. To ensure that a program that is smaller than 1024
// length but larger than 1024 size does not enter the system, we program Envoy to allow very large
// regexs to avoid NACKs. See
// to
// evaluate program size.
if len(re) > 1024 {
return fmt.Errorf("%q: regex is too large, max length allowed is 1024", where)
_, err := regexp.Compile(re)
if err == nil {
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("%q: %w; Istio uses RE2 style regex-based match (", where, err)
func validateGatewayNames(gatewayNames []string) (errs Validation) {
for _, gatewayName := range gatewayNames {
parts := strings.SplitN(gatewayName, "/", 2)
if len(parts) != 2 {
if strings.Contains(gatewayName, ".") {
// Legacy FQDN style
parts := strings.Split(gatewayName, ".")
recommended := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", parts[1], parts[0])
errs = appendValidation(errs, WrapWarning(fmt.Errorf(
"using legacy gatewayName format %q; prefer the <namespace>/<name> format: %q", gatewayName, recommended)))
errs = appendValidation(errs, ValidateFQDN(gatewayName))
if len(parts[0]) == 0 || len(parts[1]) == 0 {
errs = appendValidation(errs, fmt.Errorf("config namespace and gateway name cannot be empty"))
// namespace and name must be DNS labels
if !labels.IsDNS1123Label(parts[0]) {
errs = appendValidation(errs, fmt.Errorf("invalid value for namespace: %q", parts[0]))
if !labels.IsDNS1123Label(parts[1]) {
errs = appendValidation(errs, fmt.Errorf("invalid value for gateway name: %q", parts[1]))
func validateHTTPRouteDestinations(weights []*networking.HTTPRouteDestination) (errs error) {
var totalWeight int32
for _, weight := range weights {
if weight == nil {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, errors.New("weight may not be nil"))
if weight.Destination == nil {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, errors.New("destination is required"))
// header manipulations
for name, val := range weight.Headers.GetRequest().GetAdd() {
errs = appendErrors(errs, ValidateHTTPHeaderWithHostOperationName(name))
errs = appendErrors(errs, ValidateHTTPHeaderValue(val))
for name, val := range weight.Headers.GetRequest().GetSet() {
errs = appendErrors(errs, ValidateHTTPHeaderWithHostOperationName(name))
errs = appendErrors(errs, ValidateHTTPHeaderValue(val))
for _, name := range weight.Headers.GetRequest().GetRemove() {
errs = appendErrors(errs, ValidateHTTPHeaderOperationName(name))
for name, val := range weight.Headers.GetResponse().GetAdd() {
errs = appendErrors(errs, ValidateHTTPHeaderOperationName(name))
errs = appendErrors(errs, ValidateHTTPHeaderValue(val))
for name, val := range weight.Headers.GetResponse().GetSet() {
errs = appendErrors(errs, ValidateHTTPHeaderOperationName(name))
errs = appendErrors(errs, ValidateHTTPHeaderValue(val))
for _, name := range weight.Headers.GetResponse().GetRemove() {
errs = appendErrors(errs, ValidateHTTPHeaderOperationName(name))
errs = appendErrors(errs, validateDestination(weight.Destination))
errs = appendErrors(errs, ValidatePercent(weight.Weight))
totalWeight += weight.Weight
if len(weights) > 1 && totalWeight != 100 {
errs = appendErrors(errs, fmt.Errorf("total destination weight %v != 100", totalWeight))
func validateRouteDestinations(weights []*networking.RouteDestination) (errs error) {
var totalWeight int32
for _, weight := range weights {
if weight == nil {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, errors.New("weight may not be nil"))
if weight.Destination == nil {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, errors.New("destination is required"))
errs = appendErrors(errs, validateDestination(weight.Destination))
errs = appendErrors(errs, ValidatePercent(weight.Weight))
totalWeight += weight.Weight
if len(weights) > 1 && totalWeight != 100 {
errs = appendErrors(errs, fmt.Errorf("total destination weight %v != 100", totalWeight))
func validateCORSPolicy(policy *networking.CorsPolicy) (errs error) {
if policy == nil {
for _, origin := range policy.AllowOrigins {
errs = appendErrors(errs, validateAllowOrigins(origin))
for _, method := range policy.AllowMethods {
errs = appendErrors(errs, validateHTTPMethod(method))
for _, name := range policy.AllowHeaders {
errs = appendErrors(errs, ValidateHTTPHeaderName(name))
for _, name := range policy.ExposeHeaders {
errs = appendErrors(errs, ValidateHTTPHeaderName(name))
if policy.MaxAge != nil {
