blob: 80879ad1347ebdf7df9090d97d20549dae34bd0f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright Istio Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package constants
const (
// UnspecifiedIP constant for empty IP address
UnspecifiedIP = ""
// AuthCertsPath is the path location for mTLS certificates
AuthCertsPath = "/etc/certs/"
// CertChainFilename is mTLS chain file
CertChainFilename = "cert-chain.pem"
// DefaultServerCertChain is the default path to the mTLS chain file
DefaultCertChain = AuthCertsPath + CertChainFilename
// KeyFilename is mTLS private key
KeyFilename = "key.pem"
// DefaultServerKey is the default path to the mTLS private key file
DefaultKey = AuthCertsPath + KeyFilename
// RootCertFilename is mTLS root cert
RootCertFilename = "root-cert.pem"
// DefaultRootCert is the default path to the mTLS root cert file
DefaultRootCert = AuthCertsPath + RootCertFilename
// ConfigPathDir config directory for storing envoy json config files.
ConfigPathDir = "./etc/istio/proxy"
// IstioDataDir is the directory to store binary data such as envoy core dump, profile, and downloaded Wasm modules.
IstioDataDir = "/var/lib/istio/data"
// BinaryPathFilename envoy binary location
BinaryPathFilename = "/usr/local/bin/envoy"
// ServiceClusterName service cluster name used in xDS calls
ServiceClusterName = "istio-proxy"
// IstioIngressGatewayName is the internal gateway name assigned to ingress
IstioIngressGatewayName = "istio-autogenerated-k8s-ingress"
KubernetesGatewayName = "istio-autogenerated-k8s-gateway"
// IstioIngressNamespace is the namespace where Istio ingress controller is deployed
IstioIngressNamespace = "dubbo-system"
// DefaultKubernetesDomain the default service domain suffix for Kubernetes, if not overridden in config.
// TODO(nmittler): Rename this to DefaultClusterLocalDomain.
// TODO(nmittler): Search/replace explicit usages of the string with this constant.
DefaultKubernetesDomain = "cluster.local"
// DefaultClusterSetLocalDomain is the default domain suffix for Kubernetes Multi-Cluster Services (MCS)
// used for load balancing requests against endpoints across the ClusterSet (i.e. mesh).
DefaultClusterSetLocalDomain = "clusterset.local"
// IstioLabel indicates that a workload is part of a named Istio system component.
IstioLabel = "istio"
// IstioIngressLabelValue is value for IstioLabel that identifies an ingress workload.
// TODO we should derive this from IngressClass
IstioIngressLabelValue = "ingressgateway"
// IstioSystemNamespace is the namespace where Istio's components are deployed
IstioSystemNamespace = "dubbo-system"
// DefaultAuthenticationPolicyName is the name of the cluster-scoped authentication policy. Only
// policy with this name in the cluster-scoped will be considered.
DefaultAuthenticationPolicyName = "default"
// IstioMeshGateway is the built in gateway for all sidecars
IstioMeshGateway = "mesh"
// The data name in the ConfigMap of each namespace storing the root cert of non-Kube CA.
CACertNamespaceConfigMapDataName = "root-cert.pem"
// PodInfoLabelsPath is the filepath that pod labels will be stored
// This is typically set by the downward API
PodInfoLabelsPath = "./etc/istio/pod/labels"
// PodInfoAnnotationsPath is the filepath that pod annotations will be stored
// This is typically set by the downward API
PodInfoAnnotationsPath = "./etc/istio/pod/annotations"
// DefaultServiceAccountName is the default service account to use for remote cluster access.
DefaultServiceAccountName = "istio-reader-service-account"
// DefaultConfigServiceAccountName is the default service account to use for external Istiod config cluster access.
DefaultConfigServiceAccountName = "istiod"
// KubeSystemNamespace is the system namespace where we place kubernetes system components.
KubeSystemNamespace string = "kube-system"
// KubePublicNamespace is the namespace where we place kubernetes public info (ConfigMaps).
KubePublicNamespace string = "kube-public"
// KubeNodeLeaseNamespace is the namespace for the lease objects associated with each kubernetes node.
KubeNodeLeaseNamespace string = "kube-node-lease"
// LocalPathStorageNamespace is the namespace for dynamically provisioning persistent local storage with
// Kubernetes. Typically used with the Kind cluster:
LocalPathStorageNamespace string = "local-path-storage"
TestVMLabel = ""
TestVMVersionLabel = ""
// Label to skip config comparison.
AlwaysPushLabel = ""
// InternalParentName declares the original resource of an internally-generate config. This is used by ingress and the gateway-api.
InternalParentName = ""
InternalRouteSemantics = ""
RouteSemanticsIngress = "ingress"
RouteSemanticsGateway = "gateway"
// TrustworthyJWTPath is the default 3P token to authenticate with third party services
TrustworthyJWTPath = "./var/run/secrets/tokens/istio-token"
// CertProviderIstiod uses istiod self signed DNS certificates for the control plane
CertProviderIstiod = "istiod"
// CertProviderKubernetes uses the Kubernetes CSR API to generate a DNS certificate for the control plane
CertProviderKubernetes = "kubernetes"
// CertProviderKubernetesSignerPrefix uses the Kubernetes CSR API and the specified signer to generate a DNS certificate for the control plane
CertProviderKubernetesSignerPrefix = ""
// CertProviderCustom uses the custom root certificate mounted in a well known location for the control plane
CertProviderCustom = "custom"
// CertProviderNone does not create any certificates for the control plane. It is assumed that some external
// load balancer, such as an Istio Gateway, is terminating the TLS.
CertProviderNone = "none"