errs = appendErrors(errs, ValidateDuration(policy.MaxAge))
if policy.MaxAge.Nanos > 0 {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, errors.New("max_age duration is accurate only to seconds precision"))
func validateAllowOrigins(origin *networking.StringMatch) error {
var match string
switch origin.MatchType.(type) {
case *networking.StringMatch_Exact:
match = origin.GetExact()
case *networking.StringMatch_Prefix:
match = origin.GetPrefix()
case *networking.StringMatch_Regex:
match = origin.GetRegex()
if match == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("'%v' is not a valid match type for CORS allow origins", match)
return validateStringMatchRegexp(origin, "corsPolicy.allowOrigins")
func validateHTTPMethod(method string) error {
if !supportedMethods[method] {
return fmt.Errorf("%q is not a supported HTTP method", method)
return nil
func validateHTTPFaultInjection(fault *networking.HTTPFaultInjection) (errs error) {
if fault == nil {
if fault.Abort == nil && fault.Delay == nil {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, errors.New("HTTP fault injection must have an abort and/or a delay"))
errs = appendErrors(errs, validateHTTPFaultInjectionAbort(fault.Abort))
errs = appendErrors(errs, validateHTTPFaultInjectionDelay(fault.Delay))
func validateHTTPFaultInjectionAbort(abort *networking.HTTPFaultInjection_Abort) (errs error) {
if abort == nil {
errs = appendErrors(errs, validatePercentage(abort.Percentage))
switch abort.ErrorType.(type) {
case *networking.HTTPFaultInjection_Abort_GrpcStatus:
// TODO: gRPC status validation
errs = multierror.Append(errs, errors.New("gRPC abort fault injection not supported yet"))
case *networking.HTTPFaultInjection_Abort_Http2Error:
// TODO: HTTP2 error validation
errs = multierror.Append(errs, errors.New("HTTP/2 abort fault injection not supported yet"))
case *networking.HTTPFaultInjection_Abort_HttpStatus:
errs = appendErrors(errs, validateHTTPStatus(abort.GetHttpStatus()))
func validateHTTPStatus(status int32) error {
if status < 200 || status > 600 {
return fmt.Errorf("HTTP status %d is not in range 200-599", status)
return nil
func validateHTTPFaultInjectionDelay(delay *networking.HTTPFaultInjection_Delay) (errs error) {
if delay == nil {
errs = appendErrors(errs, validatePercentage(delay.Percentage))
switch v := delay.HttpDelayType.(type) {
case *networking.HTTPFaultInjection_Delay_FixedDelay:
errs = appendErrors(errs, ValidateDuration(v.FixedDelay))
case *networking.HTTPFaultInjection_Delay_ExponentialDelay:
errs = appendErrors(errs, ValidateDuration(v.ExponentialDelay))
errs = multierror.Append(errs, fmt.Errorf("exponentialDelay not supported yet"))
func validateDestination(destination *networking.Destination) (errs error) {
if destination == nil {
hostname := destination.Host
if hostname == "*" {
errs = appendErrors(errs, fmt.Errorf("invalid destination host %s", hostname))
} else {
errs = appendErrors(errs, ValidateWildcardDomain(hostname))
if destination.Subset != "" {
errs = appendErrors(errs, validateSubsetName(destination.Subset))
if destination.Port != nil {
errs = appendErrors(errs, validatePortSelector(destination.Port))
func validateSubsetName(name string) error {
if len(name) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("subset name cannot be empty")
if !labels.IsDNS1123Label(name) {
return fmt.Errorf("subset name is invalid: %s", name)
return nil
func validatePortSelector(selector *networking.PortSelector) (errs error) {
if selector == nil {
return nil
// port must be a number
number := int(selector.GetNumber())
errs = appendErrors(errs, ValidatePort(number))
func validateHTTPRetry(retries *networking.HTTPRetry) (errs error) {
if retries == nil {
if retries.Attempts < 0 {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, errors.New("attempts cannot be negative"))
if retries.Attempts == 0 && (retries.PerTryTimeout != nil || retries.RetryOn != "" || retries.RetryRemoteLocalities != nil) {
errs = appendErrors(errs, errors.New("http retry policy configured when attempts are set to 0 (disabled)"))
if retries.PerTryTimeout != nil {
errs = appendErrors(errs, ValidateDuration(retries.PerTryTimeout))
if retries.RetryOn != "" {
retryOnPolicies := strings.Split(retries.RetryOn, ",")
for _, policy := range retryOnPolicies {
// Try converting it to an integer to see if it's a valid HTTP status code.
i, _ := strconv.Atoi(policy)
if http.StatusText(i) == "" && !supportedRetryOnPolicies[policy] {
errs = appendErrors(errs, fmt.Errorf("%q is not a valid retryOn policy", policy))
func validateHTTPRedirect(redirect *networking.HTTPRedirect) error {
if redirect == nil {
return nil
if redirect.Uri == "" && redirect.Authority == "" && redirect.RedirectPort == nil && redirect.Scheme == "" {
return errors.New("redirect must specify URI, authority, scheme, or port")
if redirect.RedirectCode != 0 {
if redirect.RedirectCode < 300 || redirect.RedirectCode > 399 {
return fmt.Errorf("%d is not a valid redirect code, must be 3xx", redirect.RedirectCode)
if redirect.Scheme != "" && redirect.Scheme != "http" && redirect.Scheme != "https" {
return fmt.Errorf(`invalid redirect scheme, must be "http" or "https"`)
if redirect.GetPort() > 0 {
if err := ValidatePort(int(redirect.GetPort())); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func validateHTTPRewrite(rewrite *networking.HTTPRewrite) error {
if rewrite != nil && rewrite.Uri == "" && rewrite.Authority == "" {
return errors.New("rewrite must specify URI, authority, or both")
return nil
// ValidateWorkloadEntry validates a workload entry.
var ValidateWorkloadEntry = registerValidateFunc("ValidateWorkloadEntry",
func(cfg config.Config) (Warning, error) {
we, ok := cfg.Spec.(*networking.WorkloadEntry)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot cast to workload entry")
return validateWorkloadEntry(we)
func validateWorkloadEntry(we *networking.WorkloadEntry) (Warning, error) {
errs := Validation{}
if we.Address == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("address must be set")
// Since we don't know if its meant to be DNS or STATIC type without association with a ServiceEntry,
// check based on content and try validations.
addr := we.Address
// First check if it is a Unix endpoint - this will be specified for STATIC.
if strings.HasPrefix(we.Address, UnixAddressPrefix) {
errs = appendValidation(errs, ValidateUnixAddress(strings.TrimPrefix(addr, UnixAddressPrefix)))
if len(we.Ports) != 0 {
errs = appendValidation(errs, fmt.Errorf("unix endpoint %s must not include ports", we.Address))
} else {
// This could be IP (in STATIC resolution) or DNS host name (for DNS).
ipAddr := net.ParseIP(we.Address)
if ipAddr == nil {
if err := ValidateFQDN(we.Address); err != nil { // Otherwise could be an FQDN
errs = appendValidation(errs,
fmt.Errorf("endpoint address %q is not a valid FQDN or an IP address", we.Address))
errs = appendValidation(errs,
for name, port := range we.Ports {
// TODO: Validate port is part of Service Port - which is tricky to validate with out service entry.
errs = appendValidation(errs,
return errs.Unwrap()
// ValidateWorkloadGroup validates a workload group.
var ValidateWorkloadGroup = registerValidateFunc("ValidateWorkloadGroup",
func(cfg config.Config) (warnings Warning, errs error) {
wg, ok := cfg.Spec.(*networking.WorkloadGroup)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot cast to workload entry")
if wg.Template == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("template is required")
// Do not call validateWorkloadEntry. Some fields, such as address, are required in WorkloadEntry
// but not in the template since they are auto populated
if wg.Metadata != nil {
if err := labels.Instance(wg.Metadata.Labels).Validate(); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid labels: %v", err)
return nil, validateReadinessProbe(wg.Probe)
func validateReadinessProbe(probe *networking.ReadinessProbe) (errs error) {
if probe == nil {
return nil
if probe.PeriodSeconds < 0 {
errs = appendErrors(errs, fmt.Errorf("periodSeconds must be non-negative"))
if probe.InitialDelaySeconds < 0 {
errs = appendErrors(errs, fmt.Errorf("initialDelaySeconds must be non-negative"))
if probe.TimeoutSeconds < 0 {
errs = appendErrors(errs, fmt.Errorf("timeoutSeconds must be non-negative"))
if probe.SuccessThreshold < 0 {
errs = appendErrors(errs, fmt.Errorf("successThreshold must be non-negative"))
if probe.FailureThreshold < 0 {
errs = appendErrors(errs, fmt.Errorf("failureThreshold must be non-negative"))
switch m := probe.HealthCheckMethod.(type) {
case *networking.ReadinessProbe_HttpGet:
h := m.HttpGet
if h == nil {
errs = appendErrors(errs, fmt.Errorf("httpGet may not be nil"))
errs = appendErrors(errs, ValidatePort(int(h.Port)))
if h.Scheme != "" && h.Scheme != string(apimirror.URISchemeHTTPS) && h.Scheme != string(apimirror.URISchemeHTTP) {
errs = appendErrors(errs, fmt.Errorf(`httpGet.scheme must be one of "http", "https"`))
for _, header := range h.HttpHeaders {
if header == nil {
errs = appendErrors(errs, fmt.Errorf("invalid nil header"))
errs = appendErrors(errs, ValidateHTTPHeaderName(header.Name))
case *networking.ReadinessProbe_TcpSocket:
h := m.TcpSocket
if h == nil {
errs = appendErrors(errs, fmt.Errorf("tcpSocket may not be nil"))
errs = appendErrors(errs, ValidatePort(int(h.Port)))
case *networking.ReadinessProbe_Exec:
h := m.Exec
if h == nil {
errs = appendErrors(errs, fmt.Errorf("exec may not be nil"))
if len(h.Command) == 0 {
errs = appendErrors(errs, fmt.Errorf("exec.command is required"))
errs = appendErrors(errs, fmt.Errorf("unknown health check method %T", m))
return errs
// ValidateServiceEntry validates a service entry.
var ValidateServiceEntry = registerValidateFunc("ValidateServiceEntry",
func(cfg config.Config) (Warning, error) {
serviceEntry, ok := cfg.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot cast to service entry")
if err := validateAlphaWorkloadSelector(serviceEntry.WorkloadSelector); err != nil {
return nil, err
errs := Validation{}
if serviceEntry.WorkloadSelector != nil && serviceEntry.Endpoints != nil {
errs = appendValidation(errs, fmt.Errorf("only one of WorkloadSelector or Endpoints is allowed in Service Entry"))
if len(serviceEntry.Hosts) == 0 {
errs = appendValidation(errs, fmt.Errorf("service entry must have at least one host"))
for _, hostname := range serviceEntry.Hosts {
// Full wildcard is not allowed in the service entry.
if hostname == "*" {
errs = appendValidation(errs, fmt.Errorf("invalid host %s", hostname))
} else {
errs = appendValidation(errs, ValidateWildcardDomain(hostname))
cidrFound := false
for _, address := range serviceEntry.Addresses {
cidrFound = cidrFound || strings.Contains(address, "/")
errs = appendValidation(errs, ValidateIPSubnet(address))
if cidrFound {
if serviceEntry.Resolution != networking.ServiceEntry_NONE && serviceEntry.Resolution != networking.ServiceEntry_STATIC {
errs = appendValidation(errs, fmt.Errorf("CIDR addresses are allowed only for NONE/STATIC resolution types"))
servicePortNumbers := make(map[uint32]bool)
servicePorts := make(map[string]bool, len(serviceEntry.Ports))
for _, port := range serviceEntry.Ports {
if port == nil {
errs = appendValidation(errs, fmt.Errorf("service entry port may not be null"))
if servicePorts[port.Name] {
errs = appendValidation(errs, fmt.Errorf("service entry port name %q already defined", port.Name))
servicePorts[port.Name] = true
if servicePortNumbers[port.Number] {
errs = appendValidation(errs, fmt.Errorf("service entry port %d already defined", port.Number))
servicePortNumbers[port.Number] = true
if port.TargetPort != 0 {
errs = appendValidation(errs, ValidatePort(int(port.TargetPort)))
errs = appendValidation(errs,
switch serviceEntry.Resolution {
case networking.ServiceEntry_NONE:
if len(serviceEntry.Endpoints) != 0 {
errs = appendValidation(errs, fmt.Errorf("no endpoints should be provided for resolution type none"))
case networking.ServiceEntry_STATIC:
unixEndpoint := false
for _, endpoint := range serviceEntry.Endpoints {
addr := endpoint.GetAddress()
if strings.HasPrefix(addr, UnixAddressPrefix) {
unixEndpoint = true
errs = appendValidation(errs, ValidateUnixAddress(strings.TrimPrefix(addr, UnixAddressPrefix)))
if len(endpoint.Ports) != 0 {
errs = appendValidation(errs, fmt.Errorf("unix endpoint %s must not include ports", addr))
} else {
errs = appendValidation(errs, ValidateIPAddress(addr))
for name, port := range endpoint.Ports {
if !servicePorts[name] {
errs = appendValidation(errs, fmt.Errorf("endpoint port %v is not defined by the service entry", port))
errs = appendValidation(errs, labels.Instance(endpoint.Labels).Validate())
if unixEndpoint && len(serviceEntry.Ports) != 1 {
errs = appendValidation(errs, errors.New("exactly 1 service port required for unix endpoints"))
case networking.ServiceEntry_DNS, networking.ServiceEntry_DNS_ROUND_ROBIN:
if len(serviceEntry.Endpoints) == 0 {
for _, hostname := range serviceEntry.Hosts {
if err := ValidateFQDN(hostname); err != nil {
errs = appendValidation(errs,
fmt.Errorf("hosts must be FQDN if no endpoints are provided for resolution mode %s", serviceEntry.Resolution))
for _, endpoint := range serviceEntry.Endpoints {
ipAddr := net.ParseIP(endpoint.Address) // Typically it is an IP address
if ipAddr == nil {
if err := ValidateFQDN(endpoint.Address); err != nil { // Otherwise could be an FQDN
errs = appendValidation(errs,
fmt.Errorf("endpoint address %q is not a valid FQDN or an IP address", endpoint.Address))
errs = appendValidation(errs,
for name, port := range endpoint.Ports {
if !servicePorts[name] {
errs = appendValidation(errs, fmt.Errorf("endpoint port %v is not defined by the service entry", port))
errs = appendValidation(errs,
if len(serviceEntry.Addresses) > 0 {
for _, port := range serviceEntry.Ports {
p := protocol.Parse(port.Protocol)
if p.IsTCP() {
if len(serviceEntry.Hosts) > 1 {
// TODO: prevent this invalid setting, maybe in 1.11+
errs = appendValidation(errs, WrapWarning(fmt.Errorf("service entry can not have more than one host specified "+
"simultaneously with address and tcp port")))
errs = appendValidation(errs, fmt.Errorf("unsupported resolution type %s",
// multiple hosts and TCP is invalid unless the resolution type is NONE.
// depending on the protocol, we can differentiate between hosts when proxying:
// - with HTTP, the authority header can be used
// - with HTTPS/TLS with SNI, the ServerName can be used
// however, for plain TCP there is no way to differentiate between the
// hosts so we consider it invalid, unless the resolution type is NONE
// (because the hosts are ignored).
if serviceEntry.Resolution != networking.ServiceEntry_NONE && len(serviceEntry.Hosts) > 1 {
for _, port := range serviceEntry.Ports {
p := protocol.Parse(port.Protocol)
if !p.IsHTTP() && !p.IsTLS() {
errs = appendValidation(errs, fmt.Errorf("multiple hosts provided with non-HTTP, non-TLS ports"))
errs = appendValidation(errs, validateExportTo(cfg.Namespace, serviceEntry.ExportTo, true, false))
return errs.Unwrap()
// ValidatePortName validates a port name to DNS-1123
func ValidatePortName(name string) error {
if !labels.IsDNS1123Label(name) {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid port name: %s", name)
return nil
// ValidateProtocol validates a portocol name is known
func ValidateProtocol(protocolStr string) error {
// Empty string is used for protocol sniffing.
if protocolStr != "" && protocol.Parse(protocolStr) == protocol.Unsupported {
return fmt.Errorf("unsupported protocol: %s", protocolStr)
return nil
// wrapper around multierror.Append that enforces the invariant that if all input errors are nil, the output
// error is nil (allowing validation without branching).
func appendValidation(v Validation, vs ...error) Validation {
appendError := func(err, err2 error) error {
if err == nil {
return err2
} else if err2 == nil {
return err
return multierror.Append(err, err2)
for _, nv := range vs {
switch t := nv.(type) {
case Validation:
v.Err = appendError(v.Err, t.Err)
v.Warning = appendError(v.Warning, t.Warning)
v.Err = appendError(v.Err, t)
return v
// appendErrorf appends a formatted error string
// nolint: unparam
func appendErrorf(v Validation, format string, a ...interface{}) Validation {
return appendValidation(v, fmt.Errorf(format, a...))
// appendWarningf appends a formatted warning string
// nolint: unparam
func appendWarningf(v Validation, format string, a ...interface{}) Validation {
return appendValidation(v, Warningf(format, a...))
// wrapper around multierror.Append that enforces the invariant that if all input errors are nil, the output
// error is nil (allowing validation without branching).
func appendErrors(err error, errs ...error) error {
appendError := func(err, err2 error) error {
if err == nil {
return err2
} else if err2 == nil {
return err
return multierror.Append(err, err2)
for _, err2 := range errs {
switch t := err2.(type) {
case Validation:
err = appendError(err, t.Err)
err = appendError(err, err2)
return err
// validateLocalityLbSetting checks the LocalityLbSetting of MeshConfig
func validateLocalityLbSetting(lb *networking.LocalityLoadBalancerSetting) error {
if lb == nil {
return nil
if len(lb.GetDistribute()) > 0 && len(lb.GetFailover()) > 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("can not simultaneously specify 'distribute' and 'failover'")
srcLocalities := make([]string, 0, len(lb.GetDistribute()))
for _, locality := range lb.GetDistribute() {
srcLocalities = append(srcLocalities, locality.From)
var totalWeight uint32
destLocalities := make([]string, 0)
for loc, weight := range locality.To {
destLocalities = append(destLocalities, loc)
if weight <= 0 || weight > 100 {
return fmt.Errorf("locality weight must be in range [1, 100]")
totalWeight += weight
if totalWeight != 100 {
return fmt.Errorf("total locality weight %v != 100", totalWeight)
if err := validateLocalities(destLocalities); err != nil {
return err
if err := validateLocalities(srcLocalities); err != nil {
return err
for _, failover := range lb.GetFailover() {
if failover.From == failover.To {
return fmt.Errorf("locality lb failover settings must specify different regions")
if strings.Contains(failover.From, "/") || strings.Contains(failover.To, "/") {
return fmt.Errorf("locality lb failover only specify region")
if strings.Contains(failover.To, "*") || strings.Contains(failover.From, "*") {
return fmt.Errorf("locality lb failover region should not contain '*' wildcard")
return nil
func validateLocalities(localities []string) error {
regionZoneSubZoneMap := map[string]map[string]map[string]bool{}
for _, locality := range localities {
if n := strings.Count(locality, "*"); n > 0 {
if n > 1 || !strings.HasSuffix(locality, "*") {
return fmt.Errorf("locality %s wildcard '*' number can not exceed 1 and must be in the end", locality)
if _, exist := regionZoneSubZoneMap["*"]; exist {
return fmt.Errorf("locality %s overlap with previous specified ones", locality)
region, zone, subZone, localityIndex, err := getLocalityParam(locality)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("locality %s must not contain empty region/zone/subzone info", locality)
switch localityIndex {
case regionIndex:
if _, exist := regionZoneSubZoneMap[region]; exist {
return fmt.Errorf("locality %s overlap with previous specified ones", locality)
regionZoneSubZoneMap[region] = map[string]map[string]bool{"*": {"*": true}}
case zoneIndex:
if _, exist := regionZoneSubZoneMap[region]; exist {
if _, exist := regionZoneSubZoneMap[region]["*"]; exist {
return fmt.Errorf("locality %s overlap with previous specified ones", locality)
if _, exist := regionZoneSubZoneMap[region][zone]; exist {
return fmt.Errorf("locality %s overlap with previous specified ones", locality)
regionZoneSubZoneMap[region][zone] = map[string]bool{"*": true}
} else {
regionZoneSubZoneMap[region] = map[string]map[string]bool{zone: {"*": true}}
case subZoneIndex:
if _, exist := regionZoneSubZoneMap[region]; exist {
if _, exist := regionZoneSubZoneMap[region]["*"]; exist {
return fmt.Errorf("locality %s overlap with previous specified ones", locality)
if _, exist := regionZoneSubZoneMap[region][zone]; exist {
if regionZoneSubZoneMap[region][zone]["*"] {
return fmt.Errorf("locality %s overlap with previous specified ones", locality)
if regionZoneSubZoneMap[region][zone][subZone] {
return fmt.Errorf("locality %s overlap with previous specified ones", locality)
regionZoneSubZoneMap[region][zone][subZone] = true
} else {
regionZoneSubZoneMap[region][zone] = map[string]bool{subZone: true}
} else {
regionZoneSubZoneMap[region] = map[string]map[string]bool{zone: {subZone: true}}
return nil
func getLocalityParam(locality string) (string, string, string, int, error) {
var region, zone, subZone string
items := strings.SplitN(locality, "/", 3)
for i, item := range items {
if item == "" {
return "", "", "", -1, errors.New("item is nil")
switch i {
case regionIndex:
region = items[i]
case zoneIndex:
zone = items[i]
case subZoneIndex:
subZone = items[i]
return region, zone, subZone, len(items) - 1, nil
// ValidateMeshNetworks validates meshnetworks.
func ValidateMeshNetworks(meshnetworks *meshconfig.MeshNetworks) (errs error) {
// TODO validate using the same gateway on multiple networks?
for name, network := range meshnetworks.Networks {
if err := validateNetwork(network); err != nil {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, multierror.Prefix(err, fmt.Sprintf("invalid network %v:", name)))
func validateNetwork(network *meshconfig.Network) (errs error) {
for _, n := range network.Endpoints {
switch e := n.Ne.(type) {
case *meshconfig.Network_NetworkEndpoints_FromCidr:
if err := ValidateIPSubnet(e.FromCidr); err != nil {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, err)
case *meshconfig.Network_NetworkEndpoints_FromRegistry:
if ok := labels.IsDNS1123Label(e.FromRegistry); !ok {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, fmt.Errorf("invalid registry name: %v", e.FromRegistry))
for _, n := range network.Gateways {
switch g := n.Gw.(type) {
case *meshconfig.Network_IstioNetworkGateway_RegistryServiceName:
if err := ValidateFQDN(g.RegistryServiceName); err != nil {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, err)
case *meshconfig.Network_IstioNetworkGateway_Address:
if ipErr := ValidateIPAddress(g.Address); ipErr != nil {
if !features.ResolveHostnameGateways {
err := fmt.Errorf("%v (hostname is allowed if RESOLVE_HOSTNAME_GATEWAYS is enabled)", ipErr)
errs = multierror.Append(errs, err)
} else if fqdnErr := ValidateFQDN(g.Address); fqdnErr != nil {
errs = multierror.Append(fmt.Errorf("%v is not a valid IP address or DNS name", g.Address))
if err := ValidatePort(int(n.Port)); err != nil {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, err)
func (aae *AnalysisAwareError) Error() string {
return aae.Msg
// ValidateProxyConfig validates a ProxyConfig CR (as opposed to the MeshConfig field).
var ValidateProxyConfig = registerValidateFunc("ValidateProxyConfig",
func(cfg config.Config) (Warning, error) {
spec, ok := cfg.Spec.(*networkingv1beta1.ProxyConfig)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot cast to proxyconfig")
errs := Validation{}
errs = appendValidation(errs,
return errs.Unwrap()
func validateConcurrency(concurrency int32) (v Validation) {
if concurrency < 0 {
v = appendErrorf(v, "concurrency must be greater than or equal to 0")
// ValidateTelemetry validates a Telemetry.
var ValidateTelemetry = registerValidateFunc("ValidateTelemetry",
func(cfg config.Config) (Warning, error) {
spec, ok := cfg.Spec.(*telemetry.Telemetry)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot cast to telemetry")
errs := Validation{}
errs = appendValidation(errs,
return errs.Unwrap()
func validateTelemetryAccessLogging(logging []*telemetry.AccessLogging) (v Validation) {
if len(logging) > 1 {
v = appendWarningf(v, "multiple accessLogging is not currently supported")
for idx, l := range logging {
if l == nil {
if len(l.Providers) > 1 {
v = appendValidation(v, Warningf("accessLogging[%d]: multiple providers is not currently supported", idx))
if l.Filter != nil {
v = appendValidation(v, validateTelemetryFilter(l.Filter))
v = appendValidation(v, validateTelemetryProviders(l.Providers))
func validateTelemetryTracing(tracing []*telemetry.Tracing) (v Validation) {
if len(tracing) > 1 {
v = appendWarningf(v, "multiple tracing is not currently supported")
for _, l := range tracing {
if l == nil {
if len(l.Providers) > 1 {
v = appendWarningf(v, "multiple providers is not currently supported")
v = appendValidation(v, validateTelemetryProviders(l.Providers))
if l.RandomSamplingPercentage.GetValue() < 0 || l.RandomSamplingPercentage.GetValue() > 100 {
v = appendErrorf(v, "randomSamplingPercentage must be in range [0.0, 100.0]")
for name, tag := range l.CustomTags {
if name == "" {
v = appendErrorf(v, "tag name may not be empty")
if tag == nil {
v = appendErrorf(v, "tag '%s' may not have a nil value", name)
switch t := tag.Type.(type) {
case *telemetry.Tracing_CustomTag_Literal:
if t.Literal.GetValue() == "" {
v = appendErrorf(v, "literal tag value may not be empty")
case *telemetry.Tracing_CustomTag_Header:
if t.Header.GetName() == "" {
v = appendErrorf(v, "header tag name may not be empty")
case *telemetry.Tracing_CustomTag_Environment:
if t.Environment.GetName() == "" {
v = appendErrorf(v, "environment tag name may not be empty")
func validateTelemetryMetrics(metrics []*telemetry.Metrics) (v Validation) {
for _, l := range metrics {
if l == nil {
v = appendValidation(v, validateTelemetryProviders(l.Providers))
for _, o := range l.Overrides {
if o == nil {
v = appendErrorf(v, "tagOverrides may not be null")
for tagName, to := range o.TagOverrides {
if tagName == "" {
v = appendWarningf(v, " may not be empty")
if to == nil {
v = appendErrorf(v, "tagOverrides may not be null")
switch to.Operation {
case telemetry.MetricsOverrides_TagOverride_UPSERT:
if to.Value == "" {
v = appendErrorf(v, "tagOverrides.value must be set set when operation is UPSERT")
case telemetry.MetricsOverrides_TagOverride_REMOVE:
if to.Value != "" {
v = appendErrorf(v, "tagOverrides.value may only be set when operation is UPSERT")
if o.Match != nil {
switch mm := o.Match.MetricMatch.(type) {
case *telemetry.MetricSelector_CustomMetric:
if mm.CustomMetric == "" {
v = appendErrorf(v, "customMetric may not be empty")
func validateTelemetryProviders(providers []*telemetry.ProviderRef) error {
for _, p := range providers {
if p == nil || p.Name == "" {
return fmt.Errorf(" may not be empty")
return nil
// ValidateWasmPlugin validates a WasmPlugin.
var ValidateWasmPlugin = registerValidateFunc("ValidateWasmPlugin",
func(cfg config.Config) (Warning, error) {
spec, ok := cfg.Spec.(*extensions.WasmPlugin)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot cast to wasmplugin")
errs := Validation{}
errs = appendValidation(errs,
return errs.Unwrap()
func validateWasmPluginURL(pluginURL string) error {
if pluginURL == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("url field needs to be set")
validSchemes := map[string]bool{
"": true, "file": true, "http": true, "https": true, "oci": true,
u, err := url.Parse(pluginURL)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to parse url: %s", err)
if _, found := validSchemes[u.Scheme]; !found {
return fmt.Errorf("url contains unsupported scheme: %s", u.Scheme)
return nil
func validateWasmPluginSHA(plugin *extensions.WasmPlugin) error {
if plugin.Sha256 == "" {
return nil
if len(plugin.Sha256) != 64 {
return fmt.Errorf("sha256 field must be 64 characters long")
for _, r := range plugin.Sha256 {
if !('a' <= r && r <= 'f' || '0' <= r && r <= '9') {
return fmt.Errorf("sha256 field must match [a-f0-9]{64} pattern")
return nil
func validateWasmPluginVMConfig(vm *extensions.VmConfig) error {
if vm == nil || len(vm.Env) == 0 {
return nil
keys := sets.New()
for _, env := range vm.Env {
if env == nil {
if env.Name == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("spec.vmConfig.env invalid")
if keys.Contains(env.Name) {
return fmt.Errorf("duplicate env")
return nil